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10373065 No.10373065 [Reply] [Original]

People are against nuclear power because they say the radioactive waste will have to be securely stored for billions of years and that's just too much risk and effort.

a) the longer the half life the lower the activity level so is long-life waste even dangerous or is it just like a regular pile of slag?
b) no one's upset about the existence of natural uranium ore so why can't we just put the waste back in the ground we dug it out of?
c) earth is pretty big so if we spread out the waste evenly into the volcanoes, oceans, skies, plants and animals would anyone even notice it was there?

>> No.10373135

I would bathe somebody like you in nuclear waste too.

>> No.10373482

a: it will fuck you up, kill you with burns, give you cancer, make your children deformed, etc.
b: that just creates hot spots
c: since it isn't already spread around on the surface in that manner, prior to collecting it from nature, doing this will cause a massive spike in background radiation and cause health problems.

>> No.10374602

Either the material is a radiological hazard which will decay in a few millennia, or biochemical hazard in which case it will be dangerous for a lot longer time.

>> No.10374686

not a conspiracytard but I feel like big oil companies have purposely tried to make people scared of nuclear power. if it wasn't for fear of terrorism we could just reuse the nuclear waste in the reactors, or just put the necessary funds to build an infrastructure of thorium based reactors which will produce less waste and also be less dangerous since you can quickly stop the reaction.

>> No.10374731

>the longer the half life the lower the activity level
L0Lno fgt pls

>> No.10375544

It gets sold for megamoney hence why nobody but govt is legally allowed to handle it

>> No.10375633

layman anti-nuc here. Please explain this.

>> No.10375648
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It's no conspiracy, I'm pretty sure tons of companies were shilling against nuclear until wind and solar started getting more popular.

But the reality is that I'd rather have a remote nuclear waste dumping ground than the other bullshit ending up in our air and water. At the very least, you can isolate nuclear waste. The only problem is that nuclear is really only viable in large cities, you'd end up with a lot of excess power. Imho it's the perfect bridge to cleaner energy, though.

>> No.10375671

With all the accidents in Russia and the UK you need no conspiracy theory. The Irish Sea is as radioactive as the Kara Sea.

>> No.10375747
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yeah, the way I see it is if we put more money into researching it we would make it safer and even cleaner anyways. the Fukushima disaster, which isn't even as bad as media blows it out to be, definitely helped Japan make reactors safer in those situations.

>> No.10375787

It can be used and combined with uranium extracts from seawater to supply the necessary fissile material



>> No.10375811
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based retard

>> No.10375963

[math]R = \frac{0.693 N}{t_{\frac{1}{2}}}[/math]
where R is activity, N is number of atoms, and [math]t_{\frac{1}{2}}[/math] is half life.

>> No.10376002
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*Honk Honk*