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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10370458 No.10370458 [Reply] [Original]

what was it, /sci/?

>> No.10370482

A weather balloon.

>> No.10370485

five kill streak

>> No.10370490


>> No.10370494

A disruption in the space time continuum

>> No.10370496

One of Lord Xenu's galactic patrol cruisers.

>> No.10370497

the general consensus is that nobody has any idea. the pilots in the video had no idea, the department of defense had no idea, and video/aerodynamics experts who were asked about it had no idea.

there's really nothing scientific here because there's no way we can ever deduce what exactly that was. it's just some spooky shit.

>> No.10370534

Where was it? We had a decent sized meteor over Australia yesterday.

>> No.10370537


>> No.10370554

holy fucking shit. how did I not know about this

>> No.10370561

>Off the coast of San Diego
It's probably a classified drone. How was the video released? By the pilots or by the DoD?

>> No.10370565

I remember hearing about this a year ago or something.

Basically, by the very definition, it's a UFO.

We don't know what it is, and the video clearly shows it to not actually be anything we could make.

I personally believe it was some sort of drone test.

>but im not an expert

>> No.10370567

DoD, after they disclosed the existence of a black money program dedicated to studying UFOs. It was all in a big New York Times article last year but it fell totally under the radar for the most part.

>> No.10370568

We dunno, quite simply. Maybe it’s ayys but I don’t know why they just fly around and watch us instead of giving an official statement.

>> No.10370573

Here is another legit UFO sighting

>> No.10370581

>black money program dedicated to studying UFOs
That makes sense, if you get footage of an unknown aircraft odds are it's classified and worth figuring out the capabilities off.
If your guys can't figure it out releasing it publicly has 2 benefits, someone in the public might submit a good analysis and whoever owns it known it can be found (ie. it isn't steath) forcing them to spend more on R&D if that is their intent.

I'm old enough to remember all the reports of flying triangles before the B-2 Spirit was declassified.

>> No.10370599

I like how UFOfags have raved about disclosure for decades, and then when it finally happens and the government says "yeah, we have no fucking idea what this thing is. take a look" the reaction is just a whimper.

>> No.10370600

>the reaction is just a whimper.

But you just lied.

>> No.10370601

A 4 dimensional fragment passing through.

>> No.10370608
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another planet's dudes just discovered DMT

>> No.10370613

Machine elves are bullies.

>> No.10370799

clearly swamp gas

>> No.10371139

Metaphyical flare

>> No.10371158

Hypersonic Swamp Gas.

>> No.10371170

looks like a drone.
You can see the 4 propellers.

>> No.10371174


>> No.10371255

But it's only visible in infrared

>> No.10371275
File: 1018 KB, 259x186, 1386539872149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We can't identify what this flying object is, but it COULD be an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO)."

Oh my god why are journalists always so fuckin retarded.

>> No.10371566

It's kind of funny how people seem to freak out about muh ufo in cases with obvious evidence against it being ufo, but when it's an army video where even their experts don't have a clue then everyone stops caring and forgets it.

Weren't there one or two more similar army videos from other countries with the aircraft being similar?

>> No.10371605

It was alien. Not even joking. Literally one of only two legitimate videos of alien craft ever captured. The fact that this actually came from the military and they testify it hovered with no visible means of propulsion, as well as accelerated to supersonic speeds instantaneously blows my mind. I don't understand how this wasn't THE news for months afterwards. As others have mentioned, rarely do people even know about it.

>> No.10371637

Aliens exist and some are present at earth. No they are not hiding among us or anything like that. They are so advanced that they are more analogous to gods than physical creatures. They either pilot, remotely control, or simply are, black geometric shapes that hover in the sky, seemingly with the ability to travel at different speeds at will, and also cloak themselves by shaping the light around themselves. They are not interested in harming humanity. We are far more primitive than they are and thus not a threat. They mostly are interested in observing and nothing more. They potentially intervene in some ways, probably to avert us destroying ourselves.

>> No.10371640

Hypothetically, they may be responsible for creating life on earth.

>> No.10372035
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It was me, sorry for the spooks.

>> No.10372053


>> No.10372099

>whoever owns it known it can be found
why would you want that?
if this isn't American then letting the Russians know that their hyper-advanced stealth aircraft aren't perfect doesn't seem like such a good idea

>> No.10372287

If this was actually real, what would be the reasoning behind releasing it to the public?

>> No.10372323


>> No.10372328

pretty sure it was a secret ultramaneuverable fighter drone

>> No.10372351

What would be the reasoning behind NOT releasing it? I would say releasing the footage of a potential UFO would be the defaut behavior, as long as there is no top secret stuff in there.

>> No.10372355


>> No.10372360

>What would be the reasoning behind NOT releasing it?
Because it does nothing more than create paranoia.

>> No.10372521


>> No.10373214

Only in people prone to paranoia. Not a real problem if interested and enthusiastic parties can make use of footage and knowledge. Some of us can handle the thought of not being at the top of the food chain. The rest can do no more harm than the little circle they'll be running around in anyway.

>> No.10373262

They clearly say in the video that its a drone

>> No.10373321

To get the conversation stirring. These videos we're terrible quality. Obviously the Pentagon would have more clear crisp footage, but these videos are supposed to get you and the general public to talk and take the topic seriously. Perhaps we're being conditioned to know the truth, that or the government is testing the waters to see how the global population will handle more clear data and information.


>> No.10373603

The video was taken in 2004. After a certain period of time, shit needs to get declassified

>> No.10373624

anyone remember when one of those debunking forums "debunked" this and they claimed it was...well honestly i don't even remember what they tried to claim it was

skepticism is a religion

>> No.10373652

How can you "debunk" a department of defense video that doesn't even claim to know what it's showing?

Also, they are smoking dope if they think they can say with any real confidence what the hell that thing is. Literally every credible person who should have an opinion about this is stumped by it.

>> No.10373661

What is the other video that’s legitimate? I’m actually curious

>> No.10373665

i dunno all I remember is when the vid was initially released in winter of 2017 somebody kept on linking to it every time a thread was posted on /sci/ about it, the thread maybe had 200 replies and the consensus was that it was "debunked" but I don't remember the details it was all very bizarre, all I can remember is the dubunkers claiming they couldn't find any quotes from current dod employees confirming in an official the crazy accelerations and speeds that were thrown around and they based their entire "debunking" on this

>> No.10373666

I could see this being something like the Navy accidentally coming across an experimental AF project and releasing the video as *some* sort of political move. I'm sure that there is some human that actually understands what is going on in the video

>> No.10373675


>> No.10374012

It's uncomfortable to admit, we prefer our aliens fictitional/easily debunkable.

>> No.10374020

A strong-interaction material probe

>> No.10374023

regardless of whether aliens or not, the government also has some wild technology, wouldnt be too surprising to find out, thats one of the things the built using trillions of our tax $

>> No.10374050

I think most people prefer their aliens “real”, actually.

>> No.10374053

>They said so in the heat of the moment from seeing a distant blob so it’s true

>> No.10374644

It's weather swamp gas optic illusion baloon.
It's certainly not an off-world autonomous von neumann categorization probe- shut up tinfoiler.

>> No.10374682

It's literally just a regular plane 12-15 miles away from the camera.


>> No.10374692


>> No.10374694

ah so the air carrier was seeing the same plane disappearing from radar for several days, right

>> No.10374695

>Prior to the incident, early November 2004, the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Princeton, part of Carrier Strike Group 11, had been tracking mysterious aircraft intermittently for two weeks on an advanced AN/SPY-1B passive radar.[9][1] Navy officer Kevin Day, stationed on the Princeton, recalls that he first noticed the clear radar traces of 8 to 10 objects around the 10th of November. They were travelling southwards in a loose though fixed formation at 28,000 ft in the immediate vicinity of Catalina Island.[10] He was startled by their slow speed of 100 knots, but received confirmation of their presence from radar operators on other vessels. Regular observations were made of a similar number of objects over the following six days.[10

>> No.10374702

Object is going against wind, according to pilots words.

In general, I think, this a fake. Make video like this is pretty easy for professional.

>> No.10374717

What? A regular airplane? Outrunning fighter jets?

>> No.10374720

>It's literally just a regular plane 12-15 miles away from the camera.
The Gimbal video isn't the video posted by OP, but a different one.

>> No.10374723

You didn't even read the link did you?

There's two that are often confused. Here we are talking about the GIMBAL video, which is not from the Nimitz incident, which is discussed here:

>> No.10374730

Can you summarize the conclusions reached on this forum?

>> No.10374732

Reminds me of this sighting which was most likely a secret advanced plane and information about it was actively shut down by US Government


Japan Air Lines flight 1628 was a UFO incident that occurred on November 17, 1986 involving a Japanese Boeing 747-200F cargo aircraft. The aircraft was en route from Paris to Narita International Airport, near Tokyo,[2] with a cargo of Beaujolais wine.[3] On the Reykjavík to Anchorage section of the flight, at 17:11 over eastern Alaska, the crew first witnessed two unidentified objects to their left. These abruptly rose from below and closed in to escort their aircraft. Each had two rectangular arrays of what appeared to be glowing nozzles or thrusters, though their bodies remained obscured by darkness. When closest, the aircraft's cabin was lit up and the captain could feel their heat on his face. These two craft departed before a third, much larger disk-shaped object started trailing them.[4

day later at FAA headquarters they briefed Vice Admiral Donald D. Engen, who watched the whole video of over half an hour, and asked them not to talk to anybody until they were given the OK, and to prepare an encompassing presentation of the data for a group of government officials the next day.[16] The meeting was attended by representatives of the FBI, CIA and President Reagan’s Scientific Study Team, among others. Upon completion of the presentation, all present were told that the incident was secret and that their meeting "never took place". According to Callahan, the officials considered the data to represent the first instance of recorded radar data on a UFO, and they took possession of all the presented data.[15] John Callahan however managed to retain the original video, the pilot's report and the FAA's first report in his office.[16]

>> No.10374739

>Can you summarize the conclusions reached on this forum?
>it's a weather baloon or plane because UFO's are stupid
dare I saved you from reading every thread ever on metabunk
more seriously the Gimbal is somewhat plausible as an error, but the second video and radar sightings couldn't be explained and metabunk ended with attacking people who revealed the video

>> No.10374747

they've been here since the dawn of humanity, many legends and myths of various cultures around the world made references to them

>hopi tribe

You ought to treat conspiracy theorist more seriously if you are genuinely interested, relying on official acknowledgement will get you nowhere. Most theories sound batshit insane but the more you read the easier it'll be to connect dots. Look into myths and traditions, religion, ancient architecture, sculptures, artifacts.

Did you know that we cannot trace our architectural history back to the pyramids or the ancient stone temples in northern india? We can trace our architecture history back to the greeks and understand how certain "styles" came to be, but for the really ancient structures it's almost as if they were built from another time.

We basically just popped out of nowhere

>> No.10374748

all ypu need to kbow is that smart contracts and storing value on the blockchain will shift society into a cashless one, creating a fuckload of (((big data))). You think shits creepy now? Just wait another 10 years when everythings logged on chain and kids born '05 slowly turns working age with their jewgle accounts holding their entire youtube and google search/play history since they first held an iphone. The surveillance will all be normal to them, making this generation the perfect breed for ((them)) to shape society as they see fit.

All of this will be building up to the releasing of breadcrumbs about our true origin, existence of aliens, previous civilizations on earth, all before the climax of project bluebeam where a charismatic individual will unite humanity under a one world government and propel us toward spiritual enlightenment, fulfilling all guidelines on the georgia guidestones and preparing us for entry into the galactic federation

personally im all in

>> No.10374752

With the nimitz you also have to account for a pilot who describes the object as not even close to looking like a conventional aircraft and doing things no known aircraft can do. That combined with odd radar signatures in the area and this video constitutes a pretty striking set of circumstances.

We truly do not know, and maybe never will.

>> No.10374772

Great counterargument.

You're confusing the picture in OP with something else.

When did it outrun fighter jets? What does that even mean when the jet was never even close to it?

No, the still in the OP is clearly from the GIMBAL video.

Are you illiterate? The metabunk thread I posted is about the GIMBAL video, which is where the image in the OP comes from.

>> No.10374787

you are a literal moron, the thread you linked to states clearly
>There's two that are often confused. Here we are talking about the GIMBAL video, which is not from the Nimitz incident, which is discussed here:

>> No.10374792

It's probably a bug or piece of debris inside the camera housing.

>> No.10374794

Wrong. It was disclosed by that nutjob from blink-182. The release had nothing to do with any gov organization.

>> No.10374797

So you actually are illiterate. As I said, the picture in the OP is from the GIMBAL video.

>> No.10374816

If you watch the video, it's pretty obvious the object is attached to the camera housing.

>> No.10374835

Can a propeller driven drone really make course changes so quickly that it causes an unlock?

>> No.10374838

What makes you think it isn't attached to the camera housing?

>> No.10374844

Exhaust plume from an aircraft.

>> No.10374857

It's not, the camera is just locked onto it.

>> No.10374859

no you idiot, that’s a different video

>> No.10374867

Look at the pictures in the metabunk thread. It clearly shows the difference between the videos.

>> No.10374868

I doubt it. It tracks too perfectly not to be attached.

>> No.10374880

That's because the tracking is automatic.
Also it sometimes loses tracking. Read https://www.metabunk.org/nyt-gimbal-video-of-u-s-navy-jet-encounter-with-unknown-object.t9333/

>> No.10374935

that’s as bad as reptilian ufologist sites, but on the other end of the spectrum

>> No.10374974

Your post is as bad as not providing an argument.

>> No.10374977
File: 615 KB, 534x712, 635931299746443573-Screen-Shot-2016-03-09-at-2.02.48-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans are uniquely creative in the universe, and aliens are using humanity as a sort of a farm for fiction, music and other cultural output. They like action movies the best, which is why Hollywood has been making so many Marvel/DC capeshit lately. (The aliens which sponsor anime are actually a separate species.)

>> No.10375052

Even if the precision you imply is true, it doesn't eliminate the possibility of it being debris or defect on the lense/housing.

>> No.10375087

nothing of this changes the fact that objects were repeatedly seen on radar for days and then disappeared to appear again

>> No.10375102

Sure it doesn't eliminate the possibility, but its behavior clearly implies a distant engine exhaust and not debris. There are clear cases of "UFOs" being caused by debris on the camera, but this is not similar to them.

This particular object is not, you're confusing it with something else.

>> No.10375141

It's out for years. Where is paranoia?

>> No.10375338

If you watch the video, at a couple of points the camera fails to track the object and has to adjust to recapture the tracking. If it were debris on the lens or anything similar, this would not happen. So no, it can't be anything like that.

Also, when something is traveling in a straight line it is remarkably easy for a control system to track it.

>> No.10375395

Absolutely nobody talks about how Tom Delonge was the guy who released this video, let alone the UFO books he’s made with the help of the spooks he works with (Chasing Shadows + Fire Within, all about government UFO platforms and telekinesis research). He was laughed at by everyone in October of 2017 on Joe Rogan, but once he dropped this bomb shell in December of 2017 everyone who was laughing hasnt said a single word since.

>> No.10375408

Preparation for possible invasion. Tom hinted at this on Joe Rogan before he released this video but everyone just laughed at him then.

>> No.10375442

what a load of bunk lol

>> No.10375548

Instruments showing something strange and unexplained?
>instruments were malfunctioning
>the staff operating them were hallucinating
>we need eyewitness

Eywitness confirms something unexplained happened
>eyewitness is lying
>eyewitness is hallucinating
>eyewitness is wrong, we need instrumens

and so on and on

>> No.10375601

>strawmans a source without even reading it or responding to it

and so on and so on

>> No.10375628

Hey faggots delete this fucking shills

>> No.10375635

They say is it a drone? Then co pilot says no there's a whole fleet of them. Then they say is it a ((unintelligible)) probably some classified thing they are aware of. Then they are like wtf when it begins to rotate, suggesting that isn't something their candidate would be capable of

>> No.10375674

If you HAD watched the entire video you would have seen it slipped out of lock, repeatedly.

>> No.10375685

What could we even do against something with propulsion we can't even detect?

The old Aztecs vs Europeans analogy isn't even applicable, it's like hunter-gatherers vs a carrier group.

>> No.10375692

If it were, it would neither rotate nor cause loss of lock. Also being close to a device meant to view distant objects it would be so far out of focus we might not even have seen it.

>> No.10375720

Well the leading idea is that whatever these things are, it’s probably warp/gravity manipulation tech. On top of this though, and this answers your question, Tom, the literal mouth piece for the DoD/CIA, has his books talking about human craft with the same technology, supposedly back-engineered. His books hint at zero point for the energy source to create such demanding systems, along with advanced laser systems. So if an invasion happens, we might not be totally fucked, depends on how many of these craft we have (if we really have any at all).

The New York Times article that brought this out into the open is just the tip of the iceberg, Toms literature on this stuff is probably straight handed to him by spooks, and is the real disclosure material, if it can be trusted of course. If you’re interested I recommend looking into his Sekret machine series, I’m sure there’s good summaries/synopsis online available without having to read over 1500 pages of fiction and non-fiction.

>> No.10375730

I'll look into it, thanks. I think our only real chance at peace (read: survival and not just as pets/in reservations) would ultimately be deterrence, but that seems hard to do considering we have very little space presence even if the crackpots that say there are "offworld personnel" are right.

>> No.10375735


Also this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxVRg7LLaQA

>> No.10375749

Yeah the problem based off my understanding is the public has little to no clue what’s going on. We have no idea what the “others” are, and what they want. Toms books bluntly talk about there being two or more factions/groups, one openly hostile and the other at least neutral. I only take this stuff seriously based off my own sightings, which convinced me there’s something going; what that something is, I can’t say. I have trouble fully trusting Tom because of his Freemason/gnostic background and the CIA fist up his asshole controlling him.

If we are being visited, I pray they’re friendly, otherwise we’re probably fucked. We may up end surviving what’s to come, but even if we do, nothing will ever be the same.

>> No.10375884

Daily reminder that metabunk was unable to explain the Nimitz incident or the Gimbal video and resorted to personal attacks against pilots who observed, also claiming the video is fake because one of the pilots uses "dude" in audio

>> No.10375910
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go fast

>> No.10375990

It did explain the GIMBAL video, it's the engine heat of a plane 15 miles away that banks left at the end of the video.

The Nimitz is similarly a plane 50-100 miles away, coupled with unrelated radar readings that don't agree, and eyewitness accounts of turbulent water.

But do keep misrepresenting what metabunk said, it's really helping your credibility.

>> No.10376027

>It did explain the GIMBAL video, it's the engine heat of a plane 15 miles
>The Nimitz is similarly a plane 50-100 miles away, coupled with unrelated radar readings that don't agree, and eyewitness accounts of turbulent water
>unrelated radar readings for days
>eyewitness didn't report turbulent water but moving objects, but we will call it turbulent water because we can't accept we can't explain something


>> No.10376037

>military pilots not recognizing engine heat
>it was a curious mix of radar sightings for days, that pilots were ordered to investigate after confirming they have no weapons, that got mixed with turbulent water flying around like a drone, that got mixed with a plane that never got identified and that didn't have shape of a plane
sounds legit

>> No.10376056

>It did explain the GIMBAL video
Here's their explanation
> Not necessarily. It's looks like it's moving relative to the clouds, but that could simply be parallax from the motion of the jet.

It's nonsensical he says there's a "field" around it, as that's just an IR artifact. You can pretty much discount anything else he says that's just his opinion.
>I agree. These "pilots" might also, for example, be voice actors.
> Is the audio authentic? Military Pilots flying some of our most advanced aircraft, saying "dude", seems out of place to me?
I would like to ask a military pilot if they would ever use the word "dude" from his cockpit radio

>> No.10376076

Wow, great argument.

>>unrelated radar readings for days
That don't agree with each other.

>eyewitness didn't report turbulent water but moving objects, but we will call it turbulent water because we can't accept we can't explain something

>> No.10376082

>military pilots not recognizing engine heat
It's on video, retard. What they recognized is irrelevant.

>that pilots were ordered to investigate after confirming they have no weapons

>that got mixed with a plane that never got identified and that didn't have shape of a plane
It does have the shape of a plane, 50 miles away on FLIR.

>> No.10376084

>an entire carrier group misidentifying far away planes somehow
>somehow turbulent water has to do with this
Gtfo, complete pseudo-skeptism

>> No.10376110

>Not necessarily. It's looks like it's moving relative to the clouds, but that could simply be parallax from the motion of the jet.
Why is this nonsensical?

>It's nonsensical he says there's a "field" around it, as that's just an IR artifact.
He doesn't just say this he shows the exact same phenomenon on an IR image of jet engines. You're so braindead that you can't even come up with a coherent description of what you're arguing against.

>>I agree. These "pilots" might also, for example, be voice actors.
>>Is the audio authentic? Military Pilots flying some of our most advanced aircraft, saying "dude", seems out of place to me?
Where does he say this? Do you understand how a forum works?

>> No.10376112

>>an entire carrier group misidentifying far away planes somehow
An entire carrier group didn't misidentify anything.

>>somehow turbulent water has to do with this
It doesn't.

This is why arguing with /x/tards is futile, they just make shit up because it "sounds right."

>> No.10376120

>An entire carrier group didn't misidentify anything
And yet here we are, talking about it, because the pentagon itself said it’s not sure what was tracked and seen, but you do apparently.

>> No.10376128

Oh so now they're "not sure" instead of "misidentified it." Wow, we're making progress.

>> No.10376139

You’re being a semantic retard manipulating rhetoric at the dentriment of real discussion.

>> No.10376142

>bases his argument on it being unlikely that an aircraft carrier "misidentified" an aircraft
>but I'm the one being semantic for pointing out that they didn't misidentify anything

>> No.10376152
File: 4 KB, 302x207, 54A84113-012D-4797-A8F5-79DBE47C69C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, you’re being an autist that is getting caught up on semantics instead of admitting the pentagon released footage of an unidentied flying object, not a fucking airplane. Sorry I used the word misidentified once, doesn’t excuse your faggotry.

>> No.10376171

>Yup, you’re being an autist that is getting caught up on semantics instead of admitting the pentagon released footage of an unidentied flying object, not a fucking airplane.
So you admit that the men aboard the carrier did not claim that this was anything but an airplane. You don't know anything about what they though it was. The only thing you know is the opinions of a few UFO obsessed people and Favor, who keeps changing his story and claiming things that aren't on the video. So again, neither the carrier nor the Pentagon misidentified anything, thus there is no unlikely event to explain.

>> No.10376214

50 miles away does not jibe with the eye witness accounts

>> No.10376234

50 miles away for the plane seen on FLIR does jibe. It's very common for these to be publicized as UFOs that "accelerate" or move in erratic ways and are assumed to be close to the camera, but these that can be perfectly explained by movement of the camera tracking a faraway object and loss of tracking due or zooming causing erratic movement. Even experienced navies have made such claims and then quickly been debunked.

>> No.10376236

Based crazy anon

>> No.10377813 [DELETED] 

This is interesting.

>> No.10378397

>Did you know that we cannot trace our architectural history back to the pyramids or the ancient stone temples in northern india? We can trace our architecture history back to the greeks and understand how certain "styles" came to be, but for the really ancient structures it's almost as if they were built from another time.
>>constructing using simple 3 dimensional shapes can't be us!

>> No.10378398
File: 81 KB, 1109x621, 0_b60J-HFOiN7cSVN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can do it.

>> No.10378704

These FLIR cameras calculate target range and a host of other information, all visible on screen.

>> No.10378744


>> No.10378771

I took it seriously until I read more about Tom Delonge and his pals, they are clearly just leaking these videos for publicity. They say they have more information, even UFO artefacts so why not release them immediately? Because they don't have anything else, just the three weird videos which got debunked by the way, I found a detailed analysis somewhere of how it's another jet moving away from them. Explains the rotation, it's a banking.

Us ufofags haven't been completely BTFO by this though, the one actually interesting thing we can all learn from this is that the government takes UFOs a lot more seriously than they like to admit. That is the truth to the famed "UFO conspiracy theory" which is that at times the government has been genuinely scared by UFOs yet they consistently publicly dismiss it all as unimportant bullshit. But then you catch the Pentagon investigating it....

>> No.10378778

I usually hate that site but this time they did a decent in-depth analysis of the UFO and didn't just dismiss it as "swamp gas".

>> No.10378922

Depends on the exact model. The military FLIR are much more capable than police FLIR, for instance. The ones from the Navy are from targeting pods, if it has lock it will give distance and heading of the target.

>> No.10379012

The videos and stills are publicly available ad ousted in this thread. Show me where the range reading is.

>> No.10379067

see for example:

>> No.10379089

Yeah the video explains what some of the values are but doesn't say anything about any of them being the target distance. Care to try again?

>> No.10379147

Literally RNG on the display. Range to target.

>> No.10379160

Before commenting on anything else, I'll note that the click-baity title of the video, which has fuck-all to do with what is in the video, instantly makes me skeptical about any claims made.

>> No.10379171
File: 18 KB, 704x396, cf3f89770521737eda42b5790472aaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's something oddly satisfying about various governments joining in the long history of blurry, details-free images of UFOs.

>> No.10379174

Publicity for the books the guy sells.

>> No.10379178

>How can you "debunk" a department of defense video that doesn't even claim to know what it's showing?

Hypothetically, you could debunk claims made about it by UFO buffs, or you could figure out what it was and "debunk" the idea that it was anything mysterious, or you could show that it is not actually a DoD video...

Hypothetically... I don't know what anybody ever released about this.

>> No.10379201

Where in the Argentine helicopter video is there ever a claim it got "unlocked?" Much less locked in the first place? Because that's the one the guy you replied to is talking about.

To me, that one looks a lot like an aircraft at great distance -- including the contrail formation that the UFOlogist calls "ejecting hot material." But I could be wrong, there is very little data that can be gleaned from the video. It does not look at all like a quad-copter drone, to me.

>> No.10379203

I'm a little bit worried...

>> No.10379205

>Then co pilot says no there's a whole fleet of them.

That is striking to me because the video only ever shows one.

>> No.10379206

>Well the leading idea is that whatever these things are, it’s probably warp/gravity manipulation tech.

The leading idea by who? I'd like to read how they came to this conclusion, and check on their qualifications in fields of study that would make them competent to do so.

>> No.10379213

To be fair, in the video here >>10375735 they do a lot more than say "dude." For military pilots and personnel tracking unknown aircraft, of unknown intent and capabilities, they act an awful lot like guys in the Leroy Jenkins video.

Maybe that's how USAF personnel act now, I do not know -- but it is a valid point to raise if you are doubting the authenticity of the videos.

>> No.10379281

There is no slant range in the GIMABL or Nimitz video. Try again.

>> No.10379488

this thread just sent me down the rabbit hole of learning about tom delonge and his project.
things i've gleaned so far:
1) if you talk like a retard, chances are you're a retard
2) no way the the gov't and military officials advising TD are as retarded as him
3) if you're as retarded as TD, it's safe to assume you're not actually "working with" gov't officials in sensitive positions who have access to classified material - the best you can hope for is that you have something useful to offer them and in return they take you on a little car ride and buy you a big lollilop to show all your friends how special you are. yes, USG is the man sliding open the van door offering candy to just the right boy, because "he's special"
4) the ego's ability to fool itself is apparently limitless
5) there's also a lot of retards on /sci/ but we all knew that

>> No.10379979


>> No.10380121

in case anyone's interested about the broader context in which these UFO videos have been released:
>what the machine does, that we're building, there's an electromagnetic wave that is the foundation of everything, of all mass, of everything..some people call it zero point energy, some people call it the vacuum energy. But like one inch of air could power the united states for like hundreds of years...so what they gotta do is isolate very specific atoms to where all the noise of all matter, all cellphones, and everything that's going on on earth can be separated from this one atom. And if you can do that with the right material you can get access to that electromagnetic wave that's powering the atom....and once you do that - it's not like splitting an atom. This is the power behind the atom

I realize he's making some simple errors in terminology, but is there actually any substance to the above statement?

>> No.10380122

forgot to mention, that quotation starts at 39:24

>> No.10380350

What even is the point in recording unknown phenomenons, legitimately everything is passed off as a hoax nowadays even if it comes directly from unclassified footage.

Wait 2 decades when finally HD footage of UFOs that were captured in 2018 is finally released to the public. There will be claims of supersonic swamp gas interacting with prototype sentient weather balloons.

>> No.10380797

>supersonic swamp gas interacting with prototype sentient weather balloons
still a more likely explanation than believing "muh declassified footage, thenks for your help gubmint"

>> No.10381336

>which got debunked by the way
No they haven't

>> No.10381584
File: 261 KB, 1200x640, x51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was under the assumption that it was plasma-intake assisted ramjet, part of the next generation nuclear weapon's program.

It would make sense considering it was going against the wind, against the wind means more fuel.

Russia claimed they had an RND team working on that crap, but we all know >Russian claims

Shortly after the big meeting where they announced the program, the UFO footage popped up.

I have no doubt that it was American scientists essentially indirectly dabbing on the Russians with offhand "UFO" footage that are actually black projects.

>> No.10381599

>my fantasy is that humanity finally shits the bed and launches all of its nukes, at which point our alien bros step in, bitch slap them all out of the sky and reveal themselves

>> No.10381604

>skepticism is a religion

Skepticism can be /practiced/ like a religion. Nothing about it relies on logically unverifiable nonsense, like religion.

>> No.10382194

It's demonic. Like ITE-1 and ITE-2.