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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10367877 No.10367877 [Reply] [Original]

2 questions about interstellar:

Why did the black hole contain only Murph's book shelf?

What were the "strings" that were used to control the watch hand?

>> No.10367882

Not science or math.

>> No.10367908

I'm asking for a scientific explanation you autistic fuckwit

>> No.10367916
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>scientific explanation
>of a fictional story

>> No.10367928

>Why did the black hole contain only Murph's book shelf?
The aliens of the wormhole wanted Cooper to be there so he'll be the "ghost" that Murf saw.

>What were the "strings" that were used to control the watch hand?
Idk some weird excitation of the watch though time in such a way to allow Cooper to manipulate it?

I mean not to sound critical of the film, but most "real life" logic kinda got thrown out during that scene so you can make whatever sense of it that you like.

>> No.10367937

Fucking hell. I thought the movie was great until the black hole / bookshelf scene. I was hoping it was based on legit physics instead of bullshit.

Welp into the trash it goes

>> No.10367940

This is why you have no friends

>> No.10367945
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i know, i know

>> No.10367949

I wouldn't toss aside the whole film.
While the blackhole scene was definately the weakest part of the story, the rest of the film was amazing. The planet Mann segment was especially so.

Juding from older versions of the script that has surfaced, it seemed like the story writers struggled with what to do after Cooper falls into the blackhole.

>> No.10367950
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>I was hoping it was based on legit physics instead of bullshit.
It was a movie. Why would you ever expect a movie to have accurate information?

>> No.10367963

Not factual in the sense of "this happened" or even "this is achievable" but at the very least in the sense of "this corresponds with the physical laws of the universe"

>> No.10367966

What about the "love prevails" motif. That was so faggy I almost stopped watching

>> No.10367968

By the physical laws of the universe they would never have made the trip in the first place and it would be a boring movie.

>> No.10367981

Wormholes are theoretically possible

>> No.10367984

So are elves but we still call lord of the rings fantasy.

>> No.10367990

I'd argue that it's okay since thats the reason why the rest of the crew disregarded Brand's suggestion on which planet to go to since they've figured that Brand's attachment with the explorer on that planet was clouding her judgement. Unless I'm completely miss remembering that, its been a while since I saw the movie.

But I agree with you in that the line was writen kind of poorly. What I think the writers were going for was something like "love is a powerful motivator" since love is a significant motivation for some of the characters but then it was written in that poor way so it can be used as trailer bait.

Then again speculation.

>> No.10368003
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Cooper said that the aliens brought him to the black hole and made it his daughter's room because "love".

>> No.10368016
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It kinda makes sense, because his love for his daughter was a big deal throughout the movie.

>> No.10368220

Same reason as the star-child scene in 2001. The authors and producers got to that point in the movie and couldn't find a rational way to finish the movie. So they came up with some wild, mind blowing, visuals and said that it's up to the viewers to rationalize them into the context of the story.
It's a cop out. They failed to finish the movie.

>> No.10370011

I think the black hole part was the best. The reason is that we dont ACTUALLY know what the fuck happens when you get near one. Some physicists think you get ripped apart molecule-by-molecule because the difference in acceleration is massive at the small scales, some think you dont because the time dilation makes it so you experience the acceleration less drastically. There's also all the other theories. The good thing about the movie is that they said "fuck it, we dont know, so we'll just do whatever we want". So the black hole leads him into a setting where he can experience the 4th dimension.The reason for the black hole leading him to the bookshelf is said to be because beings(which are alluded to be humans) in the 5th dimension made the black hole lead him there. I think of it as having an ant hill and making a tunnel that leads a specific ant to perform a task you want. 3/10 science, 10/10 fiction.

>> No.10370015

both are explained in Thorne's companion book

>> No.10370057

1. The attempt to visualize the time dimension of the book shelf, e.g. every book shelf is the same shelf at a different moment of time. The aliens/humans from the future created this place delibaretely for Cooper so he can send information about gravity to his daughter
2. Gravitational waves, apparently.