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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10367788 No.10367788 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you in college, is "burn out" a real thing? How the fuck do people study all day long every single day and not get mentally drained? Everytime I try to go on study binges, the absolute most I can do is 5-6 hours even with breaks. And then, after a few days I can't study at all. Like today, for whatever reason I've been feeling like shit and can't mentally focus on anything, and I have an exam tomorrow. This same exact thing happen to me last week too.

How do I stop this? I'm thinking about cutting out daily coffee, because I'm starting to think that's what causing this. Do I maybe need to sleep more? I dont exercise at all and I smoke cigs/drink on the weekend. I do also have a shit ton of assignments I need to do, but I'm not sure if that's playing a factor here or not.

>> No.10367800

yeah I have to sleep like 10 hours a day to recover from the mental strain

>> No.10367815
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sweety, you're not invincible.
you have limitations, ok hon?

>> No.10367819
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For you.

>> No.10367821

Definitely sleep and cut out the coffee. Young adults need 8 hours a day minimum to function properly. Make sure to plan everything you do, all assignments, studying, etc, ahead of time so you don't have to go on binges.

>> No.10367828

Bottom line
Get at least 6 hours of sleep a day
Stay hydrated (piss clear)
Don't count hours studying, if you're beating your head against a wall, study
If you're math heavy, drink two beers before studying, pure anecdotal evidence here, being a bit tipsy somehow increases my ability to understand maths
Talk to classmates about studies
That's it

>> No.10367831

burnt out so bad I stopped going and never did school again

>> No.10367832

*if you're beating your head against the wall, take a break.

>> No.10367848

The thing that annoys me is that even when I try planning out when I'm going to study and get assignments done, I end up getting stuck. This especially annoys me for Calculus 2 because the tutoring at my school is horrible and the professor has limited hours. It makes me feel like shit because I'm going through the problems and learning the material at a snail's pace.
I try to drink as much water as I can but I don't feel like it helps at all. And I try not to "count" how much I'm studying hour-wise, but it's starting to bother me I can't do more than I'm doing now.

>> No.10367880

>130iq tard who needs to realize that they're pretty average now that they're in college: the chart

>> No.10367889
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Average for STEM higher education, which is already positively selecting for cognitive ability over even liberal arts majors.
Stop making a 130 IQ seem like nothing, that's gifted ability that most people don't have.

>> No.10367898

I was roommates with 4 other mechanical engineers. College was the hardest ive ever worked but also the most fun ive ever had. Dont know how I would have done it alone. I'd recommend making friends in the dorms for any younger students in here.

>> No.10367914
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>wahhh stop making me feel like im not special waaahhh

>> No.10368015
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>sweaty, pls

>> No.10368021
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>> No.10368030

No, I'm just not delusional, and actually base my opinion off of facts.

>> No.10368036

>philosophy is higher IQ than ME, EE, AND CS
the bait is strong here

>> No.10368044

>Source: Educational Testing Service
>Educational Testing Service (ETS), founded in 1947, is the world's largest private nonprofit educational testing and assessment organization.[2] It is headquartered in Lawrence Township, New Jersey, but has a Princeton address.
Also, it isn't actually that surprising when you look at fields like analytical philosophy, of the impact of philosophy in general.
Even more modern philosophy, like post-modernism, has changed the world radically.

>> No.10368048

*tips fedora*

>> No.10368050
File: 66 KB, 741x643, iq-by-college-major-gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, other studies corroborate.
This is from the ETS, and National Center for Education Statistics, which is part of the Federal Government:

>> No.10368055

And how did they find these results? I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe the average philosophy major is smarter than anyone doing STEM, especially chemistry.

>> No.10368056

But let me take a wild guess how they got there. They tested those who went to Ivy League schools, moved on to Law School and became Lawyers, then turned around and gave tests to average STEM students in no name schools, is that right?

>> No.10368087

You do know that FSIQ isn't just derived from PIQ, right? VIQ is a thing, and philosophers also probably have a pretty decent PIQ too, especially analytical philosophers as they use formal logic and many of them are mathematicians too. So they score highly on both PIQ and VIQ.

>> No.10368106
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My schedule this sem...

>> No.10368114

Ooops I forgot to censor that one. Lmao
During school days I go hard but I make sure my body is conditioned the day before.
and on my non school days - I just sleep, sleep, sleep and dedicate a whole day for studying and finishing things up.

u do really need to take care of urself

>> No.10368117

>math 170, 172
Calc 1 and Stats I'm guessing?

>> No.10368122

Texas A&M, eh?

>> No.10368123

170 is a Math retention lab, 172H is calc 2

>> No.10368124

Do you have Michael Stecher?

>> No.10368127

OOOF!!! lol

>> No.10368128

>During school days I go hard but I make sure my body is conditioned the day before
What does this mean? And yeah I'm starting to realize that I don't take care of my health at all. I want to quit smoking so badly but I'm crazy hooked on cigs. I want to give it a serious shot when the semester is over before I take the summer classes I'm planning to take this year.

>> No.10368132


>> No.10368134

Did Stecher leave?

>> No.10368143

I'm hooked too.Never plan to quit cus it keeps me sane.
get enough sleep, eat a lot, that's all I do and I wake up early as 6 in the morning to do my little chores
He's not teaching anymore

>> No.10368149

>He's not teaching anymore
Sad, he was cool.

>> No.10368151

Being the literally top 99% of humanity is special even if it's 1 trillion people

>> No.10368153

He's still around but not teaching

>> No.10368155

That's good, if he "left left" that would be the end of an era.

>> No.10368171

I'm a freshy. Never had the chance to sit in his class tho I've been hearing that he's really cool. Now he's just around visiting math classes and stuffs :)

>> No.10368176

Well, tell him Jacob sent his best wishes. Thanks.

>> No.10368178

Okie, okie

>> No.10368195

You are that trap! Howdy hehe

>> No.10368199


>> No.10368203


>> No.10368308

I am about to to finish college and I am at my limit. I spend like 20 years in our educational system and that's enough. I also didn't study at all because it's tiresome, boring and generally not worth it. It is pretty much the direct path to depression. Just get high IQ'ed

>> No.10368328

I don't see anyone really burning out. I have exam burnout, but that's very different to general apathy. I would suggest cutting out ALL drugs (caffeine, alcohol, nicotene), it's just garbage, caffeine and alcohol in particular can really have a deterimental effect on your cognition. Take care of your general mental health as well, sleep as much as you need to, go out and take walks, do a bit of research into what improves mood and happiness and try pursuing those things, eg exercise and so on.

Also, I won't lie, I do 18 hour study binges with modafinil when needed. Just before exams for the lulz.

You should consider how you live your life in general, a lot of people are constantly absorbing random bits of information off social media, the internet in general, online chats, whatever the fuck. I don't think you can live like that 95% of the time and then sit down and think deeply about a single topic for hours or days at a time. The two are just in contradiction to each other.

>> No.10368489

The cutting social media meme is true indeed. At least just dedicate to study and then something else to distract, like 4chan or some casual game on your phone

>> No.10368584

Lol I know a chav who taken up astro physics.


He wanted to go into astro physics because it sounded cool and could get him laid. (he ugly like dog shit too).

>> No.10368617
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I'm burned out but not because of your reasons. I just lost interest in the subject that I picked. I'm in my last year so I'm going to finish it but I have 0 interest in this fucking field.

I'm an Electrical Engineer. I don't give a fuck about electronics and transmission lines anymore. I was a hobbyist when I started 5 years ago. Making my own electronics upgrading my laptop screen and hardware etc. But now I could give less of a shit.

The more I learn about a subject the less I give a fuck about it. I'm genuinely loathing that I have to work in this field for the rest of my life. I'm bored of it already and I didn't even graduate.

>> No.10368629

This. Motivation is the biggest burnout.

>> No.10368705

What a spurious correlation. Lol!!!!!! Women r so dummmm. Updooted

>> No.10368734

Found the woman

>> No.10368752

>I don't think you can live like that 95% of the time and then sit down and think deeply about a single topic for hours or days at a time. The two are just in contradiction to each other.
By far the best advice in this thread.

>> No.10368754

So OP, how did the test exam go?

>> No.10368759

Nice try, woman.

>> No.10368774

Burnt out so bad I stopped going and never went to school again

>> No.10368777

I think browsing is important it lets you discover new information but yeah most of the time you're just wasting your time

>> No.10368825

>studying something so you can get laid
Imagine being so retarded

>> No.10368836

>Do I maybe need to sleep more? I dont exercise at all and I smoke cigs/drink on the weekend.

>> No.10368838

>very critical of government
What did they mean by this?

>> No.10368847

That's because you're biased and stupid.

>> No.10369456

What major?

>> No.10369571

>How the fuck do people study all day long every single day and not get mentally drained?
They don't, dude, that's a meme.

>> No.10369574 [DELETED] 

I basically got all of these
Is that like, super bingo?

>> No.10369578

Yeah it is, after doing a bunch of political and scientific studies via Wikimedia projects, I do get burned out. Your brain recovers by sleeping, and sleeping give your brain time to regenerate itself so when you wake up you are good.

Burn outs are a real thing my dude

>> No.10369591

I have everything in the chart, and I'm not even gifted.

>> No.10369602

You are cute

>> No.10370504

I don't think it went too bad. I had an hour in between class so I went over the notes and I think I should be okay. It's really the Calc 2 test in a few weeks that I'm worried about.

>> No.10370516

the average college graduate with a bachelors has an iq of 110-115, the average engineeringlet is ~120-125, the acerage CSling ie around 120-125. If you have 130 iq or above you are cognitively superior to most humans, nearly all nonwhites and the vast majority of enginiggers and cs apes.

>> No.10370522

>Do I maybe need to sleep more?


>> No.10370988

Yes, they do, I see it literally all the time

>> No.10371031

>t. doesn't actually know what philosophy is

>> No.10371034


You can be very intelligent but not be interested in the things STEM majors are interested in--including making a lot of money.
The notion that you should use your IQ *solely* for a "lucrative career" itself shows less intelligence than many have.

>> No.10371176


>> No.10371189

Its not about the quantity you study but the quality of your study sessions. Ideally you always want to be ahead of the curve of your course allowing for less strain when you are in lecture/doing hw and ideally you use the lecture to ask questions on things you are not clear on from your reading. You also should be implementing certain studying techniques such as the Feynman technique and/or the pomodoro technique. Beyond that you should be able to quickly identify the gaps in your knowledge attempt to address them and if you cannot do it yourself only then do you go to your prof. office hours. This is how I do it. t.puremath and CS major.

>> No.10371192

This is where you have to become resourceful, use online resources like professor leonard, read your book ask people on /sci/ on proper threads ect..

>> No.10372183
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>Top 99% of humanity

That's okay I guess, but it only means being in the top 10% of Whites/Asians, so in that respect it isn't particularly remarkable.

>> No.10372196
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>Tfw nearly got caught on the middle horizontal row but is easily interested by otherwise mundane areas of study

Haha, my pride remains unmutilated for yet another day.

>> No.10372224
File: 321 KB, 1600x1200, Accordion player and two dancing girls at Paris Cabaret at Casino Helsinki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Should it be 'is' or 'I am' in this context? I guess it's not correct to use third person as "That face when" doesn't actually refer to the object of the sentence.


I can't say much regarding 'burning out', but I can say definitively that you need sleep to properly function. To improve general study, I recommend:

>Study in distinct albeit universally quiet calm places
>Drink lots of water during study
>Sleep at least eight hours per day
>Routinely chew gum while you study
>Make a habit of explaining difficult concepts to others
>Talk to peers about difficult concepts. Maybe attend relevant societies if there are any.
>Use YouTube/internet guides like Leonard, Yale courses, Khan Academy, etc.
>Take fake tests/exams to practice
>Maybe don't abuse the coffee so much

>> No.10372331

>wake up at 7AM
>last lecture at 7:30 PM
why do you do this

>> No.10372344

this picture makes me want to kill myself. i have every one except for "not trying in school/work"

>> No.10372356

I always try to fit all of my lectures in the same day, I'm so lucky the sched offering allows me to do so.

:: The main goal is to minimize the amount of having to go outside my room. :)

>> No.10372372

Philosophy is fucking hard.

>> No.10372493


Now show the regression against %Non-Asian Minority.

>> No.10372508

No it isn’t

>> No.10372512


>Out of top 10 areas of study 9/10 are STEM or economics
>Humanities/arts at measly 120IQ

/lit/ definitely BTFO Unless you count philosophy

>> No.10372516

Im kinda scared of burning out this semester. Im in my first year of a double major in math and comp science, and Im also doing one extra honours course and two second year math courses....

I dont know why I do this to myself

>> No.10372826

I’m in a similar position, math/cs first year. I was able to breeze through high school without much serious study but now I realise how much work I have to put in for university. I feel like I’m going to burn out in the first term because it’s such a step up.

>> No.10372836

>study all day
Studying 5-6 hours is recommended amount.

>every single day
Not studying on weekends is recommended.

>to do study binges
Doing study binges is not recommended.

>even with breaks
Taking 15 minute break every 2 hours is recommended.
Having a lunch break is recommended.

>i can't study at all
Going to doctor if you cannot perform your normal functions is recommended.

>feeling like shit
Exercising more is recommended.

>cutting out daily coffee
Coffee is recommended.

>sleep more
8 hours a day is recommended amount.

Not smoking is recommended.

>> No.10372855

This is pretty common for western university male due to normal biology.

>> No.10372922
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Etech exam tomorrow on monday. Barely learned. Need to learn about amplifyers, transistors snd other crap. How fucked is me?

>> No.10372997
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>If you're math heavy, drink two beers before studying, pure anecdotal evidence here, being a bit tipsy somehow increases my ability to understand maths
Pic somewhat related

>> No.10373119

>Studying 5-6 hours is recommended amount.
>Not studying on weekends is recommended.
>Doing study binges is not recommended.
By whom? And why wouldn't I study on the weekend? Granted I usually only study for a few hours, but I don't see any reason to avoid studying completely.

>> No.10373366
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>> No.10374194

Because studying is like working out. Working out too much or not enough is contraproductive. Also the people that say they need to study 24/7 maybe should get into another profession if they do need that much to understand every shit.

>> No.10374427

my day is 5 hours long

>> No.10375660

Same dude. Got Organic Chemistry exam tomorrow and here i am on 4chan. I cant focus at all. I have been studying physics and then Algebra and then analysis for 1 month im so done i cant study anymore.

>> No.10375673

Please tell me you meant Linear Algebra...

>> No.10375778

Yes Linear Algebra. Sorry im so fucking lazy i didn't even bothered to write "linear" but it is.

>> No.10375793

It's very real, yes. That's why there are so many other activities like sports or clubs (or anime, videogames and 4chan), unless you're legit autistic you will experience it at some point if you don't take breaks and it won't be pretty.

>> No.10375797

If you burn out in college, you are not ready for the real world. Go back to your mom's basement.

>> No.10375806
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God damn, I was just a "smart kid", not even real gifted.

Well I'm about to, thanks.

>> No.10375820
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Hi :)

>> No.10375831

>18 hour
>before exams
so you don't get a good night's sleep before exams?

>> No.10375837

>distinct albeit universally quiet calm places
you mean a different place for each subject?

>> No.10375838

>For those of you in college, is "burn out" a real thing? How the fuck do people study all day long every single day and not get mentally drained?

I only get 1-3 hours of "real" studying in a single day, the rest I'm on autopilot

>> No.10375851

Physics and astronomy master race

>> No.10375871

Even better is turning off internet access on your phone and computer several hours per day

>> No.10375924

so 99% of /sci/ who never talked to a professional philosopher in their lives and all their knowledge of philosophy comes from the misinformation of their pop-sci idols.

>> No.10377047


>> No.10377088

If 25 to 30 hrs per week of study time is sufficient for you, with weekends off, then your program is for brainlets or you dont have 4.0 GPA

>> No.10377093

Seriously, what major is this that you don't need to study on the weekend ever? Because it sure as fuck isn't in STEM. I'm studying my fucking ass off and I still feel like it's not enough.

>> No.10377110

>Every class assigns only 10 problems a week
>No labs
>Do a few problems a day on weekdays
>Spend weekends playing banjo and jerking off
>Go camping every week with qt law student gf when it's warm
>3.8 GPA

>> No.10377113

Willpower is only limited if you think it's limited.

>> No.10377151

You must go to a shitty AF school if you can pass every exam with only 10 problems a week

>> No.10377313


>> No.10377335

Spends time on >>>/pol/

>> No.10377336

Other students would probably get upset if they truly knew how much I studied. I had a 4.0 in undergrad too. Phys&Bio.

>> No.10377337

Honestly, go out and have a walk and fresh air.

>> No.10377338

how much?

>> No.10377377

On average including hw assignments around 8-12 hrs a week. I still had perfect class attendance. Physics & Math for example after you do the problems in the book or assigned HW there is not much else except repetition from other sources or going above and beyond the course material. Usually the book is adequate enough for the class, as the purpose is for any person regardless of being a student or not can learn what's inside. My school also has heavy grade inflation. Ochem, Math, and Physics classes would usually have huge curves that I could get a D on the final and an A in the class just by Acing the midterm and labs. The most difficult classes were Cell Biology and A&P because of the huge amount of med students who really do study 20+hrs a week. Although for some reason med students can't into Ochem/Biochem.

>> No.10377421

I don't believe these curve memes people spout off about. I went to a shitty branch campus of a state school and had one class that was ever scaled, Orgo II, and only by 3 points.

>> No.10377444

Completely depends on the school and sometimes the Professor. I still would have got mostly As even without curves. But it has saved my ass a few times from an A-, and it's much more relaxing knowing I can get a C on the Final and still an A the class. I've had some Finals where my cutoff was only missing 3% to get an A in the class and it sucks having that pressure. Do note for these curves to work like this, you still need to get an A on all assignments and likely the midterm.

If a Final is worth 40% of your grade and you get a D (65%) you lose about 14% of your grade, but with a whole letter grade curve, now you only lose about 8-9% of your grade. So if you got 100% in the class you'd end up with a 91-92% which is an A-. But a D+ or a C and you're at an A. Also a lot of classes have the final only counting for 33% and sometimes even 25% of the grade. So while curves seem like some drastic game changer they really only change your grade half a level. So a B to B+ and so on.

>> No.10379039

It's a top 10 math school. I'm only taking grad courses and I spend about 30 hours a week on homework for my major, 10-15 outside. I just have good time management skills so I get everything done on the weekdays. Stay jealous.

>> No.10379051

I almost check all the boxes. Am I fucked?

>> No.10379066

/sci/ BTFO


>> No.10379073

Is this hard on burguerland?
I had uni from 8 am to 3 pm every day included saturdays, for 4 years

>> No.10379082

Heavily curved grades are mostly for junior and senior level math and physics classes where exams can have proofs and complex multi part problems that are very difficult to study for. To actually ace that kind of exam you'd have to have as good of knowledge of the material as the professor and basically no undergrad can do that. So the whole class scores around 40-60% and then that gets curved into a normal A/B/C/etc grade scale

>> No.10379126

Study in a shanty while ice fishing, problem solved.

>> No.10379457

Every MatSci undergrad I've come across has been a retarded sperg.

>> No.10379610

I love challenging things, I just hate academic work. It's pure tedium. Been learning piano, though, now that is a satisfying challenge.

>> No.10380056

Eh I agree with how curving often works, but I strongly disagree that proofs and complex problems are above undergrad level. There's always 2 or 3 students that would have got a high B or an A without the curve. If you fully understand your text book there's no reason you should be struggling. Most Math and Phys students tend to be lazy but smart so most likely the class avg is reflecting how much effort they're actually putting into the class which isn't much.

>> No.10380194

>thinking burnout is the worst thing
I have seen complete mental collapses occur. Shit gives me ptsd.

>> No.10380554

I didn't have enough money to have a social life.

As a result I lost all my friends and ended up a hermite.

It didn't take long to have a complete meltdown, develop agoraphobia and drop out.

>muh pursuit of happiness
>you can do anything you put your mind into
Does not apply if you're not middle-class or above.

>> No.10380701

Lmao the most I can do is like an hour, two tops

>> No.10380743

I usually study in four hour bursts, any more than that is a waste of time. If you're falling behind after 4 hour study sessions you're not managing your time correctly.

>> No.10380769

>American curving

>> No.10380787

If this is true, what a waste. But I don't see this being true because most people I know that study philosophy do it because they can't understand math or anything related to it to save their life.

>> No.10380808

>If this is true, what a waste.

This board demonstrably sucks at understanding philosophy or what it means to do something significant in it.

>> No.10380818

Well I mean in the weeks or days before, not the night of, you should sleep well before exams.