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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10367332 No.10367332[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10367334

Why the fuck do we have a child pretending to be an adult in congress?

>> No.10367340

Why do people dress up in suits and pretend to be smart? Why do I come to 4chan? Why is the purpose of politics so poorly understood?

>> No.10367342
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4chan in a nutshell
>w-w-w-why cant i fuck children theyre mature enough!!1!!
>29 year old woman politician
>why is this CHILD in congress????

>> No.10367345
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>> No.10367348

Thoughts on nuclear energy?

>> No.10367376

Its beyond retarded and not operational, at least not in 10 years. Hell i am not even sure it could work for a very small country. I am not even american so i am not biased.

>> No.10367380

i would do absolutely anything AOC told me to :3

>> No.10367382
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Switching my major from nuclear engineering to environmental science :)

>> No.10367389

It's a foolproof plan.
But of course the conservashits and the lolbertarians and all those other good people will screech that it is horrible.

>> No.10367398

Are you serious? Its the most stupid thing i have read from a politician. There was obviously zero scientific input in that document

>> No.10367415

I'm entirely serious. It's a good plan. In particular it is a very low risk plan. There isn't much that could go wrong.

>> No.10367421

>get rid of nuclear
>get rid of cars
>get rid of air travel
>build enough high speed rail to cover for that
>refit every single building in the US to new environmental standards
>tons of language about justice for grievance groups

>> No.10367427

Would you push her front teeth back to where they started when she was born?

>> No.10367429

el goblino...

>> No.10367440


It all makes sense and is on the right track. Not sure what you have your panties twisted about. I very much doubt you have the competence to challenge anything in that text.
As a I said beforehand it's all low risk improvements to US infrastructure. Cannot be but beneficial.

>> No.10367452
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My thoughts: "too little, too late"
We've passed the point of no return when it comes to avoiding a full on biosphere collapse. At this point, we need to scale up our industrial output at exponential magnitude. We need to start researching and building arcologies NOW. We need to start building underground vertical farming facilities NOW. We need to accept a global government NOW. We need to accept the idea that 70% of the population will starve NOW. We need to build prototype o'neill cylinders NOW. We need to deregulate fission NOW. The ONLY alternative is death, for all of us. Its time to nut up, are you ready to do your part?

>> No.10367453

What makes printing $40 trillion in new currency "low risk?"

>> No.10367456

God she looks like absolute shit

>> No.10367460

The fact that it is a very widespread subsidy of American industry and manufacturing.
It can only do good.

>> No.10367466

Did you even read what I just said?

>> No.10367470

How can Dems preach about science but deny that nuclear is the easiest method of creating clean energy?

>> No.10367477

because Dems don't actually care about science or the environment

>> No.10367479

Oh look the shill is reading his script.
How much are the kikes paying you?

>> No.10367480

That's politics for you

>> No.10367481

>Dems are poltards now

>> No.10367482
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>thinking the green new deal is about science and not a trojan horse for communism
oh, anon.

>> No.10367487

>Unironically using the nickname "dems"
>Thinking partisan politics matter
>Thinking nuclear isn't the only way
triple faggotry over here

>> No.10367498


Be happy they are coming around to fighting global warming seriously, this could open the door to nuclear down the road.

I just hope the progressives are successful in pushing aside all the corrupt centrist dems and succeed here.

>> No.10367522

doesnt go far enough.

>> No.10367539

nuclear energy is a meme
>no where to put waste
>when it fails it fails catastrophically
>nobody wants to live near one

>> No.10367544

You just described solar and wind power.

>> No.10367556

lol did anyone actually read this, this is hilarious

>> No.10367559
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>Free money for those unwilling to work
>It's a good plan

>> No.10367561

oh look, its a politician with utopian ideas but no way of actually doing them. wouldnt it be great if evrything was free, there was no pollution, and everyone was happy? vote for me!

>> No.10367563

why do we have low IQ morons pretending to be "presidential"?

>> No.10367567

I think this woman is a bigger threat to the establishment than Trump could ever hope to be. But what does that have to do with science?

>> No.10367574

Trump is the king of America. And now America has found its queen. This calls for

>> No.10367579

>nuclear waste
in what way does this describe solar and wind

>> No.10367582


>> No.10367588

>nuclear waste
nuclear waste removes itself over time. solid waste from solar cell manufacture stays there forever
more people die every year from falling off roofs installing solar panels than have died from every meltdown in history

>> No.10367594

>Whereas climate change, pollution, and environmental destruction have exacerbated systemic racial, regional, social, environmental, and economic injustices (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘systemic injustices’’) by disproportionately affecting indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-in-come workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘frontline and vulnerable communities’’
(B) a large racial wealth divide amounting to a difference of 20 times more wealth between the aver-age white family and the average black family; and (C) a gender earnings gap that results in women earning approximately 80 percent as much as men, at the median
so climate change is causing women to be paid less than men and is also causing black people to have less wealth than white people. we've been fighting over the wrong stuff this entire time guys!

>> No.10367597

both are for the same reason: people voted for them

>> No.10367624

around 50 people a year die from rooftop construction falls in the US

that's not an argument against using solar at demand end and power plants alike

>> No.10367632

>devout x-ians vote for trump
trump is the second coming of christ

>> No.10367646

the sun doesn't shine at night

>> No.10367653

at first I thought it was way too extreme, and then I thought about it a little more and I entirely support it. radical action is needed because climate change should have been addressed like a decade ago federally.

>> No.10367654

Wind still blows. Solar thermal can store the day's heat in molten salts and drive a turbine, easily performing well hours later at peak usage in the evening.

>> No.10367659

you're a fucking retard and should refrain from voicing your opinion.

>> No.10367681

how much does it cost to built this and transmit the power to places where the sun barely shines in the daytime

>> No.10367696


People of science (we here at /sci/) are concerned about global warming, thus this is relevent to us on /sci/.

>> No.10367699

>piss away 600 billion a year on the military
>5 billion for health care or climate change adaptation is completely unthinkable

>> No.10367700

there have been 3 meltdowns in all of history

Chernobyl was caused because the RNBK reactor was totally atypical design wise and had an uncommon issue that caused instability at low energy, but no one knew since it was never used
No other reactor can ever go like Chernobyl

3 Mile Island was a beautiful display of preparedness in the face of utter stupidity, not a single person was killed, no issues came from it, no one was injured
Even something that didn't injure a single person was still a blatant violation of the safety protocols
3 Mile Island is a fucking testament to Nuclears safety

Fukushima is just because the Japanese were stupid enough to build a Nuclear plant close to shore. But even then it was caused by the _strongest fucking earthquake thats ever been recorded in japan_
Really easy to cut them some slack considering the tsunami killed 16,000 people and the reactor killed A SINGLE FUCKING PERSON 7 years after the fact due to radiation
Inside of the Fukushima Daiichi Plant was one of the safest places in Japan during the tsunami

>> No.10367704

>piss away 3 trillion annually on healthcare, welfare, and interest on the debt
>an additional 40 trillion 10 year program will be just fine

>> No.10367709

There are big commercial solar plants in the 100-600MW range so I imagine this sort of thing isn't a problem. They ramp the voltage up. They work best in the desert obviously.

>> No.10367722

>Fukushima is just because the Japanese were stupid enough to build a Nuclear plant close to shore
i honestly don't think that was even stupid, they planned the facility to survive all but statistically unlikely floods. the fact that such a rare flood event happened doesnt necessarily mean it was poor planning at the outset. like, i COULD plan against my neighbor going insane and dousing my front door in gasoline and lighting it, but it would be silly to plan for that.
difference is, those are all things we SHOULD be spending money on. plus, the report even admits it's a pie-in-the-sky goal that's not feasible. knowing what the best practice, no-budget plan would look like is still important and useful, because we can scale it back to what we're capable of.

>> No.10367724

More like Green Leap Forward. Why is brown people socialism always so retarded?

>> No.10367726

>difference is, those are all things we SHOULD be spending money on
we spend 3x the money on healthcare for the same life expectancy to comparable countries. we shouldn't need to spend on interest at all, moron

>> No.10367732

>we spend 3x the money on healthcare for the same life expectancy to comparable countries.
because our healthcare system is shit, anon. if we cut out the insurance industry and directly manage healthcare, nationwide expenditure goes down, not up. taxes go up, yes, but monthly insurance costs go away and nobody gets hit with bankrupting medical charges because their insurance decided to shit on their face.

>> No.10367733

that's not what i axed. i axed how much it costs unsubsidized to build 9 trillion panels and shoot the power from the mohave desert to maine

>> No.10367736

>still shilling for the 1%
sad little mf, aren't you

>> No.10367743

nuclear is dead, get over it

>> No.10367744

>global warming at or above 2 degrees Celsius be-yond preindustrialized levels will cause— (A) mass migration from the regions most af-fected by climate change;

She fucking protested all discussion on illegal immigration at the SOTU and wants to disassemble ICE, so what's her fucking point adding this to her manifesto???

>> No.10367746


>> No.10367753

I don't like reformers.

Reformers want to destroy what exists to create the world they believe is possible. They do this in spite of human nature to desire the fruits of their labor.

The bolsheviks ruined Russia. They denied outstanding effort and talent from being rewarded outstandingly.

The Maoist Chinese tried to make farmers smelt high quality steel for goodness sake.

I'm not just picking on Communists. Capitalism is clumsy and can provide ill-gotten gains to those who do evil. They just have to provide SOMETHING of value in order to have some sort of power.

>> No.10367761
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found the brainlet

>> No.10367765

if a whole country needs to pick up and move, people will die. we're not talking a trickle of people with time to prepare for a journey moving through a country that barely notices their presence, we're talking a wave of people overwhelming everything in their path from healthcare services to food supply chains.

we should absolutely accept any climate refugees who come to us, just as we should accept any other refugees. but if too many people come at once, they might overwhelm the systems in place no matter how welcoming we are. until we beef up our systems to handle the influx of people, the best way to prevent unnecessary disease and death is to not create the situation that made them migrate in the first place.

>> No.10367766

What are you, some kind of Stalinist? What about the "freedom" of health insurance companies to profit off the suffering and sickness of the people?

>> No.10367770

I don't know. My answer is "probably about as much as it costs to transmit conventional fossil fuel power."

>> No.10367771
File: 138 KB, 1000x1130, Blank+_ce421171f23cf70c3f4af22dc6e2a76b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bolsheviks ruined Russia.

>> No.10367780

If only. We desperately need some communism in this country.

>> No.10367781

>we're not talking a trickle of people with time to prepare for a journey moving through a country that barely notices their presence, we're talking a wave of people overwhelming everything in their path from healthcare services to food supply chains.

That is absolutely not what is happening or has happened with American or European immigration.

We can't beef up our "systems" now. That's why the US tries to regulate the rate of immigration and attempts to punish those who break those regulations.

>the best way to prevent unnecessary disease and death is to not create the situation that made them migrate in the first place.
The reason these countries suffer is from corruption and overpopulation. Places like Africa are fruitful enough to provide the entire world with enough food and resources to run. Despite heavy western influence, the entire continent is suffering and degenerating. The west coast imploded after colonization, then the east coast and now the southern coast.

Global warming may be a contribution, but the political atmosphere from impoverished countries are the major reason why people must evacuate.

>> No.10367782
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Read it. it's only 14 pages.

It's pretty much saying let's
> transition to green tech to address climate change
> be the world leader in green tech to corner the market and add jobs
> invest in ourselves through public transportation, infrastructure, and health care
> make sure things are transparent and the public has a stake in owning what comes about
> ensure access to clean water, food, air, and the environment

these are all good things

I think nuclear still has a place, but right now people are still sensitive to it. Research should be dumped into it to build better, safer reactors. We really need to get our shit together about disposal though, Yucca Mountain suffering from NIMBY


We need to drag them kicking and screaming. They'll benefit ultimately from it, and I don't expect them to say thank you, but fuck em.

Didn't say the first three bullets. 5 will be the doozy, but I'm game. More efficient buildings will spur the economy and save money at the same time.

It's a realistic move in the right direction


>> No.10367783

>The bolsheviks ruined Russia.
Russia before they started with it was a feudal shithole.
Russia after they were done with it was a space faring nuke yielding nation, 2nd only to the US.

>> No.10367787

If the conservashits had not tarnished the debate with their racism, immigration would be less of a controversial issue.
Even Bernie Sanders said that open borders is a stupid anti-worker policy.
But then you elected Trump, lit up those torches and started calling for a Race War you fucked it all up.

>> No.10367789


I'm not trying to start a discussion with a retard, so fuck off

>> No.10367794

What racism?

>> No.10367798

It's very obvious that all these kike shills being all
>muh nuclear
are reading off a script.
This has been a long time coming.
Nuclear fission has not changed.
There is no reason to believe it is any more of a solution today than it was 15 years ago.
It still has massive problems.
People shilling for it are clearly trying to disrupt solar and wind, because solar and wind actually fucking work and there is no ifs and buts about it.

>> No.10367803

The only thing congress is good at is wasting money. Take as much money as you like none of those grand ideas would ever come to fruition.

>> No.10367804
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>> No.10367805


>> No.10367807

What is your point? They had an 50 year long economic disaster after feudalism officially ended.

>> No.10367808

Trump himself at the SOTU?

>> No.10367817

>The abolition of serfdom also gave the country’s economic development a big boost, particularly private industrial production and agriculture. By the start of the twentieth century, Russia had become the biggest grain producer in the world. It had increased its amount of cropland, started using modern agricultural machinery, and developed agronomic science and sales of agricultural production.

>Industrial development benefited particularly strongly from the abolition of serfdom. In the thirty years following the reforms, the number of hired workers increased five-fold and the number of industrial enterprises doubled. The number of towns in Russia tripled from 1863 to 1897. By 1900, Russia became second in the world in industrial growth, following only the United States.

>> No.10367818

Got any references for that statement? Like any at all? Any, even a children's

>> No.10367820

Those children were approached by that man. Do you think its weird an old man approached a group of children and began to combatively sing and play ethnic music in offense to their racial majority and political views? Do you also think its weird that children, as a large group, would test someone's fortitude when approached by them combatively?

>> No.10367823

"big boost" is tautological when you switch away from feudalism.
But it fails to mention that vast majority of people had their living standards deteriorate, even compared to feudalism. Many ended up with neither land/home nor jobs. Others ended up inundated rents and taxes.
And all this is completely irrelevant to my original point that Russia did in fact experience continuous steep growth under communism and ended up in a much better position then before.
So do me a favour, take that propaganda up your ass and go fuck yourself.

>> No.10367824

>Russia before they started with it was a feudal shithole.
>Russia after they were done with it was a space faring nuke yielding nation, 2nd only to the US.

These are the facts that are indisputable and that you cannot deal with.

>> No.10367825

Irrelevant because by 1930, the USSR was first in the world in industrial growth.

Despite the economic growth during Czarism, they still did nothing to alleviate mass poverty, illiteracy, and disease among the peasantry.

>> No.10367829

Racist kid is wearing racist hat with his racist buddy kids and you're trying to convince me that don't joke about the Race War? Who are you trying to fool?
His rich Jew mum can pay as many PR firms as she wants. What happened was pretty obvious.

>> No.10367837

You've given up already. Join the wholly nuclear church, and build upward, or die.

>> No.10367839

and look at them now

>> No.10367844

Yes, they would have been better if they never transitioned away from communism.

>> No.10367846

>The are facts that can not be backed up with a simple google search

Thanks for trying

>> No.10367847

Russia became a shithole as soon as they switched from socialism to capitalism. They used to produce more scientific research than any other country. Now the main things they are known for is cp, video game botting, and dashcam videos.

>> No.10367849

If you think the hat is racist, then we are at an ideological stand still

>> No.10367851


>> No.10367852

Russia was a shithole as soon as they switched to socialism, which was quickly switched to "communism"

>> No.10367854

Imagine being such an insecure pathetic faggot that you have to argue in bad faith even when you are an anonymous anon on the Internet.
What's the point?

>> No.10367856

switched is a nice way to say collapsed

>> No.10367859

The undertone of the Trump's campaign was white supremacy. The hat is a symbol, but everyone who wears it knows exactly what message they are sending to others.

>> No.10367865

Sure, if you want to call it that I have no problem with that.
It collapsed a century into the future. Your original assertion completely falsified.

>> No.10367866

But isn’t that just reality... all great scientists and mathematicians in history have literally all been white males

>> No.10367869

That's beyond the point.
People can see a problem with immigration, but we are not going to support racism or stand along side racists.

>> No.10367874

Ahh so the kids are the racist but not the black Hebrew Israelites who believe white Jews are “khazars” and that the true Jews are African Americans?

>> No.10367878

>>10367847 the Soviet Union believed in bullshit like lysenkoism that lead to starvation of millions. They were no were near as scientifically productive as America at that time

>> No.10367881

The Soviet Union also outlawed genetics. Yeah they definitely were all about science

>> No.10367884

The problem with the kids being racist is that it shows how backwards towards the horrible past this country has descended.

>> No.10367886

American in 2019 does not believe in climate change and is literally the main reason we cannot do shit about it.
Stupidity at such scales has always existed.

>> No.10367899

So an old man abruptly walks up to a group of children, based on their garb and race, and challenges them, but the children instead challenge the old man's resolve. That makes the children racist because of his skin color?

You are deluded.

>> No.10367901

>So an old man abruptly walks up to a group of children, based on their garb and race, and challenges them
Never happened.

>> No.10367920

If they weren't wearing racist MAGA hats and shouting and laughing at him.
If they had just let him be instead of obscuring his path.
Then nobody would have bothered them.

>> No.10367921


“In the midst of our cheers, we were approached by a group of adults led by Nathan Phillips, with Phillips beating his drum,” the student told the news station. “They forced their way into the center of our group. We initially thought this was a cultural display since he was beating along to our cheers and so we clapped to the beat.

“However, after multiple minutes of Mr. Phillips beating his drum directly in the face of my friend (mere centimeters from his nose), we became confused and started wondering what was happening. It was not until later that we discovered they would incriminate us as a publicity stunt,” the student continued.

He and other attendees noted that while there was name-calling and racist slurs being thrown around, it didn’t come from Covington Catholic High School.

“To reiterate, we did not partake in any physical or verbal abuse,” the student said. “After that initial occurrence, we were then verbally assaulted by four or five African-American men who called us ‘faggots’ and berated one of our African-American students for being friends with us. The truth needs to come out.”

This could just be a case of he-said-they-said, except there is video that appears to confirm this much more measured version of events.

One piece of footage in particular directly contradicts the claim of Nathan Phillips, the Native American man, who according to The Post insisted that he felt “threatened” by the teens and was “swarmed” by the Catholic group.

>> No.10367929

>muh PR firm scripted article

>> No.10367936
File: 73 KB, 962x502, Bias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs to go to >>>/pol/ or >>>/trash/

>> No.10367943

>private Catholic school kids
>were red MAGA caps
Literally zero chance that they were not harassing everybody. All this damage control is pathetic. Ultimately they cannot prove shit, but it is rather obvious what was happening.
source: ex-alumni of such a school

>> No.10367947

Trump just said in a speech that a great moment was the abolition of civil rights - MAGA is "great again", blatantly racist.

>> No.10367961
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OP here. Why is this thread turning political? There's already dozens of threads about it in /pol/. I want to know the science point of view.

>> No.10367971


It's impossible to escape partisan shitflinging. And beyond that you also have lots of lobbies even on the Dem side who are anti-climate change action and/or anti-economic reform.

She and her faction have a lot of enemies. Impossible to avoid the politics.

>> No.10367978

>Start's a thread about a politician making a political proposal on a topic debated politically.
>Why is this thread turning political?
You started it.

>> No.10367982
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NOVA-sytle documentaries summarizing current thought in research on planetary science (with zero political or commercial input) should be a part of NASA's mission

>> No.10367992

You are the retard.

>> No.10367998

Cool script, are you smart enough to get paid to regurgitate these talking points or do you do it for free?
There is nothing in the rhetoric you've been told to adopt and parrot instead of thinking by the entertainment and marketing that you mistake for information that explains away a bunch of kids doing tomahawk motions at an old native man.

>> No.10368002
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>oh look, its a politician with utopian ideas but no way of actually doing them.
This isn't so much about building a better world as it is limiting the damage to the world we already have.

>> No.10368026

>weather isn't climate!
>posts pictures of weather

>> No.10368034
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>concave donut Earth

>> No.10368043

It's king tide

>> No.10368092

lol if this is the kind of people Americans vote into office, it's fucking over for you guys. There's decades of collapse just around the corner...

>> No.10368102

i think they put fukushima near the ocean on purpose actually.
the last resort for cooling was massive seawater inlets connected to the reactor plant, located below the low tide waterline, and then lowered some more just for good measure. but the tsunami was of a record size, and it drew the sea back so far the inlets were uncovered.

>> No.10368180

>printing $40 trillion
kek that will just make the poor even poorer.
so progressive

>> No.10368201

All of that is just a Simple Resolution for the House. It doesn’t turn anything into law. The Resolution looks very much like a draft.

>> No.10368218

Look at her district, this is basically the future of the US as it's becomes more non-white. Literal commie morons like this will get elected and will actively seek ways to fuck up the country and everyone else's lives, and the non-whites will continue to vote for them.

>> No.10368225

fuck off, bootlicker

>> No.10368232

we got trump. would you be surprised if the next president kamacho would be this retard?

>> No.10368255

Trump wants to spend 5 billion on a wall. Cortez wants to spend 40 trillion. It's not at all comparable.

>> No.10368258

We need solutions and we need them NOW.

Good to see some actually good politicians who care.

>> No.10368261
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It’s like a 12 year old coming up with ideas for a space ship. Fucking unreal that someone this stupid could get elected to Congress. She’s like the right’s GWB.

>> No.10368269

She's more like Palin, except worse because there are people out there that actually take her seriousy, not to mention this mongoloid is likely to continue to get re-elected because her district is 80% non-white.

>> No.10368338

both memes

If you really wanted a job, you should major in EE & specialize in Solar Panels meme instead.

>> No.10368348

>world-level extinction problem
>someone proposing we spend a lot of money to fix said problem
>people getting mad it costs too much to save everyone’s lives
The absolute state of global capitalism

>> No.10368350

Yeah, I'd let the headboard take care of that.

>> No.10368359

>5 billion
that would have been just the first payment
more like 60, and what building project ever stayed within estimations...
After it would be ready, more billions just to maintain it.

>> No.10368395

>world-level extinction problem
>lets shoehorn unrelated leftist political talking points into the proposed solution instead of concentrating on the issue at hand

If this was really about climate change, then it would be limited to supporting renewable AND nuclear, and electric cars.

>> No.10368398

>AND nuclear
Wrong, nuclear is a dead end
>and electric cars
Which already rely on government funding

>> No.10368407

and every dollar would return tenfold once climate mass migrations of low IQ equatorial genetic stock begin

>> No.10368410

>Wrong, nuclear is a dead end
Debatable. We have yet to see a modern economy run on renewables, ignoring nuclear is a risk we cannot afford.

>> No.10368424

Global warming isn't going to make humans go extinct you fucking morons. Even if crop yields go down we are still going to top out at like 12 billion people. Why the fuck do people think global warming is going to make the earth uninhabitable it was 8c warmer when modern mammals emerged and the earth was almost completely covered in forests you freaking fricks

>> No.10368433

Nuclear is not an option.

Cars even electric ones pollute the environment.

We need real actual green solutions and those involve drastic cut on emissions and pollution, as well as focusing infrastructure on clean public transport and bicycles for personal use.

>> No.10368458
File: 50 KB, 610x690, you have no power here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green deal
>ban nuclear
you have no power here.jpg

>>10367382 >>10367421 >>10367470 >>10367477 >>10367479 >>10367482 >>10367539 >>10367579 >>10368398 >>10368410 >>10368433

>> No.10368471

Page 3 and 4 statements are at times contradictory or plain false. That alone should invalidate the document. Also, who the FUCK publishes a document using xml?

>> No.10368494

>Global warming isn't going to make humans go extinct you fucking morons

>planet gets warmer
>planet keeps getting warmer
>planet trapped in a cycle of getting warmer by virtue of getting warmer
>further warmth
are you implying that there is no level of warmth that general humanity cant survive? what are you saying here? at some point there will be mass exinction, maybe not soon(tm) but theoretically unless you deny global warming there will be a point where this happens

>> No.10368500

Just buy yourself a cheap AC dumbass.

>> No.10368527

>Nuclear is not an option.

Literal brainlet opinion.

>> No.10368529

yes that’s the solution to the continuous global warming of the entire planet

give everyone AC


>> No.10368535

the greenhouse effect is decelerating. quit peddling so much fear and maybe people would listen more

>> No.10368538

Women should not be in politics

>> No.10368555

Environmentalism has become the new means of socialist oppression. Now to be clear, I don't think we shouldn't save the planet. But its quite obvious that "saving the environment" has become a go to excuse to implement all kinds of overreaching government policies. They are trying to frame disagreement with them with disagreement with "science".

>> No.10368556

God tier opinion

>> No.10368567


It must be a bliss being sooo ignorant.

>> No.10368575

Do you really think having such a high onions intake is good for your long term health?

>> No.10368580

Yes clearly massive taxation and trusting the government to spend it wisely is clearly the option. Truly the government has such a good track record.

>> No.10368583

can you source where you seem to think onions are bad for you so[math][/math]yboy

>> No.10368585

redpill... global warming will cause crop yields to go up

>> No.10368587

Because all the adults lie, steal and accept bribes instead of doing their fucking jobs?

>> No.10368596

>hurr lets use renewable energy hurr
>hurr high speed rail
HSR is basically liberal version of the military industrial complex, and renewable energy has never reduced emission anywhere in the world. Who thought it was a good idea to have uneducated morons in charge of actual countries?