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10367147 No.10367147 [Reply] [Original]

Brainlet here
Is global warming a real thing?
It seems like there is giant retards on both sides of whether it exists or not, so I have no clue what to believe

>> No.10367163

>It seems like there is giant retards on both sides of whether it exists or not, so I have no clue what to believe

How did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.10367165

climate change is real but not caused by humans. humans just speed it up. ravioli is delicious.

>> No.10367180

science is not a democracy, consensus means nothing

>> No.10367205

Basically yes.

>> No.10367286

Climate change is real and caused by humans. Here's NASA's website on it https://climate.nasa.gov/ , let the evidence convince you. If you still can't accept it then, I don't know what to tell you. This is not a political issue, no matter how hard conservatives and the alt-right try to spin it. Scientists, literally every major country but the US, and even the Pentagon agree that climate change is a huge threat we ourselves caused.

>> No.10367488

>"is not a political issue"
>spews political garbage
Go away, giant retard.

>> No.10367490

Climate change is real and caused by humans. Spread lies on /pol/.

>> No.10367496

>>spews political garbage

Where did he do that, little one? The scientific community has been warning about climate change for decades now.

>> No.10367497

lmao only in burgerland is this an actual topic for debate. the debate in non-meme countries is about what to do about the climate change, not if it exists.

>> No.10367507

Oil state ran by plutocrats.

>> No.10367527

Yes but the outcomes will be higher food prices, more expensive real estate, massive refugee crisis, possible nuclear war.
However, the consequences of widespread pesticide use: massive insect kill, might cause the next extinction event. Its gonna be a wild ride kid.

>> No.10367540

>might cause the next extinction event.

We’ve already started one

>> No.10367565


>> No.10367638

>it's caused by humans
so you're saying the climate on earth was always the same and would stay the same when humans wouldn't exist?

>> No.10367658

Climate change is real.
Everyone in the world knows it.
The USA acts as if it isn't real, because its whole economy is based on petrol.
The US dollar is the world's reserve currency because of petrol.
The minute we switch to sustainable energy sources, the American economy will collapse.
So you can see why there is a problem here.

>> No.10367680

>fakes moon landing
>fakes climate data
>please give us more money

>> No.10367701
File: 8 KB, 443x750, everyone_shut_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch these, and stop squabbling like children. Something needs to be done, before us, our children and our children can't live on this planet anymore:
All studies used are linked in the description of the video.
If you are not willing to watch these videos, which are spoonfeeding you studies, then you are not conscientiously interested or worried, and as such, have no right to avow or disavow.
All your questions, and so-called "arguments" (also known as opinions) will be answered in these videos without fail.

Now, I'm tired of these climate change denying threads, stop posting them, until you're actually informed.

>> No.10367705

>This is not a political issue
What do you mean it's not a political issue?
It's exactly what it is. A political and economic issue.
Otherwise we would have solved it already.

>> No.10367707

>>10367705 see >>10367701.
I told you to shut up, read and then watch. Then, and only then, you may post again.

>> No.10368326

>"Climate change" propaganda in full swing.
No, you shut up with your lies.

>> No.10370215

Climate change isnt just one thing
There are many types

>> No.10370217

what exerts more effect on earth:
a smatter of humans
the sun (1.3 million times more mass than earth)

>> No.10370225
File: 30 KB, 319x375, kimbo_sliced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*pins against wall*
Listen here, kid, you're going to watch those videos, or you're not going to pos-... Hey, don't look away from me, you piece of shit!
>*jabs in the vagus nerve, you go into syncope*
>*drag you over to the chair*
>*ties you to the chair with clothes, puts a sock in your mouth as a gag*
>*puts on the videos for you, then splashes a bucket of iced water over you to wake you up*]

>> No.10370240

Nope. Chinese hoax.

>> No.10370247

>>10370240 see >>10367701.

>> No.10370296


>> No.10370353

Yep watched them. Not one of them had a single convincing argument.
Climate change is a conspiracy, created by the whole world to destabilize US economy.

>> No.10370365

Well, I guess you should probably seek some help:
Here you go, little buddy.

>> No.10370382

Nice argument. Very convincing.
But I'd expect nothing more from a shill.

>> No.10370383

Well, the climate has always been changing. The political term "global warming" was "global cooling" not too long ago, it's better to say that the climate is simply changing to a more "extreme" climate depending on where you live on this ball. Whether or not it's caused by humans doesn't matter, the planet and life itself have survived numerous calamities (both exterior and interior influence). Whatever the outcome may be, politicians will try their best to tax you for fuckall, because their salaries depend on it.

>> No.10370409

You should also take climate models from other countries and compare them. For example, take American, Russian, and the EU's climate model's, and after looking at each of them, look at each countries say in these matters.

>> No.10370413
File: 13 KB, 281x283, smug_anime_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a plenty convincing argument you disregarded on personal opinion, the burden of proof is now on you. I can just insult you until my heart is content, as I've already made my argument, which you haven't rebutted.

>> No.10370420

Dude, America doesn't even pollute that much, and in addition to that even though america didn't join that gay french green deal, we have been much more successful in lowering pollutants % wise than any country that joined that dumb deal.

>> No.10370427

Quite right, it's mostly those countries like Indonesia, where they literally just drop all of their rubbish into the rivers and lakes, and wonder why their water quality is just... beyond toxic.

>> No.10370429

I love this kind of post.
Went on a /art/ thread and someone drew a virtual abusive father whipping me with a belt.

>> No.10370433

Are you some kind of masochist?

>> No.10370447

you didn't provide any arguments.
You just listed a bunch of youtube videos.
So my counter-argument is just google climate change is fake and when you read all the 90,000,000 results, then we can talk.

>> No.10370455

Since the "solution" is massive taxation, how about the fucking and industrialists who pushed this fucking abhorrent consumer culture foot the bill?

>> No.10370457

Yeah America doesn't pollute you are right.
It's all those under-developed countries that do.
I wonder who owns the factories that operate there...

And btw my main argument wasn't that America pollutes, is that America derives it's economic strength from the petrodollar. If the oil industry collapses, then the dollar will stop being the world's global currency.

>> No.10370461

One is physically impossible, the other requires only 144 minutes of dedication, if you really care about the issue that much.
Or just 10 minutes of dedication to watch the first video, and get the basic gist.
Although, you said you already watched them? You lied? So, how do I know I can trust anything you say?

>> No.10370462

Nah just find it funny

>> No.10370473

To qualify that, I'm going to assume each article takes around 5 minutes to read.
So, that's:
That's 450,000,000 minutes.
There are about 525,600 minutes a year.
That's 856 years, which is physically possible.
That is about 10.7 human lifespans, assuming I start reading at age 0, which is unlikely.

>> No.10370475


>> No.10370506

lmao I'm not gonna waste 144 minutes of my life watching some dumb propaganda.
I already know what they are gonna say.

>> No.10370536

I bet you've already wasted 144 minutes of your life watching Steven Crowder, or Black Pigeon Speaks, or any of those meme-tier so-called "political Youtubers".
Heck, you've probably even wasted a comparable amount of time shitposting on 4chan today, alone.
If you aren't tha passionate, then you should stop discussing the subject, because you aren't willing to even make an attempt to understand it.
Also, how is it propaganda, when the studies used are cited in the description?
Hey, here's an idea, if you don't want to watch the video, because you think it is propagand. Then go and read the studies, they're rigorous.

>> No.10370571

I just don't believe these so-called studies of yours.
There is no proof.
They are making up everything. I can make a study, pull a few numbers out of my ass and say anything I want.
Doesn't prove shit.

>> No.10370597

I don't think you know what peer review is.
They perform the same experiments conducted in the study, in attempts to disprove it.
If you can't disprove it, then the data is representative of the phenomena measured.

>> No.10370618

relax, m8. >>10370571 is just a troll or a retard. Neither is worth your time. Thanks for the potholer links, though. I'll be reposting it in every denial-retards thread I see.

>> No.10370624

>Thanks for the potholer links, though. I'll be reposting it in every denial-retards thread I see.
That's man, I'm so tired of these /pol/tards polluting every other 4chan board, even SFW ones like /sci/, since 2015 and the mods seem to do jack shit to curb this.
I miss pre-2015 /sci/, in which you could actually discuss things. Sure, there were some shitposts, but certainly not the level it is at today.

>> No.10370828

I am also split on the issue but i think it is more complex than jist one side being right. The majority of scientists agree that climate change is real("majority" is under contention) but people are arguing if man made climate change is a big deal. Carbon in the atmosphere is not at the same rate as temperature growth(again under contention). Both sides have somewhat creditable arguments but i think calling the other side retarded is unproductive. Another big point science is not a democracy. Just because the majority of people believe in something does not mean it is right. It is better to take a objective look at both sides and keep a openmind.

>> No.10370883

It’s cold as fuck right now.

>> No.10370893

you’re stupid
see above
niggers are dumb, get over it

>> No.10370965

Incapable of taking anything at face value and getting triggered at the truth, Classic anon.

>> No.10370967

Thank you. ffs.