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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10360462 No.10360462 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10360467

Serre RIP.

>> No.10360475

So when climate change coming?

>> No.10360477
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>Meanwhile in actual 2100 /sci/ in the West
Don't forget, mostly brown people too.

>> No.10360480

>my 10 year old son still can't grasp IUT

Where did it all go wrong bros

>> No.10360488
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what do you guys think forests smelled like

>> No.10360495

>he fell for the propaganda

They never existed lol. There's no way there was ever enough water on earth's biosphere to support """""""forests"""""""

>> No.10360539

>my parents didn't edit my genes in vivo and now I can't build muscle
There's still hope for me, right anons?
also, Anyone know when Dopamine Shot Centurion Edition comes out for the Nintendo Link?
>he fell for the "gene editing is bad" meme

>> No.10360548

you guys ready for JWST to launch?

>> No.10360566

Yes! And the maiden launch of the SLS too!

>> No.10360604

Man, the world sure is better without any white men in it. I sure am glad our beloved overlords killed them all.

>> No.10360608

DM-1 is only around the corner too!

>> No.10360669

Man, it's really too bad the oceans have practically boiled off. Why did we do all that climate engineering back in the day, causing ecological collapse? Why didn't they stop it?

>> No.10360735

White people are a myth.

>> No.10360930
File: 98 KB, 413x599, e947447ef57cef67b058bb92f057b7cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't forget, mostly brown people too.
browns made civilisation you cumskinned halfwit

pic related took pigskins 4 millennia to develop after the Egyptians had finished the pyramids

>> No.10361030

>tfw 105 years old
>tfw kept alive by cutting edge technology only to post on 4chan

>> No.10361378
File: 784 KB, 1024x576, 9EE20BCC-0B2D-4B8C-BCF4-5FC6D8703F09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we forgot how to make ZPM

>> No.10361413

Can you fucking believe that economists thought that long run aggregate supply in general equilibrium models tended toward a single static point? Thank fucking we've finally gathered enough data with digitized data gathering infrastructure to get enough statistical power for econometric methods to dispel that myth

>> No.10361419

Only 5 more years until Musk lands on mars!

>> No.10361420

Oh man! Nuclear Fusion is gonna be sweeeeeeet! They say that they are only 50 years away from a net positive reactor.

>> No.10361424

It's so nice to see some good games after the EA Crash destroyed the industry. CoD: Black Ops L is actually not trash guys!

>> No.10361425
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>lowered my IQ to 80 the other day just to see what of felt like
>suddenly happier

>> No.10361432

This will finally be the year they have evidence for String Theory!

>> No.10361438

What's the best way to make a roach bar taste good? Anyone remember prime rib?

>> No.10361448

>prime rib
Whats that? Is that another iMeme®?

>> No.10361472
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Its not an autistically designed society or city from the sim city franchise based on the design of a swastika

>> No.10361482

Is it now time for the year of the Linux desktop?

>> No.10361504

>be 100+
>post yfw you realize you aren't going to reach age escape evelocity

>> No.10361957
File: 188 KB, 640x1136, BCD00564-3D4B-421C-BF68-043089EDF39D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made a million on sale of Polish apples to North American Union, should I buy some NeoHuman slaves for my plantation at Mazowsze?

>> No.10362184

>still can't build muscle

Kill me already

>> No.10362197

No gardens, forests, or wildlife. Disgusting.

>> No.10362248

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.

>> No.10362252


>> No.10362255

This anon knows what's up. Current demographic projections put 50% of the worlds population at 2100 as Sub Saharan African. Global intelligence is going to plummet. The world is literally fucked.

>> No.10362269

This guy

>> No.10362293
File: 319 KB, 1100x733, web_GB_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real future cities will be super green. Like Singapore.

>> No.10362336

Born in 1989. I won't see 2100, will I?

>> No.10362536


>> No.10362543

Too bad you won't be extinct so the world can know peace.

>> No.10362547

You called it.

>> No.10362554

Yes Egyptians were white. Just as Jews are natives of Israel.
You're both larping losers.
Once you stand in the Egyptian sun without getting skin cancer I'll believe you

>> No.10362641

Nope, congratulations on being in one of the last generations to have an average lifespan under 100.
I'm in the same boat but at least we will statistically live longer than anyone else in history.

>> No.10362666

1 != 0.999...

>> No.10362711

>the world can know peace
10 IQ post.

>> No.10362727

Haha good troll and nice trips /b/ro! You win all my le internet XD

>> No.10362769

Maybe Singapore will look like that, but the west will look like: >>10360477 I guess it is green either way.

>> No.10362771

Singapore won't have hordes of Africans roaming through its streets.

>> No.10362889

Yes they will. Their population will drop and then they'll import people from Africa (their homeland). Every muslim is a BLACK african and Singapore is 20% muslim.

>> No.10362931

Anyone got a link to a pdf of Wildberger's Algebraic Calculus 9th edition? I am so glad Dr. Wildberger proved ZFC inconsistent in 2020.

>> No.10363002

As stated in numerous threads, the Martian models for terraforming aren't a perfect analog for Earth. It may be a few more decades before the United Nations Climate Reclamation project shows any progress. They only deployed the second orbital solar shade this year.

>> No.10363025
File: 507 KB, 819x975, tech_priest_by_momoisdrug-d611yku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By The Omnissiah, that war was fucking horrific.

>> No.10363044

Are we in the dark age of technology?

>> No.10363061
File: 783 KB, 3630x1615, finno korean hyperwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10363334

This is my second favorite /his/ meme.

>> No.10363623
File: 188 KB, 1280x850, 20180708ar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Also pic related is what most of the large urban clusters will look like in 2100.

>> No.10363654

Jews won't let this happen. They will flood the world with low-IQ niggers.

>> No.10363658


>> No.10363663

This. We are literally heading to a Nigger Apocalypse.

>> No.10363668


>> No.10363735

The average nigger IQ is 70.
They will be the majority in 2100.
Mankind is doomed.

>> No.10363908

Don't get stuck bagholding this shitplanet. Buy into Mars while it's still cheap.

>> No.10363930

Jokes on you. I'm going to be an administrative technician on one of the orbital greenhouses, with some mutated space cubensis that I sell to the space trucker doing the titan run, because in space, every market is black.

>> No.10363944

Correct. People fear a zombie apocalypse but a nigger apocalypse would be even worse.

>> No.10363945

When I look at Europe I want to see black people.

>> No.10364018
