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10362484 No.10362484 [Reply] [Original]

How to avoid sleep paralysis?

I know you should sleep on your side. Does any type of sleep medication help?

I so scared to go to sleep

>> No.10362490

you will eventually laugh at demons. They are edgelords. If you will show them how embrassing they are you will make it go away.

100% science frien

>> No.10363080
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mine stopped after some time, I also took vit d3, seems to help.
I would be so scared, I would wait all night till 7AM in the morning to get super tired and fall asleep. I feel you OP

>> No.10363089

Pack a gat under your pillow, Vorkorak will never know what hit him!

>> No.10363096

Mine also just stopped, but I nevwr got than that bad, sometimes got paralysed but only once ever halosonated during it, saw a black shadow and a realy demonic voice said "and then there's the Chicago demon" (I'm not even from there), then I jerked awake. Slept with the blanket over my hear for like a month hafter that.

>> No.10363100

Why would you want to avoid it? Just don't open your eyes and you won't be scared. It's also really easy to enter a lucid dream from sleep paralysis, just don't move and keep your eyes closed until you enter a dream

>> No.10363125

its not that bad after awhile. my first like 15 sleep paralysis were REALLY bad like terrifying, and they still kind of are but once you realize that you can just keep your eyes closed and control your breathing until it goes away then its just a waiting game

the real problem is when you get it you cant go right back to sleep afterwards or you will just keep getting it again and again like a blue screening computer you have to wake up and chill for awhile calm down and then go back to bed

>> No.10363180
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>first time you get sleep paralysis vs being a seasoned tormentee

>> No.10363320

Isn't it a form of panic attack? Can be treated as such.

>> No.10363690

go beyond the mind state of fear. work through any issues you might have too

>> No.10364055

Proper, consistent sleep.
And training yourself to not be swayed by it. When I enter it, I don't do anything but focus on breathing, I know if I try to move it will be scary and painful. The attempt triggers fear, which makes you mindlessly try as hard as you can, which hurts and induces more fear.

>just a waiting game

>> No.10364068

I don't know man I had a version of it bad for years but for me it was like I was spinning around in a dark tornado

>> No.10364233


This is how you cure sleep paralysis:

1. Drink plenty of electrolytes. This means cut the soda and sugary juices.

2. Lift weights and do aerobic exercise. Your muscles will work normally.

3. Don't eat before bed. Don't think about having sex before bed. You should just let your mind think about normal things. Don't worry so much.

If you don't do any of these things and still get paralyzed, do this: Breathe fast. Your blood will get oxygenated and your brain will signal your body to get up. Don't worry. You won't suffocate during sleep paralyses. That is what everyone is afraid of. Unless you're morbidly obese, you won't have trouble waking up after 5-10 seconds, maybe less. But if you're reeeeally tired, you should just keep breathing and go back to sleep. You'll wake up in 2 hours.

>> No.10364933

Sleep paralysis is normal. It is so you don't move about while sleeping. People who sleep walk or start hitting or kicking means it isn't working properly.

The problem is not the paralysis, it is you becoming aware of it. I have a full proof way to fight it. Be aware of your choice. That is it. Just be aware and exercise your free will. Don't panic, just the next time it happens you have to make a choice on what to do.

>> No.10365086

Only happens to me when it's really hot. Usually because I had too much clothes on under the blanket.

>> No.10365099

Dont worry the demons cant pass physically into our realm, they can only enter your dreams.

>> No.10365132

I always get one when either:

1. I fall asleep on my back

2. I go to bed late (say 2 AM), then I wake up in the morning (say 6 AM), but I don't get up and go back to sleep

>> No.10365137

>It's also really easy to enter a lucid dream from sleep paralysis
unfortunately it's just as easy to enter a sleep paralysis from lucid dream