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10357511 No.10357511 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with OCD? So I live my life extremely healthy. I walk/run, drink coffee, take fish oil, eat fish, fruits, vegetables, take vitamin D and multivitamin. I feel amazing in every way except for I have terrible OCD that controls my life.

There's this book called Brain Grain that says grains/carbs (even whole grains) actually can cause mental illness because a lot of people are sensitive to gluten and wheat/rye/etc. without realizing it,. It also causes inflammation in the brain, etc. And I do eat quite a bit of carbs. I've read many stories/posts of people who got rid of their OCD by doing keto.

But it makes me wonder, how is the mediterranean diet so healthy and how are the people so healthy if they eat tons of grains? You never hear about OCD or any other mental illness over there. The book even said to avoid carbs like rice and potatoes even though they don't have gluten which I don't get either.

>> No.10357515

*Grain Brain, not Brain Grain

>> No.10357597

It's bollocks. Gluten avoidance was the fad diet of 2017/8 and a lot of people wrote books cashing in on the schmucks that fall for such nonsense; the same will happen this year with veganism. The "Mediterranean Diet™" is healthy because people in the Mediterranean aren't, my and large, gob stuffing behemoths like those in the UK and US. There's an easy way to find out if you're eating too much carbohydrate; cut down on them and record your results.

>> No.10357603

>except for I have terrible OCD that controls my life.
So maybe being physically healthy isn't going to sort out your OCD.

>> No.10357610

But the mediterranean diet still includes lots of whole grains.

But how would I be mentally healthy? Because many of the things I named is good for the brain too.

>> No.10357615
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>extremely healthy
>drink coffee
>fish oil
>vitamin D and multivitamin
>extremely healthy

>> No.10357622

Is that J-Hope? Also, what would you recommend then if those aren't healthy? You also ignored the fruits and vegetables.

>> No.10357623

>But the mediterranean diet still includes lots of whole grains.

And? Grains are not "unhealthy" per se. Is English not your first language btw?

>> No.10357627

>And? Grains are not "unhealthy" per se.
Then what are they? The point I was trying to make is that from what I've learned/researched, grains cause inflammation which in some people can lead to mental illness.

>Is English not your first language btw?
It is my first language, why do you ask?

>> No.10357628

He's probably going to hit you with some lunatic-level ascetic nonsense. Be warned.

>> No.10357640

I'm from Italy and people here are as mentally ill as the ones from other countries. Mental illness just has more stigma around it and no one talks about it.

>> No.10357641

>But how would I be mentally healthy
Redefine what you mean by healthy or live with it. You may become 'sub threshold' you may not. It's important to make your peace with that.

The book 'Freedom from obsessive compulsive disorder' is apparently good and goes over treatment options.

>> No.10357642

That strikes me as quack science. The causes of mental illness are less understood than quantum gravity; I'd need multiple meta-analyses to believe something as reductionist as that.

>It is my first language, why do you ask?
Because your second question in >>10357610 made zero sense.

Like I said, there's an easy answer to your question; engage in a ketogenic diet for a significant period. If your mental illness is ameliorated then your overconsumption of carbohydrates was likely a contributory factor.

>> No.10357667

>Because your second question in >>10357610 made zero sense.
You implied that the things I did only made me physically healthy, so I then asked what to do to be mentally healthy. I don't see how it doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I'm currently on day 2 of keto so I'll see how things go. I feel like my OCD has slightly improved but it also may be a placebo, who knows.

>> No.10357669


Your mind can perform better without it, but the withdrawal period will suck. Consider switching to green tea, if you must have caffeine.


Simply walking is far better. Later in life, your tendons and joint health will be much better if you aren't running a lot.

>fish oil

If you are already eating fish, choose oilier species instead of taking a supplement.

>vitamin D and multivitamin

Also, get these through your diet, not as supplements. You can have more control over your body through your diet this way. Don't leave that up to other people.

I also don't eat gluten-containing grains anymore. That alone was a massive help in feeling and moving better. I grow/raise most of my own food. The grains I do grow and eat are 3 types of corn and sorghum. My sugar comes from sorghum, maple syrup (27 trees tapped right now actually,) and honey from my hives. Though, I only have about 1-3 tablespoons a day at most from those.

>> No.10357682

That wasn't me but, more importantly, the wording of your question, and statement, made it seem like you were unfamiliar with English.

>> No.10357683

>Your mind can perform better without it
I thought about it, but coffee also has a lot of benefits. If you know something similar to coffee with no caffeine (besides decaf) I'll try it.
>Simply walking is far better.
Yeah, I mostly walk but every once in awhile I'll run.
>If you are already eating fish, choose oilier species instead of taking a supplement.
Do you know any good ones?

>> No.10357686

Ah alright. I usually just type responses pretty fast and hit submit so that's probably why.

>> No.10357687

Does anyone have a solution that isn't:
>eating healthy
I've tried these and they haven't worked, my symptoms are still pretty bad. The only thing that's managed to alleviate symptoms is marijuana, which isn't sustainable solution. My symptoms are bad enough to where I'm unable to focus on my coursework. I'm going to be trying therapy that's more explicitly OCD-focused but i'm skeptical that it will actually work.

>> No.10357689

OP here. You can try mindfulness/meditation. Other than that I don't know. Good luck with your OCD. I know what it's like and it's awful.

>> No.10357694

I understand. It makes people, including myself, simplify their responses though which is detrimental to clarity when discussing such nuanced topics.

>> No.10357702

How does cannabis combat your OCD? If the desired effects are found in the less psychoactive compounds then they could be consumed with minimal side effects.

>> No.10357710

not sure if CBD would work but its expensive.
with weed my OCD just goes away. so does my normal cognitive inflexability. it's like my brain is "unlocked." i can think creatively, i can use mental resources more effecticely, im more comfortable and less perfectionistic. my anhedonia also goes away and i can focus better and percieve my senses in greater detail. no longer have unwanted obsessive thoughts and no urge to perform compulsions.

>> No.10357724

The effects you're describing sound more like those of THC. That said, try CBD anyway; it would have to be very expensive indeed to not be worth it.

>> No.10357735

>If you know something similar to coffee with no caffeine (besides decaf) I'll try it.

Depends on what benefits you are looking for from coffee.

>oily fish species


>> No.10357861

>Can prevent brain decline/alzheimer's/etc.
>Can prevent inflammation

Mostly the first one, but the second is also preferable.

>> No.10357922


It is a hard case for coffee it seems. I can't imagine drinking 3-5 cups a day. I drink a single 2-cup mug once a week at most. I prefer green tea myself,


A great many plants in general also have similar properties, but are less studied.



As for an alternative that is in stores and as cheap as coffee or tea...well, like that will ever happen. lol

>> No.10358018

>Coffee 3-5 cups per day
I would love to do this because I love coffee, but too much seems to have an opposite effect on me. While most people get hyper and energetic on coffee (if they haven't built up a tolerance), it calms me down and helps me focus, where without it I'm really energetic. I used to drink 3 cups but it calmed me down so much that I never wanted to exercise or go running. I was too hyper without it though, so now I drink 1 cup per day.

Anyway, thanks for the links. I forgot there's also barley tea which is supposedly really healthy. I forgot the actual benefits but I'll have to look them up.

>> No.10358068
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You not only have OCD but you're also a moron to think not eating some bread is going to cure a metal illness.

You do not know anything about science. You are peddling anecdotal evidence. You sound like you know less about OCD than someone who read a wikipedia article. The questions you're asking are idiotic and easily googled. Alternative medicine doesn't do anything and relies on placebo. I'm not going to even go into the coffee/tea stupidity.

You have brain damage, and that brain damage culminated into a disorder that makes you obsessive and compulsive. We very well understand the modus operandi of OCD and how it can be treated. Your alternative medicine has no power, as it never does, beyond a sugar pill. Scientists must use a full body of evidence to support a claim. Cherry picking a few awful studies that show "not eating grain improves OCD" is idiotic and would never be taken seriously by reputable scientists. I'm so sick of alternative medicine schizos spamming their dumb threads here.

>> No.10358084


>> No.10358311

Dunning Kruger effect.

>> No.10358406 [DELETED] 

I have OCD
One of the most important realizations i had of OCD is that OCD stems from fear

fundamentally it's fear that drives you to act on your intrusive thoughts and to engage in compulsions to help mitigate this fear

the compulsions are counter-intuitive because you only legitimatize the thought and reinforce the idea it should be feared

humans aren't robots - we experience emotions and don't think/behave rationally 100% of the time

but it's something that you have to overcome, and the only way to do it is by facing your fears

anxious/easily-scared people will be more prone to have OCD so you just have to become tougher as an individual

it may come at a cost tho - i know when i was battling it, i was so distracted/anxious that i performed badly on tests and lost jobs. But you make those sacrifices so you can get better in the long-term.

Btw not all irrational behaviors are necessarily OCD - some may just be quirks or idiosyncrasies. For example, i would dress a lot better to work than i do but i dress for comfort because i find i have better focus when im more comfortable in the clothing i wear all day and i don't necessarily think that's OCD, as most of my colleagues look the same (i work in construction engineering).

Once you truly overcome it, you'll be an extremely stress-resistant/calm individual if not a bit robotic

>> No.10358660

Look moron, there is no distinction between glucose from corn, glucose from wheat, and the glucose running through your blood that you brain needs to survive.

Fad diets are fashion statements. Eat a well balanced meal in moderation.

Carbohydrates are necessary for proper brain function. Fats are necessary. Proteins are necessary. Vitamins and minerals are necessary. Eat regular ass food and you'll be fine. Keep exercising regularly. Take a biochemistry course

>> No.10358757

When you were in the womb your brain got all of its energy from ketones. Carbs are not necessary, if they were you would not exist.

>> No.10358822

What kind of stigma, like people not understanding a specific illness and just thinking the person is retarded by default?