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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10354389 No.10354389 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever met someone with a literal 160+ iq?

>> No.10354393

Does Jesus count?

>> No.10354399

Please tell us about your Jesus encounter.

>> No.10354405

I gots a 152. I'veI met Stephan Wolfram. He's a serious autist, fo sho.

>> No.10354426

>I gots a 152
what do you work/study on right now?
have you won any math Olympiads without studying for them
what did other people at school think of you?

>> No.10354431

I actually was involved in math Olympiads when I was a kid, up until high school. I was not really a nerd though. I was a funny kid. Didn't have many friends, but was a class clown sort of. I actually won the united negro college fund scholarship because I said I was black on my SATs. I'm not black. I went to Harvey Mudd college. Right now I'm unemployed. I was a heroin addict for a bunch of years after college. I'm considering suicide.

>> No.10354440

same anon again... I'd gladly trade 20-30 IQ points for better health/happiness.

>> No.10354455

The worst thing about high IQ is that, as a kid, you often get the sense that you don't have to work. That you'll just do well no matter what because you're gifted. Well... hard work is all that matters.

>> No.10354487

what did you get on your sat?

>> No.10354500

Here is a little story.
Throughout my life people told me I was stupid, teachers wanted to send me to the lowest school, etc.
I started working my ass off and received straight A+s for my Master's.
The intense work however fucked me up and now I live with anxiety.
Psychologist tested my IQ and it turns out I am "gifted".
Now, that I made it, it's because I'm smart, where the f*ck were they when I was dumb?? FML

>> No.10354504

Hahahaha high IQ fail.

>> No.10354523

1550 out of 1600
I think I probably could have gotten a 1600 if I "studied". IQ tests and TQ proxy tests like the SAT are difficult to "study" for, I know... but after the fact, during college, I worked for Kaplan Test prep as an SAT and LSAT tutor, and learned about some tricks that would have helped me.

>> No.10354526

Don't let others idiocy control you. Take it into account so that you can minimize the damage it causes and maximize success. This does not and should not require manipulation nor resentment. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Most of them mean well.

>> No.10354531

"TQ proxy"... I meant "IQ proxy"
that's not uncommon... in fact, the whole reason I was ever taken to get tested in the first place was because my teachers put me in a "speech class", which was code for "tard class" part of the day, and my parents were like "fuck this, he's not tarded". They found out I was gifted instead.

>> No.10354577

did anyone realize/get suspicious about a white person winning a black scholarship? Did you say you were black on your college apps as well? Why don't you think more people straight up lie like you did?

>> No.10354589

Oh no no no... they didn't let me keep it. I won it, and I actually got in trouble because of it. My vice principal called me down to the office and gave me 2 morning detentions for "misrepresenting myself". Also, Harvey Mudd is not a black college. It's one of the most prestigious colleges in the world that no one knows about.

Also... the UNCF is actually a government recognized charity... so they technically can't discriminate the way they do. So if I would have made a big stink about it, I would have probably been allowed to keep the money. It was like 4 thousand dollars though, not a huge amount.

>> No.10354593

I've heard about Harvey Mudd, but just to be clear was the award revoked? How did you get into HM then?

>> No.10354601

>you little faggot, why the fuck did you write that you were a nigger? Do you want people to think we let baboons in on prestigious Harvey Mudd?

>> No.10354608

Yes. It was horrific. Like looking at a holomorphic axiom of annulation in virtually any axis. No escape. Just calculation.

>> No.10354616

I applied. I had planned on going somewhere else, but I applied to HM on a whim because its like a dream college. Their admissions are crazy selective, but I got in. I had other scholarships that I had applied for due to other interests, SAT scores, etc... I was in clubs and stuff, and had a big portfolio of my own stuff I had written... a collection of the behavior, pictures, and population survey of the birds in my state. I was big into birds. And biology. And I built stuff. I wrote software. I was into investing. When I think back at all the shit I did in high school... it's depressing how much of an absolute failure I am now.

>> No.10354623
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smart people don't advertise or likely even know their IQ, because it's astoundingly stupid to try to collapse human intelligence down to a single number. only insecure faggots care (like MENSA members)

>> No.10354624


>> No.10354635

Eh. IQ is the single most well studied and understood aspect of human psychology. It correlates with just about every positive life outcome... creativity, musical talent, etc... they all are positively correlated with IQ. The idea that intelligence is too ephemeral to be quantified is simply not true.

What you're saying is appealing in some sense because there are those mediocre weirdos who hover around 120 or so who tend to be the ones most obsessed with THEIR OWN IQ... but to translate that into saying that all interest in IQ is just wrong.

>> No.10354637

Wtf were you on the end of a telekenitic ass whooping or something?

>> No.10354641

Check out the APA task force paper "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns" and the position paper "Mainstream Science on Intelligence", which was signed by over 50 of the world's experts in the field. For a start.

We know so much more about intelligence than most people realize.

>> No.10354654

What were your grades like in school? Especially high school.

>> No.10354665

Probably - its not like people wear government issued tags with their IQ written on them.

>> No.10354669

So IQ IS everything?
Now I'm scared to get tested

>> No.10354681
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>IQ is the single most well studied and understood aspect of human psychology. It correlates with just about every positive life outcome... creativity, musical talent, etc... they all are positively correlated with IQ.
a-anon I...

>> No.10354685

Initially, I had REALLY bad grades, which is why I went to get tested when I was younger. I was put in like tard classes and had terrible grades and was bad in school. By high school, I was still behaviorally bad-ish... but I got really good grades. Although I had a friend who was probably just as IQ-smart as I was... and he just didn't do anything and cruised by with Cs and Ds.

>> No.10354713

As someone whose IQ is likely around 120-125, cut us some slack. We're still geniuses compared to the general population. And though IQ is more important than bitter /sci/ brainlets will admit, it still isn't everything, and it's naïve to treat it as such.

>> No.10354726

You're right. I didn't mean it to be insulting, or mean it to be everyone with 120 or so. I actually think, despite everything... that my IQ has been a detriment. Like I said before, I kind of got this idea in my head that I didn't have to work, and I'd just do well in life. Well... honestly, the people who were like 120-130 are the ones who are the most successful of my friends right now. I'm unemployed, and the other guy who got a similar score to me on the SATs (although I don't know is actual IQ)... he actually became a heroin addict too. So... yeah. Hard work and a little bit of smarts is FAR more important than a super high IQ. It's like being SUPER tall. No one wants to be 9 foot tall. Your knees get fucked and you die at like 40.

>> No.10354728

I met Terry Tao

>> No.10354738

Whats he like? He's probably the highest IQ person I can think of. Autist-y?

>> No.10354790

My father got 155 on a Mensa test in high school. Didn't join.

>> No.10354806

Every day when I look in a mirror, son

>> No.10354810

Guys, I have so much IQ its contagious. One conversation with me and next thing you know shes having a conversation with you. Then with him. And then with another. And at the end of the night I'm nothing but a cuck.

If only I didnt have to end that story with a story about you. I'd be telling a good story. Not like you. You're a bad story.

>> No.10354825
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>I was a heroin addict for a bunch of years after college. I'm considering suicide.

>> No.10354831
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Idk my IQ but easily maxed out on mensa free test of 132 (yes online tests are shit) and I was regarded as, and often still am a gifted kid. I learned to speak, read and write very quickly and learned to read and write in Swedish all by my self at 4 or 5. Which is quite a hop from Russian I learned first. (I don't see myself as better than anyone based on my perception of my intelligence. That wouldn't be very smart. I'm writing for context.) This helped make school super easy and uninteresting. I marveled at other kids struggle. It didn't help that our school system was corrupted, taught a lot of useless bullshit or done in the wrong way. I tried to skip grades(had to stay in the class though)but found that it more of the same stupid shit per paper. There was a kid in my class I still know that did the same. Even though he saw it as a challenging he got to go to middle school level in grade school and I wasn't permitted to do so. I got to read the stuff he got and showed the teacher that it was easy for me but they didn't care. I started questioning why I was even doing this useless dogma anyways and combined with the neglect I lost interest. I understood school was a way to prove merits even though I didn't learn anything so I didn't want to quit. Eventually the assignments became challenging, not because I didn't understand or wasn't productive but because there was so much useless bullshit we had to push through that had nothing to do with the subject. I started to lag behind at about grade 4-6. It was about this time I started to think about how big the part of our life that we waste on school is (4 hours a day, 5 days a week ~40 weeks a year, 10 years in school, 3-9 years in higher education, excluding homework) which made me even less motivated. In later years I found that a months worth of schoolwork could easily be done in about 3 school days for every month worth of knowledge in grade 8, with tests and all.
Part 1/2

>> No.10354832

a couple

one guy who was a close friend when we were young who became a musician

another i was in the same class as in primary school, had something like an eidedic memory

>> No.10354835

I feel for bad for drug addict geniuses. They're clearly intelligent enough to know how badly it'll fuck them up, but they do it anyway. You'd need to be in some serious pain to do that shit.

>> No.10354842

I have health problems (not fat, just genetic kidney issues) and shit now too. Unemployed, poor, on methadone, unhealthy... things just don't seem like they're going to get better. SO I'm considering if it'd be better to not go through future suffering.

>> No.10354851

So is your 152 a childhood ratio IQ?

>> No.10354853
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It was about grade 5-8 my life goals, a private business owner/inventor solidified, it meant I could go my own way and not be limited by others bullshit in contrast to other jobs.(Little did I know how taxed and limited business was in Sweden.)This made school even more useless to me, a business owner has no one to show grades to. We got a new grade system in '12 and I quickly realized it was based on obedience and to and teachers opinions. I decided to get good grades in 9th year as it was the last, so I translated the unreadable jargon that are the grade requirements, did the minimum work necessary for A's, following the translations, and made it painfully evident in my work I did so. I literally wrote why what I just wrote reached the requirements when dealing with mean teachers. I did about 5% of the work and attendance they wanted from me. I played blackjack with cards I made out of the unused note paper after the English national writing test until we where allowed to leave after I quickly finished it. I didn't get straight A's as it wasn't necessary for the secondary school I wanted to go to so I just didn't do the assignments necessary and went to play mariocart/poker with my friends when the teacher left the classroom. I was so happy leaving school because I had high hopes the bullshit would finally end. I soon found out the secondary school was a Marxist hellhole like taken straight out of "A brave new world". As an example I almost got kicked out for bringing a Kekistanian flagg, IOTBW campaign, offending people standing by by quoting a police report, criticizing a company for affirmative action and surprisingly almost least importantly, smoking weed. And the education was almost as bullshit as school was. I'm sitting here with 3-5 failed classes because unfinished, with 4-5 months until graduation browsing the internet in search for hope and struggling to do anything challenging I don't find interesting as it never was something I had to do.

>> No.10354854

Svenska är otroligt lätt att lära sig, speciellt i åldern 4-5.

t. flyttade till stockholm med familjen från utlandet (ej sandneger eller liknande)

>> No.10354858

I'm sorry anon. You deserved far more from life.

>> No.10354861
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yes OP. i scored a 162 on an online IQ tests, did it easily and it wasnt that difficult for me. I feel like an alien compared to most people. I cant really connect with them because I'm always talking about math and science theories and quantum mechanics. Meanwhile, dimwits talk about celebrities and other trivial things. It's so isolating.

>> No.10354869

>The idea that intelligence is too ephemeral to be quantified is simply not true.

>> No.10354871

Yeah, 152 on the Wechsler's children's scale. I've never taken an actual IQ test as an adult, but based on the conversion tables from SAT to IQ (yep, SAT is a proxy for IQ), my score was close to my childhood score, although slightly lower.

>> No.10354874

> I cant really connect with them because I'm always talking about math and science theories and quantum mechanics.
laughed so hard at this, thanks anon

>> No.10354876

Honestly, I've made my own mistakes. I had a huge number of opportunities in life, almost all of which I just squandered or failed to capitalize on. I can't really blame anyone else/the universe.

>> No.10354882

You're a filthy /pol/ teenager and your IQ is fucking low is what I can conclude after your post.

>> No.10354887

Aa håller med. Det är så få och tydliga regler med få undantag. Skulle ha lagt till det men det finns inte plats ändå. Ville bara ge kontext till varför det sen blev så lätt i skolan. Bodde med morsan och babushka från Ryssland som endast snackade ryska med mig (mor med accent och mormor kunde inte svenska så fick som tur lära mig ren svenska från dagis fröknar och andra barn. Var är du ifrån då?

>> No.10354894

Interesting fact:
A study using wordsum results showed that people who self-identified as libertarian were the most intelligent when compared to repub, democrat, and libertarian.

Also, the Triple Nine society did a poll of it's members...(the Triple Nine society is a super high IQ society where only people in the 99.999% percentile can get in)... and it showed that the most common political view was "anarcho-capitalism".

>> No.10354898

That's because that's what will benefit them the most. They see themselves as warlords in a wasteland.
Tbh high IQ faggots are a threat to the human race.

>> No.10354899

Why do you think I have low IQ? Slightly bad English? You thinking I believe my perception is undeniable reality? I tried to formulate a humble but at the same time realistic description of my own intelligence. Which is very difficult when the perception is that it is high.

>> No.10354903

I am a libertarian lol. What's the study? I want it.

>> No.10354904

>triple nine society
>types a percentage with five nines in it

>> No.10354908

You have a serious misunderstanding of what anarcho-capitalism is. Anarcho-capitalism is simply "real freedom", or the absence of a monopoly on violence.

Consider the following definition of freedom: the absence of monopoly.

The absence of monopoly means that you can exercise exit, even if you cannot exercise voice. The presence of monopoly means that, at most, you can exercise voice.

Neither my local supermarket nor any of its suppliers has a way for me to exercise voice. They don’t hold elections. They don’t have town-hall meetings where they explain their plans for what will be in the store. By democratic standards, I am powerless in the supermarket.

And yet, I feel much freer in the supermarket than I do with respect to my county, state, or federal government. For each item in the supermarket, I can choose whether to put it into my cart and pay for it or leave it on the shelf. I can walk out of the supermarket at any time and go to a competing grocery.

>> No.10354910

I don't like your world view and opinions. You think everything is holding you back and that society is shit. Well you should go to America if you want a society with a higher ceiling, but it also has a lower floor.

>> No.10354914

As a libertarian I strongly disagree, but this is /sci/, not /pol/.

>> No.10354915

The point of anarcho-capitalism is to bring that idea to the services government supposedly "provides"... police, legal systems, education, etc.

The exercise of voice, including the right to vote, is not the ultimate expression of freedom. Rather, it is the last refuge of those who suffer under a monopoly. If we take it as given that the political jurisdiction where I reside is a monopoly, then perhaps I will have more influence over that monopoly if I have a right to vote and a right to organize opposition than if I do not. However, as my forthcoming Unchecked and Unbalanced argues, the reality is that the amount of influence I have is shrinking while the scope of the monopolist is growing.

If you want more info, David Friedman's Machinery of Freedom is actually webbed, here is an important chapter:

>> No.10354917

The "real freedom" bits were taken from Arnold Kling's econlog post:

>> No.10354922


>> No.10354924

But yeah, this isn't /pol/ so... whatever.

This chick is hot... except her hipsn'butt look like a 50 year old woman name Kathy's.

>> No.10354925

Do you have a link for these two? Curious to read more.

>> No.10354957

I couldn't find the original TNS poll press release, where they broke it down pretty in-depth... but here is something:

And heres the Half Sigma page about the wordsum results:

>> No.10354971

And another:

>> No.10354981

Maybe that's why I want a green card. USA have their fair share of bullshit too tho and it might get even worse in the coming years. I don't think it's holding me back, I'm a libertarian. That doesn't mean others didn't make it difficult for me or did me wrong. Especially as a kid.

>> No.10355038

The Triple Nine Society is only 99.9 percentile. I think you're confusing it with the Mega society.

>> No.10355046


What does "holding Libertarian views" mean? I'm relatively well off and have inherited some property. I'm at least one standard deviation above the mean in IQ and I'm well educated. AFAIK, the less dumbos imposing their will and taking my money the better. So you might say I'm Libertarian.
But I also know the country will go to shit under a Libertarian economic regime and I don't believe in market fundamentalism.

So to me the poll doesn't really say much because it is not really saying whether these people believe that Libertarianism is good for the country or for themselves.

>> No.10355054

Words of a brainlet. Bet he's an engineer.

>> No.10355062

Yep. I was wrong. My bad. It's 99.9%, not 99.999%. I just typed a bunch of 9's.

UPDATE: I just had to complete literally 10 captchas to post this. wut.

>> No.10355088

>They're clearly intelligent enough to know how badly it'll fuck them up, but they do it anyway.

Maybe because they came to the realization that there's no real point to it all, and that the only reason for their existence and suffering was to bolster their parent's sense of self.

>tfw you're waiting for your parents to pass away so you can off yourself without feeling guilty about the impact it will have on other people

>> No.10355102

They do it for a reason.

>> No.10355121


>> No.10355124

A lot of teachers are lazy as fuck and in their mind, kids who don’t pay attention or do what they say are the same as retards. Same thing happened to me. The teachers wanted to fuck me up for life by putting me in with the retards but they ended up eating their hat when they found out I should actually be 3 grades higher lolol.

>> No.10355130


Another IQ thread...



>> No.10355278
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>presumably adults
>still being lolbertardians
haha yikes

>> No.10355347
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The first time i was tested i apparently scored a 180, i really need to get the papers for conformation, I also don't think i would score nearly as high anymore. One of my cousin's just got his first IQ test and he got a 160, another one i hang out with is 140.

>> No.10355765

>tfw you're waiting for your parents to pass away so you can off yourself without feeling guilty about the impact it will have on other people
Wow. Original 152 anon here. You hit the nail on the head .

>> No.10355770

>score a 180
No you didn't. YOu should at least do a little research before you lie that big. Traditional IQ tests (the actual ones that actual psychologists give, like Wechsler) DON'T GO to 180. It's an impossible score. They don't accurately score about 160 or so.

>> No.10355946

I thought everyone here had an IQ of 160+

>> No.10355947

>The first time i was tested i apparently scored a 180

>> No.10356163
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10356191

Woah liiike ricknmortaaay braaaah
>nothings real BUT my parents opinion, and pleasure I guess
Nihilists are nothing but excuse seeking faggots who are too proud to admit that they have simple depression and no sense of direction

>> No.10356209 [DELETED] 

I met one. He attended an Ivy League as an undergraduate and majored in pure math. As a sophomore basically completed all the masters levels mathematics courses. He would skip 16-weeks worth of math lectures (already knew the material) and would show up for exams to ace them. I don’t think he learned a single new math concept the entire semester I knew him.

He the went to a more elite Ivy League school for graduate studies. I don’t know if he finished or not. I can’t really find him on the web and I don’t see his name listed in PhD alums.

I think he is the smartest person I ever met.

>> No.10356214

>I met one. He attended an Ivy League as an undergraduate and majored in pure math. As a sophomore basically completed all the masters levels mathematics courses. He would skip 16-weeks worth of math lectures (already knew the material) and would show up for exams to ace them. I don’t think he learned a single new math concept the entire semester I knew him.
They probably would have let him just test out, would have been quicker and cheaper...

>> No.10356215


>> No.10356218

They don't really accurately score above 1sd from 100, if you can even argue that.

I maxed out a WAIS test as a preteen. You can age correct it and I have some even more nonsensical IQ, to me though the whole thing is bullshit.

>> No.10356241

I agree. He made one professor really angry, because he didn’t show up for class and still aced the final. There were other smart people on the class, but I call them “classically smart”. You know, the ones that show up to class, put effort into it and become the top student. Well, my friend was above the level of the best classically smart student in the class. The guy that was classically smart was really freakin smart. Like, that dude is typically the best student in any class he takes, and was one of the strongest in our program, and my friend still tipped him and I literally saw my friend put 0 effort into our classes.

>> No.10356243

Also, even though by the time he completed his BS degree, the school wouldn’t award him a masters despite having completed all the masters level courses.

>> No.10356260

It's a crime that they never taught you how to format a text

>> No.10356309

I suspect a lot of people that score 130 and above as a kid would score much lower as an adult

>> No.10356342


Hence the suicidal thoughts..... Why don't you just get back into it?

>> No.10356668

I'm kind of older now. Not old old... but not young anymore. I actually worked for an investment firm for a while, and made some money... but spent ALL of it during my opiates phase. I'm absolutely dirt broke. I sold off all my stocks and all my musical instruments (I played clarinet and guitar). I'm trying my hand at writing at the moment. Probably going to self publish some science fiction. Maybe that'll work.

>> No.10356723

Too bad Greg Egan and Vernor Vinge took all my ideas... before I even had them.

>> No.10356933

Have you ever met someone with a literal 85- iq?

Oh wait.

>> No.10357006

And here we go again. Another faggot who follow the typical narrative: "Muh IQ is just a number and all fake".

Trust me, IQ is in fact one of the most well studied subjects of psychology in relation to humans. It's not fake. It's not "just a number". A person with an IQ of 160+, I promise to you, will, if he has enough motivation, always be able to process mental information (including problem solving skills, etc.) far quicker than any person with an IQ of like 98. That's a fact. You can't debate that. But I sure agree that you could be 'better' in studies than a gifted person in case that gifted person is extremely lazy and doesn't even care. But once that lazy guy starts learning, you will quickly realize that he'll always learn much faster than you ever will. And yes, it does suck if you rip your ass off for months and weeks, while that one gifted dude does this shit in like 40 minutes while driving to school.

But really, stop projecting this always on society or on science. Just accept yourself, and start learning. It either pays off or it doesn't. But it won't help to criticize this system. If you have a shitty IQ, then accept it, live with it. And don't try to criticize a well studied system just because your IQ is average or below than that.

>> No.10357008

when the rotations on a belt wind up taht there is momentum, so if we buffer overflow on our calculayions, his co tributi9n, si gular, allows ypu to run past that limit amd syill reside within your proposed limits with a gield for excellence in the order of operations as they stand i sequence but. ot necessarily in order. No use of time just physics to comply with ordi ary models and not cantsnkerous shit like competing with another critic in maths.
His is mostly about syntax and its approach to teach us how to math, hemce fields as in the kind we make for ourselves to fill out, and it relates yo regular math like what you learn in college amd sometimes university by allowing us to negate the actions we i form purselves of and then relare back to ourselves, without the use of rigorous and denizen functions (think child functiins without regard to the parent, i sert function given to you for the accepting of dollar bills) so that you or I can co struct that there existi g in a field si.ply signifies its time to retrace. His contribution is like a design mechanism, like integrals and derivations verse the pragmas of programming languages like Cpp, so that when other parts become more available, through inducti9n patterms not like by becoming a hit in articles and such, he can know through your work taht you have been digging up and not simply checking for lattices through templates. So like the opposite of fermatts thing i think it was with the contest. He means no more judges for that whole part.

>> No.10357009

everyday in the mirror

>> No.10357034

But I tend to agree up to a point, in which I would say, that a person's IQ is not always just pure genetics and can be altered in a specific degree (that does not mean though that a person with a 72 IQ could become a 160+ IQ result; That's very unlikely except if it's some really major psychological issue). Indeed, there are some social factors that can cause brain fog and other limiting capacities which can actually lower your IQ results. In that matter, it would be helpful to solve psychological problems first. In my case, I was having heavy brain fog because I couldn't handle the stress and time pressure on my tests in C.S. In IQ tests I actually had a 91. Later on, I took many therapists, including hanging out with friends a lot more often than usual and in fact, I could alter my IQ up to 102 (which is most likely my total limit) and feel a lot more safer in my texts, no anxiety anymore, etc.

So, as you can see, the IQ is not always a fixed point and can be altered to a specific degree, depending on your personality and psychological health. But of course, that does not mean that a below average IQ person could become a super high-level genius with a 160+ IQ. I could just raise up my IQ by 11 points.

>> No.10358097


yes , My evil genius Ex

>> No.10358127

Childhood ratio IQs definitely go to 180 and beyond.