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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10354296 No.10354296 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do the day before a test?

>> No.10354300

Abstain from masturbating/sex and focus on studying entirely.
Test performance is measurably when I engage in these. Leave me tired and drains the motivation to study. Also do not remember what I learned as well.

>> No.10354301

>study the day before

you're a brainlet

>> No.10354302

Prostate stimulation.
Methamphetamine and PCP combo.
LSD the next day.

>> No.10354306

I don't understand the "take a day off" approach. In my case I just loose knowledge for the next day. Of course I have sometimes lazy days, but lazy days means I study 4 hours at the evening instead of 8 hours throughout the day

>> No.10354308

jack off, relax, play some quake, review notes for exactly 40 minutes then go to bed

>> No.10354309


I'm doing the same. I've been studying all day and my brain is starting to derp hard. Test is in 12 hours and I need to pass, so I guess I rest a while making dinner, I will give a fast roundup and will try to at least rest 3 hours.

Then I will get at least a solid couple of hours reviewing typical test exercises to be ready when I start the test.

>> No.10354325

I watch anime and play vidya like I do everyday, worrying too much about things is not going to make anything better

>> No.10354326

Study 90% of program since i am a professional procastinator

>> No.10354332
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GO TO BED EARLY, even if it means you have to sacrifice some study time. I cannot relate to you how advantageous it is to have a good night's sleep..

>> No.10354336

This is the last day.
I haven't studied shit, because it's economics class and I hate it.
I am here, shitposting.

>> No.10354345

You're me, except it's finance
have to take the test in a few hours

>> No.10354351

Good man and stay off the chans if you actually have a test in 12 hours.

>> No.10354356
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>> No.10354363

Why the fuck do I have economics class in CS?
Why? Why? Why?
I literally joined CS because I wanna program and be left alone and all we have are these gay-ass completely irrelevant classes.
I don't wanna be a manager. I don't wanna be an entrepreneur. I don't wanna be a teacher or a writer. I just wanna be an autistic code monkey ffs.

>> No.10354367
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Don't worry anon, I'm so tired I'm even feeling nauseous due to overexertion and anxiety. I've reviewed everything so if the prof isn't a motherfucker tomorrow and the test is similar to last years I think I will pass.

But if it's different then fuck me sideways because I'm at my fucking limit.

I'm going to stop now, do a minireview in bed before falling sleep and tomorrow I will pump extra coffee and review exam corrections like a madman until I start the test.

>> No.10354369

>beat my meat the whole day
>sleep at 3 a.m.

>> No.10354370

Review notes and exercises.

>> No.10354373

browse /r9k/ and /x/

>> No.10354379

fap to shemale porn

>> No.10354398
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>review what you learned
>plug the last holes
>look on the net for similar tests, set a timer and solve them
>evaluate how well you did
>go to bed early

>> No.10354400

i study and pull an allnighter

i do this for every exam and have for like 4 years. works like a charm

>> No.10354401

listen to the complete HL1 & HL2 soundtracks. Feels a little autistic but shit gets me in the mood

>> No.10354409

hang in there brah we'll make it

>> No.10354675

I relax watching movies, listening music or playing videogames. If you stydy more the day before you will get your mind fucked by anxiety

>> No.10354686

shitpost on /sci/

>> No.10354751

Cram a bit, set clock alarm, masturbate then sleep.

>> No.10355011

i agree. i always study the morning of

>> No.10355098

study in the morning then unwind and laze around in the evening

>> No.10355509

how was the test anon? :)

>> No.10355514

Messes up study gains.

>> No.10355520

This + >>10354356

>> No.10355542

Start studying
>Grad school
Continue studying into the afternoon and then take a break to clear my mind

>> No.10355793

This + coffee and L-theanine

>> No.10356197

coffee and cigarettes

but they are not worth the cancer or heart failure imho, call me brainlet for valuing my health over my career success

>> No.10356962

I masturbate with the all the material i studied. Maths turn me on

>> No.10357098

smoke a big bong and consume lots of sugar

>> No.10357128

Fucking nerd. I'll take the adrenaline of 2 hours of sleep.

>> No.10357469


I do the same, 5 hours of hard study. And the rest of the day i just do passive memorization

>> No.10357552

>getting sleep before a test at all