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File: 162 KB, 1200x815, notpoland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10351790 No.10351790 [Reply] [Original]

who's suffocating now huh

>> No.10351795

what, is there a shortage of european EGR valves?

>> No.10351817

>Dutch Meteorological Institute and European Space Agency produced this map of NO2 pollution in Europe. Exposure to NO2 causes as many as 20,000 deaths a year in Italy and over 10,000 in the UK and Germany, according to European Environment Agency. Motor vehicles are responsible for a vast majority of NO2 pollution.

>> No.10351876


>Belgium and Netherlands.

What the fuck is happening in those countries for the values to be that high?

>> No.10352668

yruos use diesels more

>> No.10352694

I'm sorry OP, but I must do this:
Is a similar map available for the US?
maybe it's also germany too. Quite surprising just how bad the emissions are in Britbongistan.

>> No.10352768


>> No.10352802

>Quite surprising just how bad the emissions are in Britbongistan.
Not really. The Conservatives should have started to sort it out years ago but didn't want to.

Brexit Negotiations, all the British cars over there.

>> No.10353850

Rotterdam #1 port of europe
Antwerp #2 port of europe
English Channel heaviest trafficked seastrip of europe
Rhine river, heaviest trafficed river of europe

Hmm you might be right about this...
any data?

>> No.10353906

For sure, Holland has cheap port tax so much of Europe's imports / exports go though there.
On top of that they are burning unrefined crude without any exhaust filtering.

>> No.10354005

It's all ships

Just look at that fucking maritime route trace along the atlantic coast and then through mediterranean

>> No.10354092


Fossil fuels need to be banned asap.

Perverse incentives. Future discounting.

Its making the air worse for children and adults and turning women and men into fat, rotund pigs.

>> No.10354123

The fuck is up with Lebanon? Holy shit that's BAD.
Also, how come Haifa is so clean in comparison to the rest of Israel? (If we exclude the Negev).

>> No.10354510
File: 165 KB, 303x311, 7041faacb774ed43e4b3afaea64c9de284fb6a2704f3683d3333137a943ff2d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pollution is caused by ships
>that's why it's so polluted in Moscow, hurrr durrr

>> No.10354564

Those dutch do love their whippits.