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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 35 KB, 493x585, CgldEYQU8AA2MPn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10346043 No.10346043 [Reply] [Original]

>High IQ
>Low processing speed

Why does this even happen? Why do all IQ tests I've taken predict I should be able to get a PhD, yet I still feel like a retard in daily life?
IQ is a meme, at least in my case.

>> No.10346059

Bullshit online IQ tests =/= IQ
Real life achievements ~= IQ
Low processing speed != IQ

>> No.10346073
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>>High IQ
>>Low processing speed

Pick one you stupid faggot.

>> No.10346102

nope, processing speed index is only a part of IQ. You can have an overall high iq, but still process things slowly. It bottlenecks your other abilities, and is frustrating as hell.

>> No.10346109

make big bucks with your low speed high IQ and get a high speed low IQ maid.

>> No.10346187

IQ is literally a meaningless measurement above 120 anyway, the distribution is in reality fat tailed, unlike the assumed normal distribution and IQ has never really been used practically outside of weeding out retards.
Yes, IQ-like tests are used to select for high-end acheivers such as the MCAT/GAMSAT/LSAT/investment-banking entrance exams, but even if they do apply a normal fit to their scores, the kind of intelligence in those exams are more domain-specific and are also more reliable as they can better ensure a normal-fit with constant improvements and updates.

>> No.10346214
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>another IQ thread

>> No.10346216
File: 68 KB, 600x456, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10346267

lmao based retard who's never taken a real iq test

>> No.10346518

>Significant associations with completion were found for undergraduate GPA in all models and for GRE Quantitative in two of four studied models; GRE Physics and GRE Verbal were not significant in any model. It is notable that completion changed by less than 10% for U.S. physics major test takers scoring in the 10th versus 90th percentile on the Quantitative test.
Given that standardized test scores (particularly Verbal) are correlated with IQ scores, it's clear that neither metric have much predictive power for success in a PhD.

>"If you ask faculty, the most important things that make a great student are non-cognitive things like perseverance and grit that we don't measure right now," said Miller.

Imagine if you wanted to recruit for a track team but instead of just putting people on a track and seeing who runs the fastest, you rely on a composite numerical score based on the physical fitness of them and their parents at age 4. Wouldn't that be retarded if you didn't have some ulterior motive?