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10343479 No.10343479 [Reply] [Original]

Why do they call it climate change now instead of global warming?

>> No.10343487

becuase its a tug of war between oil lobbyists and slimy liberals and they will say whatever the fuck gets them money

>> No.10343490

Because it got so thoroughly debunked that they had to rebrand it to perpetuate the lie.

>> No.10343493

Because dumb people only understand the weather locally and can't get an average temperature increase globally through their thick heads. The secondary effect of global warming is climate change.

>> No.10343501

there is a hypothetical scenario whereby increased water levels from temporary global warming disrupt the gulf stream. this would cause basically an ice age throughout north america (as far south as, say, new york) and northern europe. that is just one example that shows how rapid (the rate is unprecedented) disruptions in the "climate" could lead to many unpredictable catastrophic turns of events

>> No.10343690

The actual answer is that global warming is only one part of climate change. Everyone else in this thread is retarded except

>> No.10343733

Because "climate change" means that a cold snap or hurricane can STILL be blamed on white countries not paying enough money to various people

>> No.10344192

The UN setup the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) back in 1988. The term was being used by scientists for decades before then. Global warming was just a catchier name that was popular in the media for awhile. Remember when higgs boson was always being called the "god particle"

>> No.10345067

>one part of climate change is global warming
>one part of global warming is climate change

>> No.10345072

Because people don’t understand how the climate warming could mean worse cold weather.

>> No.10345078

The brand global warming was no longer credible so they changed names

>> No.10345087

Increase in greenhouse gases leads to global warming, global warming leads to climate change. Climate change leads to natural disasters and collapse of ecosystems we rely on to survive.

If the only effect was that all temperatures would go up by a few degrees, no one would really care. Winter a little less cold, summer a little hotter, no big deal. But it's the climate change that's going to fuck us all over, and it's already started.

>> No.10345121

Because global warming has bad connotations.
Climate change doesn't.
The word change implies that it is something just happening and out of our control.
The word global warming would mean that it is our fault and within our power to fix it.

>> No.10345340
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Because of shit like this.

>> No.10345360

Didnt murica experience the 2nd hottest summer ever registered last year?

>> No.10345401

>Global warming
>huur it's cold where i live derpy derp
>... Climate change
>hurrrr moving the goalpost much
What do you even respond /sci/

>> No.10345409
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>> No.10347345
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>Why do they call it climate change now instead of global warming?
They don't. Both terms have always been used roughly interchangeably in public discussions.

>> No.10347350

GW is global (duh)
CC is local, like the current cold snap

>> No.10347488

They started calling it climate change because the average dumbfucks were thinking things like "it's cold today, so there is no global warming", it's just a way to make it more accessible to the average person.

>> No.10348288

climate change means the changing of the climate.
global warming, (the warming of the climate) is a step in the changing of the climate.
Or: global warming is a part of climate change.
Can you understand that you fucking brainlet?

>> No.10348297

>2nd hottest summer
>1st coldest winter
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s not getting warmer

>> No.10348315

Based /tv/poster who dropped out of IT school

>> No.10348330
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>>10343479 >>10343493
Normal Summer
CNN: "global waaaarming, REEEE"
CNN: "hot-weather = hot-climate"

Coldest winter ever
CNN: "climate chaaaange, REEEE"
CNN: "cold-weather = hot-climate"

>>10348315 >>10348297 >>10348288 >>10347488 >>10347350 >>10347345 >>10345409 >>10345401 >>10345360 >>10345340 >>10345121 >>10345087


>> No.10348358

I don't think you actually believe this.
I literally ran a linear regression analysis on temperatures since 1900s to present and they showed a 1 centigrade increase where I live counting all the variations.
You're a troll and rednecks are irl trolls.
Trump believes it but trolls both sides by pretending to not believe in global warming. His golf course in Ireland was seen compensating for rising sea level.s

>> No.10348365

Even if you don't care about climate change, what about the depletion of finite resources? Surely we should start phasing out coal in favor of renewables?

>> No.10348370
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>> No.10348372
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>> No.10348379

CIA banned books showing that the North Pole would be shifting soon. The whole story of carbon dioxide being the reasoning for shifts of temperature is 100% bullshit

>> No.10348542


The George W. Bush administration coined the term "climate change" to make global warming sound less threatening.

>> No.10348559

This. The same people who think it's a massive problem worth throwing billions at and concerning the most powerful people in the world also want to reduce it to such a simple concept that the masses will just throw money at it.

>> No.10348563

Why can't they come up with a name that describes the phenomenon properly before suggesting that people pay out of their own pockets to solve the problem? You don't even know how to define the problem and you want to propose taxes on carbon emissions to reduce it? Fuck off.

>> No.10348566

Odd how a bloodthirsty neocon with shady morals came up with a better descriptive term than scientists.

>> No.10348582

>Why can't they come up with a name that describes the phenomenon properly before suggesting that people pay out of their own pockets to solve the problem?
"Anthropogenic global warming" is apt.
>You don't even know how to define the problem and you want to propose taxes on carbon emissions to reduce it? Fuck off.
Taxing consumption of GHG emitting fuels is a good start to decarbonization.

>> No.10348598

What is this logic that putting a tax on something will just completely dissuade people from doing that thing? Even if that was sound logic, blindly throwing money at a problem isn't the solution. It's shortsighted and breeds contempt.

>> No.10348602

because it costs more to use?

>> No.10348642

>businesses pay more tax
>business compensate with higher priced goods
>consumer pays more for goods
Wow I can feel the earth getting cleaner already

>> No.10348656

I love how you're trying to argue that this warming is nothing out of the ordinary, but even in your graph the current extremely rapid warming is obvious as a near vertical line upwards.

>> No.10348703

Yeah? Unlimited energy economy was always a lie.

>> No.10348733

Because it actually works

Because there is competition, companies can't just put up prices unless they all agree to, which is known as price fixing. Instead they will find ways to reduce the impact of the tax.

>> No.10348891

>warm winters and melting ice caps are the proof that man-made greenhouse effect increases global tempratures dangerously
>cold winters are expected, greenhouse effect makes warm warmer and cold colder
Yo guys, we should BTFO, we aren't trained climatologists. We will never understand how it's possible that same phenomenon can have two contradicting effects on the climate - as long at it fits certain political/economical narrative.

>> No.10348951

Just because the currently winter is cold where you are doesn't mean that winters are colder.

>> No.10348954

The system is collapsing. It won't necessarily mean that winters will be warm. It could be cold up north and then deserts in the south

>> No.10350115

>man-made greenhouse gases increase the temperatures by trapping energy from the Sun
>except sometimes they stop doing that but that's normal because climatologists say so
OK, I'm stupid but I'm not THAT stupid

>> No.10350133

It is called climate change because the data doesn't show the earth is heating up, but rather that it goes through natural cycles with minimal or no impact from human sources.

>> No.10350143

Wrong. The earth is demonstrably warming, and this current warming trend is proven to be caused by human CO2

>> No.10350144

>data doesn't show
sure bud

>> No.10350146

Because the effects of climate change are literally unpredictable. The climate is too complex of a system to make any kind of meaningful prediction. We can predict aspects of the climate, but not what that actually means for the environment as a whole.

Climate hysteria is just a good way for environmental scientists to get money for research, for corporations to virtue signal to upper-middle class people, and for politicians to earn votes and haggle their competition.

>> No.10350147

Who is “they”? That never happened. Climate change is due to global warming.

>> No.10350148

Wrong. That is why they are on their back foot again for the last forty years. They just want to use taxes to burden and destabilize poor countries.

>> No.10350149


>> No.10350152

come out of the barrel, billy-bob

>> No.10350154

not an argument, pablo

>> No.10350160

well yeah, but as the supply decreases, the price will rise and other sources will become more financially viable. It's so inevitable that no one needs to give a fuck and it'll still happen. If it's hard times during the transition whoopdyfuckingdoo it'll probably trigger another renaissance

>> No.10350259
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>the data doesn't show the earth is heating up
Are you retarded?

>but rather that it goes through natural cycles with minimal or no impact from human sources.
The observed warming is attributable to none of the natural cycles. It's measurable due to the increase atmospheric CO2 concentrations, which is caused by human activity.

>> No.10351920

The latter got debunked so they had to fabricate a new hoax

>> No.10351939

Because they realized, that temperature is not whole climate.