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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 3.25 MB, 4359x2970, 1545611110623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10335941 No.10335941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Some standard observations ive been studying from independent thinking truth seekers who observe Reality to find what the true nature of our world is..
∞=1 / 1=∞
All is one and one is all.
1. We operate on a flat, circular, Plane.
Long Doc to prove this point. (https://youtu.be/McdMMmclGVc [Open])
2. This plane has different relms or rings expanding out (in?) From it.
(See video above 4 unexplored land)
3. Water is the common/dominant Element in our system.
( No need for a video.)
4 .Electromagnetic fields/forces are the wavelengths or frequency that determines the physical state of matter(plasma, gas, liquid, solid)
(https://youtu.be/7eutept5h0Q [Open])
5. A dome or barrier separates us from leaving(Electromagnetic fermerment field)
(this video shows SpaceX trying to enter the waters above)
https://youtu.be/AEpxCX-xvfs [Open]

You will not convince me to ignore reality. Attacking flat fag facts don't make you any less wrong. It makes you deny reality more and more to fit your preconceptions.

Well balanced objective truth seekers this discussion is to inform the options in our hands.

Be open to Everything and attached to Nothing in the moment. Humble yourself and don't put yourself above anyone else.
Let this idea be your guide.
Occam's razor is the problem-solving principle that essentially states that simpler solutions are more likely to be correct than complex ones

>> No.10335955
File: 135 KB, 500x522, water-always-finds-its-level-water-is-always-level-ocean-19320562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10336002


Interesting how Globebusters proved the curve.


>> No.10336155

Please contact a psychiatrist before the schizophrenia rots the final bits of brain you have left.

>> No.10336338

Interesting how Globetards will do and say anything but adapt to new information. Modern Science is mostly a sham. The true scientific method begins with observing and studying natural world and it's processes. Only once we understand nature, can we begin to use it to benefit ourselves. You are not god. Your hypothesis is mute. Correlation doesn't equal Causation. Who is really the schizophrenic? Me? Our all of you?
I think for myself and Occam's Razor is my guide to truth. You all have a brain, why not think outside the group and use it for once in your life.

>> No.10336370

OP, i hope for your sake that you are pretended to be the way that you are

>remember to sage and report schizo threads
>clean up our board

>> No.10336384

Schizophrenia is the label you put on people who don't listen to the Masters. They don't think the right way.
What is the right way? Your way?
Why is your way right?
Because everyone says so?
When you fail to ask why or any basic questions, you are normal.
When you think in a way different than the herd, your crazy?
I stepped out of the matrix that we are indoctrinated into. You can as well. Wanna know how?
Question what you believe and see if it holds up to critical thinking.
You will see if you choose to look.
Blinded by anger at the sight of truth that doesn't fit in your matrix/ego.
You must return to age 5 and begin learning by asking Why and seek your own answers. Not what your told.

>> No.10336402

>The true scientific method begins with observing and studying natural world
>proceeds to ignore all observations and studies
ahahaha, good one

>> No.10336409

Hey OP I see the logic behind that image but, think about what a water droplet looks like in free fall, it looks like a spheroid. That's the natural shape things want to take when they're in free fall. So if the earth truly is orbiting the sun (in free fall) it's natural shape would be a spheroid. Now personally, I'm not worried if you believe our universe is flat, I just want you to consider alternatives, as there's plenty if evidence for an oblate spheroid earth, and a 4D universe. But hey man, just believe whatever makes you happy.

>> No.10336431

I hope for your sake brother Anon that you decide to look for truth one day. If you do, this is how you find it...
1. Humble yourself, nobody is above you, nor is anyone below you.
2. Every perspective has a point of view that matters.
3.be open to everything, be attached to nothing. Otherwise your preconceptions will adapt it to you, instead of you adapting to the it.

Heh, adapting reality to yourself. That's what y'all Globetards are doing.
Adapting yourselves to your reality?
That's what I am. Im in a world where crazy is the normal. Science!!!

>> No.10336452
File: 11 KB, 232x139, download (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok tell me this.
Do you agree that water always seeks its level?
Then why do you believe we are on a spinning ball with water on it?
Physics says the water cannot stay on a spinning ball.

>> No.10336460

This is all retarded, but the Jews did do 9/11

>> No.10336484
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 1543544701248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will explain what I have come to believe.

We are in an Electromagnetic torus field(sphere). The over all structure is a shpere but the plane we operate on is the horizontal plane where the matter is settled. So just like in those galixy pictures, the mass is on a horizontal plane at the center of the Fields created by that matter(Electromagnetic matter).

Outside of our initial fermerment or EM feild there is an expanding universe of water and other relms of matter that gather together in clumps(snow ball effect) idk how to properly word it for you to understand but I will try again if you care to listen.

Do the math Globetards, I can't find the curve y'all keep talking about.(pic)

>> No.10336491

Interesting how you didn't address the video clearly falsifying the notion that the Earth is flat.

But you are right, science starts with making observations and then trying to come up with an explanation for the observations.

Here are two observations...
-The Sun clearly rises and sets behind a horizon
-People at different longitudes experience different parts of the day at the same time. i.e. One man's sunset is another man's sunrise.

What can explain the simple observation that one person will see a sunset, yet someone far West of them will see the Sun directly overhead?

This is impossible if the Earth were flat, and suggests that the Earth curves along the East-West direction at least.

The Flat Earth Theory cannot explain these two observations without invoking new properties of light of which no one else has recorded, observed, nor tested for.

>> No.10336495

because Earth is bigger than a tennis ball, it has around 40,000 km circumference so it's somewhat bigger, spinning at 1674 km/h is actually pretty slow, you'd have to wait an entire fucking day to see it turn just once around, so your picture is extremely misleading
also gravity exists, you can feel it right now and see it in the movement of planets, that's the only reason "water always seeks its level", throw some water in complete freefall and it just bunches up into sphere shapes, you can see that happening in ISS videos

>> No.10336503

In addition the water forms to the container it's in. The top seeks to level. Yes, one drop of water in movement is a sphere but our oceans and lakes are not in free fall. If they were, there would be giant spheres of water flying around us all. They lie on the most basic of concepts because people rarely Question those concepts.

>> No.10336523

Have you ever heard of gravity?

Physics absolutely says that water can stay on a spinning ball provided that the gravitational force of the ball on the water is sufficient to counter the centrifugal force due to spin.

Let's do the math for it...

The equation for centrifugal acceleration is
a_c = R*omega^2
a_c is the centrifugal acceleration in meters per second squared
R is the radius of the Earth in meters
omega is the rotation rate of the Earth in radians per second

The Earth's average radius is approx. 6371 km
The Earth rotates once every 24 hr, resulting in a rotation rate of roughly 7.2722e-5 rad/s

With these values, a_c would be ~0.03369 m/s2 or 0.003435 times the average acceleration an object on Earth would feel due to Earth's gravity.

Thus, Physics indeed says that water can stick to a spinning ball.

>> No.10336659
File: 13 KB, 600x320, 62982-004-83A07A7E (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What can explain the simple observation that one person will see a sunset, yet someone far West of them will see the Sun directly overhead?

The sun is the point of light on the icedomes Lense. Think a huge magnifying glass n you got your answer. 360% or 360days but the moon is artificial anomaly so we end up with 365 days. It's why the summer is getting hotter and winter is getting colder. It also explains the seasons because of the angles of the sun's rotation. The sun is also alot closer than we are told. Also, explain how you explain away the fact the sun and Moon are the same size during eclipses?

Gravity don't exist bro. In The equations they use, 78% of the formula is dark matter and only works if you leave that much up to whateverthefuck.
Everything is Electromagnetic. Gravity is a Jewish larp. I'ma drop some knowledge right now.
Ashkenazis gave us
Bolshevik Communists
United Nations

>> No.10336672

Ok, can you please explain what gravity is?
Cuz I've looked and there isn't much agreement on what it even is. I just remembered. This guy proved with witnesses that electromagnetism is the source of what we call gravity.


>> No.10336734

Gravity is the observation that things fall when dropped.
The modern physics explanation of gravity is that objects with mass are mutually attractive.
While there are debates over how gravity works on the quantum scale and what exactly gives rise to the phenomenon, there isn't a massive disagreement over gravity by modern physics like you said. On macroscopic scales free from quantum effects, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity explains gravity with great accuracy, and Newton's formulation of gravity works fine as well.

Addressing your video, electromagnetism can not be an explanation for gravity because the phenomenon happens even to objects that are not affected my electromagnetism such as objects made of plastic.

The experiment could have be affected by factors that weren't accounted for, such as the magnets interacting with the metal in the building, slowing the rock with magnets down.

His experiment has never documented in detail nor published in a journal to be peer-reviewed so there could have been a flaw in his experiment that he wasn't aware of.

>> No.10336784

>The sun is the point of light on the icedomes Lense.

But the Sun isn't a point light because it has an angular diameter.

>Think a huge magnifying glass n you got your answer.

That doesn't explain how the Sun can be above one observer and the Sun heading below another observer's feet at the same time.

On a flat Earth this is logically impossible. I assume you meant severe refraction in the atmosphere, but the refraction properties of air is well understood and don't bend light in the way that the Flat Earth theory requires.

> 360% or 360days but the moon is artificial anomaly so we end up with 365 days. It's why the summer is getting hotter and winter is getting colder. It also explains the seasons because of the angles of the sun's rotation. The sun is also alot closer than we are told.

That was absolutely nonsensical. How does a percent relate to days? Do you have evidence that the Moon is artificial? How does the existence of the Moon add 5 days? How does the Moon explain seasons? Do you have evidence that suggests that the Sun is closer than 150 million km?

Earlier you said that you use Occam's Razor, yet it appears as though the Flat Earth requires more assumptions than the Globe Earth, and that's not including the assumptions required for the conspiracy theories.

>Also, explain how you explain away the fact the sun and Moon are the same size during eclipses?

This has nothing to do with my original argument. You're attempting a red herring. But there is an explanation.

Chance. Also the Moon and the Sun aren't the same exact apparent size.

>> No.10337001
File: 152 KB, 500x763, nasa-in-hebrew-means-to-deceive-deceived-ihl-to-deceive-23361115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a smart fella. A little too smart for your own good. I won't try to tell you the truth, I'm going to help you find it yourself.

Go outside right now and look to see if you can find the curve of the planet.
Watch this video to see the NASA deception with real eye
1. Be open to anything, attached to nothing. Become the Balanced observer that Questions everything.
2. Nothing is 100% true/ subjective objectivity, Question and seek answers and information from independent researchers.
A man is only as good as his word
The minds of men are the product of their environment and the believe structures given to them from the authority figures/elders/ Nurturing.
The Matrix or planet you operate in is a created compartmentalized pyramid scheme system designed to make you slave away for the benefit of your masters. The structure is held together by many minds that think not individually, but collectively. The freedom you have is in reality slavery. The education you have is in reality indoctrination. The life you have lived was lived to serve the Masters. Have you lived life to your benefit?
Cognitive dissonance is too strong.
The horizontal is flat and the sun set due to perspective. Art class will teach you that. When I say the Earth is flat, it's because I can see that it is. When you say we live on a globe, it's because that is what you have been indoctrinated to think.
We go to school to stop thinking for ourselves as individuals within a greater system, to become a group think individual pawn or soldier fighting to bring one way of thought to all.

I'm sorry I posted this here. I hoped to give you something but it's the same bullshit excuses and semantics shoved down my throat every time Something outside of the box is introduced to people still trapped in the box.

>> No.10337020

wow, flattards are this retarded? they don't know how equipotentials of a gravitational field work?

>> No.10337023

this is the highest form of >>>/x/ imaginable

>> No.10337028
File: 1.07 MB, 300x169, it crowd clown laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your hypothesis is mute.

>> No.10337033
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, flat earthers will deny this.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


a computer simulation of the flat earth model shows that it cannot make any sort of realistic prediction. meanwhile http://spaceengine.org/ is a computer simulation of the heliocentric model and it's so accurate you can use it to view eclipses and other celestial events exactly as they would occur ahead of time.

also my webm proves the curve.

>> No.10337036

Yeah ok retard back to the tard wrangler you go

>> No.10337050
File: 38 KB, 820x547, Great-Island-Common-36-2-820x547 moonrise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The horizontal is flat and the sun set due to perspective. Art class will teach you that.

Nope. Perspective does not account for a sun visibly dropping below the horizon. Ditto for the moon.

Perspective could account for the sun and moon dwindling to a point before vanishing -- but everybody who knows how to operate a doorknob can observe for themselves that this does not happen

>> No.10337057

in flat earth, the moon functions as a submarine and swims to the other horizon. DUH COMMON SENSE!

>> No.10337059

See how fast you pawns attack anyone thinking logically from an individual perspective?

You are good slaves. Group shame till he gets through to someone!

Who am I to question what everyone was TOLD WAS TRUE

I'm hopy to help you see the flat facts and understand the rules of the game we are all playing.

>> No.10337065

>anyone who argues is wrong for no other reason than that they're arguing
>no argument

i guess i win

>> No.10337070

See how retarded people suffering from delusions and schizophrenia become?

You are an enemy of reason and a shill promoting a mental disease that your sickly mind is a petri dish for. Facts don't matter! Keep shilling!

Who am I to question someone who denies not just a basic principle of science, but ALL of science -- since what you promote makes it all crumble.

I'm happy to point out that your beliefs are even worse than believing in ghosts and fairies and S
anta, and that you will die an ignoramus.

>> No.10337071
File: 117 KB, 594x396, unsecuritycounciladdressesnorthkorea0-o4axctjnml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Light refraction does when through a lense!!!

Truth is for those with eyes to see. Trusting yourself and your initial assumptions of the Natural world is outlawed here I guess.
Look at the writing on the walls. They are telling you something. You Sheeple are running in globes

>> No.10337076

>Light refraction does when through a lense!!!
what the fuck

>> No.10337079

wait so explain, where did the moon go? into the water or no?

>> No.10337090

Ask yourself one question....
Why is this the way things are.
Why do we think like this?
Who profits off people not thinking for themselves?
Why do you think the way you do?
Because that's been the plan all along.

>> No.10337092

keep on ignoring >>10337033 and it will be aaaaal fine.

>> No.10337095

>[random vagaries]

>> No.10337096

Ask yourself one question....
Why are you shilling this retarded shit?
Why can you not count the number of questions you're asking yourself?

>> No.10337100

>You are a smart fella. A little too smart for your own good.

I'll take the compliment.

>I won't try to tell you the truth, I'm going to help you find it yourself.

So you don't have any way to challenge the points and criticism that I have brought up? Just like how you avoided the original point I brought up?


I'm not going to address the remaining points because it's all a red herring to distract from the fact that you, and Flat Earthers in general, don't have any response to criticism against the flat Earth.

Criticism about the Flat Earth Theory that said theory had over two thousand years to attempt to answer. Meanwhile actual science has been far more productive.

There is a reason why "Flat Earther" is synonymous with "Stupid".

>>10337033 has brought up an interesting point, which I have confidence that you and any Flat Earther won't be able to challenge without either using an explanation that will fail a cursory review or invoking a conspiracy theory.

>subjective objectivity
That is a non-sequitur.

>> No.10337107
File: 421 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Azimuthal_Equidistant_with_Tissot's_Indicatrices_of_Distortion.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flat geniuses think this is actually a map of actual landmasses on an actual flat disc and not a ludicrously warped projection of a sphere

>> No.10337118

Ouch! I think I broke my IQ on that bost.

>> No.10337121

Anything but real life. Can you run a simulation to go look outside?
The one thing that doesn't prove the curve is reality.
Your right, conversation can't even begin in /sci/
In a world where belief is more important than reality, I'm not happy to be apart of it. Anytime you spread truth your attacked for it.
I'm not even sure there is a moon. Once you give up Knowing you actually start to learn. Funny ain't it.
Because it's objective reality. N I just stepped into the lunatic asylum. My bad. Where do open minds go?
Anywhere but here I guess.
I can't argue colors if we can't agree when or where we are. The cognitive dissonance is strong here in /sci/
The pawns of your ideas kinda flooded the thread.

>> No.10337125


then why the fuck does every auto and aerospace company rely on them to test the aerodynamics of their vehicles?

>> No.10337127
File: 13 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the United Nations uses the same map Globetards!!!!

>> No.10337129

>I'm not even sure there is a moon.
holy christ on the cross, please die

>> No.10337134

It's a fucking plasma universer

>> No.10337135

Why? Because I question certainty?
Tell me, is anything ever really 100%?
Then how are you so sure that your right?

I'm just trying to give the gift of Doubt and use your brain to find answers instead of being told the answers.

>> No.10337144
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, flatsun1541664298681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes the UN, apparently masterminds of a conspiracy to conceal the shape of the world since time immemorial Because Reasons, use the biggest secret in history--the world's most forbidden knowledge--as the middle of their insignia. absolutely.

next you'll say "yeah but it's to fuck with people who know THE TRUTH". thinking that random strangers are trying to mess with your head is of course common in schizophrenics.

>Once you give up Knowing
well that's funny since you keep saying that your incoherent claims are "truth" and "objective reality". i would suggest that you yourself give up Knowing and start Learning.

>> No.10337145
File: 12 KB, 166x304, images (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no. I wouldn't dare drop that gift of truth to all you groupthinktank of mystical sciences.
Read the kabala and understand what modern Science really is.

Heliocentric Satanic Tranny lie on a star fort.

>> No.10337160

Why the fuck don't these threads get deleted? I'd rather have furry porn on the front page than this garbage.

>> No.10337171

I've watched the video of the planets being in a line and the ancient people recording the images in the sky.
There isn't an international syndicate of satanic tranny pedophile scientists attempting to summon demons from the large hadron collider. It isn't real, dude.

>> No.10337175

it's amusing, better than the 2089323th "what is the evolutionary reason i'm not chad?" or "what major should i take?" thread

>> No.10337183
File: 32 KB, 559x656, The Glorification of the Eucharist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They told you as much with the new world order and to end war in the minds of all men. They hide in plain sight. I do if you heard this before but it's the glory of God to conceal a thing, he puts the truth there so those with eyes to see and a mind to think will find it. It's my fault for trying to be blunt with truth, for the truth will hurt and you have all shown you can't handle it. I'm the one person who has found some true answers and tried to bring you in on it. The problem with trying to listen to any of you is that I know your most basic assumptions are wrong. You are all good group thinkers. Lol your apart of the biggest joke and I can't wait till you hear the punch line.

>> No.10337192

You are God. Disrobe and dance in the street at once. It is time for the [flat] world to witness His glory.


>> No.10337216
File: 89 KB, 500x510, light500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst part is I did find God. I thought I could help others find it too. The only problem is Its where you never look, at first in yourself and then everywhere else. We are created in the image of the creator right? So by definition we are all individual hues of Thought and creation. The power is with trusting yourself, asking good questions, witch lead to good answers. Stop giving your gift of Thought away to the same people who took it from you since ????

>> No.10337232

>on a flatearth this is logically impossible
[math]\color{#781b86}{\textbf{Wr}}\color{#74208b}{\textbf{on}}\color{#6f2591}{\textbf{g }}\color{#6b2a96}{\textbf{ag}}\color{#672f9c}{\textbf{ai}}\color{#6333a1}{\textbf{n,}}\color{#5e38a6}{\textbf{ A}}\color{#5a3dac}{\textbf{no}}\color{#5642b1}{\textbf{n.}}\color{#5147b7}{\textbf{ T}}\color{#4d4cbc}{\textbf{hr}}\color{#4951c1}{\textbf{ou}}\color{#4456c7}{\textbf{gh}}\color{#405bcc}{\textbf{ G}}\color{#4060cc}{\textbf{od}}\color{#4567c6}{\textbf{ a}}\color{#496ebf}{\textbf{ll}}\color{#4e74b9}{\textbf{ t}}\color{#527bb3}{\textbf{hi}}\color{#5682ac}{\textbf{ng}}\color{#5b88a6}{\textbf{s }}\color{#5f8fa0}{\textbf{ar}}\color{#649699}{\textbf{e }}\color{#689c93}{\textbf{po}}\color{#6da38d}{\textbf{ss}}\color{#71aa87}{\textbf{ib}}\color{#76b080}{\textbf{le}}\color{#7ab77a}{\textbf{. }}\color{#7eb777}{\textbf{Yo}}\color{#82b874}{\textbf{u }}\color{#86b870}{\textbf{ca}}\color{#8ab96d}{\textbf{n'}}\color{#8eb96a}{\textbf{t }}\color{#92ba67}{\textbf{us}}\color{#96ba63}{\textbf{e }}\color{#99ba60}{\textbf{yo}}\color{#9dbb5d}{\textbf{ur}}\color{#a1bb5a}{\textbf{ h}}\color{#a5bc57}{\textbf{um}}\color{#a9bc53}{\textbf{an}}\color{#adbd50}{\textbf{ u}}\color{#b1bd4d}{\textbf{nd}}\color{#b4bb4c}{\textbf{er}}\color{#b8ba4a}{\textbf{st}}\color{#bbb849}{\textbf{an}}\color{#beb648}{\textbf{di}}\color{#c2b446}{\textbf{ng}}\color{#c5b345}{\textbf{ o}}\color{#c8b144}{\textbf{f }}\color{#ccaf42}{\textbf{th}}\color{#cfae41}{\textbf{e }}\color{#d2ac40}{\textbf{un}}\color{#d6aa3e}{\textbf{iv}}\color{#d9a93d}{\textbf{er}}\color{#dca73c}{\textbf{se}}\color{#dea13a}{\textbf{ t}}\color{#de9738}{\textbf{o }}\color{#dd8d36}{\textbf{ma}}\color{#dd8434}{\textbf{ke}}\color{#dd7a32}{\textbf{ t}}\color{#dc7030}{\textbf{he}}\color{#dc662e}{\textbf{se}}\color{#dc5c2d}{\textbf{ b}}\color{#db522b}{\textbf{ol}}\color{#db4829}{\textbf{d }}\color{#db3f27}{\textbf{cl}}\color{#db3525}{\textbf{ai}}\color{#da2b23}{\textbf{ms}}\color{#da2121}{\textbf{.}}[/math]

>> No.10337233
File: 2.10 MB, 2000x2664, photostudio_1548329954209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this motion. I am the bringer of pain and truth to those who have yet to see. The joke(reality) of all jokes(realities) here is that all you(people/ Slaves) actually believed that you were hip to/ in on the joke(reality). Guess what?
You can't guess because you don't even know. Lol lol lol
Ima trollolol my way back over to the norm(/x/) and talk to something other than some A.I. Bot thought. Bye bye /sci/anara suckers. Don't give yourselves away to too many sneaky snakes cuz they all over the plane.

>> No.10337263

What happened to all the shrilling shills shoving shit snakes secrets sent Saturday Sunday Soon Sometime?

>> No.10337266

Enter your message here...
To be or not to be,
that is the question...
maybe, I think,
I'm not sure
wait, you're still reading this?
Type a good message already!

>> No.10337337
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1413078392320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JANNY do your fucking job and move this pseudoscience schizophrenic garbage to /x/

>> No.10337343

jannies please. just this once?

>> No.10337387

well personally i went off to paint a door. i filled my nasa quota on shilling world geometry on /sci/ for today.

by the way, where's the map? a working map of flat earth, please. it's not much to ask.

>> No.10337480
File: 1.22 MB, 320x180, mm5sHC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a world filled with lies and half truths a correct map or picture of the playing field would blow you away just like hearing the true voice of God. Another good example to what witnessing an accurate picture of the body we occupy is what happens in Indiana Jones when the ark of the covenant blows those that looked away.

To be isn't the question. It's a fact for you and me. The real question is
to help yourself by helping others?
To help yourself by taking others down?
That is the true Q. we have ignored it since we first forgot to ask ourselves the one answer that is up to you.... Why?
Science, religion, politicians, every tom, dick and harry has an answer for the who, what, when, and where yet it's all to keep you from looking inside and asking the one question you have the right answer for. Why?
You know why... Right?
Why do you believe I'm wrong and your right? Because everyone said so? You know what that leads to, right up to the bridge n u jumping off.

>> No.10337494
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190125-065440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want a look at what I've seen?
This is a group of Tartarian empire electromagnetic chainmail plasma knights taking a group pic

>> No.10337496
File: 209 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190125-094430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about reptilian babies as seen on TV!!!

>> No.10337509
File: 8 KB, 312x161, download (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or what about Tecumsehs comet and the cataclysm of 1812? Mudd flooded the Tartarian empire and Freemasons found the remaining technology. They gave it to Tesla and tried to erase Tesla after the fact. History has little truth, heavy on His Story. Just take a look at the load of Bologna in Bolognese Italy, and we are going to let them hide this forever?

>> No.10337523

disregard this i suck cocks for breakfast

>> No.10337529
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking like another me sided conversation with me to ponder these pickled nickles of knowing no ledge
The Earth is flat and it's true there are no ends of it. Wanna prove me wrong? So do I. Thank the absent Antarctica treaty policed by all the powers of the governments who represents you.

>> No.10337535

Hey me!! I knew you would appear for me!!!

You ever see somebody schitzo larp harder than I?

>> No.10337540
File: 17 KB, 193x261, images (38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you tell me to disregard when my trash is another me's treasure.
Your not me or me or Bill hicks your
Making the fregggin frogs HAYyyy GAY

>> No.10337543

guess what: nobody will ever take you seriously except for other schizos you recruit to your idiot-fest

you lost 300 years ago. neck yourself schizo.

>> No.10337546

hey earlier you said you doubt the existence of the moon.

explain the moon then genius boy

>> No.10337548

but are you me
*vsauce music*

>> No.10337554

what a grandiose and mad way of saying "sadly i don't have a working map"

>> No.10337565
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images (40).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so serious?
Not enough Math or science for you?
How about this then....
∞ =1 / 1 =∞
All is one and one is all
Go stuck something random up your ass.
You might just wake up.
I do sincerely apologise to try to speak seriously yet you ran from the question to bask in your group think dick in your ass fast pass

∞ and beyond.

>> No.10337573
File: 109 KB, 955x768, b6otFshhUrqaBKuKLAHvhufIQOb8J-HPgGFGZZ0mEZs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only the beginning. The toe of the greatest body we operate in.

>> No.10337575
File: 69 KB, 700x426, 1542021872114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no arguments
lmao the absolute state of fetards

>> No.10337586
File: 152 KB, 455x603, 1548044834491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat Earth= innocent truth
Round earth=heratacle tranny whore slit succubus n Satan.
That is the real state of this argument.

Hey guys, remember when the moon went out of focus during the blood moon?
Hey guys, remember when the moon was only out during the day on special occasions and now it's there all the time?
Hey guys.... Nevermind.....

>> No.10337591

proofs nigger

>> No.10337592
File: 8 KB, 956x564, 1793328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess what idiot, you're wrong. science wins. fatality.

go back to your cave grug-man

>> No.10337598

>flattards think an azimuthal projection of a sphere, with warping extremely evident, is a working map

>> No.10337606

Proof of what?
You ask for proof from everything you believe in or were you just now starting to ask questions? I showed you an image of the moon out of focus. You tell me to show some proof. Who is really the crazy one here?

I hope it hits just one of you that I was right, you were all wrong. You were all played like Kim played Klondike Kloe'

>> No.10337617
File: 98 KB, 1200x1200, 1534660834702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes m8, your out-of-focus picture is evidence of flat earth

>> No.10337638

>You will not convince me to ignore reality.
Well, then.
Have fun in your own little disk.

>> No.10337642
File: 11 KB, 236x283, bc1f4b7bd98a66bb258ad34548db2ee2--all-seeing-eye-shadow-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you come to learn what you believe if true?
If you answer, through my environment, years of schooling, memorizing and repeating what others have told us to be true, Your a slave who hasn't asked why or thought to Question anything you were told.
If you answer, through Questioning my belief, the world, and those around me, and through independent thinkers who add something new to consider or have come to similar conclusions, your a free thinking feeling empathetic human being.

I'm a free thinker right in the middle of Group Think Slave Cave Central.
I've dropped red pills along the trail so if you are feeling anything like what I felt like when trying to understand the official consensus of knowledge, that the more you learn the harder it is to understand why things are the way they are, follow your gut, and START Thinking for yourself.

>> No.10337650
File: 918 KB, 1175x1200, 1548080937550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you hear me now?
Can you see the moon is out of focus?
Can a giant rock floating around a bigger rock go out of focus like this?
And the flood gates of excuses comes rushing at me.

>> No.10337652

>I'm a schizo

>> No.10337653

>hurr durr focus, me smart
die idiot

>> No.10337661

>these ((((((((((scientist's))))))))) findings are lies
>but these random autism from internet is true

>> No.10337666

Let me prove to you with space x that the bible was right, we have a fermerment, and the waters above are the reason why man has never left near earth orbit. Ever!!!


>> No.10337667

Random autistic artists that Think independently for themselves.

>> No.10337668

rofl what

>> No.10337671
File: 1.29 MB, 674x544, spacex1537146691795.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice english you hillbilly fag

>> No.10337672

You see a blood moon? I dont. I see a holographic image

>> No.10337677

absolute fucking loon

>> No.10337678

still waiting on how you explain the moon, oh Knight of The High Order of Shills

>> No.10337679

Wow. It's real because it looks so fake.
-elon Musk rat /sci poster boi

>> No.10337684
File: 86 KB, 680x553, 1547606899138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never claimed to have all the answers. I'm just asking questions and looking for answers. All you filtered can do is scream out proofit, while you all March to the beat of your Ashkenazi Nazi Masters

>> No.10337687
File: 1.64 MB, 1260x720, space1545689168246.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be even more incoherent