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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 413x310, ben stein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1033141 No.1033141 [Reply] [Original]

Liberals are good at science. Conservatives are good at economics. This is how the world works.

>> No.1033147

what does "good at economics" mean? not a troll, I'm just not sure what the measure of success in the field of economics is.

>> No.1033150


>> No.1033155

Liberals are good at everything requiring intelligence. Conservatives make good canon fodder.

>> No.1033159

Wait, isn't Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman a liberal?

>> No.1033160


The have economic policies that promote greater levels of fairness and economic freedom.

>> No.1033167

Do you have any neurological studies confirming this?

>> No.1033177

so free market is more fair and provides more freedom to the common man than socialism. good to know, cause I thought that whole gilded age phenomenon was not good.

>> No.1033178
File: 12 KB, 200x240, 200px-John_Maynard_Keynes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not to mention John Maynard Keynes. You may have heard of him, he's only the father of modern day economics

>> No.1033183

Yeah no.

>> No.1033185

I agree that liberals are good at science. It's the conservatives are good at anything part of your argument that gives me pause.

>> No.1033186

people who label themselves are all idiots

>> No.1033197

Conservatives just suck in general.

>> No.1033209

I am a engineer and almost all of my fellows are for conservatism.
we are well organized people, well-established mind.
we don't seek help from others.
It pretty much explain our tendency.

>> No.1033215

Liberals are good at science. Conservatives rule the world. This is how the world work.


And the corporate suit norm is just one symptom of the fuck their brains are full of.


>> No.1033221

says the namefag posting on the anonymous board.

>> No.1033222



>> No.1033223

i didn't realize /sci/ was so... liberal

>> No.1033230

This is an incorrect assessment. What you meant to compare were open minded individuals and individuals with primary experience.

Science requires logic, open thought, and analysis. Economics don't generally follow the intended design structure because it is not scientific, it is human. Therefore, experience and human behavior understanding are far more useful than conceptual solutions.

At least in the past... in today's world, you need both to try and work the economy.

>> No.1033232

>implying the people in charge aren't selfish (ie conservative)
Protip: I'm trolling.

>> No.1033242

im just as anonymous as you are, anonymous.

>> No.1033249

no, since you have a trip code you cannot be effectively impersonated, ergo you have a unique identifier, what is essentially a stand in for a name.

>> No.1033252

4chan in general is pretty liberal. Why? Because it's fucking 4chan.

>> No.1033257

Liberals are wrong in everything they do.

>> No.1033265

>Science requires logic, open thought, and analysis.
> experience and human behavior understanding are far more useful than conceptual solutions.

So which of those traits do conservatives possess again?

>> No.1033270


>> No.1033273

Explain please. not disagreeing, just asking for an explanation.

>> No.1033274

liberal concerning morality not really politically

>> No.1033284
File: 25 KB, 518x261, scientists liberal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scientists are overwhelmingly liberal. Conservative scientists are as rare as intelligent evangelical Christians. They say reality has a liberal bias for a reason, it's not just a joke. Learning about the world inevitably leads to a more liberal worldview, it's the position of rationality and facts.

>> No.1033286

Good and bad are not scientific.

>> No.1033287

Suuureeee, economy works just fine after 8 years of them running it.

>> No.1033288



That's why conservatives are so butthurt over him

>> No.1033299

Liberals are retards anyway

>> No.1033301

Doesn't Conservative mean you want to conserve the past and what not?

And liberal means you are open to change things and advance?

Which one better resembles science, and which one better resembles religion..

>> No.1033302

>Most of the public sees scientists as neutral
Huh. Maybe it's because of where I live, but the overwhelming opinion I see tends to be that they're liberals.

>> No.1033305

and do you know who i am? no. im anonymous.

besides i occasionaly give out my tripcode.

nobody ever tries to impersonate me though (that i know of anyway)

One day i would like for everyone to be tinycat ;_;

>> No.1033310

is that ben stein?

The guy who made a documentary about how scientists are mean because they aren't open to creationism?

>> No.1033311


This is why liberals control business and the military right? Born leaders they are.

>> No.1033317

Which does, technically, make him a bad scientist.

>> No.1033318


Pretty much this. Conservatives have nearly destroyed the economy twice in 80 years. Conservatives nearly destroyed it under Hoover and it had to be fixed by liberals. Then they nearly destroyed it again under Bush and it had to be fixed again by liberals.

>> No.1033321

after poor reviews during the initial theatrical run they tried to claim it was a satire.

>> No.1033325

Most liberal scientists are wrong. Since liberalism is entirety wrong, scientists shouldn't be trusted. Only engineers have the qualifications and the right state of mind to make important decisions.

>> No.1033329

Liberals tend to work towards an unrealistic ideal were they assume everything works out fine and everyone plays by the rules. Conservatives use known history and facts, assumes nothing will go perfectly, and guards against overly powerful laws that may destroy the balance of power.

I.E. liberals believe that the federal government can be trusted over state government.

The New Deal looked good 60 years ago, but a lot of its policies is choking the economic system today.

>> No.1033337


do you have a source for that graph?

>> No.1033338


You poor deluded liberal.

>> No.1033341

Time out. The Great Depression was the result of a large chain of events and should not be blamed on Herbert Hoover. Hoover could have done a better job responding to it, but he's most certainly not to blame for causing it.

>> No.1033346

If liberals were sailors and the ship had a hole in it, they'd try to fix it
A conservative would ignore the hole and stay the course until everyone drowned

>> No.1033349

>Conservatives use known history and facts
>The Bible
>basing all decisions on faith and mythological religious fairy tales

>> No.1033350

Look, an obvious troll!

>> No.1033353


You have no idea how the economy works, do you buddy?

I bet you spout off bullshit like "Clinton had a surplus!!!1!" as well.

>> No.1033355

Conservatives are the alpha males with balls who get shit done.

Liberals are pussies who are scared of everything and afraid to offend anyone. Also feel guilty about the color of their skin

>> No.1033356

Well capitalism naturally leads to corporations running things. Are you trying to claim that corps do a better job than elected governments when in charge?

>> No.1033357

as a full-blown conservative, ben stein is a fucking moron. period.

>> No.1033363

/new/ is watching this thread, so if it gets more retarded in here you guys know what happened.

>> No.1033369


>but a lot of its policies is choking the economic system today.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.1033372


I didn't say Hoover was entirely to blame. I said conservative economic policies were to blame, which is the truth. Conservative economic policies inevitably lead to bubbles and recessions. It happens every time conservatives are put in charge of the economy, whether it's under Hoover, Reagan or Bush.

>> No.1033374

The litmus test is going to be the degree to which white supremacist thinking begins to factor into the conversation.

>> No.1033377

And how many of those scientists work in useless fields like psychology and biology?
The conservative scientists work in fields that actually have a real life effect on the world, and understand that their research will change things in a few years. Real scientists work for profit, not begging for some conservative millionaire to give them free money to check the chemical composition of belly button lint.

>> No.1033380

Teller and the vast majority of the Industrial Military Complex doesn't agree.


Not to mention that the internet came out of ARPANET, which was part of the military, so, uh... No.

The people whom you brand as 'conservatives' pretty much allow you to post your bigottry today.

>> No.1033382


Being conservative means learning and building on the past.

>> No.1033385

Capitalism: Corporations are in charge

Liberalism: The elected gov't is in charge.

Thats an easy fucking choice you faggots

>> No.1033389

What's the most successful Republican?
Wat did he do?
He spent most of the countries money on nukes we are now trying to get rid of, started the failed war on drugs which has cost us billions and created Raegonomics, which fucked us over in the 21st century
Whats the most succesful Liberal?
He pulled us out of the Great Depression and made us win WWII bringing the country prosperity for years to come

>> No.1033393

Being liberal means learning from the past and fixing what you think didn't work. Whether or not either approach is valid is subject to debate.

>> No.1033394

What the fuck? When did capitalism come in?

>> No.1033398


>> No.1033399

>implying that FDR's sucesses was of his own making and not because WW2 destroyed the rest of the world.

>> No.1033409

>Implying Capitalism and Liberalism are diametrically opposed.
>Implying Conservatism and Capitalism are synonymous.

>> No.1033410

'Conservative' is an american made insult, meant to depict a certain part of the population as old fashioned.

Not to mention that the correct term for the so called Conservatives is Liberals, or libertarians as they like to call themselves locally.
While the 'american liberals' are just a bunch of butthurt socialists.

>> No.1033411


>implying FDR did fuckall
>implying presidents do fuckall

>> No.1033413

conservatives = capitalists

>> No.1033415

yes keeping old people from starving to death was a horrible failure of his

>> No.1033416

>Implying his social benefit programs didn't alleviate the suffering the American people were going through and empowered them to recover

>> No.1033417

It's seems that most conservatives today believe keynesian economics were a complete failure during the Great Depression. Conservatives should really stop trying to rewrite history.


>> No.1033428

Russia called, they'd like a word with you.

>> No.1033437



>> No.1033438


The great depression was not as bad as you are taught it was.

>> No.1033439

You've got to be an aspie to believe that the government doesn't run on money.

The idea of economy and politics running separate from each other is something coming out of someone who went a bit too high on crack.

>> No.1033440

Scientist's research is not purely about commercial applications you dense faggot
Be thankful scientists in the past took the time to research those things you consider "useless" or else we'd still be living in the stone ages

>> No.1033442

Did you take a message?

>> No.1033451


Yeah, and lets not forget this "debacle"


>> No.1033452

/v/ here i'm going to school you ALL in nintendonomics

>> No.1033454

Yeah, something about how their conservatives are all communists.

>> No.1033456

in economic terms or in terms of human suffering?

>> No.1033461

>Biology and Psychology

Get out of here

>> No.1033467

The reason why scientists are liberals is because we listen to reason

>> No.1033468


Keynessian economics didn't help the economy, they only alleviated it temporally. After the war ended, seems they cut the economic help, and guess what, the economy didn't collapse as the keynessians predicted.

>> No.1033469

I men't conservatives relative to america.

>> No.1033471



>I don't know anything about Herbert Hoover and how his bloating of government caused the Great Depression, while FDR's idiocy through massive spending kept it going.

>> No.1033473



>> No.1033480


War spending was Keynesian stimulus. The war spending ended the Depression. Keynes was right. It worked.

>> No.1033483

ITT: nobody know shit about economics

>> No.1033485

The federal government still kept an important role
and thanks to that we made highways, schools and a lot of other things
The US was socialist, it just didn't want to admit because they hated the USSR

>> No.1033487


did you seriously just link to Cato? Get the fuck out of here please.

>> No.1033489


You are correct, you do not know anything about this subject. There are many books you can read to educate yourself.

>> No.1033490

This is true.

>> No.1033497

With all the shit you /sci/ence fags spout off about the field of economics, you sure dont know a damned thing about it.

>> No.1033501

Yawn. Professors are liberals because it's the most financially tenable stance for them take. Liberals are just as inclined to refuse to acknowledge data when it disagrees with their egalitarian, "human mind as a blank-slate and no group on average has any physiological differences" cosmology.

>> No.1033505


>implying increased government spending prolongs a recession

The fuck are you talking about? Take a basic economics course kid.

>> No.1033509

Are most people who enter the hard sciences conservative? Does anyone have any statistics on this?

>> No.1033510

I know about Keynes

>> No.1033513


Are you a libertarian?

>> No.1033524
File: 190 KB, 678x1009, krugman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Nobel prizes have you got, OP? NONE! Suck on it!

>> No.1033525


Coolidge and Harding gave us one of the greatest economic booms in history.

I bet you're gonna give the credit to Woodrow Wilson though, despite the fact that he left office with a Depression thanks to his domestic policy and WW 1.

>> No.1033526


Spend your spare minute to read the link to the article I just pasted.

After the war ended, the war spending was completely cut off.

Millions who worked in the war effort ended unemployed. The keynessians predicted that there would be 14-20 million unemployed, and guess what... nothing happened, the private sector simply self-adapted in order to take the extra labor.

>> No.1033528

Incorrect. Ignoring reality is a conservative ideology because only by ignoring reality can one still maintain their faith in conservative ideology.

>> No.1033533

Duh, it's /sci/, not /econ/ or whatever. Care to enlighten us on the specific errors, or do you just like being a smug, holier-than-thou jerk?

>> No.1033549

Psychology fag detected.
Enjoy your shit tier compressed math courses.

>> No.1033551


Am I the only one who believes that bigotry comes from both sides?

I'd say that both american 'liberals' and 'conservatives' are equally responsible for supreme religious-like zeal and bigotry.

>> No.1033552

Hey we're not ideological in our beliefs, we're realistic
If you're talking about communism nobody with a brain would still agree on that
But socialism is another thing altogether

>> No.1033555

Just about no one knows what the fuck they are talking about in economics. The system has too many variables to accurately model, The worst thing about economists is that many of them think you can understand complex human behavior by sitting in the armchair and thinking about what it would be rational to do.

>> No.1033561

fairness no, but they provide better overall prosperity

liberal economics policy sucks because they worry so much about making shit fair for poor people who dont contribute much to the country's wealth, while conservatives focus on the countries wealth as a whole, from which richer people end up benefiting disproportionately more.

on average conservative economic policy is good, except for reaganomics, lol that shit was retarded

>> No.1033575

Liberals should take their neckbeards and stick to the labs while conservatives continue to live in the REAL WORLD.

>> No.1033577


>or do you just like being a smug, holier-than-thou jerk

like the majority of /sci/? Id fit right in.

There are a few posts which are correct in this thread, but the majority is a bunch of BS. Too much to "enlighten" you about.

>> No.1033578

Well my belief is that economic should have some beneficial impact on society rather than just striving to generate money for the sake of generating money.
Free healthcare, public education and highways are good examples of this

>> No.1033580


He claims a lot about what the "keynesians" said, but I don't think he understands keynes at all. he would have never advocated continued government intervention and deficit spending when we were near full employment.

>> No.1033582

thats a bit circular

>> No.1033585

Is that why the united states gov't just had to go spend 700B to bail out some corps.?

>> No.1033587

Incorrect. Ignoring reality is a liberal ideology because only by ignoring reality can one still maintain their faith in liberal ideology.

See how easy that was? Your retarded tautology isn't helping to advance your argument.

>> No.1033588

There are many differences between scientists and normal people. One such difference is intelligence.
Why are you assuming that this one difference among many is the primary cause of the liberal tendencies?

>> No.1033592

At least left-wing fake economics went out the window with the rest of Marxist theory.

Unfortunately, right-wing fake economics is alive and kicking. - Even despite the fact that a almost entirely unregulated derivatives market just imploded so violently the global economy was sent into a tailspin.

>> No.1033593


I beg to differ, american 'liberal' politics tie the worker's and the enterprise's fate to the state, if the state changes, so does the economy, for the good and the bad.

Economy should be dependant on individual entrepreneurship, and not political intervention, since what works for politics doesn't work for markets.

>> No.1033595
File: 31 KB, 300x244, OHHKAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that the 2 american parties are anything but moderate conservatives to super conservatives

>> No.1033598
File: 17 KB, 333x345, 1273947207873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He actually things 'free' healthcare is free
Talk to any nurse in the real world and she'll happy disagree.

>> No.1033600


>What happened? Labor markets adjusted quickly and efficiently once they were finally unfettered

LOL unfettered? If by unfettered he means still closely regulated by FDR era legislation, then yes I guess the markets were unfettered.

>> No.1033605

help the richer get richer, screw everybody else, 50 years from now the country will have a puppet government controlled by the 10 most wealthy families.

>> No.1033609
File: 24 KB, 311x311, 1268447693893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And how many of those scientists work in useless fields like psychology and biology?

You mean like fruit flies and other useless research?

>> No.1033614

> Implying that both parties ought to actually get political leadership that doesn't fall asleep during most if not all of their lessons at their 'oh so goddamnedly famous and prestigious elite universities', so that when they get asked where the Republic of Georgia, they don't say its north of Florida.

>> No.1033623

Poor people contribute more to wealth than rich bankers or people who play the stock market.

Far more.

>> No.1033629

>implying the nobel prize is worth anything

>> No.1033630
File: 60 KB, 246x245, 1268335748035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Uses reaction images from gay anime

>> No.1033636

>ad hominem

>> No.1033640

>free healthcare

Someone has to pay, somewhere. Nothing is free.

>> No.1033642


Yeah, want to know something? Despite what conservatives would have you believe, they voted for that bill as well.

And yes, letting the big mortage companies fail would have caused massive economic failure. I personally think we should have broken up these big companies after bailing them out, and held a full investigation on the people who carried out the malicious lending practices and had them thrown in jail. But nobody in their right mind with a knowledge of economics would suggest that we shouldn't bail out the banks

>> No.1033649

Meet Flowergirl and his/her fascination with artistic banality.

>> No.1033652

>implying any american market is unregulated

>> No.1033654


Unfettered as not getting unproffitable businesses kept afloat by taxpayer's money.
FDR's anti-trust legislation itself... isn't something I don't agree with... the part of constantly wasting money by trying keep up unprofitable shit is what does it.

>> No.1033656

>Liberals are good at science. Conservatives are good at economics.

In Sweden "Gross public debt, ... is expected to come down to a level below 20% of GDP in 2010" whereas in the USA it's running at around 100%

Poor socialists....

>> No.1033661

Don't be a piece of shit:

>> No.1033663


Obama got his Nobel prize for doing absolutely nothing but blowing hot air.

>> No.1033668

No republican who voted for that bill is a conservative. Most of the republican party is only barely right of center.

>> No.1033670


>> No.1033671

Regardless its a step in the right direction
from now on the government will regulate how much hospitals can charge so people won't have to mortgage their house to save their lives

>> No.1033679


>> No.1033686

And? According to the link you posted the quote in question IS an ad hominem.

> Uses reaction images from gay anime
This would only NOT be an ad hominem if it accompanied an actual argument... but I don't see any argument there, just the ad hominem.

The argument is not addressed- there is only the personal attack on the poster's choice of images.

>> No.1033692

>from now on the government will regulate how much hospitals can charge so people won't have to mortgage their house to save their lives

>> No.1033693

No republican who voted for that bill was thinking of economics or being responsible for their country.
They were too busy worrying about what would happen if the electorate thought that they had been offered a 'solution' (no matter how phony it was) and had rejected it.

As usual, political interests that do not intersect with national interests...

>> No.1033695



Every time the government steps in to control prices, it invariably results in higher prices and worse value.

>> No.1033699

businesses can't be trusted to practice ethics on their own, the reason for the shitty lending practices is that the creation of the derivatives markets dis-aligned the banks interests from their customers.

they can no longer maximize profit by just maximizing their customers profits. they can make more money by having their customer fail instead. in a free market this should correct itself by customers moving away from such banks, but in the mean time they can continue creating bubbles causing rapid inflation deflation cycles which end up just hurting the customer again.

>> No.1033706

Way to add billions on the taxpayer, that way we can charge the lower 80% of the population for the medical costs of 20%, AND fuck their already fucked economy.
Therefore forcing them into bankruptcy.

>> No.1033708

not every time, you should check out the italy's regulation on the price of espresso, its a good value

>> No.1033709


You're upset about that because you're not keeping an open mind at all. You say he's "propping up a failing business". He was propping up businesses that employed millions of Americans, and were going bankrupt due to all sorts of unpredictable economic events.

I know you're thinking "hey, if we just let the business' fail, in the long run other business' will spring up and we'll reach full employment." And you're right, it will happen... eventually. But as Keyne's himself said "in the long run, we're all dead"

People don't want to wait 10-15 years for the economy to recover. You've got to realize that during this time, people are starving to death, living below their means, etc. Kennedy propped up those business' to maintain employment, because his economic advisors had the foresight to realize that if major employers were allowed to fail, the road to recovery would be that much longer.

I'm not going to try to bash this into your head or anything. I just hope you realize that there are two sides to every story, and it's not as clear cut as you seem to believe.

>> No.1033712

Hey we're not talking about businesses here, we're talking about hospitals
Worse value will fucking do

>> No.1033724

Except its kind of a dickish move to profit from somebody who is trying to save his life.

The idea behind it is not make it more profitable, is making it more accessible for those who cant normally afford it

>> No.1033725


The statement would have had a lot more of value if it had been about an economically powerful and prosperous country, like Germany.

But speaking of Italy is only 2-3 steps above Greece, thank you (the other 2 steps being Spain, Portugal, and possibly some other state I forgot to mention)

>> No.1033729

>Most of the republican party is only barely right of center.
actually most liberals are just right of center, and republicans are about twice that from center

overall ideologies of politicians are almost the same, their party designation is really defined by "issues"

>> No.1033730

There was no implication that your argument was poorly constructed because of your poor taste in images. But keep on bawwwing for yourself and pretend that you had a good excuse to spout your Latin bullshit without knowing what it means.

>> No.1033735

did i say that it was a move that was good for their economy no, I said it results in a better value and lower price for the product. which was all the previous post required

>> No.1033741

It's not about quality so much as it's about shortages, which is what happens when price controls are implemented.

>> No.1033746

Actually, out of everything in the thread, I agree with this the most.

>> No.1033747

just in case anybody is wondering, almost all of the 700b bailout money has been repaid (i think i read all but about $136b has been repaid)

>> No.1033753

The government cannot pay for everyone and everything forever, government spending into that kind of services should only be until the private sector can cope with the demand.
If they are failing to obtain profit, their model is wrong.
If you cannot adapt, you die. It's evolution sir; by feeding the inept you obstaculize the development of a better and more robust economy.
The only real thing that the state should do regarding to economic activity, is to keep one or two corporations from taking over everything, because such an 'entity' could as well become a state in itself.

>> No.1033758

yeah, but the fed is still loaning out basically free money, we basically just repaid ourselves

>> No.1033763

The bailout money has only been paid by GM, but the government still owns several billion used in buying out control of the companies in the first place.

>> No.1033770

2 things
>it wasn't my argument
>I didn't even make the original call that it was ad hominem

I just call it like I see it. Greentext/reaction image is generally an attempt to discredit someone's post without addressing their argument. That's in logical fallacyland already. Add a questioning of the poster's sexuality and their taste in images/posting style/entertainment, and that's classic ad hominem.

If you weren't criticizing his argument, why did you post something so inflammatory? The only reason to would be that you disagreed with what he was saying, but instead of attacking the argument, you attacked the source.

Don't believe that I'm not the same guy as the flower girl guy or the guy that called ad hominem? Use the samefag detector method and see for yourself.

>> No.1033779

Ever wondered why the dollar stays so low as of late?

Fed just keeps printing money to pay their debts.
At the pace they keep printing money for paying their debts with the whole world, I am surprised the USA hasn't gone through the whole Austrian Post WW1 monetary crisis over a couple times already.

>> No.1033782


>If you cannot adapt, you die. It's evolution sir; by feeding the inept you obstaculize the development of a better and more robust economy.

Again, you're

1) Ignoring the factors that cause failure

In many cases (such as during the great depression), failure is being caused by economic conditions that they cannot control (increased unemployment means less spending means less profit) It could very well be that their business model IS profitable, it's just not sustainable under current economic conditions.

2) New company's take time and capital to develop

And during that time, people are going to be starving to death, and also by the way won't be spending and will be prolonging the economic slump

>> No.1033790

Ranting about discursive inane and trivial things isn't the point of the thread. Going further on that line, is just pure trolling.

Don't bother, lol.

>> No.1033802

I disagree, ranting about discursive inane and trivial things is the entire point of 4chan, no matter the board or thread.

>> No.1033807

>If you weren't criticizing his argument, why did you post something so inflammatory? The only reason to would be that you disagreed with what he was saying, but instead of attacking the argument, you attacked the source.

Guess what? I'm not the poster of the greentext either, but I'm not into mystically reading between the lines, and there is no single more common fallacy in arguments than confusing abuse (in this case, very, very mild abuse by 4chan standards) with the attempt to dismantle an argument based on the messenger of the argument and shouting "AD HOMINEM!" like a fucking child.

>> No.1033810

Yeah, its funny, banks are taking the non taxed loan money of the bailout, and loaning it back to the government to pay for the bailout. at interest.

USA government is the worst loan shark ever.

>> No.1033816

The Nobel Peace Prize is the new Teen's Choice Awards

>> No.1033820

>USA government is the worst loan shark ever.

I fucking lol'd

>> No.1033825

>just in case anybody is wondering, almost all of the 700b bailout money has been repaid (i think i read all but about $136b has been repaid)
>136b/700b = ~20%

the hell, if I borrowed $10k from you, and paid you back $8k, would you consider it "almost all" paid back? or if the ATM gave you 16 dollars instead of 20 would you consider that almost all the money it owed you?

I understand your comment that a large majority has been repaid, but don't start off with "almost all" and then say "about 20% is left"

>> No.1033832

Cool! So medicine can become like oil in the U.S. in the 1970s?

>> No.1033838

"> Uses reaction images from gay anime" was completely irrelevant to the discussion. So was my statement ">ad hominem". If you get to discount the first as harmless, I get to discount the second.

Also, I always laugh when somebody mistakes me for another anon. Only form of trolling I enjoy.

>> No.1033843


Increasing unemployment means better oportunites for starting businesses and to ensure the conditions in which they can be started.

That isn't done by through 700 billion into the black hole that are the old and antiquated US majors, that is done by encouraging the creation of new enterprises, by reducing taxes and starting certain kinds of Small and Medium Enterprise programs, in order to encourage individuals to start up.

>> No.1033849

Maybe you don't understand greentext reaction images, or chan culture in general.

When you post a reaction image and a greentext accompanyment, it is exactly the same as saying "your argument is shit because of X".

Exactly the same.

For example. OP says "I like X: The band"
Response of a humorous reaction image with greentext
>He likes X! LOL

The exact same as when someone makes an argument, and someone zooms in on a misspelled word. In chan culture, anything like that automatically invalidates your argument to them. That's just how it fucking works.

Deal with it.

>> No.1033861
File: 55 KB, 469x428, 1256257450271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Mohammed, I didn't fucking yell AD HOMINEM! You seem to be butthurt about other people who have done that in the past. I mentioned it half-seriously, and unless you're "into mystically reading between the lines" there's no reason to get so angsty about it.

>> No.1033863


Ok, so you have no formal education in economics then correct?

>> No.1033866


/B/ is for trolling, everything else is mediocrity.
Trolling like a true testament to the word 'crimes against humanity' is where all the jew gold of the world is at.

>> No.1033869

>If you get to discount the first as harmless, I get to discount the second.
The difference is, yours was wrong.

>> No.1033870

Oh yes, and another example, you may see threads on /v/ that say "You X? You don't know SHIT about video games."

Translated into greentext, someone's argument would be devalued by saying ">He x, lol" and having a reaction image.

>> No.1033875

You're getting mad trolled brah.

>> No.1033888


And you both have disappointed the ill reputed memory of the dark side of humanity by staging such a pointless little whine fest.

Both of you, take a gun, bite the barrel, and an hero.

>> No.1033899

In resume, OP is a libtard and a fag. 'Nuff said.

>> No.1033907

You're getting mad now. There's no need for that.

>> No.1033914

Only arguments can be wrong, bro.

>> No.1033929
File: 74 KB, 800x497, 800px-PublicDebtTriade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

united states has a strong economy, they can support a lot of debt

the country's debt to gdp ratio is still very good, but has obviously gone up recently, nowhere near as bad as japan though.

>> No.1033934


Not really man, I'd be going through my chemo folder if I actually felt somewhat close to 37.1 C°

>> No.1033936

>implying Nobel Prize isn't the Teen Choice Awards for non-science subjects

>> No.1033944


LOL, mixed the quotes <3

>> No.1033952

you stole my analogy! But I feel flattered. :D

>> No.1033958

guilty. saw it in that other thread and lold hard. take it as a complement

>> No.1033963

A certain inventor of the dynamite would be revolting in the grave if he could, if you know what I mean.

>> No.1033965

You do realize that there are other countries with public healthcare right?

>> No.1033966

> if I borrowed $10k from you, and paid you back $8k, would you consider it "almost all" paid back?
>or if the ATM gave you 16 dollars instead of 20 would you consider that almost all the money it owed you?

the point is, people talk about 700b like it's money the government lost or spent and its gone.

>> No.1033990


I happen to live somewhere where Healthcare is almost completely public run, as well as education.

In fact, you can even get to the fucking goddamn state University and graduate without paying a dime for it (as in, the courses themselves, the rest you've got to pay it)

And speaking from experience, it fucking fails hardcore, and only subsists because of the medical syndicates which press the govt over and over.

So, say what sir?

>> No.1034000

A daring young woman named alice
Used a dynamite stick as a phallus.
They found her vagina
In north carolina
And bits of her anus in Dallas.

Sorry, that might be the weed talking....

>> No.1034001

Well, it depends on whether or not the government directed the money towards the most productive ends possible or towards broken windows. That so much of it went towards failing corporations inclines me to think it's mostly the latter.

>> No.1034012

I got a hearty lol with that.

>> No.1034028

> as well as education.
i would agree with this if they made college tougher and stricter, so worthless people that are just being a drain on the school (and thereby economy) are kicked out

>> No.1034057

GOD DAMNIT! The arrogance and trolling in this thread pisses me off!
Yes, yes your overly simplistic model of how society works is really so accurate and complete that simply holding it is demonstration of your profound intellect.

Your ideology is THE miracle of all human reasoning through out history. The absolutely right infallible truth.

god damn.

now to comment on OP's troll.. i mean post.

Liberals tend to be model thinkers. Mostly utilizing secondary sources of information.

Conservatives tend to be more empirical, preferring observation over abstraction and secondary sources.

>> No.1034072


It is indeed stricter, the point is...
That only the 20% of the university's students cannot afford the cost of a private education.

Instead of serving as a ground for academic development, it serves for political means and ideological formation.

Not to mention that following a certain political party actually increases your posibilities, even if you are a down's syndrome that spews the correct stuff.

Even for the public 'free' cafeterias, you might get kicked out for not being part of a group.

And the government spending into the distinct faculties is driven by political interest.

As usual, the idea of 'free' education, is just another utopy...

>> No.1034082

I fail to see how "conservatives", in the american definition of the word, are good at economics. They're retards, truly. Everything they touch turns to shit.

You know how american "liberals" tax and spend? Well american "conservatives" spend and spend.

They're mentally challenged apes.

>> No.1034085


> You criticize bigotry and yet you define a virtual inexistent difference between both said groups, wonderful.

>> No.1034094


You lost me, what?

>> No.1034111


>Your ideology is THE miracle of all human reasoning >through out history. The absolutely right infallible truth.

Yes and every other ideology through out human history.

>> No.1034112

Deficits go down when democrats are in office. They go up when republicans are in office. Simple as that, if I follow the poster correctly?

Then again, both American political parties are socially conservative, just on different levels. They're both far too socially constrictive to me.

>> No.1034116

Do parties really matter? Morons will be in power anyway, and it's not as if our votes will matter. Therefore, choice of political alignment is more a social statement than anything else.

Conservative: durr i can haz dogma plox
Liberal: hey i'm a mindless sheeple in the internet majority
Libertarian: I'm an internet elitist, TYVM

Wait, fuck. I thought I had a point in between the trolling, but I lost it.

>> No.1034148

>Implying republicans are conservatives
Good one, bro.

>> No.1034165

Getting your panties in a bunch doesn't help, it actually worsens things.

'Democracy' is an outdated, missused and completely missunderstood concept.
It isn't everyone's government, you vote for someone to 'think', 'rule' and 'judge' for you, and you have a couple 'rights' that are little better than nothing to defend yourself with and that's it.

That's the only thing that separates democracy from autocracy.

>> No.1034167

Good point, but what pisses me off(besides this thread being on /sci/ and not fucking /new/) is the assumption that some how ideology flows from logic. That your ideal isn't just the model you want, but some how an extension of logic and the physical world. That's unforgivable arrogance.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; Political ideology is the theism of the 21st century.

>> No.1034174

what's /sci/'s opinion on unions?

to me it seems like unions are good when companies act badly, and bad when companies act well.

its kind of a no-win situation, but i tend to come out on the side of labor usually (one notable exception is unions for government jobs e.g. the dmv, city hall)

>> No.1034187


And yes, I can tell the irony of my own statement.

When you delve into the deeper into the matter though... you'll find out that even logic, responds to certain elements of human nature... the same way as ideologies do.

Its like a nightmare from which we'll never wake up.

>> No.1034189

I must agree that engineers tend to be conservatives... in order to be a conservative AND intelligent you must be an aspie.

>> No.1034193

So why can't liberals (aka the majority of scientists) work off of direct proof?
That only means that liberals are more likely to come to conclusions that are absolutely wrong.

>> No.1034203

How exactly are my panties in a bunch, or how are republicans not socially conservative dinosaurs?

Against gay marriage, pro-war, against science funding instead of the hundreds of military bases across the globe. Every republican I've met finds racial jokes hilarious, except when you tell them a joke that has to do with their race, then they're butt-hurt little faggots.

Republicans are worse than democrats, but only slightly so.

>> No.1034210

Not everyone needs to go to college. Only the people who need to go to college should go to college. for 80% of the population, a trade school should be good enough. All you need is a certificate of completition to do your job under the supervision of a BS or PhD. Not everyone needs 8 years of college to do a simple task.

>> No.1034215

why is this faggot's face on the science board? He's are mentally retarded ape-creature

>> No.1034217


Unions + State Entities = Politiqueering at its worst.
Nuff said.
It is however, inevitable that most unions eventually devolve into quasi political groups, the same way that certain large corporations eventually devolve into such a state inside a state, that they attempt to take over.

Imo, its human nature, to fuck everything good into bad.

>> No.1034218

>liberals (aka the majority of scientists)
Do you have a citation from a legitimate source (not that fag-ass image earlier in the thread; the sample space for that survey was shit) proving this?
Furthermore, what was "liberal" defined as in said source?

>> No.1034225


First define liberal.
Second I'd like to see the proof the most scientists are liberal under the stated definition.

Third consider the fact that the most intelligent people in Europe 300 hundred years ago were theists.

Fourth consider that most people that graduate from Universities in the west tend to self define as liberal.
Then look at ideology taught in universities.

>> No.1034230

Liberal namecalling is just an attempt for justification for personal misanthropy and lack of empathy.

And yes, "liberals" do have biases but that doesn't mean they are more biased or less correct than conservatives or libertarians.

>> No.1034235

>Every republican I've met finds racial jokes hilarious, except when you tell them a joke that has to do with their race, then they're butt-hurt little faggots.
Gook jokes are hilarious.

>> No.1034237

"liberal" = scientists believing in the consensus for anthropogenic climate change

>> No.1034246

Conservative = INTJ - evil masterminds rolling in jew monies.

Liberal = ESFP - pinko faggots

You know this to be true.

>> No.1034249

conservative scientists are only engineers working for the army or geologists making research for petrol companies

libertarians are only economists and not real scientists

>> No.1034254

Funny, first thing goes first... am not republican.
Indeed, am not even north american (!)
Taking your so called 'argument' into the plane of trying to ridicule makes you a faggot, amirite?
(Also, not white, so good game)


Why yes, however, technical education here is for some peculiarly funny reason almost inexistent and barelly equiped, and undervalued.
Not to mention that the teachers regularly do not even show up for lessons (and they still keep their jobs)

Another little testament to public education.

>> No.1034299

So where exactly does your argument have any coherency what-so-ever?

You're like a 5 year old trying to discuss astrophysics, GTFO.

>> No.1034312

>So where exactly does your argument have any coherency what-so-ever?
So where does your answer have any coherency what-so-ever?
>You're like a 5 year old trying to discuss astrophysics, GTFO.
You're a troll giving me a reason to bump this glorious thread, GO ON.

>> No.1034326

The way I see it, the thread is all about libtards raging about how the world isn't pink.

And the rest reminding them why their delusions only work in their sleep deprived brains when on meth.

>> No.1034332

I'm INTJ and liberal, I know this to be true.

>> No.1034346

Cute, but I don't think you won this round, kiddo.

>> No.1034365

'Cute', your best attempt at an answer.

Feed me newfag, give me something real rather than just another free bump.

>> No.1034372

i dont think he ever called you a newfag you massive fucknuckle

>> No.1034376

*facepalms when noticing the sage*

>> No.1034380


I really love this one 10/10

>Implying conservatives assume nothing will go perfectly

>> No.1034390


Ben Stein predicted that no economic crash would happen. He also made a movie linking Darwin to Hitler, without bothering to learn that Darwin's books were on Hitler's banned books list.

>> No.1034399

>Implying Bush is the epitome of 'conservative' 'thought' is a contradiction

>> No.1034424


>Implying Bush had anything but conservatives around him urging him to go to war with Iraq

>> No.1034437

Both Liberals and conservatives are retarded in there own special ways and ignore science and logic in preference of their systems.
Also not /sci/ence

>> No.1034452

>Implying Dick Cheney and his circle wanted to invade Iraq out of a supposed ideology (other than using it as an excuse), instead of outright kleptomany for oil.
>Plus points for Desert Storm II being in the making and being prepared during the Clinton administration as well.

>> No.1034465


>Implying sending troops to war without the equipment they need to do their jobs is in any way assuming things won't go perfectly

>> No.1034470

>Implying that being a benchsitting fag is better than actually manhandling arabs in iraq and raping foreign vagoo
>learn from the russkies, at least they know how to enjoy it

>> No.1034477


go away

>> No.1034486


>Implying they'd follow you home like a lost puppy and then rape you because they're an army of diaperheaded James Bonds.

>> No.1034497

>Implying that Clinton had no responsability in letting the armory become obsolette and starting proper reforms in the infantry instead of wasting taxpayers money in high tech avionics and flashy-do-nothing anti-ballistic missiles

>> No.1034509

>Implying that yanks should man up and defend themselves, instead of whinning like sissies for stepping on cockroaches

>> No.1034511

Page of green is green.

>> No.1034552

forgot what this thread was about.

i think it's safe to say op is a good troll.

>> No.1034568
File: 1.15 MB, 280x125, laughlaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conservatives use known history and facts, assumes nothing will go perfectly, and guards against overly powerful laws that may destroy the balance of power.

>trickle down economics

>> No.1034642

Liberals are good at science. Politicians are bad at economics.