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10329805 No.10329805 [Reply] [Original]

why does africa have way more large fauna than every other continent
if the quaternary extinction event hypothesis is correct and humans were a large reason why so much mega fauna died off then why is the place where humans were the longest the most populated

>> No.10329810 [DELETED] 

Niggers were too stupid to kill off all their megafauna

>> No.10329816 [DELETED] 

but niggers are good at ruining things
i'd assume they'd be the first to kill all the megafauna and starve to death

>> No.10329827 [DELETED] 

to clarify, i'd assume that whites would let things like cows, deer, boars etc.. live to propagate so you could hunt them afterwords, but i'd assume niggers would be the first to kill all of those animals because the more food they have the more they breed
ie they wouldn't be able to escape the malthusian trap

>> No.10329835

Stick and rock are not effective hunting devices. Also I assume crocs, lions, etc. kept the negroid populace in check.

>> No.10329844

if the injuns and abos could kill all their megafauna i'm pretty sure that negroes could as well

>> No.10329847

Because Africa is fucking huge and unlike Asia, 3/4 of it isnt a frozen wasteland or mountains

>> No.10329856

the injuns killed everything in north and south america though
only bison (or is it buffalo?) remained basically

>> No.10329860
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It's because humans weren't the cause of the megafauna mass extinctions that came with the end of the ice age

>> No.10329866

yeah but what about all the extinctions that were around 10k bc that are 100% made by humans

>> No.10329867

Unironically this.

>> No.10329880


Africa had a very scarce population back then. It wasn't until fairly recent (around the 1970's-1980's) when Africa's population dramatically increased.

>> No.10329901

african megafauna evolved alongside humans and so knew to fear them, megafauna elsewhere didn't because humans are physically unimpressive

>> No.10329904

Ice age hasn't ended yet anon, there's still ice on the polar caps, it's just not as severe of a point in the ice age anymore, since we've been exiting it.

>> No.10329911

that sounds fucking retarded mate no offense

>> No.10329916

so where niggers just bad hunters then?

>> No.10329934

none taken friend

>> No.10329956


>> No.10329971


>> No.10329972

this needs to be studied
like those studies where the chance of success of a lion hunt is measured but with different preagricultural societies

>> No.10329994


Megafauana in Africa are fierce and aggressive towards humans.However, megafauna in other continents were just sitting and waiting to get killed by humans.

>> No.10330000

the american and european lion where not lazy cats that just lied down to get killed mate

>> No.10330095


Yes they were, as evident by their extinction.

>> No.10330106

they were described by the greeks as ferocious and larger than african lions you dumb nigger
it's not the animals but the people that hunted them

>> No.10330115

Rather than assuming humans directly killed Megafauna through hunting practices. One should consider other of ways an invasive species can reduce other species populations without directly attacking the dying Megafauna themselves. First off invasive species provide direct competetion on available food sources. This is extremely bad if the invasive species has a higher reproduction rate than the native Megafauna. And if the Megafauna themselves are specialist who eat specific resources. Second invasive species introduce new strains of diseases foreign to the Megafauna's immune system and without a sufficiently robust immune system to handle it can heavily reduce the population to non-recoverable levels. Third invasive species can encroach on land of native species at an alarming rate increasing the difficulty for Megafauna to expand let alone maintain a sufficient living habitat.

Assuming we only focus on modern humans it would make more sense that Megafauna in the same region that have co-adapted with said hominids the longest would be the least vulnerable to widespread extinction. They would have adapted to competing with food resources with hominds. Adapted to local diseases with hominds. And adapted to possible land encroachment with hominds. All over the course of hundreds of thousands of years (over a million if you include previous ancestors).

Also we need to consider that the Megafauna that is still alive Africa all seem to have a species population lower than a million each. Which is not really a healthy number for long term survival. Elephants at best have about 800k in the wild while Giraffes, Rhinos and Lions each make up only a fraction of that 800k number. So Africa may have more Megafauna but they are not plentiful statistically from a per species perspective. For example the White Tailed Deer is considered a Megafauna and even at the height of American frontier hunting maintained a population above 500k, let alone the +10 million it has now.

>> No.10330142

No industrialization

>> No.10330149


European lions were already extinct at that point. The ancient Greeks only knew of them as myths.

>> No.10330151

>Also we need to consider that the Megafauna that is still alive Africa all seem to have a species population lower than a million each. Which is not really a healthy number for long term survival. Elephants at best have about 800k in the wild while Giraffes, Rhinos and Lions each make up only a fraction of that 800k number. So Africa may have more Megafauna but they are not plentiful statistically from a per species perspective. For example the White Tailed Deer is considered a Megafauna and even at the height of American frontier hunting maintained a population above 500k, let alone the +10 million it has now.
this is because of current trends not 10k bc hunter gatherer trends mate
>Rather than assuming humans directly killed Megafauna through hunting practices. One should consider other of ways an invasive species can reduce other species populations without directly attacking the dying Megafauna themselves. First off invasive species provide direct competetion on available food sources. This is extremely bad if the invasive species has a higher reproduction rate than the native Megafauna. And if the Megafauna themselves are specialist who eat specific resources. Second invasive species introduce new strains of diseases foreign to the Megafauna's immune system and without a sufficiently robust immune system to handle it can heavily reduce the population to non-recoverable levels. Third invasive species can encroach on land of native species at an alarming rate increasing the difficulty for Megafauna to expand let alone maintain a sufficient living habitat.
i'm just going by the consensus and the consensus says that humans did it

>> No.10330155

that's literally not true
heroditus or aristotle or whoever wrote that he is sad because of the lowering of the lion population that happened in his lifetime
literally just read the wikipedia page of the european lion

>> No.10330173

Holy fuck the number of poltard racists reeking on this thread, do you feel cool online using the n-word ? I would punch you in the face if i hear you say that irl, go back to your shithole nazi fucks >>>/pol/

>> No.10330176

Yeah, lions lived in all of Southern Europe prehistorically and lasted to the Greek era. Tigers mingled with lions in all of India and Persia and the Caucasus

>> No.10330182 [DELETED] 

nigger :^)

>> No.10330188

/pol/tards go back to your containment board.

>> No.10330191

Fuck you little cracker, i'd whip your little bitch ass in no time.

>> No.10330197 [DELETED] 

fuck niggers and fuck r*ddit :^)
go back btw

>> No.10330201


Humans rarely hunted them. They hunted their prey and inadvertently caused the lions to go extinct

>> No.10330211


>this is because of current trends not 10k bc hunter gatherer trends mate

And what exactly is the 10k bc hunter gather trends? What are the projected numbers for the species above population wise?

>i'm just going by the consensus and the consensus says that humans did it

Everything I stated still puts the majority of the blame on humans. The difference is that rather than just saying we "hunted them" I'm highlighting all of the factors that can reduce a species to extinction besides eating them directly. This is because all current observable examples of invasive species exhibit the same behavior so why would human expansion outside Africa be any different?

>> No.10330222
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>What are the projected numbers for the species above population wise?
no clue mate
but i know that the low numbers of current animals are because of current trends
just a couple hundred years ago they were this big
>highlighting all of the factors that can reduce a species to extinction besides eating them directly
so what would humans hunt in europe that would make it so lions die off
none of the species in the diet of the lion died off (ie deer, boar, wild goat, shit i can't remember, etc..) but the lion did
also things like the lynx remained
ie a species of cat that feeds on the same shit but is way more difficult to hunt

>> No.10330226

i don't think that's the case
see >>10330222

>> No.10330232

Almost like humans actively killed them off to protect livestock.

>> No.10330236 [DELETED] 

that makes sense to me
but then why didn't the niggers do it too

>> No.10330240

also why did the injuns do it whilst not having any livestock (no domesticated animals there)

>> No.10330250

They did, humans just didn’t live in significant numbers around all the lions until Africa’s population took off.

>> No.10330259

but hunter gatherers' populations are always based on the amount of food they have
ie more food = more people
why wouldn't the niggers just inhabit the places where lions are and hunt their gazelles or something

>> No.10330261

There’s little indication of prey scarcity for American lions. Wear patterns on their teeth don’t suggest they were gnawing prey to the bone in desperation, so they died some other way. Maybe humans did it or there was just a disease that swept through the population, or any number of factors together.

>> No.10330278

has there ever been a case where a disease wiped a population off the map
doesn't the genetic variability usually counteract that?
i swear to god i none of this makes sense
those history channel nutters might be right and aliens really are to blame

>> No.10330288

Amphibian populations are declining globally due to only two species of fungi.

>> No.10330289

yeah but is that applicable to large mammalian fauna?

>> No.10330294

>so what would humans hunt in europe that would make it so lions die off

Cattle and Deer would be good candidates for starters as apparent by some cave art such as Lascaux (France) and Altamira(Spain). Outcompeting them with those two animals would make it harder for Lions as other animals they could prey on would not be sufficient diet wise.

>> No.10330297

No idea. The civilizations of sub-Saharan africa outside of the Islamic world primarily sprung up in Angola, Tanzania, Zambia, around the Great Lakes and the extreme eastern coastline. West Africa was loaded with people by the 600’s CEs, But was part of the Islamic world not long after.

>> No.10330303

so the answer is most likely that niggers were dumb and couldn't increase their population
fuck the fp was actually the bp

>> No.10330304

Maybe they weren’t as reliant on cattle in the tropics?

>> No.10330306

But.....they did. People formed large kingdoms that engaged in mass infrastructure projects, waged war, expanded and fell.

>> No.10330311




>> No.10330314

not without agriculture they didn't
i'm talking about shit before the advent of agriculture
ie why hunter gatherers killed all the megafauna in the americas and europe and asia in 10k bc but in africa they couldn't do shit till the middle ages
niggers are just fucking dumb mate

>> No.10330319

No, there isn’t any evidence that black people are less intelligent than other ethnicities. There’s just outright more forest and animal biomass in Africa, so early human populations reached their upper limits without infringing on those of other predators too much.

>> No.10330320

>there isn’t any evidence that black people are less intelligent than other ethnicities
top lel
you got me going for a second there mate
but make it less obvious
there's nothing more boring than bait that's screaming in your face about being bait

>> No.10330325

I’d say being a racist on a science board is pretty heavy bait, yeah. There is no evidence that black people are any less intelligent than other ethnicities due to genetics. Is that a better way to phrase it, before you start screaming about IQ tests?

>> No.10330330

lmao too obvious mate
if you want your bait to be funny at least make it have a semblance of a factual narrative
even the people you are parodying know what haritability is
i'd go with the narrative that iq actually doesn't actually matter
because that way you'd get guaranteed replies of people calling you a brainlet that's just copeing

>> No.10330334

Back to /pol/. Being a racist and laughing off any criticism of your racism as “Hur dur u r baiting” isn’t very scientific.

>> No.10330338


There were a lot of diseases and much of Africa's environment isn't accommodating towards human settlement.

>> No.10330342

>being this low IQ to not even be able to realize what satire is
>not knowing what heritability is
let me help you out fren

>> No.10330344

Maybe the humans spread disease from Africa

>> No.10330349

>Haha I’m not a racist it’s just a meme.

Back to /pol/l

>> No.10330351

that was not my argument newfriend
reread it if you still don't understand

>> No.10330353

Back to /pol/.

>> No.10330358

now this is not very scientific of you isn't it friend? :^)

>> No.10330376

Back to /pol/. The scientific method has proven that /pol/tards get mad and leave when their 1800’s “science” doesn’t work anymore.

>> No.10330382


Because they did anon, are we just going to pretend lions are plentiful?


>Over a century ago there were more than 200,000 wild lions living in Africa. Recent surveys estimate that in the last two decades, lion numbers have declined from approximately 30,000 to about 20,000.

Assuming lions lost about 170,000 each century. They would only have 800-900k population in the 1500's for the entire continent of Africa. Well before european colonization introduce better means of technology to reduce the lion population.

90 million africans were estimated to live in 1800. Around the time of european colonization.


Assuming we low ball their population in 1500 to 45million. That population rate is easily enough to reduce lion habitation.

>> No.10330386

>quantitative genetics is 1800's "science"
lmao are you even trying mate?

>> No.10330391

Please demonstrate that Africans have innately inferior intelligence on average to other ethnicities.

>> No.10330399

you are completely conflating time frames mate
the argument is about the quaternary extinction event
ie around 10k bc

>> No.10330400
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here ya go mate

>> No.10330405

Useless data. Prove Africans have innately inferior intelligence on average to other ethnicities. There are other factors at play, so create a control population in which there is no poverty, everyone is equally well fed, there is no racism, and there is no history of racial discrimination whatsoever or any groups having inferior living conditions or educational facilities to others, oh and Wars never happen.

>> No.10330409

heritability of IQ .8 in burgerland

>> No.10330410

i dont think you understand how real world data works

>> No.10330422

If the IQ of an african in US is higher than africa, why do you assume the IQ can't increase?

>> No.10330424

The reality of the real world doesn’t allow you to create a control population to prove any other race is less intelligent than the other, right, so the proposition is useless and unfalsifiable.

The academic success of your parents is a very good predictor of your academic success, yes. I wonder why the parents and grandparents of black people born in the 21st century would have less academic success than other groups. Couldn’t possibly be discriminatory laws of all kinds, nah, has to be genetics because /pol/ wants it to be.

>> No.10330427

because you don't know how heritability works you dumb nigger

>> No.10330429

>The academic success of your parents is a very good predictor of your academic success, yes. I wonder why the parents and grandparents of black people born in the 21st century would have less academic success than other groups. Couldn’t possibly be discriminatory laws of all kinds, nah, has to be genetics because /pol/ wants it to be.
that's not what heritability is you dumb nigger
nice adherence to "science" though lad :^)

>> No.10330430

But IQ can increase. It increases significantly if you actually train and study for the test, and increases as poverty rates go down, nutritional satisfaction increases, etc. that’s why you have to establish a new “mean” of 100 IQ every few years, or everyone would have numbers about 100 using 1800’s “means”.

>> No.10330432

Yes it is you dumb nigger. Something inherited is from your parents or more distant ancestors.

Back to /pol/.

>> No.10330434

literally read what heritability is you fucking retard
do you really need me to spoonfeed you a simple fucking definition
literally all that shit would be cleared up for you if you read a simple definition

>> No.10330437

Above, not about.

>> No.10330439

are you fucking retarded mate or just obtuse
literally read the definition before trying to bullshit your way through an argument
let me make it simple for you
heritability is the degree of which a trait is a function of genes
that is not the same as the correlation between your IQ and your parents' IQ you dumb nigger

>> No.10330442

“What is heritability?
Heritability is a measure of how well differences in people’s genes account for differences in their traits. Traits can include characteristics such as height, eye color, and intelligence, as well as disorders like schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. In scientific terms, heritability is a statistical concept (represented as h2) that describes how much of the variation in a given trait can be attributed to genetic variation. An estimate of the heritability of a trait is specific to one population in one environment, and it can change over time as circumstances change.

Heritability estimates range from zero to one. A heritability close to zero indicates that almost all of the variability in a trait among people is due to environmental factors, with very little influence from genetic differences. Characteristics such as religion, language spoken, and political preference have a heritability of zero because they are not under genetic control. A heritability close to one indicates that almost all of the variability in a trait comes from genetic differences, with very little contribution from environmental factors. Many disorders that are caused by mutations in single genes, such as phenylketonuria (PKU), have high heritability. Most complex traits in people, such as intelligence and multifactorial diseases, have a heritability somewhere in the middle, suggesting that their variability is due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors.“

If IQ is as heritable as you want it to be, how can it increase over twenty points over a decade or two in some parts of Africa?

>> No.10330445

Where do genes come if not from their parents, Mr. Nazi?

>> No.10330450


Or maybe they were smart enough to know that they needed to sustain the population of their food source.

>> No.10330452

because heritability changes from time and place you dumb nigger
it;s like asking why did chinks go from being on average 150cm tall to 170cm tall in a couple of generations if height is also .8 heritable (which it is btw)
height went from being .5 (random number) heritable to .8 heritable from sufficient nutrition
ie the height of chinks went from being 50% a function of genes (because of inadequate diet) to 80% a function of genes

>> No.10330458

that's so fucking retarded i can't even explain to you how stupid you are for thinking that i'm arguing that genes do not come from parents
i cannot even fathom how fucking stupid you are to think that that was my argument

>> No.10330460

Good, let’s wait for Africa to be on par with the developed world in every way so we can actually see what, if any, difference in IQ there is. I look forward to our 2200 study on this.

>> No.10330462

/pol/tard literally seething right now

>> No.10330469
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>> No.10330472

That describes you quite well, I agree. Run back to /pol/ now and shitpost in a skull measuring thread or whatever it is you do there.

>> No.10330474

you already can see the effect of that in america you dumb fucking retard
jesus christ at least try to make a half brained argument before spouting this crap
blacks have the same heritability of IQ as whites in america and they are 1 standard deviation bellow whites (ie 15 points)
this is with the white admixture that has raised their IQ substantially
so black africans with the same nutritian as african americans wouldn't be able to even reach an average of 85 IQ
i'd say it'd be around 79
so good luck with getting africa on par with the developed world

>> No.10330476

that's not an argument
also you are misinterpreting my astoundment at your retarded argument with being mad

>> No.10330479

Do you consider Irish people inferior to other white people, comparable to Africans? Just checking.

>> No.10330484


>> No.10330488

that's not an argument mister science man :^)

>> No.10330490

im a different anon, you have no argument

>> No.10330492

you didn't rebut any of my points

>> No.10330495

Do you consider Irish people inferior to other white people, comparable to Africans? Just checking.

>> No.10330498


Spotted the autistic kids that want everything to be a debate because they can’t get into vaginas

>> No.10330500

you again didn't rebut any of my points and tried to shift goalposts
do you concede that niggers have lower IQs than whites and that it is a function of genes so we can move onto another subject?

>> No.10330502

>do you concede that niggers have lower IQs than whites and that it is a function of genes so we can move onto another subject?

That’s simply not true, so no.

do you concede that niggers have lower IQs than whites and that it is a function of genes so we can move onto another subject?

>> No.10330503

that's still not an argument
also you can't just say that i'm a virgin after you yourself debated with me
after you found out that you had no knowledge in the subject is when you stopped debating

>> No.10330506

Reminder that blacks are equal in whites to every way. Racism is disproven

>> No.10330508

>That’s simply not true, so no.
then why are you not rebutting my points and trying to shift goalposts?

>> No.10330510

Not an argument. Racism is disproven, so there can never be a debate on it anymore.

>> No.10330512

not an argument :^)

>> No.10330517

>then why are you not rebutting my points and trying to shift goalposts?

Do you consider Irish to be inferior to other whites? Yes or no. You’re not answering because you’re aware of Ireland’s relatively low IQ. They must clearly be the worst kind of white people, simply inferior genetically. Let’s gas the potato-eaters.

>> No.10330520

“Not an argument” isn’t an argument.

>> No.10330524

uh... I think I may be agalmatophilic

>> No.10330527

you are shifting goalposts mate that's why i don't want to answer you
you're also strawmanning me by thinking that i am a genocidal warlord
on the contrary i wish nothing upon africans
i hope they live peaceful happy lives in africa surrounded by their people

>> No.10330529

i have to go now though
next time read up on subjects you know nothing about before arguing :^)

>> No.10330620

Because they evolved in the environment, they had a niche and filled it.
Humans that moved out had to be extra on the ball, and adapt to new environments by exploiting opportunities. Also based neanderthals and denisovans.

>> No.10330624

This seems to contradict everything we know about them.

>> No.10330726


Humans evolved in Africa. We had a natural role in the African ecosystem and everything was balanced.

We didn't naturally belong in Asia, Europe, America, and Australia and as a result, we destroyed the ecosystems that existed in those continents.

>> No.10330769


>> No.10330966

Nah, they should live in America and Europe where they creampie your sisters and daughters. Lights out for the white race.

>> No.10330986

More room less trees bro

>> No.10330995

Africans are not proficient hunters and their population density and geographic isolation exacerbated this
There aren’t any large predators other than Wolves and Bears in the Americas and Natives are far more intelligent than precontact Africans

>> No.10331002

>there is no evidence that people who burn witches in 2019 are genetically less intelligent than europeans who have superconductors and jet engines

>> No.10331004

there were lots of megafauna in america
lions, giant sloths, tapirs etc

>> No.10331010

""""the theory"""" that people killed everything
>implying that isn't 100% trufax

>> No.10331016

It is really just that Blacks are not very intelligent and live in a hell hole, i hope that satisfies your curiosity.
this desu

>> No.10331025


this is more logical than "niggers are retarded!!!"

>> No.10331027

>It is really just that Blacks are not very intelligent and live in a hell hole, i hope that satisfies your curiosity.
this seems most likely of all the answers desu

>> No.10331030

This. It'll take a while for the herds of drooling retards to accept this as fact, but this is what wiped everything out. I suppose they'll start coming when the disembodied heads on the tv start running docu's on it, or people in the specific setting of academia tell them this is in fact true.

>> No.10331034

Africans have superconductors and jet engines though.

>> No.10331041
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they also have helicopters :^)

>> No.10331043

Niggers are, on average, retarded.

>> No.10331045
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jet planes too :^)

>> No.10331047

Nothing triggers a SJW like the Pleistocene Megafauna.

>> No.10331085
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>> No.10331098


>Africans are not proficient hunters

They are proficient hunters. Humans naturally belong in Africa, which is why African megafauna have never gone extinct.

>> No.10331251


>Africans are not proficient hunters

If they were not proficient hunters then all the Megafauna would be dead you idiot. What makes a hunter competent is the realization that their food sources are finite. Thus you do not aimlessly kill said food sources by overwhelming them at vulnerable points such as reproduction rates like we are doing now to some species of fish. It's actually an accomplishment that they were able to not completely destroy all they Megafauna considering how fucking broken basic spear and fire spreading is as a tool for destruction. Look no further than Australia as little regard for balanced hunting wiped out all the Megafauna except for a few like kangaroos.

>> No.10331264

Easy Shlomo. It's okay dude.

>> No.10331299


>> No.10331304

The megafauna is far more intelligent than niggers.

>> No.10331310

something something evolved alongside humans

>> No.10331357

Just dropping in to remind everyone that many of the primary extinctions that have occurred in Africa, happened after the arrival of whites. Example being their only species of bear.

Also, I should remind you of the Belgium spawned genocide in central Africa. Nigs were getting along just fine until the European degenerate wandered in with his brutal crowd psychology and tendency towards highly vertical hierarchical organization. He rapidly identified the sociopaths in their midst and propped them up, and that was all it took. He knew well from his own everyday existence what can go on when you're being run by primary and secondary sociopaths.

And so he spread his disease far and wide. Fortunately he was largely unsuccessful in South America, because traditionally many tribes would take sociopaths and invalids to the outskirts and kill them. They also don't think like us whites, because contrary to popular belief, there is no human species. We've accumulated certain quite relevant dissimilarities.

The Native Americans also put up quite a fight despite being technologically inferior, largely lacking written language, and having far less formalized agriculture. (Not designed for rapid expansion, steady state model). This is contrary to the propaganda that says they were genetically easy to subjugate.

>> No.10331369

there is a huge abundance of readily available food in Africa, as an environment it is paradise.

there's so much food, you wouldn't need to kill every animal to eat, until the chinaman wants a bit of it to make his peepee big

there's so much food, in evolutionary terms, it's actually a huge problem for the Apex predator, especially the one which has specialised in brain size as its competitive advantage.

there's no selection criteria to evolve beyond 70 IQ, because the environment provides endless resources to facilitate successful reproduction, there's no advantage to someone who can invent anything better than a spear or a mud hut.

>> No.10331389

Also, another tidbit. Some Nigs also had fairly advanced metallurgy and materials "science", pretty early on. It was sufficient to produce curved blades, one of which was machete-like and had a cure / hook on the end. It was designed for getting ahold of an opponent's shield at a distance to yank it out of the way, or to reach around and hook around a limb, neck, etc. It was a very effective design for cyclical tribal wars that generally lacked armor.

Since it never got beyond the tribal level of organization, and never formed syndicate structures between families, armor was never very well developed and to my knowledge there were no instances of standing armies. Again, this stems from social organization.

>> No.10331442

>Also, I should remind you of the Belgium spawned genocide in central Africa.

They avoided the genocide of the Pygmies by the blood thirsty Bantus. Stop doing dishonest revisionism.

>> No.10331502

I'll give it to you for now. Further investigation is warranted.

>> No.10331543

That's calypigous, that is!

>> No.10331548

Call me when it wipes them off the map.

>> No.10331574

there werent any humans in africa to kill of the fauna

>> No.10332244

>get proven wrong
>further investigation is needed XD
dumb nigger

>> No.10333182
File: 225 KB, 1280x1280, 1548527797043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.10333196

Further investigation is needed by ME you shitheaded degenerate.

>Someone admits they might not have known what they were talking about
>Get pissed and insult them
Fuck you stupid cunt. Turn your skull concave.

>> No.10333208

didn't realize that you were referring to yourself

>> No.10333211


>> No.10333214

It's alright.

>> No.10333218
File: 23 KB, 352x417, 1548538778398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved. Thank you anon.

>> No.10334826

36 posters 150 replies

no 'thicc' or comments about her buttocks

I don't browse /sci/ but that's impressive

>> No.10334833

>africa have way more large fauna than every other continent
citation needed

>> No.10335065

it's literally a fact you dumb nigger
just look at the number of species that went extinct in the quaternary extinction event

>> No.10335111

assblastes "i love science" soiboi