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File: 19 KB, 503x644, EF7EAA38-3D1E-44B9-9C07-07E4399674B7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10325734 No.10325734 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a biological reason as to why women’s and men’s perceptions of beauty are so different?

>> No.10325735

yes, hypergamy

>> No.10325742

>Most attractive 0%

>> No.10325753


>> No.10325768
File: 104 KB, 755x552, before&after sex revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10325770

no, this isnt post sexual revolution
this is in every primate thats alive
the neolithic revolution has a y chromosomal bottleneck where 17 females were reproducing for every 1 male

>> No.10325776

>there have never been monogamous societies

>> No.10325786

>there have ever been purely monogamous societies

>> No.10325790
File: 46 KB, 700x553, Before & After Feminism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10325770 >>10325776 >>10325786

Western civilization & Christianity built civilized monogamous societies.

Feminism destroyed that, degenerating the West into Caveman animal-like barbaric state.

>> No.10325792

>Western civilization & Christianity built civilized monogamous societies.

>Feminism destroyed that, degenerating the West into Caveman animal-like barbaric state.
no, the pill destroyed it.

>> No.10325794


Nothing outside math is pure, you utter moron.

>> No.10325798

I dont understand what this graph is trying to say, can someone explain?

>> No.10325799

Feminism was a thing even before the pill. But the pill really accelerated the trend. I would wager the hebrews were at fault too.

>> No.10325803

Basically, women consider 81% of men to be ugly (not even average), while men consider women to be evenly distributed across levels of beauty.

>> No.10325808

Why are you on a science board if you're so unintelligent you get duped by neonazism? You should be combing through the woods for shit pellets to eat or something.

>> No.10325820
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Yes, there is absolutely no connection between jews and feminism.

>> No.10325824

Incel redpill garbage. Only sub 90 IQs fall for it

>> No.10326121

>hurr Nazi
How about you fuck right off? Don't like antisemitic remarks? Does your autism not allow you ignore things you dont approve of? Why don't you go back to your safespace where nobody uses bad nono-words?
Since the intentions of the poster, who for some obscure reason seems to put Jewish people to blame, are unclear, the assumption that he is a follower of the Nazi ideology, is invalid. Call him a antisemite if you want to be correct.

>Incel redpill garbage. Only sub 90 IQs fall for it
Do you have any information of statistical nature that happens to disprove the information given by those posts you quoted? I don't think so, instead it happens that your intention was solely to call someone incel without proper reason to explain your 'thought process'. Maybe you are the sub 90 iq.

>> No.10326138

i think so

>> No.10326144

Reproduction has more investment and risk for females, especially historically. A man can impregnate a woman and just walk away. A woman who is impregnated is stuck being physically disabled and dependent for months. A single man can impregnate arbitrary numbers of women. A single women can only be impregnated once every nine months

>> No.10326168

>>on okcupid.com
That's all you need to know right there.

OP's "study" has bad sample data.
Any 10/10 man wouldn't be on okcupid.com in the 1st place, which is reflected in the data.
This thread is over, unless you wish to discuss why so many attractive women are on an online dating site.


>> No.10326214

10/10 women wouldn't be on okcupid either.
Your post is invalid.

>> No.10326256

>women consider 81% of men to be ugly
I wonder if this comes from their utter lack of self-evaluation, or from seeking a romp with chad over a relationship with their equal.

Imagine if being a retarded roastie is an evolutionarily dominant strategy...

>> No.10326374
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>> No.10326379
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>> No.10326380
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>> No.10326382
File: 170 KB, 1359x744, 1548407376602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10326385
File: 38 KB, 667x404, 1548406969841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before & after Tumblr

>> No.10326418

>shirt says punk rock
antithetical to punk rock, to the point of being conformist? is this the power of evolution

>> No.10326465
File: 402 KB, 1518x560, Robots_Rule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10326488

Never seen this one before

>> No.10326494
File: 53 KB, 722x435, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. Absolutely terrible sample data assuming this is in fact comes from okcupid and OP didn't make it up to try and bamboozle us. How exactly are they defining who the "more attractive" males are? Granted all the women on okcupid are fupa-potomuses so IDAF.


>> No.10326549

Typical mechanism of men being able to impregnate infinite women at any time vs. women being able to give birth to once in a while. This makes men expendable and women precious. Most men get left without pussy. This in turn creates unironic beta uprisings so monogamy was developed as contract of sorts to ensure all men get pussy so they're less likely to chimp out.

Incel terror the lefties fear so much is the direct result of ignoring the lessons learned over thousands if not 100000 years.

>> No.10326598

>incel terror the lefties fear so much is the direct result of ignoring the lessons learned over thousands
>if not 100000 years !!!!
what a pathetic loser lol

I remember as a kid I'd fuck the in between of couch cushions. I don't think it's any wonder men rate women better - I'd fuck at least one out of every three girls I see.

>> No.10326603
File: 76 KB, 1000x563, 73cc99b859acbac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top Kek

>> No.10326605
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>> No.10326770

A man can leave the women behind after impregnateing one, so it's alright for him to just pump and dump the less attractive ones
For women it's a big commitment to get knocked up so they must strive for the best they can get
Also it could be that males usually exhibit more extreme qualities and that could explain the wider preference (though this would only explain the wider spread, and not the shifting of the mean)
The stableness of women's genes could also mean that their preferences converge more easily, while the unstable recombination patterns in males mean that preferences stayed diverse
This is purely just speculation tho

>> No.10327141

Women have standards.
Guys would fuck a mailbox if they could figure out how to keep the blue door from slamming shut

>t, duct tape

>> No.10327158

Assuming that graph is true for all women and men, it doesn’t even matter when it comes to dating. Out in the real world, average guys are getting pussy and finding gfs left and right. Your perceived level of attractiveness is not indicative of your potential success with women.

>> No.10327195


It's because of hypergamy. Men are looking for women with the greatest physical beauty, while women are looking for men with the highest social status.

>> No.10327197

Oh shit I think I figured out what's going anons. I'm pretty sure that the dataset used in making the graph is only based on physical appearance, but it doesn't take the males income into account. We've all seen 10/10 girls with guys who are ugly AF just because they're rich. For example, Donald Trump and his wife. Have they released any data on reported yearly income for all their users?

>> No.10327210
File: 39 KB, 453x576, 1546747049910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, not a single cited paper to prove anything.
My /sci/ threads are made just how I like them

>> No.10327914

Aryans are naturally hedonistic
No need to blame the hebrew