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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 62 KB, 450x276, major-payne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1031286 No.1031286 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: List your major(s)

Aerospace Engineering, considering Astrophysics double major.

>> No.1031290

American Law.. sigh..

>> No.1031306

Theoretical Physics

>> No.1031315


>> No.1031317


>> No.1031318

Economics major
Math minor
considering a political science minor simply because I will be one class away from the minor.

>> No.1031321

Orbital Bombardment Gunnery and Trans-human.

>> No.1031326

How do you guys like it?

Also, anyone majoring in chemical engineering? That always seemed interesting to me.

>> No.1031330


>> No.1031336

>shit tier

>> No.1031342

Possible majors:
Aerospace engineering (probably end up here)
Applied mathematics

>> No.1031346

Thank my later when i'm a congress man voting for funding of scientific studies in NASA, faggot.

>> No.1031349


>> No.1031350

I dropped out of college when I was 18 (5 years ago) with half of an EE degree done because I wasn't really learning anything. I might go back and finish it when I have time but I haven't needed a degree yet and I am doing just fine for the foreseeable future from licensing one of my patents.

>> No.1031353

Chem major here. I enjoyed Chemical Engineering, but for reasons including a douchey professor, I switched out.

>> No.1031355


It's fine if you can at least tolerate math. I love space and building shit, so it gives me the knowledge to do fun shit I enjoy on my own.

Building and launching amateur rockets, sub orbital picture balloons, etc.

>> No.1031374

Most politicians go in to office with big ambitions. Very few follow through.
Get elected, and prove me wrong, faggot

>> No.1031385

I haven't quite made it to college yet, but I'm planning on majoring in mechanical engineering.

Although, I'm afraid universities might not accept me because throughout my high school career, I have never taken a single AP class or played a sport, and I fucked up my third year of foreign language.

>> No.1031390

Only time shall tell. but i do intend to

>> No.1031396

Computer Science, might dual with math.

>> No.1031402

Chemical Engineering

>> No.1031422

Do a shitload of extracurriculars now. To be honest, you're probably not getting into your dream college, but that's not a terrible thing.

My school has this program where they pick 10 students each for these special "research" programs for Math, Science and Social Science. All of the science kids are kids whose parents bitched until they were accepted, and it was me, this other kid and 8 dumbass girls, so me and the other kid just switched into the Social Science one so we didn't blow our brains out by junior year. Complete bullshit, but it looks great on a resume. Only worried because I don't plan on doing anything in the social "sciences".

>> No.1031425

Geomatics major
Computer Science minor

>> No.1031435

Dude... 90% of colleges, even good ones... really don't give a shit. As long as you meet their base requirements and can afford the tuition, they'll gladly accept you.

Also, film/english double major, just got accepted to go back for a second degree in physics.

>> No.1031442

Your best bet is to get teachers to reccomend you, or just go to a community college first before trying a university.

>> No.1031465

lol "list your majors"

stupid undergrads.

PhD in evolutionary biology here

now make fun of it, you undergrad engineers.

>> No.1031472

>>1031465PhD in evolutionary biology here

You're going to have spent all that time and money for nothing when they prove evolution isn't real

>> No.1031478


Honestly, it's not worth it doing full university. Get your basic shit done at a community college, then go to a university. You'll save so much fucking money, and your education will be the same.

>> No.1031479

This guy
Should be much more worried about that.

>> No.1031480


>> No.1031481


Graduated already and work at a video game company. It's nice.

>> No.1031483


>> No.1031487



grad school is free; in fact i get paid 23k a year to get a PhD.

and nice troll attempt-- 2/10

>> No.1031492

whoop de fucking doo, you were born earlier

>> No.1031511


i was born in 1991. i went to college at 15 and graduated when i was 19.

>> No.1031519
File: 89 KB, 414x389, coolstory9048818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1031531

nanoscience major
molecular biology & genetics minor

Yep, I definitely decided my future after playing Crysis and Bioshock.

>> No.1031534
File: 7 KB, 188x179, 1260411341761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks ;)

>> No.1031543

Better than the thousands flocking to theoretical physics after watching Big Bang Theory.

>> No.1031548

I flocked to theoretical physics because of Half-Life :)

>> No.1031551

>>1031487grad school is free; in fact i get paid 23k a year to get a PhD.

Holy shit. Britfag? Grad programs here are expensive.

Also that was a joke, not a troll. Though the way /sci/ has been going I can see why you'd think that.

>> No.1031554


i go to school in ohio.

>> No.1031571

>>1031465now make fun of it,
>>1031472funny joke
>>1031487and nice troll attempt-- 2/10


>> No.1031582


>> No.1031583

i posted chemical engineering and i didnt even realize you were looking for someone who did it.

its pretty cool. with the general job description being "taking one form of matter or energy and changing it into another" you feel like a badass no matter what you do in the field. the coursework is kinda hard, but nothing awesome (including the highest starting salary of all majors) comes easy.

>> No.1031584

I'm in community college right now. I currently have NO FUCKING CLUE what to major in. I took an anthropology class last semester and really enjoyed it, but the biggest issue I consistently run into is: interesting subject, shitty uninteresting job attached to said subject. I have no clue, my main goal right now is just to find something that pays alright and I don't hate doing for the rest of my active life.

>> No.1031605

I take it you're REALLY irritated about all the people that don't believe in evolution? Like beyond even joking about it irritated.

>> No.1031609

Mechanical & Materials Engineering

>> No.1031614


that wasn't me, the evo biologist.

>> No.1031626


>> No.1031631

...It was a joke

Jesus, /sci/.

>> No.1031635

>butt hurt that people might want to do something different than he

>> No.1031638

Chemistry and Petroleum Engineering.

>> No.1031639

Electrical and computer apparently i get two degrees for 5 years =O
my school combined the cicrula for EE and CE into 1

>> No.1031643

Molecular and Cellular Biology

>> No.1031646

>>1031583chemical engineering

>I want to know how to make drugs, but I want to receive buttsex while doing it

>> No.1031647
File: 17 KB, 220x386, starting salaries.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I'm just going through this thread and I can't help but laugh at all you scientists. Pic of STARTing salaries.

>> No.1031662


>implying scientists go into their fields for money.

look up prof salaries. i am a post-doc about to get an assit. prof position in chem.

STARTing salary? 85k.

>> No.1031671

Well your STARTing salary took more than double the time it takes to get an engineering degree, AND gave you MUCH more debt.

PS: seems like you do care about money, but you're just saying "scientists dont care" cause you're butthurt. It is human nature to care about money.

>> No.1031672

If you're going to make your decision based on that images, you have no place in the scientific community.

>> No.1031678


>> No.1031684

This explains why /sci/ hate scientists. You mad, /sci/? jelous, perhaps?

>> No.1031692

Oh no! According to that chart, my starting salary with a computer science degree will be $331/year less than if I went into computer engineering!

>> No.1031694
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1273719914079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I can't help but laugh at all you scientists"
>Posts a pic with the title "15 TOP EARNING DEGREES"
Electrical Engineering is my major.
feels good bro

>> No.1031695


Gonna go into nuclear science

>> No.1031696

My apologies, I should have followed that up with
"Any suggestions?"

>> No.1031698

>>implying computer science is an actual "science"

GTFO, you are not a scientist you poser.

>> No.1031699


undergrad debt: 15,000

grad school debt: NONE i made 100,000 in grad school

20,000 a year for 5 years.

i made 45,000 a year for 2 years as a post-doc.

stop assuming so much, idiot.

>> No.1031700


>> No.1031712

What are you implying? I'm making, as a computer engineer, $130k a year after working at IBM for 3 years.

>> No.1031714

Tuition for grad school in science is paid by the university in addition to a living stipend. This is because science PAYS and the university will use its grant money to hire grad students as slave labor. If you live frugal, you graduate with no more debt than you started with.

>> No.1031716

Chemistry (currently pursuing a doctoral degree)

>> No.1031717

He's implying that's a large sum of money. Lol, scientists are so cute sometimes.

>> No.1031719

That doesn't address my prime concern. Salary is nothing if you have to wake up everyday to go into a job that you hate. My dad is a hydro-geologist working for a big consulting corp. and he fucking hates every minute of it. It pays well but I can't imagine spending the rest of my life pissed about where I work.

>> No.1031721

Science is all theoretical, engineering what pays bro.

>> No.1031722

Starting salary is round about 55k/year in germany

>> No.1031724

I'm actually making money.
Single with no tax liability (my stipend is not taxed) making 23000 a year. Shit is so cash.

>> No.1031727

$$ that is, not €

>> No.1031737
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>> No.1031738

Biochemistry, whats my tier?

>> No.1031752

Mathematics, major.
Chemistry, minor.

I was a Double-Major, but that shit's too much fucking work. I also want to graduate in 4yrs without taking all of these advanced ass courses.

>> No.1031762


>> No.1031767

if you don't take anything past sophmore organic you will get laughed at by chemists if you try and flaunt that minor. Three semesters of P-chem or GTFO

>> No.1031773

german chemfag here.. P-chem = physical chem?

>> No.1031780


>> No.1031784

Yes. Amongst my peers we often abbreviate.

>> No.1031785

Double Major in Math and Cosc

>> No.1031791

Chemistry, will probably do math minor as well

>> No.1031792
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>> No.1031796

Electrical Engineering

>> No.1031799

Pharmacy masterrace here, I'm enjoying doing half the work of the medics, getting access to all the cool lab equipment the drooling biofags aren't allowed within 10 feet of, basking in the glow of the best teaching available and am guaranteed a damn fine job on leaving as long as I get a 2:1

Fuck. Yes.

>> No.1031802

have fun counting

>> No.1031813

This is what gets me, I take 3 semesters of PChem (atkins and de paula) and yet chemical engineers get all the hate.

At least i dont have to pay for school

>> No.1031832

I came here expecting to make fun of history/government/philosophy majors. I'm leaving disappointed.

>> No.1031859

computer engineering
considering mathematics as double major

>> No.1031871

You actually took 3 semesters of P-Chem? That is pretty rare.

>> No.1031910

Either Mechanical or Structural Engineering. Haven't quite decided yet.

>> No.1031920



>> No.1031923

Double major in Aerospace Engineering and Nuclear Engineering.

>> No.1031928

major forensic biology and major biotechnology

>> No.1031956


>> No.1031964


The don't give a fuck what other people think tier because you're doing what you (hopefully) enjoy.

Also, chemistry major here.

>> No.1031971


(Graduate student who has to make fun of younger students to make himself feel better.)

>> No.1032050
File: 86 KB, 570x760, muhamed-troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petroleum Geology.
Feels good, man.

>> No.1032060

Applied Mathematics major with a minor in Physics

>> No.1032072

My fine sir, i do believe your hat has an erection.

>> No.1032081

>Graduate student who makes fun of undergrads because he is better.

You had a couple typographical errors. I tried to fix them as best I could.

>> No.1032101

I have no major.

I work at a fast food restaurant.

>> No.1032106

Better work on petroleum hydrology, amirite?

>> No.1032123

Anthropology major
Chemistry minor

I didn't want to major in chemistry because medical schools don't really want people who are applying to do that. I'm still taking a shit ton of science classes though.

>> No.1032145

Undergrad: Biochemistry
Grad: Pharmacology & Toxicology (starting)

>> No.1032238

Forensic Radiology.

>> No.1032875

computer science major + math and physics minors

>> No.1034132

I'm a Biomedical Engineering Premed Major
and I'm adding a History Major to that because it'd be so easy

I figure at best it'll help me stand out to med schools, at worst I can jump between academia in history and industry in BME depending on the economy at the time.

>> No.1034147

Electrons, Waves, and Photons

>> No.1034159

Currently: Chemistry
Considering Electrical Engineering or Astrophysics as well.

>> No.1034160

I'm in grade 10 lol

>> No.1034180


>> No.1034185


>> No.1034188

I am doing graphic designings.

>> No.1034208

how much do you expect to make at a job without a business minor?

>> No.1034219

Mechanical engineer making $48k straight outta college, reporting in.

>> No.1034261

Biochemistry, B.S. (Math minor)
Biophysics, Ph.D.
Developmental biology, postdoc

>> No.1034468

formerly Mechanical Engineering

>> No.1034476

>Mechanical engineer making $48k

Ummm, that's not something to be particularly proud of.

>> No.1034500

I'm a joint Chemical and Nuclear Engineering undergrad

>> No.1034504


Don't forget the part where he said that's the wage he's starting out with.

>> No.1034514

I'm aware. Previous statement still stands.

>> No.1036732

haha fuck yeah, a "list your major" thread! So /sci/-related, just like powder, I *had* to bump it!

>> No.1036799

Pure Mathematics

>> No.1036812

Physics and Philosophy

>> No.1036823

Applied Linguistics and German double major.

Also applying for a TESOL certificate (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). I might wind up teaching ESL or doing Second Language Acquisition research.

>> No.1036826

EE & Physics
Math minor (lol 1 extra course)

>> No.1036832

Physics and Mathematics.

>> No.1036840

List your major as long as it's "list your major and discuss it and other peoples' majors"

>> No.1036862

>didnt get the joke

>> No.1036863

this is worse than reddit's "science" section

>> No.1036865

Chemical Engineering, considering switching to Chemistry.

>> No.1036888

Lol at this thread. I come back a couple days later and it's still here and it's all arguing about how your degree is better than anyone elses because ... some bullshit.

I'm the English major graduate, I work in video games. I'll probably be leaving this company in a year or so to start my own company doing what most guys dream of but never attempt because they don't know where to start or how.

I am living the dream and all you people think making more money is all there is in life? For so much education in science you guys sure are stupid.

>> No.1036891

why? i'm considering doing it the other way round.

>> No.1036898

Computer Science, possible physics.

>> No.1036905

Biology, fml

>> No.1036927

My goal.
My motivation ... Dark Colony, conquer the world, uppur-human creation etc.

>> No.1037007

I don't see how this could be any worse than reddit. If I spent any more time on reddit than I have I think I would have started buying bacon soap.