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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10310706 No.10310706 [Reply] [Original]

>only one (1) interest in life: physics
>too dumb for it
it's not fucking fair

>> No.10310714

What is this? IQ test?

>> No.10310726

Looks like it. 149 is really high, it's like the opposite of dyslexia. The other scores are really bad.

Maybe write on scientific topics for the lay person, or do some work in scientific publishing?

>> No.10310738

>"I'll just take a silly, arbitrary test and let it decide my fate in this life!"
Yes, you're dumb, but for different reasons than what you think.

>> No.10310778

OP can literally be coded for borderline mental retardation with those scores. How many physicists have borderline mental retardation again?

>> No.10310792

Most of them ime.

t. Engineer

>> No.10310801

Dude, you are like me, you're only slightly worse in PIQ and slightly higher in VIQ. You must be completely tortured, I understand your pain.

I am curious though, how old are you, and how are you coping in school etc?
You are like a mirror image of myself, so we might learn from eachother.

>> No.10310821

Looks like you should be a writer or something.

>> No.10310831
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>he doesn't know

>> No.10310835
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We don't all have to be Newton or von Neumann. If he is really interested in physics he should try to pursue it; if he can't make a living out of it because he is not good enough he could still pursue it as a "hobby". And, regardless of what his meme tests say, it's not set in stone that he will surely fail at it. Unless he tries he will never know. These IQ tests and similar crap have become a self-fulfilling prophecy for the people who blindly trust in them: as soon as they find out they're too "dumb" for anything they give up hope; they don't put effort into anything because "what's the point anyway?". People like OP believe that fate is set in stone and their hard work means nothing; they think that if they were just lucky enough to win the genetic lottery then they could cruise through life with little or no effort, and all their dreams would magically become true. If OP believes that his "intelligence" can easily and accurately be measured, and it is set in stone and there is no way for him to improve it, then he should just neck himself instead of complaining on a Laotian wood-carving newsgroup. But maybe his genetic make-up is such that he doesn't have the balls to off himself so he is stuck here suffering because it was his fate to do so. Grow a fucking spine and bootstrap yourself out of your misery, OP. Either that or choke on dick.

>> No.10310847

you ain't telling me you can complete a physics MoS with a visual processing speed index of 76.

>> No.10310913
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How do you know whether or not OP can do it? Let him try, if he wants. Were extensive, statistical studies performed which showed that people with a "visual processing speed index" of 76 can absolutely not complete a physics MS? What about people with an index of 77?

Every human is ultimately a rather complex and almost unique system; the idea that you can just assign some little numbers that can easily and surely predict anyone's fate is ludicrous at best and sinister at worst. I don't want to promote a "special snowflake" theory of mankind, but your saying with smug certainty that he surely can't complete a physics degree just shows how much trust you have in the reductionist approach espoused by the promoters of IQ tests et similia. Maybe he will have to study much more than other students in order to get average results, but nothings says it should not be possible for him to do so; it all depends on how much he is willing to sacrifice in order to get the best possible results he can. As OP claims that physics is his only interest in life, it shouldn't bother him too much that he will have to put extra time into it (what else does he have to do with his life anyway?). Even Grothendieck considered himself slower and less intelligent than other people, and see how that worked out for him. Sheep mentality is what holds people back, not magic numbers on their IQ scores.

>> No.10310931

Ugh, your formatting is so off-putting it makes me not want to read your post(s).

>> No.10310933
File: 135 KB, 1697x857, iq_predictive_success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reliability and validity:
>Psychometricians generally regard IQ tests as having high statistical reliability.[9][56] A high reliability implies that – although test-takers may have varying scores when taking the same test on differing occasions, and although they may have varying scores when taking different IQ tests at the same age – the scores generally agree with one another and across time. Like all statistical quantities, any particular estimate of IQ has an associated standard error that measures uncertainty about the estimate. For modern tests, the standard error of measurement is about three points[citation needed]. Clinical psychologists generally regard IQ scores as having sufficient statistical validity for many clinical purposes.[22][57][58] In a survey of 661 randomly sampled psychologists and educational researchers, published in 1988, Mark Snyderman and Stanley Rothman reported a general consensus supporting the validity of IQ testing. "On the whole, scholars with any expertise in the area of intelligence and intelligence testing (defined very broadly) share a common view of the most important components of intelligence, and are convinced that it can be measured with some degree of accuracy." Almost all respondents picked out abstract reasoning, ability to solve problems and ability to acquire knowledge as the most important elements.[59]
You know where to find the citations.

Other things it predicts too can be found here:

>> No.10311033
File: 45 KB, 300x250, Put your grasses on etc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure showed me. Picking up a Wikipedia article filled with contradictory views (especially on a controversial subject like IQ) and instances of [citation needed] will surely silence me.

Look, Anon, I'm not saying "intelligence" as measured by IQ doesn't mean shit and won't affect your performance, but it's not the be all and end all that you seem to make it out to be. Even what you ate for breakfast will affect your performance to some degree, just as will the weather or a dog's barking. My point is simply that statistics are just statistics, and OP would be ill advised to trust blindly into these tests to plan out his life. Statistics say that smokers are much more likely to die of lung cancer: my grandfather has been smoking since he was a teenager; he is almost 90 years old and he is healthier than me. Where is your statistician God now? People can succeed unexpectedly against all odds, but for some reason there seems to be a political agenda that wants to plan out people's lives and make people believe that it is in their best interest to do as they're told. Fuck that shit. America and all other successful capitalist countries were built upon FAILURE after FAILURE. They weren't built on five-year plans carefully drafted by "experts" who know what is best for you. Just let people do whatever the fuck they want; nobody can predict the future with any serious reliability. If OP succeeds, good for him; if he fails, he will have to deal with it. He can either try again, or switch to something else or hang from a tree for all I care. The bottom line is that he is the only one who will have to take responsibility for his actions, so he should decide what to for himself rather than believe in the predictive power of a bunch of psychologists who don't even know what they're really looking for when they test for "intelligence".

>> No.10311044
File: 21 KB, 474x449, 4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>... contradictory views...
You mean giving an article balance? Lmao, this is how I know you're some moronic Redditard.
>Demonstrate balance in your writing
>In your academic work, you should not present something as a fact that might not be. In academic writing, you can use language that we often refer to as hedges or boosters to show how confident you are about an argument or claim you are discussing.
Also, the article shows you, that it is indeed used as a predictor by official bodies who's data needs to be accurate.

>> No.10311105
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x258, breaking news it's over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe what you will. The unpredictable still exists, and thus anything is worth a try if you are really interested in it, as OP claims to be in physics.

A fat Swede managed to make two billion dollars with an autistic game he made on /v/, and Microsoft bought that shit only after it peaked its profitability because they couldn't make a sound investment if their life depended on it. I wonder if your "official bodies" could have predicted something like that. I figure someone like you would never attempt to work on any project of that kind unless your latest IQ test and tarot cards reading showed a clear aptitude for video game development.

I'm out of this thread.

Last word of advice for OP: just do whatever the fuck you want and own up for your successes and your failures. Also, buy a gun; you never know if and when you might need it.

>> No.10311115

Go into computational linguistics then place your focus in syntactic categorization. Afterwards expand your self into the field of physics.

While I'm not physics myself this is probably a good way to get in from my thinking. Obviously there is more than one way to skin a cat though.

>> No.10311120

>Notch is comparable to academic physics.
Lmao, fuck off you moron.

>> No.10311219

brilliant novel genius incisive thoughts from /sci/
>he likes science but he's bad at it and good at writing
>write about science?
woooah generic obvious lines of thought btfo!!

>> No.10311632

Get into conlanging OP, find a passion that you can be great at. These results basically give you savant status in regards to language abilities.

>> No.10311644

Publishing isn't writing.

>> No.10311649

"Interests" are bullshit. There is no innate genetics that drives your interest towards physics. It is simply your exposure and your environment that made you believe that physics was cool. In a different setting you would have developed a passion for something else entirely.

>> No.10312020

based and whitepilled
cringe and pseudpilled