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10309267 No.10309267 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone read this?its an 800 page book avaible at libgen.
It seems to debunk survival after brain death and even astral travel.
I experienced astral proyection but for some reason still doubt souls exist.
Are penrose and the surgeon right in their micro-tubules theory?

>> No.10309412

no but it sounds based

>> No.10309422

>I experienced astral proyection but for some reason still doubt souls exist.
Me too and if the explanation is purely neurological I'd like to know what kind of mechanism allows such a quality of internal visuals somehow unobtainable in the normal state. I suspect it to be related to lucid dreaming since the two kinds of experience have a lot in common.

>> No.10309465

>I experienced astral proyection
How do you know that you weren't dreaming?

>> No.10309474
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contradicts mountains of evidence found in the accounts of NDE's , learn how to google brainlet

>> No.10309613

does this book do this? Damn, I may have to read it and then drop that truth bomb over at /x/.

>> No.10309693

Based on what?

>> No.10309696

Because i was listening to an audio track and could remember what the track said while i was out of body

>> No.10309701

Why SHOULD that be done?

>> No.10309739

>Are penrose and the surgeon right in their micro-tubules theory?
What does this change?
It might give you a possible soul/brain interface over quantum things. Receiver theory....if you're into that. But in the core it doesn't say anything about the soul or afterlife. It's physicalism in the end. What about Penrose's Godel argument?
Is it valid?

>> No.10309747

I've made 2 hours "research" via r/nde and NdeRadio(or something).
This is fucking cancer.
They all sound like fantasy stories written by creationists.
>golden gate in the clouds
>golden almighty man
>you haven't fulfilled your purpose yet
>purpose is to help people and love everybody and everything
>best moments of my life on a big screen with a judge
>we are all one
I'd rather choose the void instead of this faggotry.
I hope there is more to this than what I've read.

>> No.10309754

You know that you can hear sounds in your dreams that originate in the real world?
A few lucid dreaming techniques are based on this.

>> No.10309761

>he fell for the platonism meme
Of course life continues after death. Calling it an "after-life" is a fanciful way of referring to it. Plato's still around, you're still falling for his memes.

Consciousness shuts off when you die though, and souls in the sense of a ghost piloting your meat-mecha are bunk though.

>> No.10309777

I didnt hear -sounds-
It was a coherent audio book

This doesnt make sense

>> No.10309788

>I didnt hear -sounds-
>It was a coherent audio book
Does't matter. I've experience this.
Had a song as alarm. Fell asleep again without turning it off. Suddenly I'm in a dream and can hear the song in my head. It wasn't coming from anywhere. It was everywhere and also nowhere.

>> No.10309806

I don't think you've read Plato

>> No.10309813

The idea of an afterlife is predicated on the idea of your consciousness continuing after you die. It shuts down, it's purely material.

However, "you" are not just your consciousness. You are the sum total of your actions and interactions plus the emergent phenomenon arising from them. The majority of your intelligence is not in your consciousness. The majority of what constitutes "you" continues on after you die.

I don't care what you think.

>> No.10309815

Fuck off Dennett. Your "arguments" are garbage.

>> No.10309817

It DOES matter.

>> No.10309819


>> No.10309832

Yes it does.
There was no falling sleep,i was awake the whole time.

>> No.10309908

>>However, "you" are not just your consciousness. You are the sum total of your actions and interactions plus the emergent phenomenon arising from them. The majority of your intelligence is not in your consciousness. The majority of what constitutes "you" continues on after you die.
Lamest afterlife after Spinoza's afterlife

>> No.10309918
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>> No.10309919

The Deep State


>> No.10309935

This, when I was a kid I had a dream I was walking down a hallway, then I heard mom yelling my name in the dream, turns out she was yelling for my ass to wake up irl.

>> No.10310084

No,not this.
I was awake the whole time

>> No.10310101


>> No.10310261


>> No.10310281

>I was awake the whole time
How would you know?

>> No.10310303

Because i cant sleep with audio on and this time i endured the audio to induce sleep paralysis on porpouse

>> No.10310304

Sounds just like WILD, which is a lucid dreaming method

>> No.10310331

No it doesnt.
You have to fall sleep to dream.
I didnt fall sleep

>> No.10310557

I'm reading it right now, anon. I'm at page 300 or so. Kinda good

>> No.10310843
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>Anyone read this?

I have not read all of it, since many of its parts can easily be either summarized as

>muh brain chemistry

or are just irrelevant discussions about the inconsistencies of many religious conceptions of the afterlife. Some of its chapters about the empirical data were also written long ago, and have since been completely outdated.

However, it is still a good book for anyone who is interested in wanting to familiarize themselves with both sides of the discussion, and I agree with its only living author Keith Augustine that a book like this is needed to show where the skeptical viewpoint stands.

Its two counter-parts are either this book: https://www.amazon.com/Irreducible-Mind-Toward-Psychology-Century/dp/1442202068

Or essentially Chris Carter's trilogy: https://www.amazon.com/Science-Psychic-Phenomena-House-Skeptics/dp/159477451X/




>I've made 2 hours "research" via r/nde and NdeRadio(or something).

How scholarly, and also, you must be an expert by now!

Sarcasm aside, what would you actually expect from a higher reality? An ugly and sterile environment with no emotions whatsoever? On the absolute contrary, I do not see why a higher reality would not be filled to the absolute brim with every kind of positive emotion we could possibly imagine.

Or should a higher reality be just as afraid as the cynics in this world of being actually happy, loving, and kind?

>> No.10311799

I feel less afraid now