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10307152 No.10307152 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it all so pointless /sci/?
We'll find an unifying theory and then what?
It will tell us how the Universe behaves. It will never tell us what the fuck it is.
It won't change that we live and die without a fucking clue what it is about. This didn't change since we were cavemen despite technological progress.
We're all stuck asking ourself what, if anything, happens when we die. And no amount of science nor religion will solve that.
I know it sounds nihilistic as fuck, but I can't help myself.
There is no rule that says a Universe should exist at all. It's just that it does. And it makes no sense that there is one.

>> No.10307156

This is why we have art

>> No.10307176

I guess it's a nice distraction from the whole dying and not knowing what happens to you thing.
I was agnostic a few weeks ago, then I realized even the idea of a god made no sense.

>> No.10307182

Death doesn't have to mean suffering. Art doesn't have to be merely a distraction.

>> No.10307193
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Mankind's purpose is to waste all the resources of the universe as we see fit until the end of time itself

fuck you

>> No.10307197

I didn't mean that death was suffering, even though it most likely will.
But what's next?
I'm pretty sure you could ask Neanderthal the same fucking question and he would be as clueless as we are.
Some people cope with religion, other science to some degree, and I guess some with art( I understand how it makes yourself immortal because your art is there forever).
But deep down, nobody fucking knows shit. And that's terrifying.

That being said it could be that we live in a Universe that was popped up by some 'God' like entity.
Doesn't tell you what the fuck God is, and why it exists at all.

>> No.10307200

erm you might want to take 5grams of shrooms and see for your self there is life beyond death. maybe even try past life regression/QHHT.

>> No.10307202

Sure, that's an option.
But as I said, I'm not even sure there's anything past death.

>> No.10307207
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It may be terrifying, but it’s also incredibly interesting. I can hardly wait to discover what lies at the end of it all.
Also, it’s not like life is just pleasure, so even if the end is truly the End, that’s good too.

>> No.10307220

>so even if the end is truly the End, that’s good too.
That's where I have a fucking problem.
I fully expect to have full disclosure when I die. Not a fucking cliffhanger.

>> No.10307221

Listen to Beethovans moonlight sonata and cry about it.

>> No.10307224

Sure, it's nice, but it doesn't change anything.

>> No.10307236

It's just one miniscule experience which adds up to make our life experience more meaningful. Learn to play it on the piano and you may find even more. Fall in love with a woman and start a family you may find even more. Revel in the beauty of mathematics. Play a video game and experience the rush of victory. Go for a hike in the mountains. It all adds up.

>> No.10307238
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haha, yes
only classic music is good

>> No.10307242

Ok, I've never encountered your kind.
As much as I enjoy art, it's just copping.
It doesn't tell me anything.

>> No.10307245

This. Literally millions of people experienced death before us without fail, I'm pretty sure we will manage to do it too. I like to see it as one last experiment each and every one of us has to perform on their own.

>> No.10307247

You're gonna die in the dark like the rest of us, what makes you special that you demand full disclosure?

>> No.10307254

Good for you.
Except you don't know.
You know your grandma died.
But what do you actually know the Universe didn't start the second you were born?
What if other people are actually fucking NPCs.
I'm not saying they are, but from what we know, it could very well be.

Well, it's just that it would fucking suck.

>> No.10307256

>take 5grams of shrooms and see for your self there is life beyond death

Ugh the worst kind of /psy/ burnout, the kind that takes their ecstatic visions as obvious truth. I've taken 11g shrooms in a single sitting and it sure felt like I was ascending beyond time and space and that life is a simulation and we're all just god experiencing itself subjectively and the akashic records are real and etc and etc. Doesn't fucking mean any of it is true, even if it felt very convincing at the time.

>> No.10307257

no idiot, magic mushrooms. take 5 grams and see the truth.

>> No.10307262

reread what you wrote about 500 hundred times then maybe you will realize how fucking stupid you sound.

>> No.10307264

What are you looking for?

So you're a nihilist. You think life is meaningless? Humanity and earth is meaningless since they are so miniscule in the grand scheme of things?

Well, what metric are you using to define meaning? If it's physical size to the rest of the universe, then sure. But why do you assume that is the parameter to measure by. What if the parameter you chose to measure with was complexity, not size?

The human brain is the most complex object that we know of in the universe. And you, by some grace of physics or God have been given command of this object (alongside incredibly dexterous hands and body). Why do nihilists never give any weight to this parameter - a true miracle against entropy.

>> No.10307266

Where does it say 'truth' on your fucking mushroom?

>> No.10307272

where does say "truth" on your fucking brain that is hallucinating everything?

>> No.10307273

>a person takes drugs and hallucinates
>they don't believe in it because they're hallucinations
in what way is that stupid.

>> No.10307276

Where does it say 'truth' on your fucking mushroom?

I had an epiphany as of late.
I was an agnostic seeing as there didn't seem to be an explanation.
So I thought, fine, whatever.
Then I thought harder. If there's some kind of God entity, then its very existence is questionable to begin with.
And that really shattered my thought process.
I'm just curious, well no, I know everyone, especially here where we're supposed to think logically, thinks the same, at least at some point in their reasoning. Took me long enough.
I don't think there's a stage past that, but maybe someone was where I'm at right now.

>> No.10307298
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>It will never tell us what the fuck it is.

Indeed, the materialistic paradigm is unable to do that.

>We're all stuck asking ourself what, if anything, happens when we die.

And yet, so few stop to look at the actual, empirical data about what we know about what it is like to die. Smh. This is an easily digestible introduction to the notion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwyVFW9kT8k

>And no amount of science nor religion will solve that.

Once you abandon fundamaterialistic delusion that science == materialism, and check into NDE research, the picture changes drastically: https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc799144/m2/1/high_res_d/vol21-no1-5.pdf

>> No.10307300

NDE is not death.
And I guess that sums it up.

>> No.10307302
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>> No.10307323

>where does say "truth" on your fucking brain that is hallucinating everything?
Actually let me rephrase.
How does your hallucination, if it's actually truth, makes the existence of the Universe any less weird?

>> No.10307327

Both my grandmas are still alive. Both are kinda looking forward to dying soon though and are preparing us for that. Didn't see them panic though, they see it as release.
That's why I'm not that afraid as well. Also I'm Christian which helps a lot.

About that second part: if we live in perfect simulation then we could assume it's all real and the outcome would be the same.
Why waste precious time of life contemplating something that
1. You have no power over
2.You will find out all about anyway, whether you like it or not.

Btw, we spend 1/3 of our lifetime sleeping. I rarely dream which means all that time I spend technically not existing.
So I didn't exist for billions of years, then even after being conceived I don't exist for 1/3rd of time, why would I be afraid of not existing if that's mostly what I did? I'd say I'm overprepared for that.
Just enjoy the ride. Living in fear is worse than not living at all.

>> No.10307328

Yeah, that sums it up.
Universe is all for the sake of cute anime grils.

>> No.10307330

that makes it even worse

>> No.10307342

I see. another copping mechanism.
I agree that the God argument is compelling, as there exists anything at all, but it's chicken and egg argument if you think about it hard enough.

>You will find out all about anyway, whether you like it or not.
Except maybe not.

>> No.10307353

Anime isn't real

>> No.10307379

I don't think you'll think your think your way into fulfillment anon. Life's a subjective experience mostly felt.

>> No.10307388

Does it matter that we live fullfilling lives?
I don't really think it matters at all. Or at least, I'm not seeing evidence that it does.
Maybe your average serial killer gets the same treatment as the best guy on earth when he dies.

>> No.10307405

it is

>> No.10307410

As an individual experiencing reality subjectively I'd argue its the only thing that matters.
I just read your posts and to me it sounds like thats what your looking for.

>> No.10307420

I don't know what I'm looking for.
It's just that it's hitting me hard.
I know I'll just keep living and eventually die.
That's the only truth out there.
And it's depressing as fuck.

On the other hand, I've find renewed marvel at the world, just because it makes no sense that it's there, yet I spend my whole day looking at it.

>> No.10307433

Sure it is coping mechanism but at least it helps staying productive.
I was in similar state as you a couple of months ago until I realized that existential crysis is just a different coping mechanism, way less productive and/or healthy one.
We at least have undeniable free will to choose our coping mechanism. Pick one that feels right for you and live your life.

>> No.10307436

Here's how I see it: Whatever happens after we die is completely irrelevant to right now, since from my subjective perspective life is just made up of a series of present moments.

>> No.10307443

I just hope it's not wash and repeat, because that would be very sad.

>> No.10307449

Would it still be sad if those present moments were immensely enjoyable?

>> No.10307450

Not what I meant.
It would mean I'd spend eternity asking myself those questions.

>> No.10307452

but why should the universe even have a purpose? isn't "having a purpose" a human construct, something that only makes sense to us? can you apply something like that to the material world? can something like what is the universe or how it works even be translated into something which humans can grasp? if nothing matters why should it matter that nothing matters? there can be no absolute answer to what existence is as even the concept of "answer" is something relative, something that has value only to us. we experience the world only through our conscience, or mind or whatever so there can be no absolute state of being. i guess what i'm trying to say is that whether life has an absolute meaning, something outside of our perception and understanding of it, is a question that simply cannot be answered, because once you try to explain things outside of our own understanding, all these human constructs like logic and purpose or meaning fall apart.

i have no idea what the fuck i'm talking about, but can someone please recommend me some books about this subject, i'm kinda interested.

>> No.10307461

Even if you knew the answers you wouldn't magically find fulfillment. Which is why I don't think you're aiming correctly. I personally rather enjoy the mystery of it all and would live another thousand lives.

>> No.10307468

Well, we can all witness that a Universe exist.
But that's the problem.
Why should a Universe exist?
That's the big question.
Purpose or not, it just looks fishy.

Yeah, I guess a prison cell is nice if that's all you will ever know.

>> No.10307475

Even if you knew everything about how the prison cell functioned it would still be mostly the same experience in the same prison cell.

>> No.10307478

why should there be a reason for the universe to exist?

>> No.10307489

I know, that's pretty much where I started.
That's not what I said.
I said why should there be a Universe?
Maybe 'why' is too much of a human concept, and you're interpreting as me asking for a reason. While that's somewhat true, I'm more puzzled at the fact that there's anything to begin with.
Anyways. I'll end it here. That debate has been going on forever, and I guess it's not stopping anytime soon.
I'll just go to sleep and hope I never wake up. But that never worked so far.

>> No.10307506
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based and redpilled

>> No.10307508

You sound depressed. But to me, the conclusions you have outlined here aren't inherently depressing. That's why I'm confused. I love life even though I am just as uncertain about reality as you.

>> No.10307512

i hope you'll be alright, anon. as you said, a lot of people think about this sort of stuff, you're not alone. and just as you had your epiphany now, maybe your mind will change in the future. good night.

>> No.10308216
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Keep searching.

>> No.10308232

Why do you think science won't answer the why?
Maybe we will discover that it is inevitable for a universe to not exist.

>> No.10308238

*inevitable to exist

>> No.10308264
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>> No.10308268

youre just playing word games to make science seem more exciting then it actually is though, such a question necessarily extends beyond the phenomenal realm and is by definition not scientific

>> No.10309049

if you dont have something you want to acheive in your lifetime then yes it will be pointless...

create something, change something, become something, whatever it is, but until you actually have something for yourself you want to do its pointless.
Also all the science came from people who wanted to change something, become something, figure something out or contribute something etc

>> No.10309060

>an unifying
>word games
Is that how we're supposed to say that?

>> No.10309072

a unified theory is just hyped up circlejerk style by a bunch of people hedging bets that they will come up with it or just brainlets trying to sound smart.

Anyone who thinks whatever discovery takes that name will be 'final' or leave us with less questions is illiterate in science history and what science is capable of.

>> No.10309327

ever heard of Epicureanism?

>> No.10309349

You fail to see how a unifying theory would affect the rest of science. It wouldn't stay locked within the domains of physics, no. It would "bleed" outwards, and would be used to better understand many other domains from biology to psychology, from philosophy to religion. So it would change a lot more than simply our understanding of the Universe in his grand scale works.

>> No.10309996

It's unifying theory about how matter and field interact.

It's how it works, not a sense.

>> No.10310002
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The point of life is to create a superintelligence and therefore create God.

>> No.10310534


>> No.10310791
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Thanks, I will get right on it.

>> No.10310826

There isn't much of an alternative explanation. Except a multiverse

>> No.10310860

We have no grasp of reality. If it makes you feel any better, whatever negative thought you have ever experience, know it is withought a doubt completely wrong and meaningless. Of course it goes both ways, but if you are too defeated you can always perceive things this way.

>> No.10311509


Big bang happened, lots of hydrogen and helium clumped together. Stars ignite. Form heavier elements. Stars Blow up. Repeat until planets form. Organix compounds assemble. Organelles. Cell walls. Systems of self reproducing things. Life. Universe alive. Humans inspect universe.

Universe inspect self.


>> No.10311647

Count yourself fortunate OP. The vast majority of the human population go through life without such thoughts even entering their heads, or if they do, then only in a vague and superficial manner for a very brief period of time.

At least you have this opportunity to wonder upon the mystery of existence, and of life, and therefore to have the potential, if not squandered, to gather the intellectual satisfaction that accompanies such lines of inquiry. Even if such inquiry is ultimately fruitless on an individual level, be satisfied at least the opportunity was there for you, for it is not for so many others around you. Like a mountain in a secluded valley you know you can never climb, at least you saw it.

>> No.10311708
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IMO God (or more simply a transcedental force) comes hand in hand with meaning in the universe. If you reject one you live without the other.

>> No.10312493

If one has a reason to live for, one can withstand almost everything

>> No.10314012

To my dear brother,
There is an end goal to all this. It is not pointless. The end goal is that one day, we will all get to live forever in unending ecstasy. We will resurrect all our dead ancestors, and live in peace and harmony for all eternity. Please work towards the end goal. Nobody realizes it, but the science for an everlasting existence of decadence exists. We just need to find a way...

>> No.10314383

reddit's community is a different breed...
to be honest, i tried using the platform, but couldn't stand after 3 days in there