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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10306277 No.10306277 [Reply] [Original]

path integrals are god tier change my mind.

>> No.10306278

i mean they're pretty nice
i'm not sure why they're "god tier" though
they're just integrals, nothing special whatsoever

>> No.10306320

They are not even mathematically defined in 4D and they still work. Thats pretty impressive in my book.

>> No.10306324
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>this is what physishits unironically believe

>> No.10306327

It's an open proble to give a general theory of functional integration, and they are widely used in QFT so I don't know what you think is so unbelievable.

>> No.10306328

If they were god tier they would be math, but the wikia lists them as lowly physics.

>> No.10306330

>physishits use fake math that doesn't work
>expect anyone rational to believe their bullshit

>> No.10306334

QFT is the basis of the standard model which is one of the pillars of modern physics in terms of satisfactory exlanations and successful experiments. It is still however, not mathematically rigorous. What do you think the motivation for the yang mills millennium problem is you absolute brainlet.

>> No.10306349

yang mills is a meme
i know what it is
any physics that is not immediately mathematically rigorous is not real physics
it's the machinations of a number of deranged egoists i.e. physishits

>> No.10306740
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>god tier
indeed, they explain everything but are practically useless

>> No.10306885


>> No.10306905

all this shows is that math is fake and gay gaygay

but we already knew that...

>> No.10306911
File: 181 KB, 1000x670, different_integrals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about over-easy integrals

>> No.10307024

They work. Just like newtonian physics works. But any theory that focuses on particles will soon become outdated.

>> No.10307131

See haags theorem.

>> No.10307135

[eqn]\mathfrak{It \ \ just \ \ werks.}[/eqn]

>> No.10307522

It's pure unadulterated, intuition. Problem, autist?

>> No.10307629
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This is the prime example of how physishit majors are more autistic than math majors

>> No.10308538

random bump for physics thread, just because /sci/ is full of crap currently

>> No.10308555

Why? He constructed the formalism without caring about rigor and its one of the most influential and used versions of QM/QFT. Seems pretty chad to me.

>> No.10308577
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>snake charmer

>> No.10308605
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*blocks your path integral*

>> No.10309532

Its still rigorous. It just uses a different kind of rigor

>> No.10309598

Okay lads, is there a book I can study that will put me in the 99th percentile of integration skill relative to most mathematicians? I've only taken undergrad calculus, but I feel like I was just scratching the surface.

Should I just study analysis and worry about becoming a god-tier integrator later?

>> No.10309624


>> No.10309661

Useless skill, learn numerical integration techniques such as Simpson's method, Gauss-Legendre/Laguerre quadrature etc. Anything remotely complicated in the real world is integrated numerically

>> No.10310018

>Anything remotely complicated in the real world is integrated numerically
Nah, just use filters to integrate.

>> No.10310110

Ignore that shitter, basically just practice a lot and I guess get used to using some tricks that can only be done with definite integrals. Also practice Feynman's trick, it's pretty useful to know.

>> No.10310124

>path integrals
not science or math

>> No.10310202

>single, double, triple, contour, surface, volume
The rest are memes, right? Not 100% sure about the "4D"-integral; I thought integrating a function with a triple integral gives a "4D" (hyperspace) representation, and that integrating a constant (e.g. the volume differential) with a triple integral gives a volume.

>> No.10310265

The last two are real.

>> No.10311423

of course it's a meme you dip