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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 490x647, mmtnteurc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10306185 No.10306185 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10306201

Open a window and sunburn the ginger

>> No.10306207

Demonstrate my knowledge of the product rule (my specialty).

>> No.10306212

You can teach product rule to high schoolers, youre nothing special

>> No.10306215

Race realism shitposting participation badge.

>> No.10306217
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>> No.10306220

eat buttz

>> No.10306257

I'm getting a PhD in physics and my thesis is actually good and not a waste of everybody's time and money

>> No.10306262

suck elons dick

>> No.10306276

Weakly ask if I can come in because none of the other clubs would let me in :(

>> No.10306286

what is your degree?

>> No.10306294
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>> No.10306296

Earth is a Mobius strip

>> No.10306315

I have a crippling student loan debt can i come in please the debt collectors are looking for me

>> No.10306317

state your degree

>> No.10306322

i studied studies at the university of studying

>> No.10306332

Shapes are concepts

>> No.10306338
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>> No.10306393

I can exfoliate 20 sizable monolayer graphene flakes in a few hours

>> No.10306414

Stare at my shoes and mumble barely audibly.

>> No.10307045

I did a BA in studies and the classes were filled with Pakis

>> No.10307055

I ask the bouncer: "What's you're IQ?" and then brag about being in the __th percentile.

>> No.10307063

"I know what cohomology means".

>> No.10307075

The earth is flat and we never went to the moon.

>> No.10307099
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>> No.10307205

"Aubrey de Gray is a complete fraud"

>> No.10307271
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All mathematical functions can be broken down into recursion

>> No.10307274

I ate a bowl of nails for breakfast. Without any milk

>> No.10307283

I launched a satellite with my fellow students at the aerospace division

>> No.10307285

Intelligence is genetically inheritable

>> No.10307291

Nope, it's heritable, not inheritable

>> No.10307295

It is both if we make a slight grammatical tweak.

>> No.10307304

I wink at him and say:
>I took the Krautpill.
If that doesn't work I show him my medical license.

>> No.10307308

What grammatical tweak?

>> No.10307309

>immediately denied

>> No.10307317

Ask me how I know you're in CS.

>> No.10307318
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>> No.10307321

Intelligence is genetically heritable

>> No.10307324


>> No.10307329

climate change is a meme

>> No.10307331
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>how did you know

>> No.10307337
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>> No.10307338


>> No.10307346
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>> No.10307349
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>Gigachad, no!

>> No.10307355


>> No.10307411


>> No.10307431

I have a proof for Riemanns hypothesis, but its more than 1400 characters long.

>> No.10307437

then make it shorter brainlet

>> No.10307467

I'm in my second year of a Physiology PhD. Been studying the immune system response to myocardial infarction in aged animals. Been doing a bunch of molecular biology experiments. C-Can I get into the club OP?

>> No.10307490

Math is abstract but also extremely useful in exploring reality.

>> No.10307517
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>> No.10307519

>immune system response to myocardial infarction
Which DAMPs are most important to the inflammatory response in myocardial infarction? Since we now know that there is a small amount of myocardiocyte turnover (and things like serum CK-MB and cardiac troponin are non-zero in aged people), I'm wondering what things may be specific enough and immunogenic enough to cause what we see.

>> No.10307597

I feel like I'm missing a joke here

>> No.10307604

I look at birds for a living

>> No.10307614

From my readings it appears High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) and Mitochondrial DNA. If memory serves me right, both are capable of stimulating TLR3 and TLR4 receptors.

>> No.10307663

I make the projects for the planes of my armed forces and will be doing rockets when the space program returns

>> No.10307700

i like science and math

>> No.10307755

I'm gay btw, not sure if that matters

>> No.10307763

is anyone in there with whom i can talk about cryptography math? can i have a look?
I am also a craftsman with heavy toolbox, could you please stop me the door so I come in, I have to uuuuuhm, something to fix.

>> No.10307800
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right this way sir

>> No.10307924

If math was discovered and not invented, any and all proofs would be discussing only the concepts as subjectively interpreted by the mathematician. If math is to be the pure study of noumena then you must accept that it's origin is within the mind.

>> No.10307952


>> No.10307983

this is a fun thread. Shoo.

>> No.10308023

So? I've discussed partial derivatives with my professor, I can keep up.

>> No.10308026

Disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.10308027

I have an advanced undergraduate knowledge of the theory of heights and understand the proof of Corollary 3.12

>> No.10308040

.99999999999.... != 1

>> No.10308066

Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.

I ask my professor his thoughts on quantum mechanics and partial derivatives. He's impressed i know about the subject. We converse after class for some time, sharing mathematical insights; i can keep up. He tells me of great things ahead like series and laplacians. I tell him i already read about series on wikipedia. He is yet again impressed at my enthusiasm. What a joy it is to have your professor visibly brighten when he learns of your talents.

And now I sit here wondering what it must be like to be a brainlet, unable to engage your professor as an intellectual peer.

All of the deep conversations you people must miss out on because you aren't able to overcome the intellectual IQ barrier that stands in the way of your academic success... it's so sad.

My professor and I know each other on first name basis now, but i call him Dr. out of respect.

And yet here you brainlets sit, probably havent even made eye contact with yours out of fear that they will gauge your brainlet IQ levels.

A true shame, but just know it is because i was born special that i am special. I can't help being a genius, nor can my professor.

Two of a kind is two flocks in a bush.

>> No.10308070
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I'm studying electronic engineering, and study philosophy as a hobby.

>> No.10308856

>and study philosophy as a hobby.

You know this means nothing right? This is like saying your hobbies include listening to music in your spare time.

>> No.10308862

>ye olde humanities are a gag meme
How many STEM professionals actually run the world? Oh, literally none?

>> No.10308878
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>how to get in
perambulate towards the quantum derivative dichotomy, then, after teh bouncer takes your worthy offering of bux, you go through the vortex of virtual delight into the wonderland that is /sci/

or you could just post something, whatever

>> No.10308887


I went from a 2.5 GPA to a 4.0 in junior and senior year majoring in Astrophysics. I have an internship at my father's software engineering company, if all goes to hell.

>> No.10308893

That's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying that anyone can go and look at wikipedia articles, it doesn't just qualify as a noteworthy pastime.

>> No.10309166

Ah I forgot about this, decent kek, thanks my friend!

>> No.10309202

Show him my doctored MENSA certificate

>> No.10309221

>father owns a software company
>only gives him an internship
Lmao, cuck

>> No.10309225

look at this dude...

>> No.10309262

>Anon, this club is only for elite minds. You can't come in unless prove yourself. Explain to me what "recursion" is.
umm, like when a function calls itself
>... Welcome, brother

>> No.10309408

now i know why my farts are hot, down to a molecular level

>> No.10309551

why didn't this guy get in?

>> No.10309557

Solve A Complex Mathematical Equation. Every Time.

>> No.10309566
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Because i bring the X'ses

>> No.10309932

All you have to do is get a PhD to get in... I don't see how everyone else is having so much trouble

>> No.10309986
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We opened up the airlock just for you two

>> No.10310010
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Bachelors in Computer Engineering Do internal research projects at job. Been learning on tensor calculus and general relativity for the last few months because of Chinese cartoons. What do I win?

>> No.10310044
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I know a fake one when I see it

>> No.10310077

>that pic
I don't think cosplay is going to make him open up the door.

>> No.10310107
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>> No.10310141

Dropped out in my senor year of college. going back for math. an online college and I'm a junior now. Can I come in?

I can bring good coffee beans.

>> No.10310167

linguistics is a science

>> No.10310174

I study economics and statistics at a top tier university.

I also have extra adderall.

>> No.10310192
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right sir, we have the presidential suite reserved for you.

>> No.10310216

I studied together with Jon Tooker

>> No.10310305

I believe solving problems analytically is for cuckolds and virgins, I also refuse to acknowledge pi beyond two decimal places and use small-angle approximations for ALL angles.

>> No.10310312

All living organisms are complexes of biological macromolecules.

>> No.10310397

The sum of all real numbers equals -1/12

>> No.10310400

wouldn't this mean there are more positive reals than negative reals?

>> No.10310401
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>> No.10310425

Why choose a fat guy for this forced meme instead of someone human shaped?

>> No.10310656
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anon you made him cry, say you're sorry.

>> No.10310675

I got a paper accepted in an international conference right after starting my masters. Also my research is funded by one of the largest companies in its field.

>> No.10311688


>> No.10311691

I can't build muscle

>> No.10311706

I'm doing a biomed pre-med undergrad. currently studying at a human systems lab studying biomechanics and the effect of vit D on falling.

>> No.10311740
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I can divide by zero

>> No.10311795
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Stop learning and start thinking

>> No.10311818

dat triple integral is my pass init

>> No.10312183

I stand in line every day and take increasing integer amount of money from the bouncer

>> No.10313005

iam grill ;)

>> No.10313012
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∞/∞ =1

>> No.10313206

>not a waste of everyone's time and money
Pick one

>> No.10313344


Show my tattoo of E=MC^2 with the caption 'I fuckin' lurve science!'

>> No.10313353

i'm not a physicist or an engineer, so i actually study science or math

>> No.10313375

i take 42th order derivative of [math](x^6 + 666)\sqrt[7]{(x + 2)^11}[/math] tier expr with just pen and paper in under 2 minutes

>> No.10313427

">" 666

>> No.10313458
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>> No.10313465
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>> No.10314427

Come on, dude, let me in.

>> No.10314558

I'm a professor at a leading university, as is my brother. Our field of study is the same, and I've completely upstaged him in every sense of the word.

>> No.10314601
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>> No.10314613

Mathematics are a subset of CS

>> No.10314654 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10314655
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>> No.10314664
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>> No.10314740

>mfw all 'old' /sci/ posters who'd recognize this pasta have left due to the unbearable spam by pol/newfags (they are more or less synonymous if you think about it).

>> No.10314774

NJ Wildeberger is the saviour of modern mathematics

>> No.10314780

Started with 2.55 GPA, last semester was a 4.0 with cumulative going up to 3.4.
Got a medal scholarship award, two upper 10% and one upper 5% recommendations, awaiting next medal.
Never cared about grades, I just wanted to know more about my chosen field. Didn't even know there were awards and other marks before actually getting them.

>> No.10314801

Where did they go?

>> No.10315518

I would say a lot of us recognize this pasta, but we just don't respond. It's a pasta, afterall.

>> No.10315545

Tbh the most impressive thing I can do on the spot is show the stationarity and asymptotic variance in a stochastic time series

>> No.10315605


>> No.10315706

I’m not here to party at Club/SCI. I’m here to get that shitty band off the stage.
Nobody wants to hear them mangle Einstein’s proofs just to make them scan to “smells like teen spirit”.

>> No.10315714

I use linux mint with Unity desktop.

>> No.10315736

Very proud of you

>> No.10315742

How do you know how anon engages in his hobby? Perhaps he has written several papers in philosophy journals. He didnt say exactly how his pastime manifests.

>> No.10316483

The tangent line is the instantaneous slope of the secant line at any given point

>> No.10316514
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Science is nothing else but applied philosophical metatheory created by selection of ideas from ontological,epistemological,ethical,logical fields of interest. The final result is called paradigm which dictates t. current accepted version of selected ideas from those fields and establishes accepted methodology and practice. T. current version of accepted paradigm is updated based by believes in scientific community and empirical experience.

>> No.10316599

>Thinking /sci/ had a golden age and now full of pol new fag migrants.
>Deluding into thinking there was ever a standard here.
The change that has happened is there are no longer any lava sun vs ice sun and no shitty "solve muh impossible equation, not homework promise" threads the only thing this place has become is more reddit but I blame 4channel for that.

>> No.10316622

There was less /pol/ content before 2015 though.

>> No.10317494

literally the second reply to this thread was a reference to this pasta.

>> No.10317532
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>hand over my pdf files of solutions to my school's grad math qualifying exams.

>> No.10317748 [DELETED] 
File: 541 KB, 1384x738, Suck my dick Jannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trolling the fuckers who believe infinity exists in reality must count

>> No.10317751

infinity does not fit into our empirical experience that we build our knowledge on

>> No.10318060
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I own a ThinkPad and play table tennis.
Oh, yeah, I'm also an algebraist.

>> No.10318136

But do you run GNU+Linux?

>> No.10318143

fuck this meme

>> No.10318384


>> No.10318398

Wireless power transfer by concentrated microwave beams from solar-thermal power generating satellites to land and sea based receiver stations should be atleast somewhat of a focus for today's physics and electrical engineers focused on high frequency electromagnetics and power generation alternatives

>> No.10318424

jokes on you, you just lost 8 cents.

>> No.10318432

read the thread which solved the Haruhi problem, the quality of discourse was much higher.

>> No.10318685

I don't watch anime, weebshit

>> No.10318694

extremely low efficiency

>> No.10318733

I can't properly calculate a determinant / inverse 9 out of 10 times since it's always a small arithmetic mistake which ruins everything.

>> No.10318747

Philosophy is important to establish knowledge

>> No.10318825

Philosophy is dumb

>> No.10318838
File: 679 KB, 406x1024, 1548097516671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to reddit then nigger. This is an anime and waifu board.

>> No.10318865

I don't either. What does this have to do with what I said?

>> No.10318891

I got a BSc in physics, currently doing my masters numerically studying 2D covalent material phase transition

>> No.10319022

>Referencing a MSM article.
Tuba Jam, we all know you're a newfag.

>> No.10319105

Just like everything in its infancy.

>> No.10319192

my name jeff


>> No.10319196

I'm working on a masters in mathematics (data analysis) and want to push into a PhD in weather science, because weather science is fucking bad ass. I write all my papers in LaTeX. No one in my life knows I'm in a university, except the NSA agents that keep an eye on me. Finally, I'm writing a compiler for fun.

>> No.10319211

what about family and uni classmates? Are you okay with low salaries/people assuming all meteorologists stand in front of greenscreens and tell the weather? Are you looking at just general predictions or looking to specialize?

>> No.10319226

My family has no idea. My peers just know I'm in college, but they don't know much about me. Regarding the perception of meterology, that doesn't bother me. I'm looking to specialize, I was told a long time ago that meterologist software sucks, so I figured I could find my place with statistics and software engineering. I'm still unsure about an exact direction, but I know I like inclement weather and I'll probably go down that path.

>> No.10320582

I'm really upset for not being allowed in.

>> No.10320898


>> No.10320948

Could you pls tell something more about your just-for-fun complier?

>> No.10321022
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I'm a polymath-wannabe pseud that only reads popsci online media, research paper abstracts and wikipedia, at least since I finished my CS degree.

>> No.10321057

E equels McFuck-Yourself let me in

>> No.10322334


>> No.10322682

you cannot sci unless you can get rid of all non science for science in a verbal mean, then, degenerates. science isn’t here to stay. it will move soon.

>> No.10323314

How would he be sunburned more through an open window than a closed one?