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File: 199 KB, 1000x847, 2F03234E-2702-475F-9545-1913B26AA462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10305472 No.10305472 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so fun to shitpost on an anonymous persian rug forum? Is it some kind of escapism from the reality where everyday is almost the same? Is this what I stated something cringey and fake deep? R/I‘m14andthisisdeep. Lmao get rekt redditor , brutally raped with logic and fakz by the notorious hacker 4chan(nel)

>> No.10305488

It's not, and it gets repetitive soon.

>> No.10305519

>t. joyless pseud

>> No.10305522

based and redpilled

>> No.10305524

>it’s not

Brilliant answer brainlet

>> No.10305547

As an authority on the subject, I can say that it is funny for the same reason inside jokes are funny-it feels great to know that others aren't in on your joke and therefore your group, even if you are the only one in your group and the "joke" lowers the quality of discourse for everyone else (which itself is a source of schadenfreude)

>> No.10305556
File: 57 KB, 800x439, 877D6DBA-EFB8-4718-B7B0-B7587C6235A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schadenfreude is such an awesome expression that makes me glad that I speake German fluently. Your point makes sense. I also think that most hardcore trolls (I’m not one) are fucked up to a degree. Also edgelords and sometimes just shitposting for the sake of it. Why are you tripfagging though niggerfaggot? Also which branch of engineering?

>> No.10305588
File: 683 KB, 751x684, doom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shitpost here because I have no other forms of social interaction.

>> No.10305598

Great pic, it really illustrates the concept almost perfectly. How did you learn German?
>why are you tripfagging
Idk at this point.
>which branch of engineering

>> No.10305994

Because you were neglected by a single mother and people calling you a retard is the sad fag substitute for meaningful human interaction.

>> No.10306054

Getting (you)s which is a form of validation.

>> No.10306074
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>> No.10306087

its basically addiction to instant gratification. shitposting takes zero effort and getting a (you) out of someone gives you an immediate dopamine shot

>> No.10306103
File: 78 KB, 1024x800, checkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no science only digits

>> No.10306506
File: 42 KB, 515x348, C32069B2-7016-4336-8289-BFB333E7B771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I‘m living in Germany since I was 4 years old. Idk I saw you on a lot of engineering threads, thought you‘d also be an engineerfag. Tripfag bad!

Nah, thank god normal family. It’s just me, who isn’t normal.

That’s sad af

The jihad on redditkuffar will go down in history, god willing

>> No.10306520

its hilarious, the value is obviously in gauging peoples reactions, imagining how people will react

>> No.10306646

this. The dopamine surge is granted because of the randomness of outcome (of the reactions to your shitpost) similar to gambling. The designers of seemless scrolling feeds (Fb for example) took this dopamine effect into mind when they designed that shit as well.

Additionally it's a form of social interaction, we are dependant on others to survive and succeed in life.

Also you have the playfulness, learning factor. You can try different little social Experiments without much effort or having to fear any consequences.

>> No.10306648


>> No.10306655

Based and astutepilled.

>> No.10306665

Only redditors give a shit about reddit.

>> No.10306691

People do the same shit IRL. Ex. All your coworkers shit talking about sports teams and go to any shitty dive bar and see drunk people say provocative retarded things to annoy or start fist fights.

People like getting a rise out of others its hilarious for some reason. The internet is the same way only you won't get punched in the mouth.

>> No.10306695

yeah I like the engineering field a little bit and seeing engineers get JUSTed even more (schadenfreude again). How about you, what kind of engineer(ing student) are you?
>tripfag bad
but if it wasn't for my trip we wouldn't be having this conversation.
upvoted-I mean based and redpilled.
I always though the unnatural hate for reddit was a bit funny since "you have to go back" is literally the 4chan equivalent of a downvote, thus every time someone tries to use reddit as a criticism they inadvertently make 4chan more like reddit.

>> No.10306696

I'm the real world you have to modulate your thoughts to accommodate feelies.

>> No.10306742

I just started mechanical engineering, and my exams start next month. I start learning today and hope not to get assfucked. I am interested in robotics though and later if I (hopefully) get much better I‘ll maaaaaybe switch to EE. But that’s full of maximus autistos. What do you study or work? Or autistic smart neet?
Also for the reddithate it’s just fun of my side, I even use it sometimes for some subreddits. It’s for me 4chan without the edgyness but with karmahunting and unfunnier

>> No.10307798

I'm in high school as others have said, the reddithate is a meme on my side as well. (check out reddit.com/r/engineeringstudents). I want to do work in pharmaceuticals, distributed systems (and applications in supply chain management), photonics (specifically in bioimaing), or one of the many many CS meme fields. Robots are definitely cool, maybe if I can't get into any good PhD programs I'll get a comfy job in manufacturing robotics maintenance.
Good luck on your exams, make sure to get enough sleep every day all the way through exams, all-nighters don't work for studying. When exams are over check out these books, I think they might help you: http://lib1.org/_ads/4A4FDD1FA726C2EDAC5022E51BF01621

>> No.10307815

I guess I’m not much older than you, I’m 19. yeah if you want to keep in touch write me an email o8802686@nwytg.net telegram or sth

>> No.10307831

sent you an email with an airmail.cc domain.

>> No.10307997

o8808222@nwytg.net Sorry m8 try this idk I was out

>> No.10308012
File: 14 KB, 640x359, 516D4183-FCC8-4813-80C5-55C3F04FEB52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or just write it I mean what can happen


>> No.10308018

when did the expression "don't feed the trolls" fall out of use? it used to be Internet common sense, but these days it's like people are eager to reply to the most transparent, idiotic bait they see

>> No.10308240

General immaturity and being able to do something without consequences.

>> No.10308335

fine, my email is tubajam@airmail.cc. I sent you an email.
but what if someone calls you names? :(
back in the day there was quality discourse to respond to. Now it's either bait or climate change thread #639

>> No.10308502

Sent you an email

>> No.10308510

weird. I didn't get anything. Which email did you send it to?

>> No.10308532

bruh just write me on telegram dostoyevsky51