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10301203 No.10301203 [Reply] [Original]

How does sex with women affect male testosterone and IQ? I've tried researching the topic myself but there seems to be little research on the topic. My gf and I have sex about 3 times a week and I'm wondering if I am positively or negatively affecting myself. Sometimes it does feel excessive and detrimental.

>> No.10301225

I've never had sex and my IQ keeps increasing so ya basically don't have sex again if you want to be a god like me.

>> No.10301260

Ejaculation is a transferal of nutrients from the male to the female, since she's going to need them more when she's pregnant. The more sex you have, the more nutrients you lose.

>> No.10301320

This unironically

>> No.10302593

While you're at it cram vitamins up your ass because that's considered the most efficient method of absorption

>> No.10302731

What nutrients? Sodium and a tiny bit of protein

>> No.10302750

to keep hormone levels and testosterone at their best you should only cum once every 9 days

t. a manga that knows more about this than i do

>> No.10302753

it makes you more alpha but also the side effect of having to spend time with the girl lowers your IQ a bit as youre going to be watching some gay tv show or listening to her "gossip"

>> No.10302868

Masturbating lowers testosterone levels post ejaculation. Abstaining from masturbation raises testosterone levels steadily until around the 10th day, at which point it begins to drop slightly. Sex with a woman does not lower testosterone levels.

>> No.10302872

If you think three times a week feels bad, I’ll happily take that woman off you. I have multiple female and male partners that I have sex with at least once daily, and I want more.

>> No.10302878

Does your bull make you do that?

>> No.10302881

You’re an idiot. Pussies aren’t fucking digestive organs

>> No.10302892

>Implying you spooter in her cooter.
who is the idiot

>> No.10302896

Doesn’t work up the asshole, either. All the digestion takes place much further in.

Swallowing it would work but the actual nutrient content is pitiful.

>> No.10302898
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>Missing the point this badly.
Anon lets not pretend you've ever had pussy.

>> No.10302907

Two unique ones so far, thousands of times.

Do horses count too?

>> No.10302933

No, jerking off to rainbow dash and rainbow sparkles dosen't count.

>> No.10302943

Oh, that’s boring. I prefer real ones.

>> No.10302944

Is this real? How can it be that sex with a woman doesn't lower testosterone levels while masturbating does?

>> No.10303337

OP you fuck that girl every single time she wants it. Don't listen to these fucks. She decides your quality of life not your IQ.

>> No.10303347

He'll never make it with a gf

>> No.10303504

Good thing there's this thing called eating, through which you can replenish nutrients

>> No.10303838

but it should

>> No.10303897

this but unironically

>> No.10303916

Men have broader distribution, this may not relate to hormones, however spatial intelligence is linked with Test. So tomboys and men outperform girly girls and homos.

>> No.10303952

Masturbation and sex aren't the same thing except for if you fuck uggers

>> No.10304195

Fornication is a sin, and the wages of sin are death. Celibacy is the greatest and hardest virtue to consistently pursue, and thus you will increase your self-control and your performance in whatever you pursue. This is the fruit of the spirit, greatness in this life, and in the afterlife

>> No.10304878

Yes? How do you explain vulva dentata then? Hah!

>> No.10304898

IQ is at its max at childbirth and can only decrease with time. That being said the top performers in this world frequently change between times of self induced stress and rest. Either make sex the best possible for her and find times to rest or use sex to rest. Once you resume your studies though all focus should be on studying.

>> No.10304915

Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence

The following are among the many physiological evidences which demonstrate the value of continence:
1. There is a remarkable similarity of chemical composition between the semen and the central nervous system, both being especially rich in lecithin, cholesterin and phosphorus compounds, which would indicate that seminal emissions withdraw from the body substances necessary for the nutrition of nervous tissues.
2. Excessive voluntary seminal losses (through masturbation, coitus, coitus interruptus, and contraceptive practices) are debilitating and harmful to the body and brain.
3. Excessive involuntary seminal losses (through nocturnal emissions, diurnal emissions, spermatorrhea, etc.) are debilitating to the nervous system and may cause neurasthenia.
4. Observations of the immediate effects of the sexual orgasm indicate that it temporarily exhausts the nervous system, and when repeated too frequently leads to chronic nerve-weakness (sexual neurasthenia).
5. Continence is beneficial to the brain (for conserved lecithin from retained semen is a true brain food). Hence some of the greatest intellectual geniuses in ancient and modern times led continent lives. These include Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Herbert Spencer, etc. ...


>> No.10304929

I have no problems with my testosterone level and IQ and I never had sex with a girl before.

>> No.10304958

because they are completely different experiences.

>> No.10305183

According to the study, testosterone spikes to +42%, but then sharply drops back to baseline

>> No.10305224

You lose IQ for sure. Since your brain spend some processing power in maintaining the "game" between partners. Means your brain is doing emotional calculations which is nor required in rational calculations.

>> No.10305259

I used to creampie my gf every time we had sex (every 3-4 weeks since we were long distance for a bit) and that was my best working period so far. When we were together more often I could barely work. Now that she broke up with me a couple weeks ago I'm having trouble concentrating again.

Moral of the story: Ideal gf is one you see seldom, and one you know isn't going to cut you off.

>> No.10305260

The smartest man in the world, Newton, was an unapologetic incel. Transcending sex is the only way to ensure you don't become a brainlet.

>> No.10305343

>Da Vinci was a celibate
Mmhmm and there was definitely no pressure whatsoever to be that way, given that homosexuality was punishable by death.

>> No.10306351

>1. There is a remarkable similarity of chemical composition between the semen and the central nervous system, both being especially rich in lecithin, cholesterin and phosphorus compounds, which would indicate that seminal emissions withdraw from the body substances necessary for the nutrition of nervous tissues.
But they literally happen whether or not you choose to cause them.
>3. Excessive involuntary seminal losses (through nocturnal emissions, diurnal emissions, spermatorrhea, etc.) are debilitating to the nervous system and may cause neurasthenia.
So male bodies are just built to break themselves? I find it hard to believe these two points

>> No.10306358

Your brain also does "emotional calculations" for friendships. Depending on your type of relationship, it might not be necessarily anymore mentally strenuous than having a close friend.

>> No.10306783

All organisms are designed to reproduce, then die at some point.

>> No.10306787

Imagine unironically asking a board full of sperglords for any advice relating to sex.