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10299967 No.10299967 [Reply] [Original]

I got 108 on an official IQ test. Is it worth going into STEM with my IQ or no?

>> No.10299973

Anything above 100 IQ is good enough for math and physics. Anything above 85 IQ is good enough for engineering and other sciences

>> No.10299974

you need 70 iq for CS so yes

>> No.10299978

All I'll say is, that's quite a bit below the academic average IQ of STEM majors.
Even the more trivial fields, you'll struggle more than the majority (that's what an average is).

Is an idiot, ignore him.

>> No.10299988

What is the average IQ of STEM majors? 120?

>> No.10299993

t. 70 iq CS undergrad

>> No.10300009

no. average undergrad iq is probably around 114 or so. average grad school iq is probably around 130

for comparison, average college iq for all disciplines is around 104 currently. even the ivies only have an average iq of around 110

>> No.10300025

FUCK, you serious?

is it possible to improve my IQ? I did feel lazy as as shit answering the questions and didn't feel like thinking too hard. Maybe I'm just coping but I think if I went again I would get a higher one IDK.

I'm probably just coping though

>> No.10300031

Not if the IQ is properly administered and averaged.
However, there are techniques you can employ because of your deficit, mnemonics being an example.

>> No.10300040

so, certain inventories on the common iq tests can be improved by very small amounts (maybe 3-4 points after intensive study) and most of the inventories cannot be improved upon at all, meaning your composite score can be raised by around 1.5 points or so assuming you actually are performing at peak during the first and second tests

a bad nights sleep can depress scores by as much as 8 points assuming your true score is 130. but if you are closer to 100, bad sleep only depresses your score by a point or so

laziness can effect th score on one test, but not your 'true' score. and obviously if you're a dickhead, you can intentionally score like, 70, or like the average for a black person. try not to get caught up in denial though

no one is going to treat you like dirt just ecause you're not glorious 130 master race, so don't cope too much. but if you're significantly under the thresholds I mentioned, you're definitely going to find the programs too hard to be orth doing, or maybe even impossible to complete, and then, your job is going to fire you eventually

>> No.10300041


>> No.10300056

>took serious IQ test when I was younger( 8th grade)
>scored well
>too scared to attempt again in fear that I wont be as smart as I want to think I am

It could be a huge ego validation or depressing , dunno what to do

>> No.10300071

iq tends to track across all ages. the only real problem for childhood iq tests is that some races mature faster than others (as do genders)

so a proper iq test needs to group you ith only people of your race, gender, and precise age

even then, some people just mature faster and finish puberty earlier

that said, they track like 70% of the r square variance

>> No.10300075


He's lying, undergrad IQ average ranges from 90-110, masters 105-115 and PhD averages at 120.

An undergrad in STEM is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.10300080

That's not STEM undergraduates.

>> No.10300089

I don't think I was hitting adolescence early, at least physically I wasnt, so I dont think I had an edge up there.

I was low end of 130's when I was testing and dropping down into 120s would feel real bad. Or actual nightmare scenario of being below that, but I dont think I'm at that point.

Honestly how the fuck do people at 90 IQ even get through college? I cant even imagine 3/4 year humanities classes being that simple.

>> No.10300092

I'm not lying you fucking nigger

the average education master is literally under 100. they fuck up the averages so much it isn't even funny

you can find these figures for nearly any institution you hope to go to. it's an open secret that almost everyone that's not stem is nearly clinically retarded

>> No.10300093

They don't really, and are outliers not the average.

>> No.10300094

Who tf cares nigga just ignore your IQ score and give it your best. Study extra hours and memorize mnemonics and other shit like practicing your number crunching, it'll all reduce your cognitive load when dealing with questions.
For a placebo effect you can drink water, take fish oil supplements listen to classical music or play brain training on DS.

>> No.10300097 [DELETED] 

the open secret here is affirmative action

the 90's iq people graduating college are the top 3% of blacks (but not the top 1%) that can't be kicked out because the colleges are going to lose funding

>> No.10300106

You've never read AA law.

>> No.10300245

as a matter of fact I handled it for an old job. come at me nigger

>> No.10300261

Explains why that's in the past-tense, you obviously got fired for never having read it.

>> No.10300275

How about instead of looking for validation on the iq jerk off central forum, you pick up a fucking book and study.
Wouldn't need to see an iq test to tell you're never gonna make it.

>> No.10300278 [DELETED] 

okay, go ahead and tell me the reason there are so many 90 iq africans at university then

make any argument you like. they're clearly not in the physics programs though...

>> No.10300280

>universities are there for smart people and not for making money

>> No.10300281

Because their genetic component of intelligence does not fit a Western culture.

>> No.10300284

IQ is only good for detecting retardation. That's why it was invented and that's what it is used for.

Nobody cares how high you score on the "I am not retarded" test.

>> No.10300285

fair enough. I'm pretty sure if the test measured chucking spears at antelopes and syncopation/dancing, the africans should do a lot better than europeans or asians

but then again, not many people are going to argue that banging on bodacious bongo beats is a good measure of general intelligence. that's obviously a very specific task

>> No.10300287

Stop with this IQ disinformation rubbish:
>Psychometricians generally regard IQ tests as having high statistical reliability.[9][56] A high reliability implies that – although test-takers may have varying scores when taking the same test on differing occasions, and although they may have varying scores when taking different IQ tests at the same age – the scores generally agree with one another and across time. Like all statistical quantities, any particular estimate of IQ has an associated standard error that measures uncertainty about the estimate. For modern tests, the standard error of measurement is about three points[citation needed]. Clinical psychologists generally regard IQ scores as having sufficient statistical validity for many clinical purposes.[22][57][58] In a survey of 661 randomly sampled psychologists and educational researchers, published in 1988, Mark Snyderman and Stanley Rothman reported a general consensus supporting the validity of IQ testing. "On the whole, scholars with any expertise in the area of intelligence and intelligence testing (defined very broadly) share a common view of the most important components of intelligence, and are convinced that it can be measured with some degree of accuracy." Almost all respondents picked out abstract reasoning, ability to solve problems and ability to acquire knowledge as the most important elements.[59]
Links to the citations can be found on the article:

>> No.10300290

honestly iq denialists need to be permabanned from this board

this gets tiresome

>> No.10300291

>although test-takers may have varying scores when taking the same test on differing occasions, and although they may have varying scores when taking different IQ tests at the same age – the scores generally agree with one another and across time

Exactly, IQ is a bullshit measure that means nothing.

>Clinical psychologists generally regard IQ scores as having sufficient statistical validity for many clinical purposes.[22][57][58] In a survey of 661 randomly sampled psychologists and educational researchers, published in 1988, Mark Snyderman and Stanley Rothman reported a general consensus supporting the validity of IQ testing. "On the whole, scholars with any expertise in the area of intelligence and intelligence testing (defined very broadly) share a common view of the most important components of intelligence, and are convinced that it can be measured with some degree of accuracy." Almost all respondents picked out abstract reasoning, ability to solve problems and ability to acquire knowledge as the most important elements.[59]

IE detecting retardation.

>> No.10300292

IQ denotes those skills or mental powers we find socially necessary or desirable.

>> No.10300293

The problem is the cultural definition of intelligence.
Even the Sinids stagnated due to a cultural shift:

>> No.10300294

>104 IQ is average
Can confirm, the undergrad math hall smells like farts, queefs, and mcdonalds. I fucking hate it here, please send help.

>> No.10300295

problem solving, integrating information into general schema, etc. are all scalable problems and have different levels of difficulty you nigger

>> No.10300296


>> No.10300300
File: 182 KB, 791x442, numbers are fake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10300303

>take the I am not retarded test
>retard warns me in advance it's okay to be retarded even if I look smart
>meet with psychologist
>get 140 IQ
>Become 99th percentile on matrix reasoning portion
>look autistic but not dumb

>> No.10300302

high level equilibrium trap theory is completely unrelated to 'shifting definitions' of intelligence

gross. I nearly fucking killed myself once the holier than thou 90 iq retards that had trouble spelling their name started trying to lecture the physicists on multiple intelligence theory

>> No.10300305
File: 135 KB, 1697x857, iq_predictive_success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as a useful predictive tool for "success", stop being a denier, studies disagree with your erroneous standpoint. Just because you don't like the idea, doesn't make it invalid:
>See extract.

>> No.10300306

>high level equilibrium trap theory is completely unrelated to 'shifting definitions' of intelligence
It shows stagnation in a culture, after a shift away from scientific exploration to a different form of INTELLECTUAL pursuit, philosophy.

>> No.10300315

>retards aren't successful
>nonretards are successful

Oh look, it's correlated!

>> No.10300316

m8 no

the basis of the theory is that manual labor efficiency due to population density pushed the cost of labor far far under the cost of early machining, reducing the market incentive to ever try to develop machining

the intellectual shift is the minor component of his theory because its not saying anything no one else has ever thought of regarding confucianism

you really need to improve your reading cmprehension

>> No.10300321

>Ignores the DEGREE of success of the demographics.
Lmao, you're fucking retarded, no wonder you aren't successful.

>> No.10300327

>the basis of the theory is that manual labor efficiency due to population density pushed the cost of labor far far under the cost of early machining, reducing the market incentive to ever try to develop machining
Oh, you mean like now, but rather than due to population density, we have automization.
Which means, only the intellectual component is left.
Oh dear, maybe you should work on both your reading comprehension and abstract reasoning.
Lmao. :)

>> No.10300329
File: 27 KB, 913x201, IQ tester.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10300335

>nonsense post
god this board is terrible

>> No.10300336

A Youtube comments section isn't a rigorous source. Anyone can go on the Internet and claim anything without evidence.
Deniers really are low thumos.

>> No.10300339

Grades >>>> IQ

Grades actually measure something meaningful.

>> No.10300340

Not an argument.

>> No.10300343

grades very reliably measure the financial incentives from the state for the local school boards to fudge numbers

so you're right on that count

>> No.10300344

Yes, memorization and recall, which is part of a standard IQ test.
Try again, sweetie.

>> No.10300345

>101% of muh intellectual self-worth is muh IQ

I am so sorry

>> No.10300351

2.0GPA CS major detected

>> No.10300355


>> No.10300365

>a standard IQ test

No such thing. All IQ tests are arbitrary rankings of humanity obfuscated into a Gaussian curve to make it seem like they were measuring something random.

IQ = 100 - 15*probit(ranking/population)

There's no SI unit of brainpower to standardize or calibrate with.

>> No.10300367

All IQ tests contain a test for memorization and recall. That's what I meant by "standard".
Nice attempt at pedantism though, too bad you fell short... by a mile.

>> No.10300375

>All IQ tests contain a test for memorization and recall


>> No.10300384

>muh ravens
That's not even a complete IQ test, fag.

>> No.10300921

Hard work and effort are more important than IQ. I have no idea what the average IQ is more STEM fields and how this may affect your "aptitude" I guess you could call it, even if you're really smart, if you don't put in the smallest modicum of effort to won't get anywhere. So you're probably fine.

>> No.10300922

You'll pass I guess.

>> No.10300946

Does anyone even ask for IQ, ever?
I work at uni, few years as technician and now few as a teacher. No one ever asked for IQ.
I'd say it's more important to learn how to deal with stress, boredom and annoying people rather than have good score in IQ test.

>> No.10301012

Based and Redpilled

>> No.10301153

It is possible to improve IQ, it just takes a lot of effort that most people are not willing to put in.

>> No.10301185

>Does anyone even ask for IQ, ever?
They do indirectly by not hiring anyone without a degree in a certain field from a certain set of schools.
>I work at uni, few years as technician and now few as a teacher. No one ever asked for IQ.
That´s because you´ve never sought employment in an institution that required proof of mental ability.
>I'd say it's more important to learn how to deal with stress, boredom and annoying people rather than have good score in IQ test.
If you want to be a banker, engineer, natural scientist, mathematician, author or any other person whose work revolves around abstractions, you will need a high IQ.

In the real world, people gravitate toward work that suits their ability, and thus the concept of IQ seldom poses a problem to the common man.

>> No.10301189

>Hard work and effort are more important than IQ.
Hard work doesn´t scale very well.
>I have no idea what the average IQ is more STEM fields and how this may affect your "aptitude" I guess you could call it, even if you're really smart, if you don't put in the smallest modicum of effort to won't get anywhere.
Bulding strawmen won´t get you anywhere either, FYI.

>> No.10301806

My IQ jumped from 115 to 135. The difference between the two tests is that for the first one there was people around. I'm a total brainlet… I think better if I can speak aloud, and even better if I can speak aloud AND use a pencil and a sheet of paper… There is usually too much shit going around in my head to keep track of anything (I don't think it's attention deficit disorder tho'). But if can produce a draft and speak I come up with solutions at a much much superior pace.

It's like I don't trust my brain or something, I compute something but I'm so insecure about my own abilities I need to compute it again and again in my head and it's extremely stressful I always think I made a mistake somewhere even for the most basic math. And I'm afraid to speak or draw in public so… I can't be as good as I should be. I always think people will laugh at me because the way I «cogitate» is simply pathetic.

>> No.10302772
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>tfw 115 iq
Have to study double the hours as my 125+ iq friends for the same results.

>> No.10302777
File: 78 KB, 770x800, 1543128606515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I compute something but I'm so insecure about my own abilities I need to compute it again and again in my head

>> No.10303051

>not adopting a Platonic idealist posture in regards to mathematics
Unbased and Berkeleypilled

>> No.10303869

Women are better at STEM for this reason: they don't let a number dictate their worth and instead study hard

>> No.10304877

Can confirm. I'm a 92 IQ brainlet and I have a 3.7 gpa in my junior year of computer science.