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10301128 No.10301128 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> undergrad nigger, actually prepared well and did all the exercises and know all the proofs (real analysis)
> go into oral exam
> know answer to every single question, answer everything correctly
> still get what amounts to a B
> ask him why i didnt get an A
> prof tells me "Oh, YOU wanted a good grade?"
> i look at him, baffled, dont say anything
> leave and go outside while prof talks to coexaminer
> hear the prof say "such people should not be in math"
> later look up prof, he s 60+ has not published more than 15 papers and none of them have more than 10 citations
> ego and self confidence is in shatters
> just decide not to go to the next classes (which are also with the same prof)

Have you ever faced blatant racism in mathematics sci?

>> No.10301269

I have not, but I'd consider reporting the incident to the proper office at your school. We do not approve of racism in the math community.

>> No.10301275

based teacher

>> No.10301282


and do what lol? i really wanted to be a mathematician and work professionally, but if somebody who is a complete no name thinks im completely worthless i don't feel like i can achieve anything

maybe, the thing is i answered everything correctly and quickly, i didn't make any mistakes , still didn't get the best grade

>> No.10301283

If this isn't a /pol/ ruse talk to a councillor or whatever you americans have

>> No.10301286

>i answered everything correctly
How do you know? Did the teacher tell you?

>> No.10301290


there is no such thing, its a small university in europe , i'm like the only black student lol i dont dress and act like a nigger either... i regret coming to such a small uni now because i guess a larger more reputed one would not have this kind of prof.
the prof himself is a complete no name , too... but he is at the uni for a long time and the dean of the mathematical faculty

>> No.10301294


yes, the oral exams are structured so they ask 6 questions and if you answer all of them correctly you should get full marks
6 questions usually take 45 min , but i finished after 30 , i know of some people that got 1-2 questions wrong but still got the full grade

>> No.10301298

>maybe, the thing is i answered everything correctly and quickly, i didn't make any mistakes , still didn't get the best grade
Doesn't matter, diversity was a mistake and should be abolished.

>> No.10301302


Then why not just give grades based on skin colour you dumb faggot?

>> No.10301308

This kind of blatant racism doesn't exist, buddy. You probably made a mistake

>> No.10301316

i didn't... cause the prof tells you when you make a mistake, he also never had to help me proving anything
i also checked with my mates who got As and had similar questions and some of them he even just made them stop giving a proof and they still got the full grade lol

>> No.10301324
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niggers shouldn't even be allowed in academia when it has been proved over and over that they're genetically dumber than every other race, but because of muh diversity these facts just get ignored.

>> No.10301329

don't worry about it my dude. some people are just like that. some shitty professor gave you a B, so what? if it was somebody important you would have a reason to feel bad, but this guy is just some examiner. fuck 'em

>> No.10301341

>some of them he even just made them stop giving a proof and they still got the full grade lol
Because the teacher can see where the proof is going and can tell that the student also knows

>> No.10301350

There's no way racism is at play here. You simply performed at a B level

>> No.10301353

And then everyone clapped.

>> No.10301356


yes, i know that and considered it also, but he only interrupted themn when they made a mistake and to make sure they didn't waste time , he also gave them a hint on how to prove it the correct/easier way
he never interrupted me , and i finished quickly, he also never asked anything additional, i just solved the questions step by step, he said "ok , that's correct", and at the end he told me i didnt get full marks and didn't tell me why i didnt get all the points
i also don't wanna fight against him because im just an undergrad and i'm not rich enough to get a lawyer or anything like that so i can't afford the dean of the faculty as an enemy

>> No.10301364

im not retarded and considered that, but if i made mistakes, why doesn't he tell me what i did wrong? he usually tells everybody if they are either on the wrong track or if they don't know how to continue , but i needed neither of these helps, i finished with 15 minutes to spare , he could have asked more questions or used that time to tell me what i did wrong

>> No.10301391
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If this isn't a troll bread, just go talk to him. He will have to explain his reasoning in giving you a B.

There's a stereotype that blacks act as if anyone criticizing them is secretly racist. Maybe he actually is, but the best approach either way is to approach him with a friendly/respectful attitude of "I just want to learn where I went wrong", not an accusatory attitude.

>> No.10301399

If the prof is asian, it's guaranteed racism.

>> No.10301409

i already tried to but he told me he is not allowed to talk about the exams i also talked to the coexaminator who is just a post doc from italy and he told me "sorry man, i can't change the profs mind"
i also got 100% on all exercises even the hard ones which take a lot of time and are similar to olympiad problems
really worked my ass off and only got a B which makes me seem really bad because the uni is only in the top 100
maybe its not my race maybe im just ugly but idk what that has to do with my mathematical ability? i dont have the energy or resources to play these mind games and yea i guess i'll just have to live with this grade in the end

>> No.10301417


hes an elderly white guy, hes also very nice outwardly, makes a lot of hippie jokes and is in the leftist party
i thought he liked me, but then he actually told me "you wanted a good grade?" as if i was asking for his kidney after the exam lol
like yea, why would the guy with 100% on the exercises not want a good grade?
im sure people always feel unfairly treated and most times its just that they actually made a mistake but i'll never know cus he doesn't want to tell me or he actually just doesn't like me in reality and thus marked me down

>> No.10301556

you're either a delusional nigger or a poltard trying to pass time

>> No.10301565

He's not racist you probably have a shit personality.

>> No.10301569

If he's a complete no name then does his opinion matter? Just blow through the class and keep moving.

>> No.10301575

Individual tests exist for a reason banning a race wholesale because of a bell curve is retarded.

>> No.10301592

Stop worrying about this single thing. If you're that determined to study and get good grades you should learn that sometimes people will be dicks to you no matter how smart you think you are. Maybe they have a bad day, maybe the student right before you pisses the examiner off, maybe it's a woman that hates men, maybe it's a race thing. You can't be friends with everybody and you must learn when it's fine to stir up some trouble and when it's a good idea to let it go.

Finish your bachelor's and change to some other place for a master's or PhD.

>> No.10301611

I don't know if that was racism. I had perfect tests and still had not perfect grades because the professor "doesn't like to give As" and retarded shit like that. The most important thing i've learned from my undergrad and grad experience, is that life is unfair.

>> No.10301620

Just do your best and stop worrying about idiots, even if they have credentials or whatever. Deep down they're still miserable pieces of shit so in the long run you're far better off

>> No.10301632

Isn't your final grade made up of the oral exam score and the written exam score? Maybe you did bad at the written part.

>> No.10301664

It's not racism. He just knew you were a frogposter.

>> No.10301667


On a side note, how hasn't this BULLSHIT been moved to /b/, yet?
It seems A LOT less /sci/ related or even scientifically relevant than commenting on what happened to, oh, I don't know, a fucking Nobelist?
This is truly disgusting on several levels, and so are you, OP.

>> No.10301743


i got 100% in the written part. i was also one of the only 2 people out of 175 to get 100% in the exercises (including the difficult ones). it's also not a meme course like math for engineers or physicists, it's real analysis for mathematicians, so the exercises take a fairly long time and a lot of work and effort

because there aren't many profs and he gives many lectures (even though he is not exceptional at anything and also makes many mistakes himself)
it also reflects really badly because people will think im either a brainlet or didn't work hard ,both which look really bad when added to the fact that im a nigger

how would he know that lol i almost never talk, im alwasy on time and i never make noise or talk with other students , i also try to be extremely polite as much as i can to everybody i meet

>> No.10301866

getting this butthurt over a grade, which you didnt answer the prof that u wanted.
can you like switch to some woman science field? Your whining will be much appriciated there

>> No.10301867

Also if ure sure he racist, just exploit it by painting ur skin white hurr durr so hard

>> No.10301899

Sad to hear this OP. Hope you solve the situation. I'd take things further and show that I have integrity. Put some pressure on those boomers.

>> No.10301910

shut the fuck up

>> No.10301918


>> No.10302060

This infuriates me something fiercely of true. If this happened to me I would consider busting his legs some dark night. I would definitely though talk to someone above him and explain the situation and demand to know the reason for not getting an A. There is no way he in some way would be hindered from explaining his reasons. How do you otherwise learn from mistakes made at an exam? You seem serious and also hard working and committed if all of this honest and it makes me fucking furious to read this. Some anons have advised to shrug it off, but I don't think it's acceptable to be steped on by some nobody and there is a risk that you will regret it all your life if you don't stand up for yourself even though it would probably be a though think to do mentaly.

>> No.10302093
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Bro, we all have had our share of bad teachers. It's only when you suffer a really lame time do you grow. Are you going to let this nobody stop your dream? Rise up. Look up the song "road to victory" on YouTube. That's what helps me. I think about bad teachers more than the good ones unfortunately. Be strong.

>> No.10302105

i honestly don't believe this story, not in this day and age where so much as sneezing in the direction of a poc can get you accused of being a racist and losing your job. even old timey racists of the 1950s would have not been this bad

>> No.10302107

I'm a white man

>> No.10302155

Are you really, REALLY and ABSOLUTELY confident that your answers were right? No bullshit like "my friend got similar answer".

>> No.10302250

yes. it was divided as following: 2 computations, 2 definitions/proofs (from the lecture and exercises, just rote memorization), 2 more proofs
i had them all correct... it also makes no sense that he didn't ask me anything more after my time was over, becaues i still had 15 min to spare and he usually asks more in depth things when people are too quick.

hes not a postdoc, hes the dean of the math faculty, and im a nobody, funny thing is , he is the dean but has no relevant achievements in the mathematical field whatsoever

stand up against the dean of the mathematical faculty? look at the replies in this thread, 99% are saying i'm wrong, and the other faculty and the university will also think just that
there is nothing i can do to be honest except accept it

>> No.10302278

I don't know where you study but here in sweden it is possible to demand a second judgement from another person. I understand that standing up for yourself, especially if it means pulling the "race card" is difficult but I don't think you should not stand your griund and demand the hear his reasons. Nobody can possibly think it would be ok to deny a student that.

>> No.10302283

Anon, if it was me I would first want to know if my answers were right. I read the thread and you basically just supposed you're right given the situation (your teacher didn't ask anything etc).
Talk with him and check it (preferably with a friend of yours that answered similarly).

Then you can do something else.

>> No.10302356

Stop being a whiny nigger blaming eveything on racism.
I'm white and I've had professors give me a B- for providing perfect textbook answers to questions. When I asked them why I was docked points, they'd say "yes, this is the exact textbook answer, but I expect something more."

Here's a clue: some professors, if they realize you're a genius, will hold you to a much higher standard that the rest of the plebs in your class.
Now you can either be a whiny nigger and cry "muh racism", or you can try living up to your potential.

>> No.10302364

>just decide not to go to the next classes (which are also with the same prof)

This is a mistake. Don't let them get you down.

>> No.10302367

No you're not, tyrone

>> No.10302379

>i dont have the energy or resources to play these mind games and yea i guess i'll just have to live with this grade in the end

I agree. Trying to figure out why people might not like you or what their problem is with you is a massive waste of time that won't help you.

You should focus solely on what are in control of, what you can do better, because every bit of effort you waste on something else not in your control is effort not put towards your goals.

If you think he graded incorrectly, confront him about the problem in question and ask directly. Until then, stop complaining, we've all had bad teachers who were unfair. While most teachers are fair and you can usually get an A on technical ability alone, but every now and then there will be that asshole teacher you have to suck-up to make them like you and personally I'd rather accept their B and keep my dignity.

>> No.10302434

>posting frogs

>> No.10302500

Both seems true sadly OP

He is a racist and you made a misake.

you know it tells a lot about your curiousity (or lack thereof) if you ask about the solution before the grade.

If I'd were you, I'd avoid further contact with this prof and look for someone who truly wants to teach you. life is to short for ignorants

>> No.10302543

Fuck you stupid nigger. He really meant it when he said you dont belong in stem. You have a bitchy sjw attitude always assuming its because of the color of your shit colored skin. Fuck you

>> No.10302550

Shit the fuck up dome brazilian favela monkey. Your entire contry’s gdp is spent on creating fart porn you literal garbage

>> No.10302560

Sure you would you antifa basedboy. Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.10302763

i asked him after he told me the grade
ok, im applying for gender studies buddy, stop bullying me now

>> No.10302790

This is truly a surreal thread. I can no longer tell who is being ironic anymore....

>> No.10302796

>op goes out of his way to clarify that while racism may have been a factor, it wasn't his first inclination, and has entertained alternative explanations
>gets called a butthurt shitskin nigger sjw anyway (obviously not by everyone)
Surely you weren't expecting legitimate advise on this site, op?

>> No.10302800
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im like the only black person at the whole faculty, if i expose anything more everybody will know who i am

>> No.10302812


>> No.10302817

Whatever you do, don't give up on your dream, if math is a part of it.

>> No.10302818

faced blatant racism?
nah, I am the blatant racist.

>> No.10302821

let’s hear it for math, come on!

>> No.10302827


im not a snowflake but , why did he have to tell the postdoc im dog shit when i wasn't? like, i was standing right in front of the door, i could hear everything

>> No.10302871


move to france my nigga

>> No.10302911

thats the point when you realize you're getting old

>> No.10302939

Give it back, Jamal.

Jokes aside, you shouldn't use the racist card. Things can get pretty awkward and embarrassing not only for the teacher, for you too. Also, it would just fuel the SJW propaganda. Just study more for better grades and get friends for the recommendation letters. You seem to be enrolled in a good school, not everyone have this opportunity.

>> No.10302940

there are always exceptions. i agree that most likely a black person wouldn't be as smart as a white one, but you can't just refuse a smart one who managed to get out of his shithole because of his race.

>> No.10302941

He probably is a racist. However, if that is the case, you're already convinced that little can be done about it, so at the very least, don't let your career/dream die here and press on. Understand that humans are only partially rational animals, and as such don't internalize people's opinions of you, especially if they aren't accurate.

>> No.10302959

Stop crying over yourself, nigger. If you really wanna be a mathematician just keep going and don't let this shit put you off. I don't know where you live but in most civilized countries nowadays openly racist profs are a minority; most profs will give you diversity points for being a nigger and will try to make your life easier.

>> No.10302983

I think you're lying. What country are you from?

>> No.10303005

Tyrone is an irish name. Stop denigrating my culture

>> No.10303085
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You just need to git gud

>> No.10303101

if you tell him what you've said here, I'm sure he'll have no choice but to acquiesce (holy shit that word was harder than I thought), assuming you stand your ground well enough and don't let him explain it away with bullshit. Even if he explains it away, the "15 papers, 10 citations" part and maybe more will make him falter, realize this battle is not worth it and give you your fair grade. That is, if you have support from your teachers and students in general. It is unfortunate that a math student would have to resort to a popularity contest, but that is what gets the job done most effectively (provided you have justification, which humanity loves so much).


>> No.10303658

Don't do this, my nigger.

>> No.10303729

I got a grade last semester worse than expected on an assignment with no reasons as to why. Other students had notes all over their paper. Teacher just gave out a random mark. Nothing you can do. Ironically the teacher was a nigger and I'm white so unfortunately unlike you I can't go "muh racism" because I'd be laughed out the building.

>> No.10303736

Sei a Pisa per caso?

>> No.10303742


>> No.10303757

ITT, things that never happened

>> No.10303846

So no one's even ongoing to question the fact this nigger for some reason had an oral exam for a math subject?

>> No.10304002

Maybe you're not as good as you think you are