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10291979 No.10291979 [Reply] [Original]

O L D S P A C E S E E T H I N G edition
Thread #16
Previous: >>10285932

>> No.10291981

What were they working on here

>> No.10291982
File: 439 KB, 2000x1125, 49739162_10157186131085530_3934464474366345216_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the launch pad

>> No.10291983
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interesting bulkhead(?) in the bottom left here

>> No.10291989

I see, is it right next to were they are constructing it

>> No.10291990
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about a mile and a half down the road

>> No.10291995

see: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1wvgFIPuOmI8da9EIB88tHo9vamo&hl=en_US&ll=25.992502401830343%2C-97.16902786694266&z=14

>> No.10291998


>> No.10292619

So when are they going to start testing?

>> No.10292639

probably a couple of months, Elon said in 4 weeks or so about a week ago, possibly slipping to 8 weeks. Not sure if that means 16 weeks.

>> No.10292643

In 4-8 weeks apparently, but that's dependent on the pad being finished and the new raptor engines being tested and shipped.

>> No.10292750
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>> No.10292763

>actually wanting to go to Mars

fuck that, someone else can. They can take some photos and make some videos for us to enjoy. All I care is that there is a back up Earth and that some of my descendants eventually live on both Earth and Mars.

>> No.10292765

>comparing it to a tincan lifter
At least use the STS. For all the bullshit its a bit more comparable.

>> No.10292769

Tank dome? Any ideas how to clean a lox tank in such conditions? Pour and let it burn through all the garbage?

>> No.10293141

God damn it's so aesthetic.

>> No.10293150

There's also some people saying it's part of a water tank. Nobody actually knows what the bulkhead is for yet.

>> No.10293156

Will we see a BFR fly before 2020?

>> No.10293157


>> No.10293159

>some of my descendants eventually live
Oh you are funny anon.

>> No.10293209

In what way though? Just the hopper or the full thing with booster?

>> No.10293211

Earth is flat

>> No.10293258
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>> No.10293352

Its Elon-Math.

>> No.10293372

He is already on Mars time where a year is 687 Earth days

>> No.10293606
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orbit will be achieved

>> No.10294086
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not my work

>> No.10294163
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>leaving out mueller

>> No.10294325

Saved pic -- 2realrocketsandsomeprettydrawings.jpg

>> No.10294660
File: 497 KB, 300x177, how i feel right now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Musk, Aubrey de Grey and I aren't secretly collaborating to create a post-scarcity Marian techno-utopia of immortals for 1 million specially selected individuals to live in for all time, and laugh at the Earthlings as their world burns

>> No.10294670

We will be on Mars by 2020.

>> No.10294677

Yeah, well, my dad works at Blue Origin.

>> No.10294685

Have fun being a moon-nigger, because BO ain't welcome on Mars.

>> No.10294691
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badda bing, badda boom

>> No.10294720

The window on this thing is a travesty. Unironically one of the ugliest and worst design decisions of the 21st century

>> No.10294729

desu yeah, I doubt it will actually be a feature of the final vehicle. They should just put some more of the smaller sized windows.

>> No.10294816

You have my condolences.

>> No.10295020

Space shuttle BTFO.

>> No.10295048

>no launch vehicle
>no crew vehicle
Next year guyyyz lmao old space kek lmao.

>> No.10295075

Elong Time

>> No.10295210

we know how to build huge space windows, we just don't do it because it's stupid and not worthwhile for the science missions usually performed
it might be worthwhile for more touristy stuff, like the moonshot and other orbital tours

>> No.10295233

Big windows are the cornerstone of good interior design.

>> No.10295238

We didn't need to know you starve every night

>> No.10295240

You wouldn't want a 6 month mars trip with just a few small windows like the iss.

>> No.10295315

Yeah, if they actually kept the window at that size, the view from inside will be dope.

>> No.10295321

There wouldn't even be anything to look at for most of the trip, just stars.

>> No.10295331

Hey guys, that big windows sure is co-


>> No.10295335

It's ok, it's transparent aluminium

>> No.10295360

You know, if they bothered doing some straightforward upgrades to the STS such as extended energy supply through solar panels instead of cells, and added a habitation/lab module that fits into the payload bay it could have easily replaced much of the ISS. The falling debris from the sidemount could have been alleviated if the vibrations were reduced by not using solid rocket boosters and not removing the "eco-unfriendly" component of the insulation foam. The expensive heatshield maintenance fixed by not prioritizing employment of the maintenance staff. Even the external tanks could have been utilized if there was an actual space program.

The shuttle is an excellent example how governments run projects in the worst most inefficient ways possible and why they should be kept away from dictating the development of the space frontier.

>> No.10295362

pretty typical. they pretend he doesnt exist because its hard to stomach that elon's nothing without him

>> No.10295450
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It's also stupid if the vehicle is going to be expended.

>> No.10295521

>just stars
How is that not dope?

>> No.10295542

Love the Tesla in the foreground. At the end of the day, what is all the hype about SpaceX worth if not to get some free Tesla ads.

>> No.10295966

The ISS has a big cupola thing that totally surrounds you, basically

>> No.10295993

Right, and while it doesn't have one enormous window, it makes very good use of seven medium-size windows. It's probably the coolest part of ISS.

>> No.10296052
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NSF article is out:


>> No.10296090

The stars would t look much different in space than they do on Earth.

>> No.10296094


>> No.10296103


Why not nominal?

>> No.10296109

Sure. On the most perfect clear night on a mountaintop far from any city. Not like anyone wants to look at that. It would be just as good to be cooped up with no windows at all for half a year.

>> No.10296116

You would still have windows, just not a giant one.

>> No.10296141

I would argue that a giant window would be necessary to generate the necessary excitement from the masses on the moon fly by. The big window is a huge selling point.

>> No.10296223

it is a meme, portmanteau of normal and nominal

>> No.10296297
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>> No.10296300
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>> No.10296313

1080p drone footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evPc3jhFGzI

>> No.10296319
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Scott Manley saying what we're all thinking
why the fuck did I read the comments section, and how many levels of fanboy is this one weirdo on

>> No.10296325

what video

>> No.10296327
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>> No.10296349

These are the kind of people who use the term 'dog whistle' a lot. You literally have to hold their hand like a child throughout a conversation so they don't bump into something they find offensive.

>> No.10296353

I thought Anonymous's dad worked at Nintendo! What happened?

>> No.10296356

I like this guy!

>> No.10296362

If the view of unobstructed space is our idea of "nothing to look at," you probably will not be riding a rocket to Mars anyway.

>> No.10296363
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>> No.10296368
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now that Elon is a confirmed kakeguruifag, what does that mean for the future of Mars colonization?

>> No.10296372

So if it didn't have all the features that it, in fact, had, it would have been great.

My hat's off to the guys at NASA who were able yo fly that thing for so long without losing the whole fleet.

And fuck everybody in Congress that participated in Proxmiring it during design and construction. But they fucked it over, and then killed the orbital tug that would have allowed it up above such a useless low orbit.

Shit, I'm getting mad again.

>> No.10296375

The first seettlers will be taking a GAHMBERU

>> No.10296378

It's not that there's nothing to look at, just that theres nothing really different than looking at the stars from Earth. Not worth having a gigantic heavy window.

>> No.10296380

Maybe not necessary, but a huge plus.

>> No.10296388

He wants to populate his colony with waifus.

I need to point out that I've known people who are workaholics. Musk tries to paint himself as the most workaholic anyone could ever be, yet he's getting and making all these pop references and shit like that. He's got no time for holidays but he's got time for shit pop culture stuff.

>> No.10296393

Not having paying passengers go fucking bonkers from claustrophobia while being mad that they have no view?

If it can be done safeley, a big ass Look At This Amazing View window would be pretty nice on a tourist run to look at the view.

>> No.10296395

he flies a lot, probably has time in his jet to dick around and watch anime.

>> No.10296398

Does he have a gene splicing company working on low-g catgirls?

>> No.10296400

he has acknowledged the catgirls thing though liking tweets about it, so it's a start

>> No.10296401

Do work on the jet.

He should stop pretending to be a workaholic imo, he clearly finds it stressful and I doubt it buys him brownie points with investors.

>> No.10296406

You can still see great through smaller windows. You could halve the size of the main window and still have an incredible view, you just wouldn't be able to seat dozens of people in front of it at once.

>> No.10296409

I think it's more he works when there's something important. For instance, the three weeks at Tesla where they were scrambling to make Model 3's. He was legitimately working like 17 hours a day and sleeping under his desk. Now that that hell is behind him, I suppose he relaxes more. Grimes might also be a slowing factor—they went pumpkin picking in October for instance.

>> No.10296428

So take a vacation already!

>> No.10296433

he can't.

>At PayPal in 2000, Musk was ousted and replaced with Peter Thiel by the company's board while he took his first vacation in years. Soon after, he contracted malaria and nearly died while visiting Brazil and his native South Africa.
>Musk hasn't fared much better when he's tried to relax in more recent years. In 2015, he admitted he'd only taken two separate weeks off since founding SpaceX a dozen years earlier. During one of them, the company's rocket exploded. "The lesson here," Musk joked, "is don't take a week off."

>> No.10296436

This is curse tier.

>> No.10296439

he's also lost a kid to SIDS, and never talks to his dad since he once shot and killed eight people in South Africa

>> No.10296450

>animefag is saving the human race
>animehaters are salty doing their boring desk jobs

>> No.10296462

I'm sure Errol had his reasons. In time Elon will come to understand this.

>> No.10296473

why does a pipe dream need 16 threads?

>> No.10296496

>"The lesson here," Musk joked, "is don't take a week off."
My point is that isn't the lesson if you're jerking off in your office.

>> No.10296509
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anybody have the hopper / starship / super heavy / full stack comparison

>> No.10296530

A man of impeccable taste.

>> No.10296567
File: 196 KB, 1678x1161, 1546028697986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't SpaceX just make starship a dedicated spacecraft? They already have LEO capabilities and could just refuel the ship in orbit ad rendezvous the crew with it. It seems like it would cut down on weight and the obvious safety issues of having a relatively new reentry method.

>> No.10296618

Damn it's huge already. The full size one with the booster attached will be fucking ridiculous.

>> No.10296811

It needs to aerobrake at either end of the interplanetary journey, and needs to land on Mars. It's fully reusable so it will be cheaper than getting into LEO with the Falcon 9.

>> No.10296822

starship could be a tanker. i'm not saying it will be, but using just one type of spacecraft as a cargo/crew transport and tanker was part of the specification of ITS, and starship is what ITS turned into.

>> No.10297000

This is the first time I've seen a pic from way back. So this is back by Boca Chica Village, and the launch pad is way in the distance? And the antennas are right in front of BCV? I thought everything would be on the same site. Not what I expected.

I like how he put highway 4 in the foreground along the bottom edge.

Small windows are okay for camera lenses, but you don't get a good field of view for humans with small windows unless you bump them out like the ISS cupola or that BFR main window, where you can get your head up above the plane of the window frame.

Because half the posts are that psycho or people who took the bait, or we would still be on thread #9 or so.

It's in the previous thread >>10286560

>> No.10297017

I chuckled.

>> No.10297036

Did anybody else notice the obvious alien spacecraft from another world sitting there, plain as day, right in the middle of that picture????? NASA coverup blown!

>> No.10297201

That's the raptor test stand! Does it look like it's set up for the full scale article?

>> No.10297241

Nothing wrong with shooting home invaders

>> No.10297512

100% reusability by 2021
BFR complete by 2025
Mars colony by 2030
Mars population exeeding 1 million by 2100
Mars terraformed by 2200
screencap this

>> No.10297554
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>> No.10297693

>Mars terraformed by 2200
Not going to happen, scientists actually think that it would take thousands of years your retard.
Stop going to /futurology and read articles written by scientists not "I fucking love science" brainlets.

>> No.10297699

this is correct; terraforming takes a really, really long time

>> No.10297702

>this is correct; terraforming takes a really, really long time
No kidding, I mean, have you ever seen anyone do it in a time span of less than a thousand years? Oh, wait, it's never been done at all.

>> No.10297724

>Mars terraformed by 2200
Why bother? Any gasses you pump out to make the atmosphere useful will just get blown away by solar wind.

Colonizing planets is dumb. All the resources we need are in space. Colonizing planets is a noob trap.

>> No.10297729

>Why bother? Any gasses you pump out to make the atmosphere useful will just get blown away by solar wind.

Over a time span of hundreds of thousands of years. Someone can figure out how to magnetically shield Mars in the interim.

>> No.10297736

terraforming is kind of impossible
venus maybe

>> No.10297737

The volume of gas needed is absolutely enormous compared to the volume of gas needed for humans to live comfortably. Look at Earth. Humans live in a very fine layer of gas along the surface, but the atmosphere extends 10's of kilometers above us. Terraforming a planet is absolutely insane, since 99.9% of the gasses you produce will fill a volume that will never be used. It's a waste of resources.

>> No.10297745

>The volume of gas needed is absolutely enormous compared to the volume of gas needed for humans to live comfortably. Look at Earth. Humans live in a very fine layer of gas along the surface, but the atmosphere extends 10's of kilometers above us. Terraforming a planet is absolutely insane, since 99.9% of the gasses you produce will fill a volume that will never be used. It's a waste of resources.

I presume you'll happily go down the tangent about orbitals and space habitats if you're all-in on the economic efficiency of feats of theoretical engineering.

>> No.10297773

isn‘t a window a huge hole in the radiation shielding?

>> No.10297776

what radiation shielding
the only shielding they might have is from the propellant tanks

>> No.10297783

>isn‘t a window a huge hole in the radiation shielding?
Without a polymer fuselage, there basically is no radiation shielding. They might line the walls of the ship with plastics to provide radiation protection, but otherwise, polymer lined glass - or better yet, ALON, which provides decent radiation protection and does not delaminate when exposed to ultraviolet light - would provide adequate protection.

>> No.10297819

Yeah after like a million years.
> All the resources we need are in space.
Planets are cooler and more authentic. Space colonies are for bugmen.

>> No.10297826

>It's a waste of resources.
I thought the whole point of space is that there are unlimited resources. Set up mining camps in the kuiper belt, use hyper-concentrated sunlight to directly crack water ice into hydrogen and oxygen, flash freeze the oxygen into lumps and assemble into into iceberg sized packets for shipment to Mars by the million. Meanwhile, Venus cloud cities and Titan foundries are exporting nitrogen to Mars. All of this will provide plenty of economic activity for the solar system and will relatively quickly lead to an atmosphere we can use.

>> No.10297829

in space, there are near unlimited resources
unfortunately it requires more than that to terraform a planet

>> No.10297832

>Set up mining camps in the kuiper belt
>use hyper-concentrated sunlight to directly crack water ice into hydrogen and oxygen
I think you've skipped a few important details, Anon.
>The Kuiper Belt starts at 30 AUs and extends out to 1000 AUs
>Solar irradiance is >1300 watts per square meter at 1AU
>Solar irradiance drops to 1.44 watts per square meter at 30 AUs

There is no meaningful solar energy in the Kuiper Belt.

>> No.10297834

So? Use a giant mirror. If that's the only flaw you can see in my hasty plan, we don't have much to worry about. If you prefer, kick your kuiper belt object into in the inner solar system first. It only takes a little bit of delta-v

>> No.10297839

The other plan involves the time needed to travel 5,000,000,000 kilometers. Even at the speed of light, it would take over four hours.

>> No.10297840

The other problem with the plan*
I think I need to get some sleep.

>> No.10297842

Uh. We are terraforming a planet, you realise. I'm prepared to wait more than 4 hours. Hell, even up to 4 weeks isn't too long to wait for Mars to be ready. More than that is too long though.

>> No.10297844

Don't forget Earth-like terraforming also creates all the ecological issues that prevent thorough exploitation of resources here. Then there's making weather nastier, and oceans. Sea floor mining. It's a meme like many other wonky scifi ideas and I hope there will be no legal requirement to do it before people can colonize places.

>> No.10297847

5 billion kilometers for a one way trip. That's a long haul any way you slice it. Traveling that distance in four weeks would require an average velocity of 2,067 kilometers per second. Parker Solar Probe, swinging around the sun at perihelion, maxes out at 200 kilometers per second, and is the fastest man made object ever built.

>> No.10297848

>muh exploitation of resources
We exist do to more than just consume everything in sight endlessly, you know.

>> No.10297849

You mean we can't terraform Mars in 4 weeks? Forget it then, I have bigger fish to fry. I can't be waiting around for months on end.

>> No.10297851

You do you.

>> No.10297863

>Starship SSTO demonstration for PR victory while booster is made
>early versions without cradle landing and there will be "blocks"
>prototype starship will have windows and will be the manned variant, but will lack ECLSS and will be used strictly for testing and Starlink deployment
>early manned Starship versions using open loop ECLSS or Dragon derived including the ones for DearMoon
>unmanned Starships to Mars for 2022 dropped - modified Starlink sats sent instead
>DearMoon 2023 successful but not first manned flight on Starship, massive PR success and opens financial source in the form of space tourism, landings considered in the near future
>manned Starships to Mars for 2024 dropped - unmanned cargo ones sent instead
>USA celebrates first launch of the SLS and NASA makes massive breathtaking presentation about a lunar flyby using Orion in NET 2029, /x/ hero asks where will the astronauts poop, to which the NASA representative, visibly shaken, responds "in diapers", this causes massive political and meme shitstorm as the public finally makes some comparisons between DearMoon and Orion and NASA realizes attention was the last thing they should have been looking for

>> No.10297871

How much payload mass did they lose making it from steel?

>> No.10297877

we don't know
they might have gained payload mass, because they can ditch the heavy heat shielding
hot structure doesn't get you anything if you don't plan on your thing surviving reentry

>> No.10297878

2/3 or more

steel is not stuff you make rockets from and expect them to work.

>> No.10297879


>> No.10297889

>steel is not stuff you make rockets from and expect them to work.
Well shit, better call Convair and tell them that stainless steel isn't going to work for that ICBM they want to use to send astronauts into space for Project Mercury.

>> No.10298027

Depends on the construction methods used and the thrust of the Raptors; for example, if it's built anything like an old-style Atlas, it'll have more payload and double as the world's largest balloon.

>> No.10298299

>what is strength to weight ratio
The weight savings form not needing a ten cm thick layer of TPS on everything alone make stainless steel a lighter choice than both carbon fiber and aluminum.

>> No.10298364

Anything spicy happening at Boca Chica?

>> No.10298452
File: 1.29 MB, 674x544, FH_landing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lunar flyby in 2029

Honestly at this rate it would be surprising if it happened by then. SLS will probably be canceled before Orion can even get seriously used. It's honestly a shame because Orion seems like it would be really cool

>> No.10298491

Hopefully BFR inspires Trump's space autism and he gives the Orion boys work worthy of their time and skill using it

>> No.10298500


>> No.10298616

There were some speculations that the Hopper is being constructed by a water tower company because one was spotted on site during the initial construction phase. Now, after days of observations, does such speculation still hold water, or was that just a coincidence?

>> No.10298630

Only works if Trump is still president after 2020.

>> No.10298681

Considering how much salt the dems are generating because of how out of touch they are, along with their ideological cult, he probably will win again
For some reason, they think them not doing their jobs and relaxing on the beach makes him look bad

Besides, the dems have nobody sane or competent to put forward as competition anymore, now that Hillary is defacto retired and Bernie humiliated

Orange man win 4 more years because there's literally no one left to face him

>> No.10298738

They've been trying so hard to out-signal each other about how far left they are, it might be a good idea to invest in popcorn futures next year.

>> No.10298763
File: 2.70 MB, 5184x3888, IMG_2316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top off, tanks in?

>> No.10298765


>> No.10298768
File: 3.15 MB, 4110x3833, IMG_2217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy FUCK this thing is reflective. Just look at the reflection there

>> No.10298776

>small tanks in
>the water tank part receives bulkheads and becomes the tanks

Well? I have some doubts about option 2 due to cleanliness and the legs in particular.

>> No.10298779

it is option 2; Elon said on twitter the big 9m disk thing is the tank bulkhead

>> No.10298780


>> No.10298789

welding on that thing has got to be a reflective hell
Elon's said it's option 2, which is wowzers

>> No.10298798

How does that even work? The lox tank can be cleaned with some care or even by just letting it burn through the contaminants and taking care not over pressurize things but structurally the legs are inside the fucking tanks. What the fuck is going on.

>> No.10298805

nobody knows
it's rocket surgery

>> No.10298808

perhaps they act as slush baffles as well.

>> No.10298821
File: 133 KB, 1222x1832, 50568662_1127328987426507_9061373253498437632_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10298934

>Considering how much salt the dems are generating because of how out of touch they are, along with their ideological cult, he probably will win again

Didn't the Republicans fail hard in the mid terms?

>> No.10298956

>For some reason, they think them not doing their jobs and relaxing on the beach makes him look bad
Hey, they are just following through on the promise that Mexico would pay for it

>> No.10298971

i thought it was like four... and they were 'natives' who broke into his home which makes it fair game.

>> No.10298975

reddit: elon
4chan: errol

>> No.10298977

The full thing with the thicker skin that doesn't crinkle is going to look amazing

>> No.10298979

No. Gain in Senate, lower than expected (for a president's second year) loss in House.

>> No.10299048

kkk is becoming more sophisticated it seems

>> No.10299107

>Considering how much salt the dems are generating because of how out of touch they are
Isn't Trump shutting down the US gov at this very moment because of a temper tantrum?

>> No.10299110


>> No.10299117

It's a weird situation because generally the Dems go along with a lot that the Reps put forward, but not the other way. Really very unusual situation.

>> No.10299132

Literally the biggest loss ever in the house and lost lots of governor seats also lost some senate seats despite almost no republican seats up for election.

>> No.10299136

thats how it always is fucking everywhere. the left are always more likely to agree with the right than the other way around.

>> No.10299144

Not at all. The US doesn't really have a left imo either, everyone is various kinds of center ground to medium right.

>> No.10299168
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, mommycortez.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure about that?

>> No.10299189
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It takes two to tango (both sides are unwilling to compromise)

Your talking about average democrats, a lot of them who recently got elected to the house describe themselves as socialists.

StarHopper is being castrated...

>> No.10299236

don't worry, that means they have new ones on-site

>> No.10299246

Watching too much CNN?

>> No.10299253
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>inb4 socialist takeover of the USA and space regulation up the ass + international cooperation

How's the concrete pouring going on? Based on it and knowing it takes about a month for it to set nicely before it becomes rocket engine proof we can get some form of NET.

>> No.10299263
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I've heard reports of concrete being reported, but no pictures.

Lol they put production nozzles on sub-scale Raptors...

>> No.10299265

>a lot of them who recently got elected to the house describe themselves as socialists.
They're probably less socialist that Bernie and it was a but of a joke him being called a socialist in the first place. They're probably barely making the cut to be thought of as center-left in most of the world.

>> No.10299269

so this is the power of Elon musk...
bfr 2020? more like 20never kek

>> No.10299272

Their advocating for a 70% tax rate for top earners, which is higher than any country in Europe. It will apparently net them less than a year's military spending in tax revenue, whilst likely causing wealthy job creators to off shore and cook up more avoidance schemes.

>> No.10299275

In a decade btw...

>> No.10299291

Are americans really that dumb? Are you really moving toward socialism of all things?
You'd think seeing half the world being a poverty stricken shithole after the cold war would be eyeopening about the benefits of certain just means of wealth redistribution. I'm not surprised some rich south african nutjob is outdoing decades of nasa work.

>> No.10299295

reminder that social market economies are the most successful in practice so far

>> No.10299296

>south african nutjob is outdoing decades of nasa work.
he isn't outdoing anything NASA has done so far

>> No.10299299

because of this kind of shit i will never be able to take them serious. its like they put them there just for the photos and now they are taking them off.

>> No.10299303

why the fuck do people keep saying that spacex and nasa are concurrents? spacex is a nasa project for fucks sake.

>> No.10299305

Elon Musk doing things for no reason other than publicity and photos? Noooo way.

>> No.10299310

>claims Americans are stupid
>falls for that same retarded American marketing and sweet lies
every time.

>> No.10299331

nasa holds most of spacex stocks retard

>> No.10299342

That's a special kind of fresh bullshit, but props for being original with your trolling at least.

>> No.10299350

in a way it's true. NASA is literally the biggest investor of spacex. if they pull their funding and say some bad words about SpaceX to the government they're done/10

>> No.10299358


>> No.10299368

They put them there as placeholders until the new Raptors are tested and shipped down. We already knew this, Musk said they were made of a mixture of developmental and production parts, I just didn't know the difference would be that obvious.

>> No.10299372

NASA is the first and most important investor in SpaceX, but they do not need NASA to be viable as a commercial launch service provider at this point. There are larger investors now.

>> No.10299379

like who? literally almost half of SpaceX contracts (by size) are with NASA, the rest being defense contractors and NuSpace™ startups.

>> No.10299403

This is bullshit, SpaceX makes no money with their private customers, all their money comes from Airforce and NASA contracts.

>> No.10299408

NASA pulling out will probably scuttle most of their dreams, but I don't see that happening
they could still launch from Kennedy, they still have enough customers to keep the ball rolling, and people are still going to want flights on Falcon 9 block 5

>> No.10299409

The fun of being commercial is international customers. Two launches this year are for the German Federal Intelligence Service. Two more are for the Air Force. Now, don't get me wrong, losing NASA as a customer would be devastating and SpaceX probably wouldn't be able to fund their long term plans, but they would (probably) survive).

Investors, on the other hand, are a different breed than launch customers. A lot of private capital that isn't a commercial launch contract has flown into SpaceX recently, for Starlink and for Starship. Venture Capitalists tend to stay private, but the money amounts is in the hundreds of millions of dollars range.

>> No.10299415

>This is bullshit, SpaceX makes no money with their private customers, all their money comes from Airforce and NASA contracts.

Whatever you say, man. I know your confidence in that assertion is iron clad.

>> No.10299422

>probably survive
95% of your beloved angels will pull out as soon as NASA does and want their money back

>> No.10299424

>Venture Capitalists tend to stay private,
It's Peter Thiel

>> No.10299440

Can you and similarly minded folks go back to prognosticating the doom of Tesla instead?

>> No.10299447

Tesla was on the brink on doom several times, your God himself admitted that. but that is besides the point anyway

>> No.10299452

>my god
That's offensive, sir.

>> No.10299591

>The lesson here
is unix>windows

>> No.10299605

Elon "if there's no Windows, there's no me" Musk

Do you think he'll get to keep SpaceX after he makes his stand on BFR?

>> No.10299634

A new payload guide for the Falcon 9 and Heavy has been released today. It's very in depth...

>> No.10299640


>> No.10299677

I guess L2 ain't as exclusive as they said...

>> No.10299683

It’s literally linked on the spacex website for everyone to be

>> No.10299823

Can it handle more than 13 tons yet

>> No.10300162

>Mars terraformed by 2200
I didn't want to kill a thread to ask this - what is the "future tech" regarding terraforming, like space elevators? Like cold fusion or shit like that.

>> No.10300166

The current gamble with terraforming is to pump Mars' atmosphere full of CFCs to kickstart the thawing of CO2 ice, with hopes that other frozen gasses will sublimate or evaporate in turn.

>> No.10300172

there really isn't one for Mars, because "terraforming" just basically means "import a bajillion tons of oxygen and nitrogen" which is actually impossible
Venus you could do if you had a fancy microbe that ate sulfuric acid and basically eliminated it from the atmosphere
and then you could put some sort of bio-engineered floating algae thing in the atmosphere, and eventually it'd make enough oxygen to support people in the upper atmosphere

>> No.10300174

I heard something about a machine that could take the rust on the face of mars and split the oxygen from the iron. is that sort of thing possible now or would it need a new technology for it? and you would need an atmosphere before you did this otherwise the oxygen would float into space, right?

>> No.10300190

Electrolysis would do it.

>> No.10300251

Someone give Elon the old Project Orion plans. I want my nuclear death ships patrolling the route between Earth and Mars.

>> No.10300408

>"import a bajillion tons of oxygen and nitrogen" which is actually impossible
It's only impossible if you're a faggot Type 0 civilization. If you're a Type 1 it's perfectly possible and an ideal pastime.

>> No.10300418

In seriousness though it's a lot quicker and less costly energy-wise to blast to the nearest habitable exoplanet using beamed propulsion. The drawback is perhaps as much as a 20 year delay for communicating with Earth, but Earth these days is 100% dickheads, and if you wanted to stay in close contact you would have remained in the solar system in one of Sky Lord Bezos' many spin-stations.

>> No.10300424

why do they want to recover the fairings? Are they that expensive to produce?

>> No.10300426

reaction mass is still an issue, even for a theoretical type 1 civ
I do not believe there is any purpose to becoming type 1

>> No.10300438

The cost for fairings is 6 mil. it’s a gigantic composite curvy thing with separation mechanism and dampening

>> No.10300443


>Beamed propulsion

How are you slowing down at the other end? This only becomes viable when you have a massive infrastructure set up at the other end.

>What are mass drivers

No one is going to ship that much stuff with fucking rockets dude.

>> No.10300445

There's no purpose to anything, least of all efficient use of space resources. Go large or go home. Anyway importing Kuiper belt objects takes only a small change in delta-v, and they'll fall rather quickly (<20 years) towards mars.

>> No.10300446

>Sky Lord Bezos

Nobody tell him.

>> No.10300447

>How are you slowing down at the other end? This only becomes viable when you have a massive infrastructure set up at the other end.

If you've ever seen James Cameron's Avatar, you've seen the most realistic prospect there is for interstellar travel. A massive deployable light sail is used to send the ship one way, and those enormous tanks of antimatter are used to slow down.

>> No.10300448

You'd send a tiny recon pseudo-von-neumann probe first, which can slow down with magnetic sail braking. Then it would build beaming infrastructure for you at the other end. Take care to double check the programming though so it doesn't turn the entire system into beaming apparatus.

>> No.10300469


Yeah so we just went from mostly plausible straight into science fiction territory, opinion disregarded.

Magnetic sails are not viable as a proper deceleration tool, you can use them to shave a chunk off at very high c speeds because when you start to slow down they become less and less effective. Without some onboard delta v or beams at the other end it once again falls flat on it's face. You could probably use a replicating probe but without a serious deceleration method you are looking at centuries-thousands of year for it to reach the target using some kind of nuclear bottle rocket to slow down.

>> No.10300477

>science fiction
you are talking about science fiction the entire time, retard. ISRUs don't even exist yet but you skipped straight to planetary propulsion lmao

>> No.10300485

>Yeah so we just went from mostly plausible straight into science fiction territory, opinion disregarded.

That's not a question of things that are achievable with modern technology, but one of how much energy density you need to accelerate any appreciable mass at (or from) a high fraction of the speed of light.

>> No.10300489

Antimatter is a hoax perpetrated by Big Science.

>> No.10300499

Yes, antimatter would be great, you are quite right. But given the difficulties of production and storage you might as well throw it in the bin as an option unless someone comes up with a way to handwave it into existance.

>> No.10300981

Aubrey de Grey doesn't do shit

>> No.10301000

The Von Neumann probe(s) is of a very small mass.

>> No.10301004
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Well this thread went downhill remarkably fucking fast
Why not spend some time learning about a subject or item instead of smashing the NEVER EVER button like a spastic monkey

>> No.10301009

>Why not spend some time learning about a subject or item instead
why make this retarded sci-fi thread in the first place genius

>> No.10301015

Why wouldn't a sail work for deceleration? You'd have to start decelerating somewhere around the halfway point, but still.

>> No.10301016

So they could pretend to be real smart.

>> No.10301080

God I love her

>> No.10301087

Yuck, beastiality isn't healthy dude...

>> No.10301090

Beastiality is bestiality.

>> No.10301159
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>> No.10301161
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Use 4chan-X plugin and ramp up your post filter game.

>> No.10301789

Helium tanks have arrived at Boca Chica

>> No.10301792

Are they going to float it up?

>> No.10301794
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>Helium tanks have arrived at Boca Chica

>> No.10302055

>reee stop talking about an ongoing project because I don't think it'll work!
Neck yourself hun.

>> No.10302203
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rip San Pedro

>> No.10302207
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>> No.10302235

I thought raptors had that whole closed-cycle pressurisation thing going on.

>> No.10302242

could be for purging the tanks

>> No.10302249

>Elon destroys the libtards epic style

>> No.10302311

>I thought raptors had that whole closed-cycle pressurisation thing going on.
No one's really sure what the tankage is for yet. It could be leak testing.

>> No.10302414

or it could be a take just like the engines were kek

>> No.10302436

After watching the shit they were pulling at that meeting, I am glad they are giving the port of LA the finger. The way the unions were trying to force their shitty underpaid Mexicans into the actual production line, because apparently building a massive facility is not enough, was truly disgusting. When they say south Texas, I assume they mean Boca Chica which is great since there is a lot more room to expand there.

>> No.10302439

yeah, you could sort of tell the spacex rep was strained in saying how they would agree to have X percent of the workers be from local unions

>> No.10302453

>might have an internship in New Braunfels this summer
>only 5hr from Boca Chica
I'll make the drive for y'all and take some photos

>> No.10302469

Comfy, seems like all the future tests for BFR will be there aswell so you can go watch the orbital prototypes take off and land too. Very jelly.

>> No.10302483

reminder that the Tesla production line is literally a fucking tent
>muh unions
why is it that only murifats can't stand unions?

>> No.10302488

Texas is just as Mexican as cali

>> No.10302490

Have you ever been part of a union? I find most people with this attitude have not. They are fucking cancer and LONG since ceased to be about actually fighting for their workers. Many people who protest unions do so because of the absolute fucking state of then rather than the actual principle of them

>> No.10302495

>reminder that the Tesla production line is literally a fucking tent

One Tesla production line is literally in a tent.

>why is it that only murifats can't stand unions?

Because unionized labor in America is more of an embedded mafia than any kind of worker protection.

>> No.10302498


Take it outside, children. It is way off topic for /sci/.

>> No.10302508

not just any production line, a general assembly line. Where people manually install stuff like seats and weatherstripping. No reason to have anything fancier than a Sprung structure; plus the numerous entrances on the side allow for less moving around of materials when they get off of the trucks (the trucks just back right into where the stuff is needed on the line). The Shanghai plant will supposedly use the same sort of layout for the general assembly portion.

>> No.10302509

> six cooks
why do they need cooks?

>> No.10302523

God damn it's big

>> No.10302528

>why do they need cooks?
Catering is a normal part of the worker perks package in silicon valley.

>> No.10302532

I don't see why sprung structures shouldn't be used for anything outside super clean room type shit.

>> No.10302533

6000 employees, you need a substantial cafeteria

>> No.10302536

>It takes two to tango (both sides are unwilling to compromise)

There's no such thing as compromise on a purely binary choice.

>> No.10302538
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SpaceX has taken them to heart. San Pedro is (was) using them, and the one tent in Boca Chica is also of the Sprung variety

>> No.10302540

>When they say south Texas, I assume they mean Boca Chica which is great since there is a lot more room to expand there.
Probably in the Brownsville area, but Boca Chica may be both a little crowded and out in the boonies for an entire production facility.

In San Antonio here, too cold for me to feel like going down there right now, and too much shit to keep up with at home. I am still so tempted, but it's a 3-hour drive, so it's an early early morning day trip. That's almost as far as going to Dallas. And I still want to see JSC someday.

>> No.10302544

Why are employees incapable of bringing their own lunch to work?

>> No.10302545

>SpaceX is losing that startup feel, firing all the middle management
>only fire 28

>> No.10302548

bring your own goddamn lunch
bunch of fucking communists

>> No.10302555

It's not so much the rank and file as it is the leadership, but the worst part is states where you are forced to join the union to get certain jobs.
But what really bugs me is the basic concept of "public sector" unions. In other words (explaining for the furriners here), unions for government employees, because you know how they're so overworked, and forced to use the company store, and in physical danger of shit like black lung disease.

>> No.10302556

32 inspectors, 26 coordinators, 13 planners, 12 supervisors, 8 analysts, 4 schedulers, and maybe some other

>> No.10302563

>analysts are now middle management

>> No.10302577


Analysts belong to the same class of parasitical useless cunts as middle management.

>> No.10302587

if you look at the ratio I’d assume that adjusted for the commonality of a management roles a lot were let go. Still,
It shows that people were correct in assuming the unneeded techs are a big chunk of the fired group.

>> No.10302590

do we know at which facilities the fired people worked?
(were they all from Hawthorne? good, fuck California)

>> No.10302594

the data in the pic and article are purely from LA, due from the CA firing alert laws. There were probably some other layoffs from FL and TX

>> No.10302598

Some places get bad weather

>> No.10302603
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>> No.10302607
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new twete

>> No.10302631

So is this thing covered with shiny sheets, and all that shiny surface is not part of the structural frame of the rocket?

>> No.10302633

the bottom part is. the orbital version will be naturally shiny

>> No.10302635

>So is this thing covered with shiny sheets, and all that shiny surface is not part of the structural frame of the rocket?

The shiny stuff is purely for appearances as far as I can tell. The solid steel body work seems to be designed as actual fuel tankage.

>> No.10302638

Not in this prototype no, but it is still using the same stainless steel for it's base structure, they just covered it in prefinished shiny shit presumably for pr purposes. The next prototype and all versions from then on will use stainless plates that are then polished to the same finish you see here.

>> No.10302640

the top portion is extremely shiny sheets of metal
the bottom portion (basically from the top of the fins down) is matte color plate steel, covered in some sort of shiny sheet or foil and appears to be structural

>> No.10302732

>Literally the biggest loss ever in the house and lost lots of governor seats also lost some senate seats despite almost no republican seats up for election.
All quite arguably natural counter swing from the previous red wave.

That said, we can agree to disagree. This is /sci/, can we just focus on our space autism and drop the subject. What will happen in 2020 will happen, I wanna talk about making big metal things go zoom up high with explosions so fast that when they fall the miss the ground.

>> No.10302740


>> No.10302842
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mmm imagine how dark and full her lips are

>> No.10302988

Nigger no country with unions like them.

In Scandinavia they have long overstayed their welcome and only try to keep hold of their power and wealth workers can go get fucked.

>> No.10302992

Does anybody actually take them seriously?

>> No.10302994

You need loads of storage for it.

Autoplant I worked in for a while didn't have refrigerators or microwaves in break rooms so they could make you pay for cafeteria sandwich

>> No.10302996

that's the sort of shit that unions were made for

>> No.10303003


>> No.10303010


>> No.10303012


>> No.10303136
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>loving a socialist

>> No.10303137

Could be that they're planning to do Falcon launches too

>> No.10303139

no, that has been canned. Boca Chica is purely Starship going forward

>> No.10303222

they should just get the Chinese to get Boca Chica up and running. Check out how quickly stuff is happening at the Shanghai gigafactory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRgiq3-zOJo

>> No.10303224
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>chink quality
He wants this thing to work, not to explode

>> No.10303385


I want to take a pot edible and stare out into space listening to music.