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File: 75 KB, 1600x960, sickbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10296519 No.10296519 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone have any cool tricks up their sleeves? I've got the fever and some mild nasal congestion, although luckily i'm not coughing too much

I've been
>taking paracetamol
>drinking ginger/lemon/mint tea with honey + loads of water
>eating a lot of soup, fruits and raw carrots
>getting plenty of sleep

thanks in advance

>> No.10297530

Curing flu, no idea. But preventing getting it or diminishing its effects - zinc lozenges. As soon as I feel that telltale soreness in the back of my throat, a take one and wait for a few hours to see how that worked. Take again if needed. Haven't needed to take a sick day off in a couple of years.

>> No.10297535

I could tell you a method that has worked for me every time I've gotten the flu, but I'd doubt you'd even try it.

>> No.10297542

If you can cure the flu, you'd be able to make billions.

>> No.10297558


>> No.10297616

how?? ive cured it a dozen times in my life. how do I get money?

>> No.10297617

Make a cure that works for all strains.

>> No.10297631

no you're supposed to drink fluids and get bed rest not push yourself

>> No.10297649
File: 43 KB, 736x539, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom gets my fluids.

>> No.10298132

Garlic, wasabi

>> No.10298543

Use xylometazoline nasal spray, it cures congestion instantly
But don't use it for more than a few days or you'll get a rebound effect

>> No.10298562

Shitloads of fluids and sleep is about the best you can do.
If its the flu its viral and not much else you can do except wait it out and manage the symptoms.
My sinuses are absolute garbage so if I feel a little suck I always try to get on decongestants and expectorants as early as possible to try and keep the goop flowing. Nothing sucks more than not being sick anymore, but still having pounds of phlegm in your head and chest.
I'm such a workaholic that I almost look forward to getting sick because it forces me to lay up for a few days.

>> No.10299532

I think almost all cold remedies are nonsense pseudoscience that's likely just going to make you worse and at best do nothing. Just sleep a lot, eat healthy, and take some walks if you are up for it. There's really nothing else to do.

>> No.10299546

Killing yourself will eradicate the virus from your body.

>> No.10299567

nasally huff steam. It'll kill of (some) bacteria and clear up your nasal pathways. It lessens the symptoms but obviously isn't a cure.

>> No.10299779

Put some eucalyptus oil or menthol in there.
I don't know if it cure's a damn thing but feelsgood.jpg.

>> No.10299920

All these mom remedies in this thread.

Just drink water and get rest. Increase food intake. If its flu, no remedy besides your immune system working optimally will work. It should be gone under 2 weeks, if not go to your primary care physician. Stop wanking too.

t. 4th year medfag

>> No.10300686

Put your feet in hot water pot for 15 min. The water should be real hot.
Don't be afraid of applying hot during fever. Do it 2 times a day.