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File: 301 KB, 1200x1521, University_of_Jordan_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10293579 No.10293579 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ my university is rank 90 on the world, is that bad? Pic related

>> No.10293590

World university rankings are complete memes. If you take them seriously you're clinically retarded.

>> No.10293594

Ok cool, i was just curious because today i realised that ranks exists

>> No.10293611

>arab trash
enjoy never getting hired in a first world country

>> No.10293617


It's one of the top 100 universities in the world. That's good.

>> No.10293629
File: 963 KB, 990x1146, blacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't huwhite schools prioritize non-huwhites for the sake of diversity, Michael?

>> No.10293659


STFU university of jordan is ranked 1167
it's not even the best uni in Jordan , that would be Jordan university of science and technology

I fucking knew Jordan can't have a better rank than my country, If there's an country that has decent unis that would be Tunisia

>> No.10293671

Oh really? News lied to me...

That's disappointing. Fuck JUST

>> No.10293680

Actually wait, a quick google search says that JUST is 1.7k and UOJ is 1.2k

Does the numbers even mean anything after 500?

>> No.10293743

I wouldn't trust the media in a dictatorish country, I've lived under one and I know how much they lie
I gave you the URAP 2018/2019 ranking which relies on the number of academic works and the achievements of graduates
There are other rankings that use other carasteristics or are from older years

They are usually close at higher rankings but they do change a lot at lower rankings
For example , this year my uni (University of tunis Manar) jumped 400 spots from 1000 to 600

>> No.10293782

Tunisia has a very low hdi, and 81.1 % literacy

Even Libya is at 91.4 % and there’s war there or something

>> No.10293797

I know , but we still rank higher in universities somehow
I don't understand why , maybe it's the incredibly huge divide between the coastal region and the interior region
It's not my job to find out why anyway

>> No.10293803

Also Youth literacy is 97% , we are working on it.
We only gained our independance the second half of the last century

>> No.10293894

israel has a literacy rate of 98% and we've been in war since we officially became a country

>> No.10293903

Good for you buddy
But we never had anywhere near the kind of funding and foreign support you had
You can say your country made it even though of the "war" you're having , but you can't say that you did it out of nowhere. You can't deny the amount of help you had and still have

In fact you are still looking for more foreign funding, Your goverment is asking ours for 35 Billion Dollars .

>> No.10293912

cock and balls u, eh?

but seriously, these rankings are crap because ultra-weathly arab nations pad their universities' rosters with adjunct from around the world who do no actual research at said universities. it's a scam, and academically dishonest, but makes a lot of people rich

>> No.10293919

Sand nigger

>> No.10293933

That's not how this works lol

>Ultra wealthy
Saudi arabia ≠ Jordan

And i can tell ensure you that these foreign adjunct teach irrelevant stuff like languages, there's no foreign people in the physics or math department, but ye the research is shit.
The only relevant research that happened recently is a paper by my chem prof on co2 recycling or something like this that was posted on a top US university and the prof kept sucking his own dick and telling US his "achievements" lol
Actually thinking about it, most profs here studied outside in Germany and the US. I think that what you meant by foreign adjunct?

>> No.10294150

Sandperson reporting in.
my sister got into Berkeley, it is #15 in the world, she is about to finish her Phd 5 years early. Does this mean I would be smart had I not had a brain injury considering that siblings have similar intelligence?

>> No.10294162

>she is about to finish her PhD 5 years early
what's it in? i'm at berkeley and the math phd program is incredibly intense. if it's in some dumb shit, i guess it's possible.
how long has she been here? the longest phds at berkeley are about 6 years i think. you can't seriously make me believe she's done one in a year.

>> No.10294166

she got to skip 4 or 5 years because she did well on some test, i am not sure how it happened

>> No.10294172

After that test you still have to do 3 to 6 years of research. Maybe you mean she skipped her undergrad education? At what age did she start university?

>> No.10294173

i am guessing she skipped the masters degree and started her phd

>> No.10294196

for her subject the school is number 9 globally, it is not STEM

>> No.10294869

Arabs have to check the "white" box on the US census. So no gibs for you muhammad

>> No.10294871

Israel's aid money is just for big guns to point at arabs. Doesn't reach the pockets of average israelis.

>> No.10294887

Rankings are stupid. What are you studying and what do you intend on doing?

>> No.10294919

What's that domed structure on the right? I never knew Jordan had anything like it.

>> No.10294923

>We only gained our independance the second half of the last century
And? Are you blaming your problems on the French?

>> No.10294926
File: 295 KB, 409x409, 1543213214274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats my community college

>> No.10295731

I bet it is gender studies. Please let it be gender studies