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10289999 No.10289999 [Reply] [Original]

What will we do if certain animals reach the stone age?
When they start making tools like sharpening rocks or even tame fire, will we attempt to study it or do we start exterminating these fuckers because only one sentient species is allowed on this planet?

>> No.10290018

As plato said, man is a featherless biped, so does that make black people a type of bird?

>> No.10290022

too late, they've already shut down everything

>> No.10290029

Chimps are already starting to get there.

>> No.10290041

Imagine crows and raven can make fire and start to burn down buildings of people they don't like while they sleep, because they have super good memories

>> No.10290046

Relocate them to Mars which will probably have been terraformed by that point. Bonus - emus would be able to fly on Mars.

>> No.10290051

Black people already have a crude form of language

>> No.10290058

you know birds of prey already do that in australia?


>> No.10290063


Every time an animal becomes smart enough to understand humans have a shitton of food and are defenseless, it gets put down. This nigga survived several shotgun hits and still kept on raiding cars and shit.
To answer your question, they will never get there and there is only one sentient species allowed on this planet.

>> No.10290070

Employ them as cheaply paid workers.

>> No.10290083


>> No.10290085

Elephants are good candidates, but their problem is they are herbivores.
Their food is not running away, so while they could create tools, they have no reason to do so.

>> No.10290100


>> No.10290106

There is food all over the place.
It is easier to just move over there than to cultivate and irrigate it in one place.
Maybe if they are hit by an extreme drought, but until then no reason to waste so much energy.

>> No.10290111

when you make arguments like this I start believing god created humans even more

>> No.10290113

Imagine going to an elephant farm, and its just a bunch of elephants growing various crops

>> No.10290115

More likely to develop improved social organization to deal with poachers and coordinate access to water.

>> No.10290118

Our problem is we can't digest grass, except cereals.

>> No.10290124

You are looking for boars, then.

>> No.10290126

Suppose we gave them a little genetic boost. Not that far-fetched considering our rate of progress in biotech. What sort of post quality would you get from an elephant, or a new caledonian crow? Elephants seem like they'd be helpful and serious and post mostly on /tg/ , /ck/, and /an/. Crows would be utter shitposters everywhere except their main board which would be /diy/. Parrots would stick to /b/. No monkeys or baboons please, they seem like really low-class assholes.

>> No.10290130

most mammals can't either. They have microbes for it. We lost our microbes because we don't eat grass.

>> No.10290135

>Elephants seem like they'd be helpful and serious and post mostly on /tg/ , /ck/, and /an/.
Look up musth.

>> No.10290143

>a periodic condition in bull (male) elephants, characterized by highly aggressive behavior and accompanied by a large rise in reproductive hormones
At these times they'd stick to /r9k/

>> No.10290161

I dunno... this just doesn't 'feel' like the stone age to me

>> No.10290231


How many fucking times has this happened?

>> No.10290234

>What will we do if certain animals reach the stone age?
The blacks aren't quite there yet.

>> No.10290298

It's hard to develop a strategy against a concept so foreign and abstract to you as a rooty tooty point and shooty.

>> No.10290902

They could do with tools to defend themselves from lions and other hostile animals.

>> No.10291537

They only need to defend their calves.
Once they are fully grown not even lions dare to approach them.

>> No.10292244

More likely crows develop greater intelligence. You'll end up with groups of crows scamming stupider humans out of money or shiny goods.

>> No.10292405

That's what being able to digest means, anon

>> No.10292411

No. Digestion is breaking down of food. We were never able to do that. The microbes do it. Even for the elephants I believe.

>> No.10292430

Fine, I'm retarded

>> No.10292480

They are on the same level as niggers now

>> No.10292504
File: 92 KB, 581x767, 1545530059682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop samefagging
>Blacks are dumber than me and I keep have to tell everybody, hurr durr, because I have self esteem issues