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File: 137 KB, 640x960, DJid6wDUMAAEJk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10291971 No.10291971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hello r/sci.
why is a big booty a sign of fertility? Is it literally just the fact that the extra fat can be stored there, indicating that you're not starving?

>> No.10291974

>indicating that you're not starving
Yes it is true that starving mother are less fertile and less capable of supporting children.

>> No.10291975

It's the space between her legs for the baby to gestate. Wider space, wider ass

>> No.10291978
File: 373 KB, 408x601, RollRoll3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is a big booty a sign of fertility?

Not booty but hip to waist ratio.

>> No.10291988
File: 10 KB, 208x326, 4592450238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starving doesnt impede a women's ability to reproduce
>it's okay if she breastfeeds herself to death
>why would pregnancy require lots of food anon?

>> No.10292042

Is that Lauren Southern? Sheeit

>> No.10292048

butts are nature’s “insert here” symbols

>> No.10292052

Fat distribution is an indicator of readiness for reproduction and health and shit. Imagine a girl with no ass but a beer gut. Even if she had wide hips it wouldn't look good. Fat distribution is controlled by hormones, probably some sex hormones so...

>> No.10292054

It's actually not. A big booty is a sign of infertility. The best hips for giving birth to babies is one that is short, wide, and flat.

The hips that are coming into vogue recently are ones that are very tall, and create an accentuated curvy look.

The reason is because a taller pelvis means that the waist transitions into the pelvis quickly, creating a curvier look. A shorter pelvis means that the transition happens along a long vertical gradient, smoothing out the transition.

>> No.10292056
File: 1.01 MB, 595x1216, birthing_hips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10292058

you don’t know what you’re talking about

>> No.10292063

It's also why C sections are becoming more common, and have always been more common in Black women.

Another thing worth mentioning is that buttock fat deposits are more polyunsaturated than other fat stores. Polyunsaturated fats are known to lower the metabolism.

I think that this phenotype, and an attraction to the phenotype, is indicative of more "thrifty" genes. What you'll notice is that the elites of any society do not pay attention to such overtly sexual features, but instead choose graceful, beautiful women to marry.

It's also possible that increased societal stress is epigenetically/environmentally changing us by "tricking" our bodies into thinking starvation is around the corner. In such a scenario, big booty bitches would be superior. In a civilized society they are obsolete.

>> No.10292070
File: 382 KB, 2048x3072, midriff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a lot worse, but still not optimal.

This is the kind of pelvis I'm talking about. Wide and short. If you were alive in the 90s/2000s, you'll remember that a lot of girls had bodies more like this.

>> No.10292072

It's also why low-waisted pants were so popular back then, along with the belly crop tops.

Nowadays it's all high-waisted stuff for women with anthropoid (ie; primitive) pelvises.

>> No.10292075
File: 531 KB, 408x605, RollRoll5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like shorter women with WIDE hips and a flat stomach.

>> No.10292085


>> No.10292098


Just look up RollRoll

>> No.10292103

You don't like wide hips, you like tall hips. You could have hips that were the same width, but if they were short the girl would look a lot less curvy.

>> No.10292105
File: 2.19 MB, 978x1212, RollRoll10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10292106

I feel as if C-sections can’t be explained with purely physiological changes and there is some limited evidence that it is a socio-cultural anomaly born from flowchart medicine and not necessarily from sociobiological changes due to obesogenic and africanized McCulture


I think though the meteoric rise in c-sections some of it should be explainable with a higher proportion of women from developing countries of origin settling in first world nations with access to cheap health care, increasing autism (disproportionate head:body size) and like you’ve said changing (africanized) sexual selection preferences

Gluteofemoral fat and low WHR are associated with higher iq and lower costs to the mother’s fitness and likely ability to conceive subsequent high fitness offspring. What I can’t really understand is the idea that elites necessarily always select low BMI females, because as represented in Renaissance, as well as Greco-Roman artwork the divine aphroditic archetype is a low whr (though not nearly as low as now) relatively high bmi, robust cranio-facial feature women with small breasts (counter to the positive correlation of cognitive performance and breast size).

Whites typically select for large breasts, low whr and very low, almost unhealthy, bmi and as we all know emphasis on giant tits in an age of overweight cattle thots is much lower relative to gluteofemoral fat deposits. Maybe a mixture of white and nignog selection is the absolute best pheno for birthing continuous high iq offspring?

>> No.10292108

>Maybe a mixture of white and nignog

Hello ((leftist)) shill! MUST push the nignog on the whites.

>> No.10292133

Woman makes babies with bigger brains, who require bigger heads, which requires a bigger opening to pass through. Bigger hips, bigger ass.

>> No.10292153

that’s not true at all. you can have wide hips with a relatively low gluteofemoral fat deposits. the thigh gap nerdic/aeropostal thot pheno is evidence of this as are most athletic girls.

>> No.10292161

>thigh gap nerdic/aeropostal thot pheno
English please.

>> No.10292175

Go look at thigh gap memes and aeropostal models from the early 2010’s.
is self explanatory

>> No.10292209
File: 67 KB, 500x419, Symptoms-of-Mercury-poisoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, fat also is good at storing heavy metals like mercury, indicating the likelihood of non-poisoned offspring.

>> No.10292230

Disgusting creature not adhering to the golden ratio. You might have had a point but you posted this thing that really is a botched human. No super symmetry. No golden ratio. Yikes.

>> No.10292234

you're just spewing meme words

>> No.10292261
File: 1.26 MB, 3024x4032, fa1oa2we6vt11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there infinitely many primes? Terence Tao Tao says there are infinitely many but he also says that 27 and 29 are twin primes so now I'm not so sure.

>> No.10292270
File: 133 KB, 1200x1600, aly4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think she would be fertile?

>> No.10292289

You mean he?

>> No.10292355

Hip to waist ratio is not optimal.

>> No.10292465

>Whites typically select for large breasts, low whr and very low, almost unhealthy, bmi

uh whites don't select for a low BMI. Asians do. whites can be anywhere from Asian tier to black tier.

>> No.10292468

Actually, it is. It looks like a rough .7

You just think it's not optimal because you have stress and desensitization swimming in your DNA. You're used to seeing girls with WHRs of .6 and even lower.

>> No.10292474

For the record, I'm not trying to disparage you. I myself have this attraction to disgustingly voluptuous big butts as well.

However, that attraction can change for me. I go through phases where I find the voluptuous body shape mildly disgusting, similar to how I was back in my late teens. When I'm in this phase, I'm a lot smarter, persistent, cleverer, etc. as well.

I also have less of an "urgent" or addictive sex drive, and my erections come a lot easier. When I'm in this mode I don't care about vices or anger or any of the unproductive shit that bothers humans. I just have a very steady unshakable energy.

>> No.10292531
File: 220 KB, 1280x1280, 1546881151444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a leftie really have to explain to you how to properly dogwhistle, troglodyte? Its's ((())), not (()).
PROTIP: Try to act less like a shut-in maybe

>> No.10292968
File: 18 KB, 302x400, lrf50exz-3acp-0-mztrrnq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a nude model "kamilla18", can't find a good clothed example, who has one of the nicest figures i've ever seen and it's all in the waist/hips/butt. The japanese model Yua Aida is another great example

>> No.10293012


read this


The tradeoff between large breast and high gluteofemoral fat stores i feel like has to be linked to scarcity and availability of high fat content foods like dairy and dense carbs like wheat and cereals (see: big booty arab gril; tiny tit steatopygic khoikhoi brides). You may be right that the attraction is the height of the hips skewing the lower midriff and upper lower-body morphology to reflect an exaggerated hourglass, also think maybe metabolic component makes sense too but low whr is definitely under selection in nearly all human socities primitive low bmi horticulturalists and hg’s and fat titcow mongering german and american civilization, it doesn’t make a difference.

Don’t know about my mentality during periods where i don’t crave venus idol pheno, just that i definitely agree i can get it up much more easily when i go for torpedo tits coke and vodka chicks and the classic 90’s tv gf you posted. But, there’s probably a racial difference in our preferences and I emotionally associate the black pheno with retarded vanity and would for that reason never date a woman like that.

>> No.10293096

both have the bodies of little girls, albeit with (really mediocre) breasts. i don't see the attraction.

>> No.10293105

>both have the bodies of little girls
> i don't see the attraction.
think about it harder, anon.

>> No.10293110


>> No.10293116

Only a few of their pics really show what I mean. Can't post them here.

>> No.10293140

That's not a fat ass you faggot.

>> No.10293173
File: 109 KB, 1080x1289, Lauren-Southern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how dare you insult my waifu you retarded gay sack of shit.

>> No.10293191

>The tradeoff between large breast and high gluteofemoral fat stores i feel like has to be linked to scarcity and availability of high fat content foods like dairy and dense carbs like wheat and cereals

It has to do with availability of food in general. Note how Asians are the least shapely in this regard, and they've also been civilized (read: guaranteed calories) the longest.

When I crave the curvy body, my emotional/cognitive state is always underperforming. When I desire the skinny chicks, my metabolism just seems a lot higher, I predict and plan more, I get more questions right, win more video games, get more things done, and don't feel fatigued.

My sex drive is also "lower" but I find it easier to get it up, if that makes sense. Like I crave/desire the sex less, but I can perform more effectively.

>> No.10293245
File: 822 KB, 600x882, datpelvis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10293279

both have whrs of about 0.67, which is slightly more pronounced than ideal. Beautiful figures in full frontals. Some great shots from behind/ass shots, mainly because of the hips. Never liked overly fat buttocks or thighs. True that these chicks have mediocre boobs though.

>> No.10293375

the pelvis isn't meant to be almost the same size as a head

>> No.10293394

>27 is a prime

>> No.10293628

I see what you’re saying, going to try this during intermittent fasting, calorie deficit periods.

Aren’t asians a historically famished population though? Wouldn’t mediterraneans be the ideal for determining metabolically secure sexual selection standards? Id always assumed their physique/figure was the result of continuous high pop density, low caloric availability, low protein diets and low test.