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File: 7 KB, 272x186, perpetuummobile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10291911 No.10291911 [Reply] [Original]

A friend of mine thinks he'll build a perpetuum mobile.

Say him what you think about his idea.

>> No.10291934

is that the design? it'll either balance and not move or it will fall over

>> No.10291938

no pic unrelated

>> No.10291939

you are dumb and so is your design

>> No.10291940

not completely unrelated just googled perpetuum mobile

>> No.10291947

same fag

>> No.10291973

All he needs to build the device is a total ignorance of the thermodynamic postulates and he'll be good to go.

>> No.10292006

He dumb, it no work.

>> No.10292013

he wants to create a motor which works with magnetics...btw

>> No.10292015

here a video of his example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRkuFenWLgg

>> No.10292021

>Free Energy
not watching this

>> No.10292493


>> No.10292497
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this your friend?

>> No.10293378

Looks over complicated, there are simpler actually working designs.

>> No.10293407

Let him try, it's good fun to figure out what works, or doesn't. As long as he's not investing a crazy amount of money into it or quitting his job to do it full time, it's just a weird hobby.

>> No.10293411

>Say him
*Tell him

>> No.10293693

Isn't an universe closed system Mr. Bait?

>> No.10293925

Universe may be, but device doesn't have to be, fact if universe is is irrelevant.

>> No.10293965
File: 595 KB, 629x926, 2c55d1042d4515e6eda287834e7c6889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10293969

>Implying water is free

You're on the same level as those retards

>> No.10293978

You know what the fuck I meant.

>> No.10293984


Please refute


Thank you.

>> No.10294009
File: 164 KB, 403x518, adf982cfd0fcfd42b3b60072ccdd8603a1a9867fd34d2798f32381392b8244eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never said it was or wasn't a closed system. Even in an open system you still need an input, retard. You move shit from where it is to where it isn't and that doesn't happen by fucking magic.

>> No.10294376


That has been already invented several times and you have to remagnetize the magnets after some time since they...well...do loose e n e r g y .

>> No.10294489

There are simpler designs, they also do not work. So might as well go with a simple design.

>> No.10294493

But if your system needs to draw in energy form outside the system for your device to work, then an internal combustion engine counts, right?

The whole concept of "perpetual motion" machine now just means "I have a steady fuel source for the foreseeable future.

>> No.10295617

no lol, energy will be lost through heat, even if not large amounts, the machine will lose energy

>> No.10295672

Wow thank you for clarifying that holy shit.

>> No.10296157

no thats not the case. but he's super sure he'll do it some day. hes neither dumb at all but nor he's knowing much about high physics but he's super enthusiastic that it'll work, denying our attempts to make him clear that there's no such thing like free energy and that it's nearly 'proven' that such thing will never exist. he still believes in it lmao.

>> No.10296227

I think he should try it out and hopefully learn a lot about physics. Much better than sitting in a lecture and doing dry problems.

>> No.10296408

could you pls elaborate? im a lil bit of a brainlet in physics. do you mean that it might be possible because the energy of magnets does work in another way so that it may do work?

>> No.10296475

babby's first magnet project

>> No.10297477
File: 17 KB, 272x153, CRae829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you arrange ceramic/iron chunks (magnetized magnets) in a circle, do they magically start spinning on their own? Lets take the extreme of that example. What if they were in space? They would spin *a little* but only because they are slowly accelerating towards one another to a null point in between them all. Then they continue to be inert chunks, doing nothing but slowly imploding on each other.

Apply the exact same thing to now magnetized chunks only now the effect will be exponential. The magnets will literally implode on themselves. If you were to somehow arrange them so their polarities were opposite...still nothing would happen.

Imagine a "field" around these chunks, visualize it as a balloon full of air. Well all that's going to happen is that the balloons are just going to squeeze next to each other. They won't make each other move, they're static. The only difference between the magnets and chunks of iron is the quality and form of the material, otherwise you're dealing with the exact same thing.

This is a myth. Magnets do not "lose energy". They have no more energy than an unmagnetized hunk of shit. The only thing different is the coherency of the material...there is no actual energy in them. When they get hot or get drop (like in a failing/old motor) then they lose some of their properties because the coherency has been fractured. Like trying to use a fractured quartz crystal in a radio.

>> No.10297643

He's dumb. You can't build a perpetual motion machine because there's not enough time in the universe yet

>> No.10298073
File: 42 KB, 1080x613, 9100fde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean(with your first paragraph) that it might be possible in an fitting environment that they could move, as 'generating'
mechanical motion without depending on an energy source because its just the physical property of magnetismus? or literally the opposite that magnetic metal is nothing but some kind of different loaded matter that'll behave just as other materials would just like in your example behave in space?
I just realised i do not realy know how magnetic metal really does funciton lel, might go deeper into it. Would be nice if some of you guys could create an 4chan like explain like im 5 post about it.

>> No.10298340

this looks like eistein in beer hat

>> No.10299465
File: 111 KB, 335x272, 1466612474706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or literally the opposite that magnetic metal is nothing but some kind of different loaded matter that'll behave just as other materials would just like in your example behave in space?

A magnet is no different than material, it's the quality of the material and the arrangement of their parts acting as one.

>I just realised i do not realy know how magnetic metal really does funciton lel, might go deeper into it. Would be nice if some of you guys could create an 4chan like explain like im 5 post about it.

Don't worry, as just about nobody understands what magnetism is. You won't get a proper explanation here, but if this thread survives another day I might take the time and explain things again.