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10287415 No.10287415 [Reply] [Original]

>that one kids who’s favorite planet was Mercury

>> No.10287445
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>with makeup

>> No.10287450
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Boring-ass planet, it's basically just a hotter Moon with less craters.

>> No.10287492
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>> No.10287510

It’s actually kinda cool. It could be a cthonian planet and there’s billions of tons of ice hidden in craters.

>> No.10287550
File: 46 KB, 640x350, mechanical_rover-640x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Venus you dolt. Cool shit is happening Venus wise, long term venus surface missions are being investigated.

>> No.10287561
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Neptune is pretty cool. It even has its’ own great dark spot.

>> No.10287638

Yup, all the cool kids liked Neptune. The spergs liked Jupiter because it was “the biggest”

>> No.10287643

Or Saturn because it has prominent rings.

>> No.10287650

Not for long!

>> No.10287652

Or Uranus for obvious reasons.

>> No.10287661

Earth is by far the best planet. All the other ones are lifeless shitholes.

>> No.10287673

>long term venus surface missions
Seriously? Don't get me wrong Venus is interesting but given you have to deal with 90 fucking atmospheres of pressure I think it isn't really a good target for now.

>> No.10287677

Well you don't do it then. Go to Elon's Martian sex dungeon... I mean colony... instead

>> No.10287689

Only literate people are allowed on this board.

>> No.10287698

>interplanetary probe
>20 days operation considered impressive
Yeah I'll pass until we can get that closer to a year thanks.

>> No.10287721

I’m phone posting give me a break

>> No.10287733

What happens with the law and shit outside the planet? is it like open ocean?

>> No.10287774

No, the Martian was bullshit.

To some degree it depends on what state(s) would be legally involved. In the case of the Martian I believe the guy was a US citizen without dual citizenship. If he did anything that the US considered illegal he'd be tried by a US court (I'm not clear on which courts would handle it, I assume it would depend on the law). If he did anything that brought a civil suit that could involve other countries too (see what happened with Musk and his pedoguy nonsense, he's now being sued from 3 different states: Thailand, US and England & Wales).

The law of the sea in countries that employ common law tends to be a loose collection of precedents where the general populace were sympathetic to the plights of sailors. It'll be a similar dynamic in this case probably, prosecutors may do their best to bring things to court with the legal tools at their disposal (most of which probably won't quite fit and in turn be a driving force for new laws), and depending on how it gets argued juries will bring their opinions, and judges will look at the closest precedents and form new precedent from this.

In other words legally there's a big question mark.

>> No.10287919

The law is stupid and should be gotten rid of.

>> No.10287934

Let's start with the law of gravity.

I think there can be issues with how precedent is followed in common law countries. The jury system should be used more though, it's at its heart a democratic idea going back to Athenian society. So they should have jury service for making new laws and discussing current events/issues and so on.

>> No.10287955

Jury system is retarded. Popular consensus has zero relevance whatsoever to empirically determining what has occurred.

>> No.10288014

Hegel would like a word with you and your views on objectivity.

>> No.10288080

>free energy + planet made almost entirely of ore
That kid was smart.

>> No.10288132 [DELETED] 

The earth isn’t a planet because it’s flat

>> No.10288729

>>given you have to deal with 90 fucking atmospheres of pressure
we don't do these things because they're easy. If we don't push the boundaries, we will stagnate. We have submarines that can carry people capable of withstanding more than 90 atmospheres of pressure. We've deployed surface landers before and they could withstand the pressure.

>> No.10288934

Correct. It's a planet because it's round.

>> No.10289013


>> No.10289018

Round as a pancake.

>> No.10289527

The pressure on Venus is a non-issue. Venus' surface is out of reach for long term missions because the temperature is so fucking high it kills semiconductors, so you either need to somehow actively refrigerate your electronics or you need to develop entirely new high temperature semiconductor based electronics to the point that they can be used on a probe like that.

>> No.10289727

People who liked each planet
Melvin, the guy that would remind the teacher we had homework
Becky, the girl that regularly posts on her blog
Stacy, the girl that was was too popular to have any opinion that was not popular
Kyle, the kid that stayed up all night playing video games everyday
Brad, the loud annoying guy who thought he was the greatest person alive
Chad, the dude who lost his virginity at age 10 and has always had a girl at his side
Tyler, the edgy guy with long hair
Jake, the guy who hung out with the popular kids but never had a girlfriend
???, the really creepy short kid that would hardly ever come to school and never had any friends, what was his name again?

>> No.10289763


>> No.10289764


Sadly this.

>> No.10289767



>> No.10290098

Thank godness this isn't the case.
Imagine the problems that would arise with such an Earth.
Also the god responsible for this would've been exposed as an unimaginative hack who would be laughed at by his own creation. He may destroy us all but he would still be remembered as THAT GUY who did a flat earth by the other gods.

>> No.10290103

It would be extremely useful to have high temperature semiconductors.

>> No.10290156

>earth = The west
>other planets = Africa

>> No.10290212

I want to dip my rocket in Venus. I bet it'll feel so good I'll never want to leave.

>> No.10290371

>long term venus surface missions are being investigated.

But not seriously contemplated. Temperature and pressure = this kills the probe.

>> No.10290377
File: 14 KB, 261x251, professor-farnsworth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, no, they renamed that planet just to get rid of stupid jokes about its name. Oh, yes.

Also, you just read this in my voice.

>> No.10290383

Under US law, there are only a few laws which can be enforced on US Citizens for acts committed outside the jurisdiction of the United States.

>> No.10290386

>Jury system is retarded.

Yes, it's the very worst system, except for all the others that have been tried.

>> No.10290391

Yeah, but until we have them, a Venus surface probe that lasts long enough to be useful can be contemplated forever, but not achieved.

>> No.10290420

>so you either need to somehow actively refrigerate your electronics
What's the problem there? Can't we build a fridge that works under high temperatures?

>> No.10290423
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>Or Saturn because it has prominent rings.
I like Saturn because it has the best moon.

>> No.10290436

The one a lot of people are going on about in these threads is non payment of taxes, that is enforceable. The US has quite the selection of laws that affect US citizens everywhere, and even sometimes non-US citizens. And sometimes even extra-legal things like just sticking people in Guantanamo so they can ignore Habeus Corpus.

The one thing I'm unsure about is their stance on """legal""" pedophilia, most places won't allow you to go somewhere else to have sex with someone considered in your home jurisdiction as underaged, that might not be a thing in the US

>> No.10290442

Saturn was the prettiest Sailor and also has the coolest pole.

>> No.10290557

The pressure isn’t the problem, the problem is how fucking hot the planet is on top of shit like sulfuric acid rain and the atmosphere as a whole.
Venus averages around 864 Fahrenheit/462 Celsius on the surface, you’re going to need a lot more than a refrigerator for all those itty bitty electronic bits to not fry within days at best and minutes at worst.

>> No.10290793

yeah seriously. Check out Venera D. The soviets tested a long duration venera lander in the 1980s that could last at least a month on the surface. Now it's being revived. Although they forgot how to make the high temperature electronics to make a probe capable of lasting a month on the surface because of the fall of the soviet union.
>>Temperature and pressure = this kills the probe.
pressure doesn't kill space probes. If everything's at ambient pressure, the pressure doesn't matter.

>> No.10290824

me at Mars

>> No.10290890
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She is our mother and yet we are destroying it.

>> No.10291609

The Earth will be around long long after humans

>> No.10291616

>little bit of plastic and styrofoam will destroy a planet

>> No.10291651

Will it? If a tree falls but no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

>> No.10291660

She will be fine. It's us we should be worried about.

>> No.10291663

Only way the Earth and all life on it would die is if we make things so bad it becomes a runaway green house effect and Earth turns into a second Venus. Which I think we would all die out or at the very least our civilization would collapse long before we could ever make that happen.

>> No.10291843

>most places won't allow you to go somewhere else to have sex with someone considered in your home jurisdiction as underaged, that might not be a thing in the US

It very much is.

>> No.10291845

>Although they forgot how to make the high temperature electronics to make a probe capable of lasting a month

Or just stopped falsely claiming to have them, or something...

>> No.10291850

B-b-but... you guys know that's Venus, right?

>> No.10291856


>> No.10292025

They were probably vacuum tubes. There really were ceramic vacuum tubes that worked in fucking fire, it's just that we don't need them anymore...

>> No.10292033

>Tyler, the edgy guy with long hair
that's me im spooked

>> No.10292037
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>not appreciating Mercury

>> No.10292083

To be fair Brad was pretty great

>> No.10292190


>> No.10292245

Truly sad. As a species we are staying in our parents' basement for too long and it clearly hurts Mom.

>> No.10292248

Don't use electronics. Use film for taking photos and analog computer modules.

>> No.10292251

Used to. That spot is long gone.