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File: 220 KB, 2048x1536, ABSOLUTE MADMAN ACTUALLY FUCKIN DID IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10283853 No.10283853 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is his endgame?

>> No.10283857

Crashing this rocket

>> No.10283859


>> No.10283860


>> No.10283869


>> No.10283877

Grimes is for Bezos now.

>> No.10283887

Aliens sent him instructions for how to build a machine capable of intergalactic travel hidden in a Hitler speech. They are building the machine.

>> No.10283893
File: 36 KB, 641x530, pepe glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10283913
File: 241 KB, 1093x1493, bfr hopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boer ethnostate on Mars

>> No.10284752

Where do I sign up?

>> No.10284755

Pre 1994 S Africa.

>> No.10284771

I sincerely hope the first person on Mars will be a caucasian and not a Chink or Indian.

It is severely irrational and I'm not even a racist but this is a landmark that will be remembered thousands of years from now. Let's not ruin it.

>> No.10284784

>inb4 government enforced diversity participation quota on the private expeditions

>> No.10284797
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, hyven postnattu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw the first person on the mars will be a transgender mentally disabled muslim faggot

>> No.10284828

It will 100% be a woman though.

>> No.10284830

Its never going to happen in your lifetime. if it does its just going to be hollow propaganda like the moon landings with no substantial contributions to the fate of the species.

>> No.10284839
File: 8 KB, 800x473, 800px-Flag_of_the_British_East_India_Company_(1801).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this but in space.

>> No.10284857

Yeah but the "hollow" achievement will be the same like the wright brother airplane flight. It'll be remembered millennia from now because everyone in the far future living on other planets will look up "what was the first planet humans went to".

It'll be a Columbus moment. The moon is irrelevant because it wasn't another planet. In the far future barely anyone is going to remember neil armstrong because the moon is boring. It's like the first guy that went into space I bet only 10% of /sci/ can name him let alone the general public.

After the Mars landing the significance of neil armstrong and apollo 11 will severely diminish to the point of irrelevance.

This is why it's important the first person landing on Mars is a caucasian.

>> No.10284867

"I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in"-Jeff Bezos


>> No.10284920

That's so dystopian that it's probably going to happen.

>> No.10284930

>It's like the first guy that went into space I bet only 10% of /sci/ can name him let alone the general public.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows who Yuri Gagarin is.

>> No.10284941

lmao what the fuck is this

>> No.10284948

Ask the common man on the streets who was the first man on the moon. And then who was the first man in space. I bet you almost everyone will know Neil Armstrong and only a couple people will know Yuri.

100 years after the first human has been on Mars nobody will know Neil Armstrong anymore but everyone and their dog will know the first mars visitor.

>> No.10284950


>> No.10284951

The ship that will go to Mars.

Hey, to be fair Musk only said he would bring people to Mars, not wether the amount of people that die during the trip will be low or not.

>> No.10284953


>> No.10284956
File: 668 KB, 1280x720, MaeJemison, NASA Afro-naut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 government enforced diversity participation quota on the private expeditions
>That's so dystopian that it's probably going to happen.

It already happened

Now SJWs demand a Nigga for every NASA mission

>> No.10284960
File: 184 KB, 1419x2026, Elon Musk is building Super Shiny Starships, and basically you are fucking stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10284962

I don't understand, where do the people go? where does the cargo go? it doesn't even have any windows.

>> No.10284965


>> No.10284966

where are it's doors desu?

>> No.10284968

this is a test hopper, much like the Falcon 9 grasshopper.
The Starship hopper will go only up to 5km.

>> No.10284970

why is it so shiny?

>> No.10284980

I remember that story. Liberals were pushing hard that she got canned because of racism even though astronauts of all colors regularly get canned.

>> No.10284982

Providing internet over the whole world. If it works SpaceX can print money. Because they'll have the biggest rocket, they'll have a monopoly.
It might be able to go to Mars, the difficulty will be returning. A bigger rocket means they need to immediately land a larger propellant plant or they can't go home. At least that's why Zubrin says it's not suitable for a Mars mission.

>> No.10284992

It's going to be a real show stopper if they can't get a propellant plant up and running.

>> No.10284998

high reflectance helps against reentry heating

>> No.10285054

So, how's the rocket monument coming along?

>> No.10285064

To lure in investors.

>> No.10285065
File: 56 KB, 650x500, 5u8uu9psjm921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10285099


>>10284998 is correct in regards to the final product, but this is just a low altitude hopper. There's no reason for it to be shiny or even aerodynamic other than to attract investors and public attention.

>> No.10285106

The scaling looks a bit off...

>> No.10285131
File: 125 KB, 993x768, BFR scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10285139

I didn't know you made it into the space program.

>> No.10285163
File: 64 KB, 780x589, 1286807046626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon announces they're going to put a man on mars by 2022
>holy shit he is actually doing it the absolutely madman
>in 2021 the date is moved to 2025
>dude what the fuck
>in 2024 they reveal the crew
>literally who woman out of nowhere
>she is going to be the first human to set foot on mars
>they had to delay the planned launch to find and train a woman for the crew
>the government is holding elon's family hostage and demands he puts a woman on mars first

>> No.10285169

>the government is holding elon's family hostage and demands he puts a woman on mars first

probably a black woman

>> No.10285184

Neither exists/existed, just put a year next to it that will make it look like more than a dream.
Haha take that oldspace gramp checkmate.

>> No.10285188

>we will launch FH 2013
>FH moon flyby 2018
>hyperloop being a real thing
Why does anyone take this pathological liar serious at this point?

>> No.10285195

SLS and New Glenn still don't exist either. That's not the point of the chart.

>> No.10285197

proud muslim transwomyn of color

>> No.10285288

who the fuck could forget Yuri Gagarin, the manlet who learned
did you know that he didn't land his space capsule? the soviets hadn't figured it out yet, so he had to jump out and parachute down

>> No.10285297

the only things that existed on that chart are Falcon 9 and Saturn V

>> No.10285310
File: 67 KB, 498x1024, DwhiK-oVYAETo-J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the name of thottery I claim this thread and declare it the honorary 15th Starship construction watch

previous: >>10282036

>> No.10285400

>I bet you almost everyone will know Neil Armstrong and only a couple people will know Yuri.
Most people will know Gagarin and a lot of the others will argue it was Buzz Aldrin or a minority that the whole thing was fake.

>> No.10285404

>Providing internet over the whole world.
It's been discussed to death why that idea is fucking dumb.

>> No.10285438


Did you go to a special school to learn how to be such a fucktard? Or are you just a natural fucktard? Genuinely curious.

>> No.10285442

Really? You're going to have a tantrum over someone pointing out the opinion that the moon landings were faked isn't vanishingly uncommon, and that the stupid urban myth the Buzz either was first or was supposed to be first doesn't confuse a bunch of people?

>> No.10285474
File: 2.57 MB, 854x480, spacing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10285495

I hope the first person on mars is an Indian and he shits on the surface, then dabs on seething wh*te b*ys

>> No.10285498
File: 77 KB, 920x1349, shiny 1950s rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10285566

how long does it keep drinks cold?

>> No.10285646


*sipping intensifies*

>> No.10285675

Doesn't the superheavy launcher have legs?

>> No.10285729

Oh no we're going to Mars 5 years late. Idiot do you remember the 90s when there was talk about how we might do a flag and footprint mission some time in the 2050s?

>> No.10285742

The upside of being a little late to Mars is SpaceX will probably be hired for at least a few lunar landing missions, too. And finally kill off SLS if it's still around, but most people think New Glenn flying while Falcon Heavy is in operation is the last element needed to do that.

>> No.10285771

the absolute size of those gridfins

>> No.10285809

>Because they'll have the biggest rocket, they'll have a monopoly.

That's true, you'll notice that all the companies making small airplanes, cars and ships went broke.

>> No.10285819
File: 198 KB, 1280x960, Enterprise_5_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Might as well add

>> No.10285821

In a wheelchair.

>> No.10285822

...and, since the organization keeping official "world records" for aircraft speed, distance, etc. had rules that included you had to land in your aircraft, the Russians kept that secret for years.

>> No.10285824


>> No.10285826

>they keep getting assigned the barracks with the oxygen scrubber that goes on the fritz

>> No.10285871

You should see what the original Dragon Capsule mock-up looked like.

>> No.10285880
File: 398 KB, 616x542, 1527744324578.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Expanse. Netflix outside the US, Amazon Prime in the US (for free with Prime), formerly Syfy.
Hype video from when the show was in limbo between Syfy and the acquisition by Amazon (it has minor spoilers but the lack of context dulls the influence they'll have):

>> No.10285883

>we're going to Mars 5 years late
Remind me in 5 years.
We are not even close it will take 20 years, back to /futurology with you.

>> No.10285903
File: 9 KB, 485x195, MCRN_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The attraction is the not hard scifi, but very firm scifi underpinnings (until considerably down the story line but the soft stuff is still handled better than most: they try to avoid using "Space Magic" as an excuse as much as possible). Funny enough, it's set at about the same time as Star Trek: TOS in the mid-23rd century.
For example, the Epstein Drive (a very efficient fusion-based propulsion system) is why ships are laid out like skyscrapers instead of having rotating rings: propulsion is so efficient that most craft burn at between 0.3g and 1g toward their destination, then flip and brake at the same acceleration for the second half.

>> No.10285992

The Soviets kept it a secret, not the Russians

>> No.10286017

Then again, with the component fraction of rockets that actually return no one would have set any records at all until the Space Shuttle flew. I'll let this one pass, it's utterly different from normal aviation.

>> No.10286021

>The UN wants to know your location

>> No.10286023

Why does it look like shit? I feel my local redneck tinsmith could do a better job

>> No.10286030

See, this is why I couldn't get into The Expanse: they mix a big ole' dollop of stupid into everything in the show.

Epstein of the Epstein Drive isn't some brilliant physicist who figures out how to make a fusion rocket, he's this sloppy tinker, who thinks he's going to get maybe a 4% improvement of fuel efficiency in the fusion rocket that was already off-the-shelf technology, just messing around with one he bought, basically on a whim (because fusion rockets were already cheap enough for a struggling young family to buy for fun). He accidentally makes a revolutionary improvement (since the pre-existing fusion rockets were somehow a disappointment), nearly killing himself because he's too fucking stupid to have any controls within easy reach, in his experimental rocket.

It's entirely ridiculous. They're presenting it like a big dramatic moment in the fictional history of the setting, but you're just sitting there thinking, "This is so fucking stupid. Who wrote this idiotic shit?"

That's the show in a nutshell. Lazy, forced drama that doesn't make any sense. Sloppily, lazily subverting expectations just for the sake of subversion.

>> No.10286044
File: 78 KB, 718x718, muslim trans wheelchair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10285169 >>10285197 >>10285821

A proud muslim transwomyn of color in a wheelchair.

>> No.10286046

In pelésh fasta to radar, tumang. Im da sheng.

>> No.10286053
File: 24 KB, 380x285, Expanse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In pelésh fasta to radar, tumang. Im da sheng.

>> No.10286061

The written version of the story points out that it's like buying a yacht. His ship was never supposed to go for long trips, it was big enough to maybe do a prospecting run to asteroids in the L-points around Earth or Mars. His adjustments were with that in mind.
You're right that the HUGE jump in efficiency is the point where you have to suspend disbelief, but otherwise it's possible someone could be enough of an idiot to include too few fail-safes, which is a smaller area where disbelief also needs to be suspended. A good one is there should have been an acceleration on the ship's drive controls purely because this kind of craft has no reason to burn hard enough to risk injury for its crew and passengers. It's a pleasure craft or something operated by a small prospecting interest, not a racing pinnace.

>> No.10286064

>"I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in"-Jeff Bezos
This is literally how psychopaths describe "loving" someone

>> No.10286066
File: 31 KB, 429x253, Zeon-flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10286069

>In pelésh
In a place
faster/higher/beyond (add thrust and your orbital height goes up, either the apoapsis (or periapsis when circularizing))
>to radar, tumang.
[than] your radar, earther.
>Im da sheng.
It's the truth.

>> No.10286070
File: 57 KB, 464x380, Bezos Braap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10286064 >>10284867
>>"I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in"-Jeff Bezos

Imagine the smell

>> No.10286075
File: 41 KB, 1280x768, Laconia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10286078

> there should have been an acceleration LIMITER on the ship's drive controls purely because this kind of craft has no reason to burn hard enough to risk injury for its crew and passengers.

>> No.10286192

We've made so little progress on crewed space *anything* due only to a combination of lack of funding, lack of extended focus (president point NASA in different directions every 2 seconds), and problems with huge sums of cash disappearing into the endless chains of subcontractors utilized to fulfill Old Space's cost-plus contracts.

SpaceX already has the issues with lack of direction and grubby subcontractors fixed, all they need is solid funding. If they can secure that, I'm very confident that they can figure out the technical issues surrounding crewed space missions.

>> No.10286194
File: 58 KB, 682x1024, Big Falcon Hopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10286209

>You're right that the HUGE jump in efficiency is the point where you have to suspend disbelief
No, it's the point where you can't suspend disbelief. Where you have to suspend disbelief is that there are men riding around in fusion rockets. That's necessary to the story. That's essential to the setting. It's on you to accept this so you can enjoy the story. It's on the author to protect your ability to do so by not writing in a half-dozen ridiculous things together that don't fit in the setting.

The author needed to make it plausible within the setting, unless he's writing a comedy. This, "I tweaked the engine, and now it's accidentally a hundred times better, oh fuck" would fit perfectly in a sci-fi comedy.

None of this makes sense. Why wouldn't the controls be within easy reach of the pilot's chair? Why wouldn't it be programmed to shut down after reaching the target delta-v? If making some minor adjustments improves the performance so much, why wouldn't the people who designed the engine have noticed?

They could have had him working in a manic state, obsessive. When it comes time to test, he's been working on it for four days without sleep. This is his seventeenth attempt, every time before it just spluttered or components melted. He's sure he has it now, he can't rest before trying it out. He hasn't tweaked the engine, he designed a new one. Nobody else believes that it'll work, but he'll show them all! He's livestreaming it (though almost nobody is watching)! He's sleep-deprived to the point where his judgement is impaired, he's hallucinating. His theories were correct, his design was sound, but in his exhaustion and impatience he has made an elementary mistake in the final steps of construction, something so simple and basic that he rushed through it: no throttle control, not even shutdown. It goes on and stays on.

It's not hard to do this right. They're just lazy.

>> No.10286215

The future is now >>10286194

>> No.10286240

ok brah
And this one is working well enough in very early checks that we think we've got it.

>> No.10286255

>And this one is working well enough in very early checks that we think we've got it.
Wendelstein 7X is also an order of magnitude short of useful fusion output.

>> No.10286282

The point is they think it can break even without much work. It's a small-scale system, and at the rate of its improvements second generation stellarators should deliver the promise of magnetic confinement fusion with a change in scale.
Funny as it seems, the Germans might just be saved by a single technical team that undoes its bureaucracies' deep and pervasive stupidity.

>> No.10286290

Wendelstein is a joke. The design will have to be regularly taken apart, refurbished and put back together because the neutrons fuck it up.

>> No.10286305

Considering it's a prototype, that's still better than the shitheap they're building in France that's based on 30-year-old concepts of fusion reactors. Even if Wendelstein is crappy and only sustains short sprints, if it can produce even a small amount of useful output its design lineage will be the winner in the long-term.

>> No.10286316

A machine that has to be rebuilt on a regular basis is a farce. SPARC is the only feasible design on the cards for something that doesn't constantly fall apart.

>> No.10286320

10T magnets sort of blow up after a while, no?

>> No.10286323

Still a Tokamak. Pure Tokamaks are a dead end, stellarators are a combination of improved modelling for magnet positioning and control. Tokamaks are subject to too many negative feedback loops that both inhibit reactions and damage the reactor itself.

>> No.10286332

They are solid state superconducting components, there is no reason to think they will just explode. Even if they do fail the operation to replace then is as simple as popping the top and swapping them. Compare this to wendelstein where the entire fucking thing has to be taken apart piece by piece.

>> No.10286337

...as one would expect of a first generation prototype with a limited budget.
There have been much wackier attempts at fusion, does anyone else remember that attempt at a liquid metal hydraulic hammer model?

>> No.10286350

this hour long presentation is a fantastic intro to the current state of fusion and SPARC. I would recommend it to anyone interested in the subject


>> No.10286355

>gov holding elon's family hostage and demands he puts a woman on mars first
>rocket accidentally lands on whitehouse

>> No.10286382

If someone goes for identity over merit on new frontiers, that crew will probably die.

>> No.10286392

Elon's a white ex-south African who is a iq and birthrate alarmist and wishes people a merry Christmas unironically.
I wouldn't be worried. The first mars crew will be a bunch of white Jonny Kim equivalents

>> No.10286395

Is that ur moms dildo


>> No.10286467


well if you are trying to be pedantic it's the USSR goobermint not the soviets.

>> No.10286475

there's obvious differences between the Soviets/USSR/CCCP and Russia, it's not even being pedantic

>> No.10286589

It already does, lad. Even in countries that are largely homogeneous (only white ones though). My country is like 90% white and we get politically raped by American identity politics so we have all that shit, too.

>> No.10287028

yes but in all honestly clearly communicates that we are not there yet.

My hopes lie solely on the W7X at the moment, ITER is dead and all other types of fusion by now have proven impractical

>> No.10287034

>Pokes a hole in your asteroid hab and sweeps it with gamma rays
Pay your damn taxes space rat.

>> No.10287203

>you hit an automated defense decoy hab that pokes a hole in your spaceship
[Robot voice:] no u

>> No.10287232
File: 106 KB, 1404x1332, 1547218203166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giving away shitty chinese watches

>> No.10287248

I dunno about you but elon-btc-givaway.ru worked great for me!

>> No.10288141

hey this is mike chang with six pack shortcuts

>> No.10288215

no, it's supposed to reland on the launch gantry

>> No.10288244

>mfw I'm that one faggot who really wants to colonize Luna rather than Mars even though Mars has a lot of advantages

>> No.10288331

If BFR gets off the ground it'll be practical to do both, which is great because it's really not an either/or sort of thing. We should be doing both.

>> No.10288567

>starship roars througg mars atmosphere
>millions of people are watching live on streams and tv
>raptors fire up, the rocket slows down and lands
>a hatch opens at the top and the first human stands in the doorframe.
>"this is not only a great leap for me, but also for female representation and diversity in mars colonization
>she steps out, drops and breaks her ankles on the ground
>her visor shatters and the red dust of mars fills millions of TV screens