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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10279477 No.10279477 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10279495

>Falling for the biomedical meme

>> No.10281289

>I don't understand it, thus it's a meme.
The absolute state of /sci/

>> No.10282474

>Asian marketing for upcoming Hollowman 3 movie release

>> No.10282900

>trusting a Chinese startup to edit your genes

>> No.10282902

>Lopnor, China

>> No.10282915
File: 130 KB, 668x1067, chinesegeneediting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10283135

If you're going to edit your genes to have better children, why not go down the sperm/egg donor route? Or adoption?

>> No.10283141

Better yields over time

>> No.10283161

This is literally the start to a super heroes tv series but they're all genetically modified patients that the authorities lost track of

>> No.10283165
File: 25 KB, 448x315, apocalypse_meow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese fuck up and release super humans
>Super humans decide that they are the master race and that the regular human plebians need to be purged

>> No.10283171

First they ignored us.
Then they laughed at us.
Now our genetically modified atrocities stalk them across the lands.
Nobody is laughing now. Nothing personal.

>> No.10283174

You know what has the best yields? Potatoes.

>> No.10283180

Tell that to the Irish

>> No.10283202

>invest in Netflix, make money

>invest in Planet Fitness, make money

>invest in crypto, make money

>invest in crispr, no money (yet)

>> No.10283211

You do realize that every new generation "replaces" us when we die, right?

>> No.10283216

>sorry grandma, but I'm replacing you

>> No.10283341

>tfw china accidentally makes the eugenics wars real

>> No.10283404
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, 9F35163A-6AE5-48FA-BBC7-50694C79DAD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Succeeding you, father

>> No.10283422

HAHAHAHHAA keep telling yourself that. It'll pay out eventually I'm sure

>> No.10283867

Gene editing is a meme until it can edit MY genes not the genes of future people.

>> No.10283897
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When can I buy my son made in an artificial womb?

>> No.10283903

Where'd you get this list?!

>> No.10284670

>tfw I'll become even more of a second class citizen in my life time

>> No.10284796

why is everyone so scared of genetically modified superior humans? You guys call yourself intelligent, but there is no reason to think that your genetically modified child suddenly starts thinking it wants to kill everyone not edited genetically, especially when you are not. Sure there will be psychos that want to kill their parents, but that's just the result of bad parenting, and even without genetic engineering you will have people that think they are better than everyone else.
Also, thinking it is unethical that only rich people can afford it makes no sense either, as for the human species it would still be a net positive (which is more important imo).

>> No.10285545
File: 28 KB, 400x400, khaaaaaaaaaaaan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10285593

Khan looks too much like a past it David Bowie in Labyrinth 2

>> No.10285603

Gene modification works faster than selective breeding and it doesn't feel like you're getting cucked, it's more like buying an upgrade to your genes.

>> No.10285616

the dude who CRISPR'd those kids took (or presented) no notes, data, anything, just said he did it. Now they lost the patients. That's kind of a big deal. Also he's supposedly on house arrest not for what he did, but for consent/sloppy science issues.

>> No.10285644

I think the problem many people deal with is the fact that we're finally entering a stage where we can consciously choose what humanity should be like without committing eugenics. We already did this subconsciously to an extent with sexual selection but now it won't have a random element anymore. This scares many people. We also don't really know if altering our DNA in certain ways might adversely affect other aspects of our minds and bodies.

>> No.10285651

It'll be the fucking raelians again. They're always paying shitty researchers to claim they've done something way past what tech really allows that allows them to claim this sort of genetic manipulation is real.

>> No.10285656

Right now that's not an issue ethically, all researchers really want to do is cure certain easily identifiable genetic abnormalities using CRISPR technology, cosmetic enhancement is still decades away. Most cosmetic features are products of enormous gene pathways though, gonna take a long time to figure how to tweak it successfully.

>> No.10285666

yea it's pretty unlikely he actually did what he claims he did. He claims to have made the kid HIV resistant, like just test the kid's CD4s. It's more than likely just an outrageous unfounded claim. The way he announced it was also attention-whorey

>> No.10285677

It is for everyone who thinks it's going to be a slippery slope.
It's true that nuanced physical changes are hard. There's not a single gene for perky tits, but editing something like blue eyes, blonde hair or lighter/tanner skin is about as easy as it gets. It's exactly the kind of shit that's getting /pol/ hard and makes normies flip their shit.

>> No.10285696

>editing something like blue eyes, blonde hair or lighter/tanner skin is about as easy as it gets.
it's not though. The genes are identified sure, but altering them is different. Homologs for them would have to be found in a model organism, experimented on, then human trials need to be created for CRISPR editing, which will take fucking forever most likely. Private companies offering this will charge at least a million dollars outright, because this is worth well beyond that and they realize that, so it wont be available for the average citizen. It will take a lot of time and trial and error to get easy editing in humans, and that's without the bureaucratic side of things.
These are difficult experiments. But at least tons of people will try to solve them once it becomes more accepted

>> No.10285789
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They found one of the mutants

>> No.10285842
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>chinese investing hundreds of billions of dollars to look like Finns

>> No.10285853

>tfw kahn was a poo in the loo

>> No.10285856

>problem many people deal with is the fact that we're finally entering a stage where we can consciously choose what humanity should be like without committing eugenics
no, people are scared because other people told them to, cognitive dissonance kicks in and the loop is closed, this will only slow the process a little but certainly not completely, samething happened with vaccines, nuclear bombs, AI, etc; as soon as a new technology improves the lifes of people they throw ethics and fear out the window.

>> No.10285857

based huhposter