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File: 370 KB, 800x500, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1027470 No.1027470 [Reply] [Original]

It would work retards.

>> No.1027479

What's wrong OP, your other thread not good enough for you?

>> No.1027484

-------------------Troll line-----------------

Everyone above this line got trolled

>> No.1027542

We know it would work, however, the quality would be pathetic.

>> No.1027551

Sure, it would work. But the mirror would need to be placed there a million years ago.

>> No.1027577

two million, one million to get there, one million to get back.

>> No.1027592


I don't think you quite understand how light works.

>> No.1027593

You're missing the point. People two million years from now will be able to have a look into the past. Sure, it's not going to do us any good, but if you could look back and view the earth as it was 2million years ago 'live', it would be fucking awesome.

>> No.1027601


If there was a mirror 1 million light years away, 1 million years ago, we would see 2 million years back in time. Which is exactly what I wrote in my earlier post, learn to read.

>> No.1027610
File: 287 KB, 438x336, 1269040389676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1027621

Implying this really big mirror would only reflect the earth

>> No.1027622

Or we could just watch videos. Oh wait, we'll all be dead.

>> No.1027631
File: 82 KB, 800x600, Cat Plays Hide And Seek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you are calling me a samefag.

Yes. Yes I am. All these posts are made by me:

All two of them. Believe it or not but sometimes the creator of the topic even replies to said topic. Amazing, really.

>> No.1027643

Yeah, it'd work as long as there wasn't anything at all in the way.

>> No.1027646
File: 42 KB, 350x218, 1269040759578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was me implying you're fucking retarded

>> No.1027645

For us to be able to make out an object at 1million lightyears it would have to be the size of a small star.

Now in that mirror the size of a small star that we somehow made and somehow got out to 1million lightyears there are a few photons that came from earth hitting it.

If somehow magically the mirror was aligned in the right direction the few photons would reflect back.

All this would have to be accounted for since the earth would be moving relative to the mirror.

The photons returning would have such an unbelievably low strength that for all intents they don't exist anymore.
And then, only then would you be able to see a few photons from the past.

Do you know what the resolution on a few photons is?

>> No.1027662


>The photons returning would have such an unbelievably low strength that for all intents they don't exist anymore.


>> No.1027663
File: 50 KB, 992x573, 2-animus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to see years into the past

>> No.1027671


You know properties of waves?
Wavelength, frequency, amplitude?

Its amplitude.

>> No.1027686

1) How are you going to construct something that big?

2) How are you going to transport a mirror that big?

3) The resolution would be so shitty it would hardly be worth the effort. I mean, do you really think it's going to be able to reflect cities and individuals?

>> No.1027688

you best start believing in troll threads, you're in one!

>> No.1027691

there is scifi reachable in decades and scifi , not known whether to be ever reachable.
teleportation vs genetic modification , cell culture cultivation and transplantation and data transport on far less distance of far less amount

>> No.1027692


Amplitude decay? From what? It's travelling in vacuum after all.

>> No.1027696

no he means photon intensity,
the signal will become indistinguishable from random noise at such a big distance.

>> No.1027700

Are you saying that 1million lightyears of space is going to be a vacum?

>> No.1027712


There would probably be less collisions with molecules and other particles in 1mil lightyears of space than in 1 mile of air on earth.

>> No.1027714

The point is OP is a fag and we need to start saging this thread

>> No.1027718


>the signal will become indistinguishable from random noise at such a big distance.

This I can accept.

>> No.1027797

Doesn't light.... disrupt or something?