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10275300 No.10275300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i have been smoking/vaping concentrates since 16

i have always heard of the brain fog meme, but have never noticed any effects

i have been getting high unironically for 1825 days straight more or less...

i feel i have no motivation issues, concentration/focus issues, and even no brain fog. i can think as clearly as i ever have


>> No.10275302

Since you haven't had any periods where you weren't getting high, you don't know what it's like not to have brain fog so you don't notice the difference

>> No.10275304

It's not necessarily going to affect everyone.
Doesn't matter whether you're "fine" or not, you're still a worthless shithead.

>> No.10275317


the first 16 years of my life were drug free, i still have recollection to my relative clarity of thought for comparison

>> No.10275322


care to give any more information on why/how it would possibly effect some people but not others ?

if you don't do psychedelics, youre the shithead thats to retarded to explore your own consciousness.

>> No.10275338


It's very hard to remember exactly "what it was like" even a few years ago, because you get used to things and they start to seem normal, like that's how they always were. You have to actually experience the previous thing again to notice the difference, and it's always surprising what you've been forgetting

>> No.10275343

go back nigger

>> No.10275345

wtf are you on about now, burnout?

>> No.10275348
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>> No.10275352

kys shitstain

>> No.10275371

Brain fog comes from age. Your wits simply slow, and you appreciate things in the longer term as a result. Unless you have a natural adhd that persists indefinitely, this just happens. You'll find incredibly accomplished people that suffer from this.

>> No.10275374

Got lucky

>> No.10275376

Can you post a larger pic of this babe thanks?

>> No.10275379


>It's very hard to remember exactly "what it was like" even a few years ago

funny because i can remember clear as day how i felt and thought as a child. i have vivid memory on how being alive felt like and it hasnt changed one bit.

>> No.10275380
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i'm not a medkid, don't ask me why it could give some people worse brain fog than others
i was just giving you the benefit of the doubt, but it seems like you're a moron so now i'm pretty sure the fog is just as bad for you as it is for anyone.
then again, maybe it's not causal. i mean, you'd have to be pretty fucking dumb already to try drugs.
and no, i'm not a shithead for treating my body and brain with respect, thank you very much. my consciousness does what i want it to just fine, and that's a lot of math and a little socializing. i'm not interested in "exploring" it further. if you sincerely believe that "psychedelics" (i.e. toxins) let you explore anything, maybe you should make a post on /x/ instead of /sci/.

>> No.10275383

so you're autistic? congrats on being fucking rainman, kid

>> No.10275395

Being alive doesn't feel like any one thing, it's constantly changing and feels different from moment to moment, and is very hard to concretely characterize. What your memories store is only a very simplified emotional impression of just a few aspects of what it was like. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the idea that you may not easily remember what it was like to be more alert, because you might just not have access to that state in the present.

>> No.10275407


drugs are merely just chemicles that you put in your brain. there is no inherintely "bad" or "good" substance as they are all just chemicle reactions.

all drugs = bad
that is the most obsurd statement you can make. many variety's of "drugs" have tremendous benefits. but of course, i am a moron, just like anyone, who choses to ingest chemicles.

you will never see outside of your own perspective without intense mediation or stimuli. but keep holding onto that illusion of freedom.

i posted on /sci because the scientific research on weed is very under-studied. which is what i was looking for context for in regards to brain fog.

>> No.10275414

*tips fedora*

>> No.10275421

OP I've been high for 98% of the last 8 years

Can confirm very mild ever present brain fog that takes 5 days to fully clear. However, 5 days without smoking weed and it is Gone.

But yea you probably are just used to how foggy its gotten, because it doesn't get very foggy

>> No.10275428

no u fag

>> No.10275431


well the memory is strongly tied to the awareness in which i viewed the world from.

after taking lsd, mushrooms.. you are far more aware/awake of your life than you ever were before.

this leads me to believe that my awareness levels have not decreased, but increased.

and although it will trigger the staight-edge autist in saying this, if i am more aware of my awareness then ever before, why would my memory of my previous awareness level be invalid?

>> No.10275433

What weed, Cali grown?

And 21 is young, stop by 24/25 or you'll get that fog hard.

>> No.10275438
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>you will never see outside of your own perspective without intense mediation or stimuli.
no you dumb druggie, you will never see outside of your own perspective period
from the faggot making fun of illusions
>but keep holding onto that illusion of freedom.
you sure seem to like yours

>> No.10275445

why would i want to see outside of my own perspective? i'm happy doing math and having real friends. life is good. if i don't need something to feel better, why would i bother?
when people do drugs, it's typically a substitute for actual effort which one could exert to make their life better.
maybe it's not for you, and i don't really care then. but typically people will say it isn't and they're not self-aware enough to see that their drug use is a coping mechanism. i go to a school full of druggies, so i know what that looks like even if i don't touch it myself.
there are no tremendous benefits. all the stuff you can talk about is superficial, sentimental, illusory. there are no objective benefits to drug use unless you are, say, erdos, using amphetamines to do more mathematics. unless you're doing real science or math, or you're creating something meaningful, your bullshit philosophical musings while you're high are worthless and drugs are not providing any benefits.
i love this strawman
no, it isn't. how do you know it clears? how do you people fucking know?
you can't even tell if you have a fever when you put your hand on your head!

>> No.10275449

Yeah, you don't remember shit. I smoked daily for six years before quitting. I was often groggy and I suppose you could describe it as a fog, but I had no idea how much slower I was until I totally cut it off for a few months.

My only hope is that the damage I caused is minimal because I started smoking around 18 and didn't get into it heavily until I got a well paying job around 20.

>> No.10275452

How is your worth defined? By how economically productive you are for your masters?

>> No.10275457

>no, it isn't. how do you know it clears? how do you people fucking know?
>you can't even tell if you have a fever when you put your hand on your head!

uh, thats a fucktarded comparison.
You can tell when you're sleepy
You can tell when you're high
You can tell when you have brain fog. Your short term memory is worse.

>> No.10275464

By how much mathematics I learn and discover.
Don't you have a passion besides drugs?
How do you know whether it completely goes away?
How can you be sure you're not just used to an ambient fog?

>> No.10275481


escaping your deeply rooted perspective vs escaping your own conscioussness are two seperate things, sir.

>you sure seem to like yours
thats because i have been on both sides of the fence and have seen for my self first hand the illusions that construct reality.

>> No.10275502

no, you haven't, you have imagined seeing those things
why exactly are you so convinced by simple anecdotal empirical evidence?
why do you think that ingestion of a simple set of organic compounds could reveal any universal truths?
are you intending on a scientific or logical defense of this, or are you going to continue making baseless claims?
when will you realize that this board is not for you, but for those who engage in such arguments?

>> No.10275507

because the greatest effect is short term memory reduction, which returns.

Its not that fucking difficult to know where your own fucking head is at, at least not for most of us. You don't even really get used to it when smoking every day, you just learn to not care about it or to get around it (ie, take more care with things that need to be remembered, less expectation to remember in a minute or two). I think the people seriously believing they didn't and then "realizing once they stopped" actually were just in denial.

Maybe you get used to it after literal years without a single 12 hour stretch without THC.

>> No.10275511

You're in the wrong here.

Of course ingesting a substance can reveal universal truths, why the fuck not. However, if a substance can reveal universal truths, its likely such truths can be realized without substance. This is the case. But it is still easier with substance.

Its a very messy way to reverse engineer the mind. On hallucinogens, the drug taker watches their own entire understanding of the world fall apart, part by part, and then put back together again, part by part. This same process can be realized through meditation, but it takes a massive amount of time while you can reach this in a few hours on LSD.

Lots of people take drugs and see that, and know they've been exposed to something important, but didn't actually learn anything. They spout off all about how they're elevated and whatever the fuck, they're fucking retarded.
Some of us actually payed attention, and learned some things. Things that really fucking change the way you look at every single bit of existence.

You haven't ever even seen anything at all, heard anything at all, or thought anything at all, only imagined that you did.

>> No.10275514
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what makes you so convinced that there isn't a medical impact on your brain, despite hundreds of studies showing that such an impact occurs for youth who use marijuana consistently?
is it this "gut feeling" that you haven't changed one bit?
are you approaching this scientifically, or are you just shitposting on the wrong board?

>> No.10275518
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>why the fuck not
the burden of proof is on you, the one who claims it can
how do you know the LSD or whatever isn't just making you stupid enough to think you know how consciousness works? do you have a diagnostic to let me know you're still intelligent, or even coherent?
how do you know you're not one of those people, and merely claiming to be elevated above them? how do you know this new perspective you have of existence is accurate or rational?
i agree with the last sentence, but my sensations form a description of reality which these drugs have been medically shown to distort. this is personally why i study mathematics, which is independent of my sensational intepretation of reality and wholly non-empirical. nor is this sentence an argument.
are you planning on directly answering more obviously rhetorical questions? how can you claim to be so self-aware when you are clearly lacking so much self-awareness?

>> No.10275552


have you ever heard or the doors of perception?

ya LSD fucking opens them

its literally almost impossible to explain to someone who has not experienced this

but unironically you are put into an extremely connected, aware state of mind. much more aware then regular consciousness, which is why you can make such dramatic transformations through the experience. THERE ARE LITERALLY 1000's OF REPORTS YOU CAN READ HOW PSYCHEDELICS HAVE HELPED HEAL PEOPLE. you would have to be the most naive retard on the planet to dismiss the information and claim every individual that has encountered this state to be full of shit.

>how do you know
>how do you know
>how do you know

because you pierce the veil of reality and are given a dose of truth so large you cannot deny its existence. trust me, you fucking know, you're far more aware then just everyday life floating through consciousness, you become consciousness.

>> No.10275556


t. has never done psilocybin mushrooms

they are a literal god send, and probably what caused monkeys to evolve into humans. thats how unironically they make you smarter. it took thousands of years of primal creatures ingesting them for you to even experience your own consciousness today.

look up Terrence Mckenna's ape theory or whatever

>> No.10275616

I've never met a pot head that made me think "I should try this". But none of them see the problem.

>> No.10275622

OMG! Impossible! Such an amazing achievement.
Now go fuck yourself and seek attention somewhere else. No one gives a fuck and no, you are not superior because you feel like you can handle weed consumption better.

>> No.10275636

druggies trying to explain why drugs are good is consistently the stupidest, most obnoxious thing I've ever heard.
cant say a single thing worth any argumentative value
just "dude, i felt so aware, of like, the uuuniverse, yaa know brooooo"
i bet theyre high writing this shit, thats why they cant hold a fucking conversation

correction OP, you only think that you arent
you fucking attention whore

>> No.10275638

I've done LSD dozens of times.
No, it doesn't reveal universal truths, your mind only makes up some hypothesis of the universal truths based on its current capacity (knowledge available in your brain). I tell you, sometimes I make up some really weird ideas that seems to make a lot of sense when I'm high, but then I come back to reality to notice that are just stupid ideas I get when intoxicated. I've proven a lot of my stupid ideas about life in lab (biotech eng.) to see if they are right or wrong. I support the idea of the change of perception. Drugs have helped me become a better person, understand people better, become more tolerant and creative. But they won't give you the answers to the questions that humanity has had since the beginning of history.
So please, stop thinking that way, you will end up schizo if you don't.

>> No.10275692

No he is just lying.

>> No.10275713


>> No.10275866

He's not lying, he's just disgustingly overconfident and wrong.

>> No.10275947

I wrote my doctoral thesis in telecommunications engineering, for a new low-level switching protocol, the idea came with a 'double drop Hoffman' [lsd]

>> No.10277062

This is an excellent reply.

>> No.10277121

why dont you just take a break and see for yourself brainlet

>> No.10277127

>takes various drugs for years
>sounds batshit crazy
yeah im not surprised

>> No.10277137
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