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File: 83 KB, 1024x1021, EE76F1EA-A536-483F-9E0D-E10573FF3101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10274510 No.10274510 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically, what route should one with depression go once they’ve tried everything they can and forcing themselves to just go on as usual isn’t possible? Is suicide the only route? Or should one become a philosocuck and find their purpose in life? Or should one be under such pressure to live as usual from threats such as their entire family being killed?

>> No.10274512

>Scientifically, what route should one with depression go once they’ve tried everything they can and forcing themselves to just go on as usual isn’t possible?
have you tried TMS?

>> No.10274515
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Until I was suspended from practicing medicine, I prescribed people like you a cocktail of an TCP, and intranasal ketamine solution (compounded rx). 95% success rate.

>> No.10274516

Would kill for it but I am not allowed (for reasons I can’t state).

>> No.10274520

How would one gain access to said intranasal ketamine soliton when living in a house with family members? I have £50. This is all hypothetical, of course.

>> No.10274537

>want to kys
>haven't even studied anything of people who spent their lives thinking and trying to find answers
NEVER gonna make it senpai, hop on it.

Also, read that Feeling Good book, if you haven't. Not sure where the shill is, but it's still worth giving a shot if you want to get better. Do your best anon.

>> No.10274546
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Should also state my reason behind depression (or whatever, don’t know if it’s real or not(am OP btw)). I have this intense need to be special and worth something to society which is part of why I study physics. Although I enjoy this, the more I study the more I realise just how dumb I am and how Ill never make a difference to this fucked world. It would help if there were people I knew who felt the same and got out of it - but no. Everyone around me seems to find happiness in little things and are completely oblivious to the world around them and are only interested in finding meaningful relationships, materialistic things, etc. The ones who do relate to me always kill themselves in the end. Always. There’s no worse feeling than valuing your contribution to society over everything, only to not be able to reach it (realistically). Ever. My role in society is to be a simple, useless, retarded spectator that looks on while the special ones do all the work (but what work? Do the special ones even really care? Are there any special people alive?). I should be fine with this, especially since most people are at least okay with it but I am not. This isn’t depression. This is an incurable mindset that his lingered with me since childhood that has only worsened and discouraged me with time. This is all irreversible.

>> No.10274550
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>Until I was suspended from practicing medicine,
Please do tell more. The readers in here never cease to amaze me. Over at /cyb/ the lovely people at NSA paid us a visit.
> 95% success rate.
By what definition?

Please try tea. Comfy. Brings thoughts elsewhere. Pic related.

>> No.10274566

Bump for interest, what if you can't build muscle no matter what? I want to kms

>> No.10274569

I have the same mentality as you, I haven't offed myself simply because I won't exist to feel the lack of suffering. Also, I might sign up for some psychedelic therapy experimental trials to see if I can reboot my internal life.

>> No.10274601

I hope things go well for you, anon, even if it is unlikely.

>> No.10274623

Such depressed person should gone totally Diogenes. Because why not?

>> No.10274640

>brainlet medfag
>actions completely opposed to medical ethics
Like poetry

>> No.10274691

What do you mean?

>> No.10274774

You should attempt to learn all of mathematics. That's what I would do if I was deeply depressed and nothing else was working. Huh....?

>> No.10274827
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>which is part of why I study physics
Physicist here. I didn't do too badly in school, and started as a PhD student. There I met a post doc who was so far ahead in intelligence, skills and knowledge that I wondered if we were the same species. Anything from science to poetry, calligraphy and new languages are not a problem. I was pretty devastated and thought I had no chance of getting a job if this was the norm. Turns out that was not the case.

Not everyone picks up a Nobel prize in Physics, yet people like you and me can still make useful contributions to society. We /will/ make a difference. Unlike the top tier we just have to work harder but we will get there. I had a lot of setbacks, sure, but these days life is a lot better.

Enjoy a nice doggo, anon.

>> No.10274854

>I have this intense need to be special and worth something to society which is part of why I study physics.
Read Meditations, and Your Erroneuous Zones, also listen to the de Mello Awareness seminar. Realize your delusions are vain and improductive selfish wallowing.

>> No.10274913
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Thanks, will read those books. And i do understand just how vain and unproductive this is but I can’t help but feel this.
It’s not about me attempting to get a job. It’s about making as much as a difference as possible but I can’t do that which really frustrates me. I understand that everyone has some sort of value in society but things aren’t going fast enough - I don’t want things to be slow. Not just that but there’s so many things I want accomplish that no one else will want to do. Thanks for the dogger, though. Im sure you’ll be much more fulfilled and satisfied in life.

>> No.10274914

>oh look another goddamned BAWWWW thread
Listen kid just find whatever it is that's fucking with you and FIX IT if it's nothing you can fix or get away from then FORGET ABOUT IT and stop worrying about it. If that ain't enough then go into COGNITIVE THERAPY drugs are just a band-aid, temporary, FIX YOUR ACTUAL PROBLEMS stop running away from them with drugs and shit. /out

>> No.10274921
File: 260 KB, 593x635, DC5B5021-1E26-45A8-ACB9-F1B871EE475F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t take antidepressants anymore and participate in cognitive therapy so that makes you sound a bit close minded. I understand why you’re sick of these threads though.

>> No.10274934


You may only choose one.

>> No.10274945

Just realize that literally nothing has meaning. If you were a successful scientist that would still be meaningless in the big scheme of things. Imagine if I told you I was sad because I was not as good of a volleyball player as I wanted to be and so I was going to kill myself.

There is no more meaning in being a physicist than a volleyball player, someday the sun will go red giant and swallow the earth and long after that our universe will die a heat death. Nothing matters.

so forget about thinking anything you were going to do was going to satisfy you, you would just come to an increasing realization that I am right if you did "accomplish" something in physics and still be sad

>> No.10274949

Not sure in the UK but based and redpilled psychiatrists in the US, will prescribe it which you can have filled at a compounding pharmacy.
>off-label treatment is against medical ethics
>MAOIs are danger and against medical ethics
Brainlet spotted.
The treatment saved every one of their lives. SSRIs didn't work.
You're just incredibly stupid and low IQ. You think MAOIs are dangerous drugs because tyramine and the complexities of interaction is too much for your peabrain to handle so you think patients likewise will be unable to manage. It's people like you who are unethical by extrapolating your owns stupidity onto others and wishing to constrain people who actually make a difference.

>> No.10274950

Find some one who sells weed and ask them.

>> No.10274954

It will all pass and you'll look back at this time slightly embarrased thinking about it from a confident perspective. You should try not being neurotic as that is root cause for many other mental ilnesses, like depression.

>> No.10274968
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>> No.10274971
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>It’s not about me attempting to get a job. It’s about making as much as a difference as possible but I can’t do that which really frustrates me.
I can relate to that. This is why I edited the /cyb/ FAQ. The /cyb/ generals were going in circles, repeating the same things every time. Now we have a lot of files and discussions progress further and the general is rather comfy. It was not done overnight, rather it was slogged out for nearly 2 years and it is not complete yet. Now the journey is part of the fun.

Also keep in mind that many project an image of success and happiness. And it is just a fraud. Reality is that every week has a Monday and we just have to work through it.

>> No.10274983

I've heard good things about cognitive behavioral therapy. Philosophy when your depressed will probably lead you down the rabbit hole to david benetar. I don't know what its like to be you but give it time, god speed anon.

>> No.10274990

>this is unironically your average physicist
physics is not science or math

>> No.10275016
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But anon - I NEED to have something meaningful. Even if I’m deluding myself, Ivwant to stop being useless while I’m still alive because there’s nothing I enjoy.
Your optimism is admirable but I doubt this is ever going to end. It’s been with me since I was a kid.
Thanks, bro. I’m doing CBT but it’s not very good.

>> No.10275035

You need to find out *what* you value and take baby steps towards achieving it.

>> No.10275039

Keep living out of spite for the world.

>> No.10275041

I've heard ketamine works wonders in treating depression.

>> No.10275044

>But anon - I NEED to have something meaningful. Even if I’m deluding myself, Ivwant to stop being useless while I’m still alive because there’s nothing I enjoy.
Nothing is objectively meaningful. Pretend meaningful is playing volleyball or sweeping the floor at fermi lab, it does not matter.

it's all in your head

>> No.10275047

Nihilism is fucking lazy. Opie wants to feel useful, regardless of whether some sun vores the planet or not. If you just waste what you have, because hurr durr we are all gonna die one day, then you should just rope yourself now.

>> No.10275061

>Scientifically, what route should one with depression go once they’ve tried everything they can and forcing themselves to just go on as usual isn’t possible?
religion and/or philosophy

>> No.10275066

if there is a "reason" behind your depression, you aren't depressed. You have faggot syndrome, and the cure is to improve yourself until you are no longer a faggot.

>> No.10275077

>if there is a "reason" behind your depression, you aren't depressed.
True. If there is an external reason for depression, one can remove it, and the depression drifts away over time.
I suspect OP's thoughts are poisoning him, and he CAN change his thoughts.

>> No.10275111

Your brain makes up problems when you have no life threatening problems to worry about, kind of like how allergies work. If you develop chronic pain or your wife divorces you and takes everything then you won't care about becoming a world famous physicist any more. Like the other guy said, nothing has meaning and everything is just an complication from nothing anyway.

>> No.10275120

How does one develop a life threatening problem that forces them to work?

>> No.10275132

>How does one develop a life threatening problem that forces them to work?
have kids and become devoted to their well-being or some shit like that

>> No.10275211

>david benetar
antinatalist = depressed?

>> No.10275240
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>> No.10275245

Get your T levels checked

>> No.10275527
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>you aren't depressed. You have faggot syndrome

>> No.10275906

>Gets blown the fuck out
>disappears from thread

>> No.10276050

Understanding that life is on the balance not worth living is incompatible with a happy philosophical outlook on life.

>> No.10276063

If life is genuinely so unpleasant that you’d rather just be dead, and you can’t change that, just die I suppose.

>> No.10276064

Nice meme.

>> No.10276065

Garbage /r9k/ thread, remember to report everyone.

>> No.10276157

They are saying that it's the fact of "trying to fight with it" or "trying to change it" what is the source of miserry when you are depressed.

Have you tried letting it go for a little time? I can promise you that you will be still in control anyway.

>> No.10276184

Forget all this stuff about being different through merit, high achievement, etc. I used to be like this. I feel like it's a syndrome developed from excelling at simple skills early on that are now entirely insignificant (e.g knowing a big word at an early age) and then having to spend your entire childhood and adolescence listening to everyone fucking telling you you're a smart guy until it just becomes something you get fixated on - I am smart guy, I need to immediately excel at everything I do. That needs to go, admit to yourself you are not special and in doing so you can take the first step towards actually being special, which is, do things you are not immediately good at, pursue everything. A person who is not good at the small things cannot be trusted with the larger things. Be good a bunch of mundane shit like doing the dishes, be good at exercising regularly, be good at holding a conversation with someone important, or someone not important. The rest comes after because if you strive to be good at the things you hate you will be good at the things you like with more ease. When you attempt something you need to always be saying to yourself that no matter the outcome it is more beneficial than having done nothing at all. Be good at not being a lazy piece of shit. If you skill is persistence in all things, that skill will eventually translate into proficiency in all things.

>> No.10276383
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Depression is by-product of Horatio Alger-tier essentialistic mambo jambo. Peak of American dream mythos really.

Modern psychology is just another maggot crawling in this pile. Only people who get anything out of pills are the one, who have all the basic needs fulfilled, which makes the medication is just another glorified drug trip.

Go philosocucking, at least it allows you to despise people more creatively.

>> No.10276598

I prescribe ye 500mgs of test, 500mgs of deca, eat fucktons of food and some shit to stop you growing titties.

Have fun kiddo

>> No.10276601

have you tried electroshock therapy op? they kept on recommending that last time I was in the psych ward I kept on saying no

>> No.10277021

Never do cognitive therapy its fascist shit that will make you function in society but not be happy. Freudian psychoanalisis is the way to go if you truly want to sort shit. You are unique not a machine

>> No.10277130
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>It’s been with me since I was a kid.
Is it seasonally dependent? In that case you need to plan ahead with a calendar.

Have more comfy doggo.

>> No.10277189
File: 31 KB, 640x628, 77F317E7-4B4E-43F1-84C7-C29B2C451702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for more comfy doggo - have one too. I have it all year but during the winter I can’t do anything and go full hibernation so it’s a lot worse tbqh.

>> No.10277301

Buy mdma from the dark web. You can google how it works. Use it once every two months to feel happy. And after a few years of doing that you will notice you won't need it anymore because you are not depressed anymore.

I did this and it really works.

>> No.10278202
File: 131 KB, 640x931, thats_fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it, opie.
You got your heart in the right place, and it would definitvely be a loss, if you kys'd.
You're looking for meaning and you want to make the world a better place, I think we've all been there. But I think you're denying the impact of changes that stem from small actions.
It's better to have done a 100 small-medium sized positive changes, than trying to do one really big fucking thing and for one reason or another not being able to do it.
Just keep your head in the game, an opportunity of some size will rear it's head one day

>> No.10278523

people with kids get horribly depressed too so your theory is a load of shit

>> No.10278543

try ECT

>> No.10278916

>I NEED to have something meaningful.
lol life has no meaning

>> No.10280485

But is the potential for happiness really better than the absence of pain?

>> No.10280515

I would not trade a guarantee of no suffering for potential happiness.

If you disagree that's ok too. Its your subjective experiences that have led you to that conclusion and it is mine that have led me to the above. Maybe someday we will all collectively share our consciousness over the internet and come to an objective conclusion.

>> No.10280562


>> No.10281478

Given that you think more about the more complicated things in life than 90 percent of the population put together, you should take advantage of that to progress.

Science and especially Physics, requires a lot of thinking. I remember on lunch break I had with my fellow students when I did my PhD when we discussed the meaning of life, the universe and everything. The "lunch" ended because the sun set. And while not immediately useful it is the getting used to thinking that pays off later in life.

>> No.10281652

This hit home for me anon,thank you (I'm not op)

>> No.10281655

That pic made me sad

>> No.10281667

>Over at /cyb/ the lovely people at NSA paid us a visit
Damn, really? Link the archive, anon.

>> No.10281672

You should definitely become a "philocuck". All great scientists were also great philosophers for a reason.

>> No.10282104
File: 2.96 MB, 350x349, chickenhug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opie, how are you doing? Hang on in there, perhaps the idea about useful distractions can work.

Meanwhile, please enjoy another sample from my comfy-folder.

>> No.10282237

I haven't done psychedelic therapy, but I did use them myself hoping it would work on my own and I ended up worse off. I don't feel like you've tried everything. Have you tried exercise? Getting a sedative for sleepless nights like hash oil or benzodiazepines? Have you taken mental health classes? Have you tried a low dose of stimulants? Moving to a new state? Making a single friend? Have you truly done everything in your power? Have you talked to family and friends? How far are you willing to go to battle your depression? Why do you care about the stipulations of society? When you can stop giving a fuck about what others think you can truly be free and start living, It doesn't mean you won't be depressed. I know you can take that depression and turn it into drive, passion and motivation. Thinking about killing yourself is a coping mechanic of the brain, it can be really comforting to know there's an alternative if life becomes too painful but you don't have to do it OP. You can get better, you only lose if you give up. You only get one life to live so why not live boldly?

>> No.10282651

Existentialism (which is philosocucking but head it anyways). It worked for me, I'm sailing my ship

>> No.10282697

Let go of all expectations especially those which you feel are imposed on you by others. Delete all social media, change your phone number, sell every belonging you have (Every single one, do not keep any valueless keepsakes) throw away and trash everything that you cannot sell.
Quit your job. Break up and leave whatever relationship you have.

Move to another part of the country, or another country all together. Take the bus, walk, whatever.

Try all the drugs, don't be afraid of sleeping outside.

Start a new life, be anything or everything you want.

>> No.10282709

General archive is here:


>> No.10284384

ahhhhh this thread strikes too close to me
just try to keep doing things anon and hope it will get better
well, it's what i do

>> No.10284403

Ayn Rand's philosophy

>> No.10284417

You’re just a lazy narcissist coming up with excuses. Get a grip, fix your diet, sleep schedule and exercise a lot. Set some arbitrary goals for yourself and work towards them. Continue for a few years. If you are still depressed, you can find me here.

>> No.10284427

Being depressed is your own choice. Do you like being depressed, is it helpful? No? Then just quit.

>waah abloo abloo it is a real disease

Yes, but the only cure is to stop being a faggot and decide to not be depressed. Sure it’s hard, but again no therapy or drugs can solve your problems if you don’t want it to be solved.

>> No.10284501

You could try a 5-6g (heavy) dose of dried magic mushrooms and see what happens. Alternatively you could try very small micro doses, below 1g it kind of just makes you happy without seriously debilitating you.

>> No.10284958

Holy shit.

>> No.10284964

fixing sleep schedule is extremely difficult

>> No.10284988

This is how you do it. You may not like it, but it's how you get out of this (unless this is clinical depression, in which case see a psychiatrist). I was sad as fuck for a long time, then I watched this video and did the opposite of what it said and I actually feel so much happier. No meme.


>> No.10284993

hes lying that image is years old.
lurk moar

>> No.10285042

>You could try a 5-6g (heavy) dose of dried magic mushrooms and see what happens.
We are trying to help OP, not perform high risk experiments.

>years old
It is new to me. How old is it? Google image search is not reliable.

>> No.10285198

I've seen that image at least a few years ago. It used to be a regular shop image with the text replaced with funny crap

>> No.10285202

Take a multivitamin and get some exercise anon.

>> No.10285234

Find something stupid to live for until they manage to make something that fixes your depression. Waiting for Final Fantasy XV kept me going for over a decade of woe, and now that KH3 is coming out I'm going to need to find something else.

It sounds dumb, but any time you feel like you can't on, you just think, "Fuck, but then I won't get to do x." It's gotta be simple and accessible. Could even be as simple as wanting to see your childhood home again or wanting one last meal of your favorite food. Generally that breaks you out of the mindset where you do something drastic.