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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 64 KB, 1135x392, 0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10271183 No.10271183 [Reply] [Original]

I have a chemistry youtube channel where I mainly talk about organic chemistry/synthesis of interesting molecules with nice backstories (no experimentals)

I'm currently in quite the niche and want to grow it, I'm not really sure whether I want to go full normie/clickbait ("top 5 most dangerous chemicals") oder stay highly specialized (undergrad-grad level chemistry)

I've been looking at some of the mainstream chemistry/science videos and man, it's pretty dumbed down and most of the time there's even mistakes in there and they don't really explain anything

is there a middle ground between this? I'm mainly doing it for my enjoyment and because I love the topics, but I'm not sure whether I should focus on more clickbaity/meme tier topics and sacrifice the intellectual value

>> No.10271196
File: 460 KB, 800x600, Lebesgue_Integration_and_Lower_Sums.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your videos can be extremely technical autism, but high quality and intuitive animations can give 2 mil views to anything.
Even if it's stuff only on the level of pic related, people still love it.
Just don't make the visuals incomprehensible autism. Looking at the Weierstrass function as a limit is cool. Looking at the mandelbrot set is also cool, but having it play for 3 minutes isn't.

>> No.10271236
File: 80 KB, 2000x902, 2000px-Halichondrin_B.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I'm not sure how autistic I can be without it being unrelatable; maybe there's a couple of fellow autists that absolutely love it but most people will never find the video and won't get it

>> No.10271263

Maybe focus on science in the news and giving a more in depth perspective on it? I was tempted to do it myself my my editing skills are severely lacking, I'm a biochemist, so whenever it comes to topics in the news I'm always underwhelmed by the detail, just a thought at least.

>> No.10271407


if you have to boast how autistic you are, you most likely aren't

drawing some long formulas or cool looking formulas isn't autistic, its retarded

>> No.10271439

>its retarded

yeah because you're not into organic synthesis dude

>> No.10271464

you need to make clickbaity videos, in rare occasions, but try to compose it 1/4 normie then 3/4 technical just to attract potential viewers. start the topic to catch their interests with interesting common scenarios in day to day life and use the news to connect to your topic, just like this >>10271263, then dump in the technical shit after. engineerguy and practical engineering is interesting and easy to digest, but to me it lacks technical stuff to support it narrative. as a freshman biochem major, nilered is interesting and i watch his videos if i want an inspiration. but i wish he would explain the mechanisms further in detail.

and i need to know your yt channel

there's nothing wrong with putting complicated molecules, but you need to apply it other fields such as medicine, industries ,etc. to make it relevant. but you have keep in mind that dont just put jargon and technicalities without explaining its meaning (even if you just have to put it in text), foundations, and relation to other theories because it would really show that >you have to boast how autistic and retarded you are

>> No.10271473

thanks, it's Total Synthesis

pls be gentle

>> No.10271492
File: 144 KB, 500x500, huehuehue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll sabotage your channel......

>> No.10271510

Hans, stop trying to gas the Jews.
FFS, you guys never learn.

>> No.10271527


>> No.10271530

The more complex you get, the less of the audience that is able to comprehend and appreciate what you're talking about, especially if that topic isn't something trendy and self-satisfactory (le divide by zero I love maths xD).

Look at computer graphics. People can can spend months working on some minor lighting fix that is barely appreciated but a video of some generic ball physics simulation gets millions kf views just because it's what is appealing. When people say they like chemistry, they mean they like baking soda volcanoes and colour changes.

I've fallen prey to this myself. Sometimes I'll just watch random chemistry videos (codyslab) despite having only a high school understanding. What about videos that describe something in varying degrees of complexity? This has already proved successful for those (we explain quantum physics in 5 levels videos) and appeals to many audiences because then you capture the ignorant as well as those looking for some education. The videos will also be longer and hopefully those who only understand the less complex explanation/demonstration will stick around.

>> No.10271581

so whats your suggestion to make yourself keep afloat while still creating quality output?

>> No.10271916

so yeah, should I continue with vids that maybe 500 people will watch or try to dumb it down a bit

for example; I think this is quite a cool paper https://cen.acs.org/environment/pesticides/topical-gel-might-protect-against/96/i43; the same functionality is also used in nerve agent antidotes so I have a lot to talk about it, can also throw in some easy synthesis


do a "top 10 most explosive chemicals" video (no video in this format on youtube) which probably will reach more people and be a bit easier and flashier

>> No.10271930

take a channel like 3blue1brown as an example; complex but well explained

>> No.10271994


theres nothing smart about organic synthesis
its just memorizing some basic rules and applying them

>> No.10272005

> stay highly specialized (undergrad-grad level chemistry)
If you're just doing it for fun, stay specialized. If you get the shekel-lust, then you have to dumb it down. YouTube's average audience is 12-13 years old. That's where the money is.

>> No.10272020

Your channel seems oddly familiar. I feel like I recognize your thumbnails. Have you ever posted it here before?

>> No.10272028

I think like once for my first vid

>> No.10272040

Yeah, I remember now. I know fuckall about chemistry but your channel is kinda cool. Fix your audio and maybe put more energy into your videos and you're gonna make it.

>> No.10272054
File: 34 KB, 210x230, 1481440254001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10272063

So first of all the audio could be better, you know that. Try to put more familiar names at the top (quite a lot of people are now familiar with CBD as a thing, you're better off starting with introducing it as CBD and then giving other names). Some of it's a little dry, you stated some numbers that were somewhat contextualised (a lot of people smoke cannabis), I dunno really what to tell you on this front but you could do more e.g. make it into something functional (we'll look at why so many people might want to smoke cannabis...), relate it to something (that's such and such a fraction of the US pop., that's as many cannabis users as something something [not always so keen on this sort of thing as it's often a little spurious, you get that weird "this is so many football fields and that is a lot of statues of liberties" and crap like that]), make it part of a pattern (an increase from 199x of y% or whatever), you're looking for ways to make the information memorable.

>> No.10272070


>> No.10272079

Stick to your niche. You won't be able to beat scishow at its own game, so there's no point in trying. Note that this doesn't mean you have to be boring, you should feel free to put jokes, but if you become ungenuine your audience will be able to tell.
also post a link to your channel, I'm always looking for good /sci/ youtube channels.

>> No.10272124
File: 489 KB, 500x300, 1534985970068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of thank you for being doing this. Your making information way way more accesable to alot of people that have problems with writen text

now to your question

do some of both.

1 cliclkbait for every 5 serius ones

and maybe delve/dive deeper into those that get good responses.

that would be my take on it.

keep up the good work. I am proud of you

>> No.10272205

same guy here
i've just watched your video on steroids. its detailed about the mechanism for the synthesis but it needs a light on its relevancy in terms of its importance to society. you should have put at least some cites/references about its interactions with living organisms and other drugs/molecules (pharmacology), historical accounts about its development and use, impact on society and many other things just to keep the video engaging and interesting. just as this one said >>10272063 . maybe you could add some statement on the topic to relate the video to something.
if you can buy a good microphone, go for it. it would improve the quality of the video drastically.
and i have a question for you, what is your motivation in creating your yt channel and making these kind of videos? why and what for? >>10272079 >>10272005
they are kind of right but you have to assess and decide what is your plan for the future

>> No.10272263

again, there's nothing wrong with making a few videos that is kind of clickbaity. but you must ensure that the type of content in your output must be still of high quality, specialized and technical. for example, you can create a video about the most explosive chemicals or anything, as long as it has the usual format of technicalities and such. you can say that this substance is very volatile, blah, blah..... but you have to explain in greatest detail about the theories and principles behind it, from the very basic to advanced studies, with the support of citing articles, data, and others. you can make this kind of videos but at the same time you teach the viewers the principles, whether basic or advance, of chemistry and its relation to other fields.

>> No.10272497
File: 74 KB, 809x930, 1388674362204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the comments. on my last video on thc, I actually cover these quite a bit and I realize that I should always add context for the stuff I'm talking about

not really sure why I'm doing these, mainly because I love synthesis (I could talk about this/read papers/books literally all day) and I always wanted to make a yt channel, so now because I "already" have some subs with just a few vids and most people like them I want to see how much I can grow this

thank you my dude

it's "Total Synthesis" if didn't see it
agreed, I'll try to stay congruent as I can and do what I want while trying to make it relatable to other people as well

thanks! I already talk quite strongly into my iphone mic so I probably need to just buy good mic and exaggerate my emotions a bit more. we're all gonna make it brah

>> No.10272758

where are you from OP? i like hearing people's different accents
also subscribed, chemistry is something i'd like to get more into

>> No.10272791
File: 132 KB, 396x385, 1461735269063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Switzerland m8


>> No.10272833

I agree. Sorry OP, I got all excited by that crazy-ass retrosynthesis you posted until I looked it up and saw it was like a 12-step process.
Until that transformation becomes doable in 3-5 steps, I have to agree total synthesis is stagnant as fuck.

>> No.10273113

I would try to stick to more advanced & interesting stuff but make it as accessible as possible - try to target it at a first year chem/biochem undergrad. If you can, maybe make 2 videos per topic - a shorter introductory and a longer explanatory video.

>> No.10274082
File: 330 KB, 955x841, bisorbibutenolide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, while there is some crazy shit like pic related where you can construct complex architectures in just a few steps, there's a limit on how short your step count can get (and also depends on how you define "a step")

>> No.10274202

>its just memorizing some basic rules and applying them
become the linus tech tips of chemistry, go through every major field in a manner people can understand, this week organic, next week pchem and so on

>> No.10274208

not sure how competitive this is; I think there's already quite a few channels for this (e.g. "The Organic Chemistry tutor" with 560k subs) and I dont want to cover concepts that people just use to cram for their exams

>> No.10274217

maybe like the 3 blue 1 brown (or 1 blue 3 brown?), if organic is your thing, then just keep doing it, but add to the backstories, stuff like "how" or "why" does it, or can it occur, then you can delve a bit into physical organic and so on

I'm gonna take the time to watch your stuff, chembro

>> No.10274218

>chemistry youtube

>> No.10274268
File: 148 KB, 412x562, 1438755140691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the suggestions and support brah

>> No.10274348

I was going to tell you to kys and that your channel is shit, but after watching, it isn't nearly as autistic as I thought it would be. So, congrats I guess. Focus on the audio, then the animations, but audio is most important.

>> No.10274591

You really need to improve your voice, it is too monotonic and monorythmic. Add some variety and colour to it. If you're reading from a prepared script, don't. Study the material well enough that you can wing it. That should improve the watchability.

>> No.10274609

>is there a middle ground between this?
No. Either your viewer is your average person whose only knowledge of chemistry comes from high school and likes 'science' or a chemistry college student. The only other people who might be interested are other physically oriented students like physics or biology students. In that case you want to lessen your use of chemistry jargon and describe the processes and reactions that are happening.

>> No.10274704

OP, interesting channel. I'd recommend you 1) keep authenticity and focus on the niche so avoid click-bait 2) honor the level of technicality but assume a background level of knoledge. For instance, it is clear that modern approaches may do specific or exotic reactions even other advanced workers may not know or really understand. But if you keep the technical explination relatable to a common ground e.g. undergrad organic synthesis, then you have a common language to communicate with all groups.

Otherwise, thanks for sharing your passion and uniting people around it.

>> No.10274734

Maximize autism, to hell with the normies!

>> No.10274839
File: 358 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190106-155423_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I love your videos. I found your channel when I yt searched "lsd synthesis" even though I figured no one could literally post the clandestine synthesis of it without it getting taken down but I figured there may be information about the chemistry behind it since that's just knowledge not monkey see monkey do acid tutorial video. Please don't succumb to clickbait autism to rake in views for cash. You are one of the more educated channels with quality content and not just "Wow, caffeine extract from coffee even tho I can buy that in stores but it's such clickbait with a focused shot of pure caffeine on a tiny spoon can't resist God dammit I just gave him a view and now it's constantly recommended over and over and over!" (I shit on the YouTuber we all know but I do like some of his hands on videos that aren't total clickbait like the benzaldehyde and chloroform ones). I am a random anon and I have heard of you. Why? Because you had an acid video. Taboo or borderline taboo knowledge is what generates those thirsty clicks m8. Your most recent vid about moss/weed already interests me not because "Oh moss in the thumbnail clickbait yay!" but because weed is partly illegal and how moss ties to that already interests me before I have even seen it yet. Yes clickbait will earn you views for quick cash but subs for quality content are better for your image. Look at Pewdiepie, he had thousands of subs but lost them all because of bad image. If you want money make hundreds of massively irresistible clickbait videos constantly on a separate channel fucking dry erase doodles do the job nowadays. Otherwise keep being awesome with quality content and build that foundation of subs and your awesome image will spread. If it's stagnant post your channel to random sites like this that have science followers. You just need a bigger library of videos m8, keep being awesome!

>> No.10275467

Buy a better microphone and watch other similar youtubers, note what you like about them and what you dont. Then try and rewatch test runs of yourself saying the same script, to get yourself to stick to what you liked about others. Iterate your voice & speed of speech.

>> No.10275546

Get a better mic, and remember that consistency is most important. In the end, don't obsess so much over views, and know that there are many of us out there still getting tremendous value out of videos like yours.

>I'm mainly doing it for my enjoyment and because I love the topics
Then don't sacrifice the intellectual value. I might not be completely right here, but there is more demand for honest, maybe even technical videos. People see an honest channel, and they will support by donating, etc. Just make sure it supports an audience that is as wide as possible. You can do this even while having "clickbait" titles.

>> No.10275550


>> No.10275564

Nice voice

>> No.10275569
File: 12 KB, 350x350, 41SR3LdCJ6L._SL500_AC_SS350_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need one of these to prevent the popping noises.

>> No.10275571


>> No.10275677
File: 2.28 MB, 1884x1124, Classic-Chem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, so you're the Swiss bro who posts these videos. Who would have thunk that you would post on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.10275850

this is really cool! you could really take this to the next level by doing what other people have recommended and doubling down on visuals - coming up with effects that highlight key parts of molecules as you're talking about them or explaining mechanisms with arrows that flow as you explain them might be really cool

impact on society is less important, for the steroid video I thought the length you went at was fine if not a bit long. just focus on explaining cool stuff clearly and in enticing ways (ex stick away from the paper-like script formulations of "the facile addition of" etc etc, just say what's going on)

>> No.10276274


>> No.10276432

wew thanks lad for the bump and all the feedback!

>> No.10276472

>I'm not really sure whether I want to go full normie/clickbait ("top 5 most dangerous chemicals") oder stay highly specialized (undergrad-grad level chemistry)
Can't you do both? Knock off some more normie friendly videos in between more in depth videos.
Also >>10271196 is right. Some visual aids are always nice to have. You're not teaching from a blackboard so no reason to not take advantage of video production.

>> No.10276557
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, tsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your logo and header don't exactly look too hot.
Im not the best but maybe I can throw something together.
Heres just some random scrap I just tried.
Color balance and all is still ass in it though.

>> No.10276574
File: 112 KB, 1000x1000, tsl11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realized the text placement was horrid in thumb aswell

>> No.10276816

Thanks man looks cool, I'm using until I atleast find something even better :)

>> No.10276906

if you give me a way to contact i can also do some header or maybe improve on the logo at times

>> No.10276908


>> No.10276934


Youre the real mvp

>> No.10277223

The only post I made in this thread was “Bump.”


>> No.10278511

Gonna bump this a last time before it dies

>> No.10278664

I appreciate you doing something for the guy that runs the channel, but honestly, that looks like absolute garbage
anyway, to total synthesis guy, I like your channel, but as other people have said before, work on your voice (intonation, more colourful expression)
it's basically the main thing which makes your content less interesting
after that, it's only expanding your audience which should be the problem

>> No.10278943

as i said it was a quick thing thrown together.
what do you think needs to be changed

>> No.10278999

Before the thread dies: please don’t change your channel, it may be very niche but that means you’ll get a tight knit community of people like you and you won’t have to sell your soul to brainlets

>> No.10279095
File: 303 KB, 2000x1000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any input on these variations? i mean its supposed to be a positive visual to fellow autists like you.
but balancing t and s kicks my ass

>> No.10279325

Birch reduction,
Safety handlings with hydrazole.
Isolated atmosphere stuff.

Get some book from Uncle Fester and make videos of some unrecognizable parts.

Do your job for the society.

>> No.10279436

Maybe for logo write


But with the periodic element cubes? Like in breaking bad xd

>> No.10279447

i dont like the idea of just using half his channels name and then breaking it up on top. it would also be hard to read. something like that could be done with the banner but i want to decide on a logo first so it fits. and i thought everyone wanted to keep the brainlets out so im not sure on making it look like breaking bad even though this current sketch looks like skyrim and tik tok had a baby

>> No.10279496

This wasn’t me

>> No.10279620

Really like the content, but please invest in a decent mic of you want to do more narrations. maybe start with a bm800 and a basic audio interface.

>> No.10279869
File: 47 KB, 1389x1389, logoforsci1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my logo suggestion. I wouldn't shorten the name to TS if I were you

>> No.10280126
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, tsl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if its a crime to dig gray im guilty as charged

>> No.10280145

I like the ideas in this the best.

>> No.10280224
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, tsl42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone here even like gradients?

>> No.10280268

I like the gradient on the pentagon here. But the weird angled background is a little bit too distracting IMHO - I would just set the whole background to grey.
I really don't get the idea behind this one. The text is far too small and the banner behind the word synthesis seems really out of place
I like the reterosynthetic arrow here but it does need some colour

>> No.10280315
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, tsl32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the angle was super trash im throwing quick ideas that are unoptimized just to check the general response. thats also the case with the unoptimized text size and banner proportions.
i suck so bad at chemistry at first i thought the arrow guy did it just because he liked it but you made me remember you chem guys have arrows hah. there wasnt much of an idea because my chem knowledge lacking but if you want an idea think of the banner as those color changing test strips?

>> No.10280333

that gave me the idea to actually make it more of a segmented test strip with non gradient flat color for the word synthesis just now. does that make chemists wet or is that a stupid idea.
its getting late here though and all low hanging fruit is gone so i probably wont do this or anything that takes more than 5 minutes right now

>> No.10281223

OP here, all look cool but I think the arrow here is nice, any chance you can add the arrow to the latest one?

>> No.10281239

Good idea OP. I had to take some chem courses for my undergrad and it was hard to find good videos to the required level of detail. If you could have the depth of the more academic videos and the animations/interaction of the normie videos that would indeed be a great niche imo.

>> No.10281469

you mean to this one (tsl32,jpg) ? sure. i was holding off with arrows and all because the stock one was too ugly and i really didnt want to build a satisfying one on my own that late. ill probably give it a shot later today

>> No.10281555

Yep! Sure dude no rush, thanks again

>> No.10282004
File: 161 KB, 1667x1667, ts5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok didnt want to touch tsl3 now so i made a new variation. i have trouble with the arrow. not sure just how big and complete of an arrow you want but i certainly dont have any inspiration with one shaped like that other anons logo. the only version i personally liked so far was the combined ts aswell rip. but yeah any input on this?

>> No.10282140

That's a generally nice looking logo anon.

>> No.10282244

Chembro here, looks pretty fucking cool mate

>> No.10282727
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, tsl6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op ive seen you updated the channel logo with ts5 now but thats unoptimized and theres actually some orange lines left over. the way it is it makes for a pretty bad logo since the arrow isnt really visible the small circle youtube has and so are the details of the hexagon. we should probably make a banner out of this and maybe add in the chem structures in a way that the hexagon is used in a cool fashion and make proper logo that works in a small circle based on these visuals.
and whats a man gotta do that you guys stop hating on shortening it to ts :(

>> No.10283988

really?cant really see a line,I think it looks nice af

>> No.10284301

on the right side of the hexagon. the line that is perfectly vertical. on its upper end the is a line coming out of it. its a leftover of the lines under the hexagon itself which was just the hexagon copied in gray and original color and then layered

>> No.10285074

Agree with the others. You should work on your voice and intonation a bit but the topics are interesting and your videos are pretty easy to follow.

>> No.10286525

Thanks, I will!

>> No.10286640

Anyone know a good TLC stain for an aliphatic ketone? DNP stain did not do shit. KMnO4 does nothing either

Pls help frens

>> No.10287223

puhh really dnp doesnt do anything? What about general stuff like vanillin etc?

>> No.10287651

how about p-anisaldehyde stain my man?

>> No.10287675

Top tip beyond getting a better mic setup: before speaking, say something where you over intonate (so say the consonants with a ridiculous amount of force), could be a nursery rhyme like Jack and Jill, or some tongue twisters, I like to say "pentagon hexagon" a few times slowly as it goes through nearly everything.

You then tend to speak much more clearly without sounding ridiculous when you speak normally.

>> No.10289576

page 10 bumpty dumpty

>> No.10291083

again lul

>> No.10291138
File: 3.01 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20190111_200329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nvm it worked. Rxn wasn't complete was my original problem

>> No.10291152

pretty cool man, i'd listen to a podcast of yours
investing in a better mic sounds like a good start

>> No.10291167

I'm sure you can make it work if you put in the work to present it as clearly and intiutively as possible. Look at 3blue1brown, that guy has struck the golden middle ground with his channel