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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 427 KB, 1286x900, 8564d1d02ff83bb8afb8897eedde6c4c[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10261175 No.10261175 [Reply] [Original]

Does this guy just talk out of his ass in a pseudo-profound manner or does he actually promote credible psychology (assuming for a second that psychology is a real science)

>> No.10261179

>assuming for a second that psychology is a real science

>> No.10261186

He's a Jungian. Practically everything he says can be found in Jung's writings. Jung was a 2nd-generation Psychoanalyst. Take that as you will.

>> No.10261190

>assuming for a second that psychology is a real science
from falsehood, anything follows

>> No.10261195

Psychology is not a real science, but what he says is.

>> No.10261209

He's a charlatan who stumbled upon a fanbase by mistake and is now milking it for all its got.

>> No.10261357

...not a real science

>> No.10261408
File: 77 KB, 447x540, jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's to much of a coward to touch on the ET question because it would destroy him.

>> No.10261412 [DELETED] 

He's a gatekeeper steering people away from questioning jewish supremacy in our society.

>> No.10261429
File: 832 KB, 1369x655, peterson-trickster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.10261858


>> No.10261870

Neuropsychology is.

>> No.10261875

Fuck me. Please go home /pol/, you're rendering this board nigh-on sterile of actual STEM posters.

>> No.10261890

ayy lmao

>> No.10261898

Psychology ain't a real science and JP knows it. Don't agree with everything he says but he does
give decent advice from time to time

>> No.10261914

You mean psychoanalysis isn't a real science right? There's nothing unscientific about poking people and recording how they react, fundamentally. It's sure as hell more possible to develop a psychological science than a social science. You can actually DO psychological experiments against control.

I don't know if anyone actually does half-decent psychological experiments, but it's not impossible to imagine.

>> No.10262582

what do you think science is?

>> No.10262602
File: 67 KB, 640x798, Jordan Peterson Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10261175 >>10261914 >>10261898 >>10261858 >>10261429 >>10261412 >>10261195 >>10261209
Clean your Room
Wash your Penis




>> No.10262607

The guy thinks divorce should be illegal, I think that says enough

>> No.10262680

they should be, fuck women that leave with half

>> No.10262722

So if you have a highly dysfunctional marrige and hate your wife/husband your should just stay to gether no matter how much you hate eachother?

He says it is better for the child but im pretty sure a child is better off with separated parents than with being caught in the middle of an abusive relation.

His point (from what I've heard) has nothing to do with how the money/stuff is split up after a divorce, I can agree those laws can be shitty (which is why I will really think twice before ever getting married myself).

>> No.10262724
File: 24 KB, 521x522, 49257806_2181573438726708_2691323316236451840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck is this speaking right now

blood and cheese if you want to up your test

>> No.10262730

you're assuming the psyche is reconstructible from observing behaviour (it's not)... you just can't objectively access someone elses internal experience but you do have direct access to all of the variables that make up "society" so a social science should be easier and more objective in theory

>> No.10262735

I got enough testosterone, but if that has been helpful for you then congrats!

Is it becuase you dont have any counterpoint you start to insult me or are you just a silly fanboy and you get hurt if someone says something negative about your master?

>> No.10263403

he's an obvious Jung fanboi, he talks him up a great deal

>> No.10264437

Wait really?

>> No.10264454

Real talk. But why?

>> No.10264540

Yep tell that to any psychiatrist and they'll instantly get triggered

>> No.10264573
File: 796 B, 127x116, 1314487528372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my take on this:

He has limited understanding of the world around him and he's quite the sperg, additionally he tinks he's way smarter than he actually is.
This resonates 100% with this entire generation and basically everyone that posts on 4chan, and ESPECIALLY most people that post on boards such as /sci/, /his/, /lit/ and /pol/.
Thus why it's extremely common to find a fervent following here for his work.

Do you guys think i'm wrong on this?

>> No.10264595

No he doesn't. Just more egregious strawmanning. He thinks divorce should be really hard to get if the couple in question is in custody of children.

>> No.10264602

You ddid a really good job taking down an argument that was never made.

>> No.10264634


>> No.10264716

He is a father figure to a lot of manchildren. People find in him what was missing from their life, or at least a substitute for that. And he profits from that. It's like relligion - it's a couple of truths stuck together with a load of crap, but it is needed, it helps people to feel safe. This modern false prophet (is there any other kind?) is not inciting violence so I don't really mind. I just get annoyed by youtube pushing onto me his childish neoliberal propaganda.

>> No.10264898

Peterson is only ever posted on /lit/ nowadays as bait.

>> No.10264902

>He has limited understanding of the world around him, additionally he tinks he's way smarter than he actually is.

This is 90% of psychologists though. It's almost a necessity for them to have a superiority complex

>> No.10265094

Oh is that why he is quitting Patreon? Which as of May 2018 was making him 80k per month. I can see you are very well informed.

>> No.10265096

Link please

>> No.10265099

make a list of people who have a good understanding of the world around them.

How do you know he thinks he is way smarter than he is?

>> No.10265102

He never makes strong claims ever ever ever, just hinting and nudging and expecting you to come to the "right" conclusion. Cowardly desu.

Example: >>10262607 to >>10264595

>> No.10265106

A lot of people are quitting patreon right now and looking for an alternative platform. Are you informed on that?

>> No.10265107

Just because you're doing NeuroStuff™ doesn't mean you're doing real science.

>> No.10265116

>insults psychologists
>immediately tries to psychoanalyze
wew lad

>> No.10265123

All I really know is that Carl Benjamin, Nazi dilettante, amateur gay porn distributor and former star of the Ringling Brother's act "World's Largest Baby" got kicked off Patreon. In response some nu-right dipshits also decided to leave the platform because they perceived it as "censoring" their "free speech," although they weren't censored and their free speech was never in question.

Am I missing anything or...?

>> No.10265133

>Am I missing anything or...?
Not sure. Do you consider Sam Harris nu-right also?

>> No.10265151

psychology aint a real science, sorry to break it to you

>> No.10265155

If it uses the scientific method, which it does, it's science

>> No.10265162

imagine being this deluded. i'm sorry you wasted 3 years in uni for a meme degree

>>10262730 what this guy said

>> No.10265258

>behavioral output of the brain is non-injective
>there is no way to study non-injective phenomena using science
imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.10265308

Lobster good
Jesus good

Feminist bad
neoMarxist bad

Psychology is a joke because 50% of peer reviewed experiment published in psychology journal is not reproducible

Peterson works back from his conclusion, but he's basically your 2001 Pat Robertson bible thumper with meme big words like "ascertain" and "utilize" rather than just "find out" and "use" like what normal person and a good science communicator use

>> No.10265310
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>Psychoanalyst. Take that as you will

>> No.10265512

He's a bullshitter and a right wing cultural marxist.

>> No.10265615

>right wing cultural marxist
How does that work?
Damn, if only Marx knew how influential he would be, he wouldn't write a thing.

>> No.10267549

He's just about diametrically opposed to cultural marxism.

>> No.10267553

How the hell is "utilize" a "big meme" word? Jesus Christ is your comment retarded.

>> No.10267556

Has anyone watched his Lion King lecture? Nothing objective about it at all, just subjective blabble

>> No.10267564
File: 18 KB, 400x400, Ben Shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right wing
>cultural marxist
Nazi Jew? How a Neo-Nazi can be Jewed?

Oh wait I forgot about Ben (((Shapiro))), nevermind

>> No.10267802

Red this in bens voice. Kek

>> No.10267851

Nuanced isn't the same as weak.

>> No.10268065

Is this a /sci/ meme about psychology not being a science?
This whole thread is just "Application of biology isn't real science."
If Physics -> Chemistry -> Biology then the next step would be Psychology. It requires an understanding of the physical processes which aren't just made up.

>> No.10268068

It is not the governments place to get in between voluntary human interaction.
That being said, it should not be taken so lightly to commit yourself to another person then betray that.

>> No.10268074

>He has limited understanding of the world around him
This is true for 100% of the population, if you think yourself otherwise then you probably think you're smarter than you are.
>additionally he tinks he's way smarter than he actually is.
He says things he thinks are true with the conviction of someone who think the things they say are true. This is strictly just you reading into it what you want.

>> No.10268082

>Science communicator
Someone who doesn't know anything about science and is easily wooed by nothing.

>> No.10268207

>Nothing he says is new.
>Got famous because he "rekt sjw's". likes free speech, but mostly famous for the online videos.
>People find him edgy because he doesn't buy into leftist opinions.
>Studied socialism/communism, still decided to work at a university.
>loses job. no one saw that coming
>builds a fanbase of mostly christians that I suspect are still butthurt from the edgy atheist days of pop-culture/the internet, tells them christianity is cool. Makes a lot of money on patreon from these guys.
>makes the most basic self help book
>he himself has crippling depression
>one of these milquetoast moderates
>"classical Liberal"
>40% of the 145IQ population is Jewish

hes kind of like Evola, but shit.

>> No.10268252

>>he himself has crippling depression

>> No.10268297

>Does this guy just talk out of his ass in a pseudo-profound manner or does he actually promote credible psychology
He mixes his life philosophy, politics and psychology into one Bowl and pretends that all neatly ties into each other.

So the answer to your question is: Yes.

>> No.10268381

Sam Harris talked about racial differences so he probably thinks hes a raging neo nazi who has no place in science.

Leave that to the professionals like Bill Nye

>> No.10268394

>Am I missing anything or...?
Nazis, like me, absolutely hate far leftists like Sargon or Peterson.

>> No.10268402

>all those triggered STEM fags parroting "psaikologee isn't real szienze"
I'll have menu 1 with extra onion please

>> No.10268552
File: 16 KB, 204x233, bachelorsDegreeWorth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no

>> No.10268567

>income equates real science

>> No.10268610

It's not

>> No.10268791

My thoughs in psychiatry
The real one you will not learn it through common ways, youll need to learn from people who is good at manipulating people, scamers, psychics, or other people who you commonly see using people for their own sake if you do and you have the natural talent youll be eventualy able to help somebody, if you dont youll probably will only become drug for your patients and theyll feel better, but only if youre with them, theyll become addicted to you and youll be sucessful for that reason.

Is this a science? Kinda, it is real and it will work but not always this is bullshit you might think, well you cant fix everything, or cure every disease, especially if it is too broken or too weak

>> No.10268882

You're the one who implied STEMfags are working in McDonald's or whatever

>> No.10268914

The first post of this thread made that claim. I am just making fun of STEMfags