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10257528 No.10257528 [Reply] [Original]

>start Physics MSc
>maintain good GPA
>improve my German
That's about it. What about you?

>> No.10257539

Fix my iq and muscle building problem or kms, whatever comes first

>> No.10257544

>get gf
>no grades below a C+
>lose 5.5 kg
>read more books
>don't eat like shit
>get classwork done at least 2 days before it's due

>> No.10257545

making a bussines to earn $3000-$10000 without having to do nothing and have free time to study & having a life

>> No.10257559

>>get classwork done at least 2 days before it's due
This one is a good habit.

>> No.10257565

Highly unrealistic, tbqfh.

>> No.10257566

>>no grades below a C+
You're an ambitious man lmao

>> No.10257571

>tfw I once wrote a paper that was due at midnight, then stayed on campus until 5am working on a different project which I was presenting at 2pm, and also had to do a calc worksheet for noon in there as well

>> No.10257576

>Develop more discipline
>Finish my undergrad thesis no later than August
>Keep my job for the entire year
>Don't ruin my GPA and get my math degree with honors.

>> No.10257578

May times I would stay up till 4am doing math HW, then I would take a power nap and go deliver my HW (not even attend class) get back home, have lunch and sleep, effectively wasting a whole day. Then I would have less time to do my next HW and be behind on everything.
Never again (I hope).

>> No.10257581

I've avoided giving into the energy drink / coffee jew at least. Pure big brain power keeps me going. Plus bowls of blueberries

>> No.10257605

I don't think coffee is harmful but if you take too much it keeps you awake way past bed time, ruining your schedule for the next day.

>> No.10257613

>move house and prepare to buy a new place
>improve French and German
>finish off my weird 3d printer
>finish off some leftover work on some lab equipment I have lying around
>build a crazy GPU server

>> No.10257614

>get a job that makes 30,000 minimum with a life sciences degree (hopefully in my field but whatever)
>avoid applying to grad school out of lack of job
>improve french
>keep my plants alive
>eat and sleep better, work out regularly.

>> No.10257621

>read 30 of the top100 /lit/ list (handpicked ofc)
>get good grades in both semesters
>maintain a strict daily schedule consisting of uni/reading/fitness/personal projects
>get finally R I P P E D (currently fit but not enough)
>launch my private project to at least finish something once in my life
>stop being a major sperg and become more social

>> No.10257627

>better up my grades
>double my image folder
>hesitantly become a trainee somewhere
>more maths
Make sure to include the Iliad.

>> No.10257629

don't worry it's in

>> No.10257632

And good mind opening books? I've not read in a very long time.

>> No.10257635

here's my list (titles are in their native languages if I read them in their native language)

1.Moby Dick
Пpecтyплeниe и нaкaзaниe
Бpaтья Кapaмaзoвы
Der Zauberberg
Also sprach Zarathustra
Boйнa и миp
Don Quixote
10.Paradise lost
Brave new world
Der Process
Das Kapital
The Stranger
The decline of the west
Divine Comedy
Phänomenologie des Geistes
Picture of Dorian Grey
The Republic
The sound and the fury
Finnegan's wake
East of Eden
Blood Meridian
Fear and trembling
30. To the lighthouse
infinite jest

plz rate

>> No.10257639

The stranger is really easy to read in French bro.

>Finnegan's Wake

>> No.10257647

my French is shit tho
>t. had the same teacher in French and English with an equivalent of A in English and C(-) in french

>> No.10257649

Pay closer attention to nutrition
Join the reserve forces
Save money
Read lots
Start water quality technician training
Help gf be fit

>> No.10257655

Das Kapital isn't half as good as people pretend it is.
The Commedia might as well not even be read if it's not in italian.
Phenomenology of Spectral theory by Gelfand W F Hegel is ridiculously hard to read.
The Sound and the Fury is amazing.
Siddartha isn't.
The Waves is better than To the Lighthouse.
1984 is a meme.
Pynchon is, in fact, not a meme.
You should also consider including Nabokov.

>> No.10257662

Why the fuck are you guys obsessed with French? It's a stupid language and the country is cucked, you can't even purchase T or a gun to kill yourself with when you realize you can't build muscle at all. I hope I weren't French

>> No.10257670

>the sub 80 IQs have arrived
we were just talking about reading books in their native languages anon

>> No.10257671

French is a great nation. Fuck off.

>> No.10257676

I don't know man, it seemed like a lot of people wanted to improve their french skills, but by all means if being a cuckold appeals to you then go ahead and learn french. Suits you well if you're a leftist

>> No.10257679

French is a language dimwit, and no it's full of muslims and dumb leftists. You have zero freedom and are forced to be a slave of the jews instead of dying when you have shit genetics and can't do anything about it

>> No.10257684

>Das Kapital
Reading it more for the historical context, not to become a communist. Like reading about """new"""/influential ideas/works
>Divine comedy
sadly I don't know Italian but I still think it has literary value in English.
yes, and I will be reading him in German.
see das kapital
>the waves
will look into it, thx
actually considering removing it since I know most of the plot and central theme anyway
pale fire or Lolita?

>> No.10257694

IMHO Das Kapital is a waste of time. It would be more fruitful to read contemporary works of political philosophy and political economy. It's also a notoriously tedious read.

>> No.10257724

You honestly should either go the whole Descartes->Hume->Kant->Fichte->Schelling->Hegel or honestly drop Hegel.
Actually, pick up your copy, skip the Preface and try to read the first few pages of the introduction.

Lolita tbqh.

>> No.10257730

Don't want to offend anyone but I think a lot of this /lit/ reading material is a waste of time. Lots of words without much substance. If you do a course of basic general philosophy you gain more useful insight in a much more structured and efficient manner.

>> No.10257733

>get good grades, like 16+/20
>have high enough grades to be able to change to maths bsc
>make any kind of programming project thats non school related/try to get an internship
>regularly go to gym
>read books

>> No.10257739

scratch that one, it will only keep disappointing you

>> No.10257767

Anyone learning german?

>> No.10257772

I am. Why?

>> No.10257782

Wrong board fruitcake.

>> No.10257784

Start with the greeks

>change to maths bsc
Are you French too? lmao, what are you doing currently thats not a maths bsc?

might as well scratch gym depending on genetics

>> No.10257789

I am not a homosexual.

>> No.10257795

>go /out/ more
>more /diy/
>less computer
>be more honest and authentic
That's it.

>> No.10257801

>start with the greeks
I was trying to post the bare minimum, not the proper reading order.
And could y'allsted've not transplant memes from other boards to here thanks.

>> No.10257805

Portuguese doing telecom for that juicy kinda EE+CS u?

>> No.10257806

is there a work that summarises the history of philosophic ideas?

>> No.10257810

Well I'm studying mathematics at the moment. I was wondering why you'd want to do this as the work prospects are garbage right now. But if you have an engineering degree you'll be fine

>> No.10257831

>get my fucking cs degree already
>get a fulltime job
>get to meet online fake gf for once

>> No.10257838

Best uni in the country so its kinda guaranteed work, even if its consulting stuff, also we take i think 4 electives to make us more employanle in bsc so i can get more CS-y classes to get programming job or whatever, i also take 3 CS classes in first year telecom so i can pick 4 more and be pretty good

>> No.10257858

I'll become a normie.

>> No.10257893

Ich auch!

>> No.10257894

what the fuck? Telecom has nothing to do with CS lol

>> No.10257910

>learning German
How does it feel to know that you will never achieve the level of us, truly superior native speakers

I seriously have never met a foreigner who wasn't immediately recognisable as such by his accent. In English however that is often the case

>> No.10257926

Feels good. I get to know your language and you don't know mine. Are you trying to act superior, lol.

>> No.10257929

what's your language anon
>implying I only speak German and english

>> No.10257930

I don't really care, I just have to learn it because I'll be doing a masters there, and having B2 level is a requirement. I think swedish is a more beautiful germanic language than german, after being done with german I would like to learn learn it.

>> No.10257935

you won't need German for your masters anon, they are all in English anyway
but good on you for trying to lesrn it, some people don't even attempt that and expect to be understood everywhere

>> No.10257937

Arabic. I also speak Italian and English fluently and French to a very good level.

Me too. I'm going to Hannover (I think not decided yet). Where you going to? It's technically not required for my admission. I just want to get gud thought. Otherwise it's hard to do stuff there without it.

>> No.10257941

Not that anon, but for "international masters" (officially in English) they get us internationals to take a course in academic German. It's part of the minor requirements.

>> No.10257981

In bsc theres not enough time to actually take telecom classes, you just take the math classes and programming+EE needed to start telecom in your masters;
classes needed for all courses in uni: calc1-3+lin algebra, probability and stats, mechanics and waves+ eletromagnetism and optics
Then we take stuff like intro programming, computer arquitecture, intro algorithms and data structures, OOP, operating systems;
EE we take digital logic, intro human-computer interaction, systems and signals, distributed systems, embedded, some of these are already kinda telecom, but then we have like 5 more really telecom classes ill link you the plan if you want

>> No.10258077

Actually put some effort in my studies now that I'll do what I like.

>> No.10258083
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>make some friends so that I could spend next new year's eve somewhere else than under my blanket hugging my hardcover Spivak

>> No.10258094

Protip: find other lonely people and hang out with them. Some will be toxic. Those you should avoid. Others will be mostly normal people who cannot fit in. Try to grow a friendship with those.
This is the only way I ever made friends. I tried being friends with normies. Doesn't work. Human psychology is such that they sniff you out as not one of them and they keep away from you. You think you are becoming their friend, but then you realize, nope, they are just being nice.
I believe there are even psychology experiments that show that humans self segregate into groups based on social markers. If you're a loner you'll never fit in with others that aren't also like you.

>> No.10258176

I want to start my own business, hopefully something relatively easy to do (technically, for me at least) but very useful to my customers (small business).

>> No.10258186

i think my poo is made of exotic particles (and might even be nutritious though i am not going to try to eat it)

im making a team... of people ... to eat my poo... and maybe become super heroes

since the dawn of mankind people have dreamed of becoming gods. are you ready to claim your rightful place at the apex of existence?

>> No.10258242

>insure my motorcycle
>get my M endorsement
>figure out first hand if a 1100cc first bike was a bad idea
(not necessarily in that order)
and lastly
>try to leverage my shitty phd to get a job that doesn't suck dick

>> No.10258246

1L bikes are too big for anything, even if you are 7' giant, you can do well with 600cc

>> No.10258255

i already bought it. it's sitting in my garage until the oil comes in and i can change it.

kind of mad at myself because the owner tipped it on both sides and the crankcase covers on both sides are scratched. he even mentioned it, but i somehow didn't notice until i got it home and thought he was talking about another bike.

>> No.10258265

Well good luck and be careful.

>> No.10258337

First and foremost
>manage my time better
So in my upcoming semester I can:
>Kick my Topology class in the ass
>Kick my intro to Real Analysis 2 class in the ass
>Kick my Dynamical Systems class in the ass
>Kick my Choctaw 3 language class in the ass
>Finish my Judaic Studies minor, in the ass of course
As a result,
>I will be happy
>my GF will be happy
>my parents will be happy
>all I will have to do left to graduate is take Abstract Linear Algebra... and kick it in the ass

>> No.10258350

Starting school as a blue collar wage slave, going for EE so I can be a white collar wage slave. Wish me luck.

>> No.10258352

You can do it anon

>> No.10258355
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>Have enough free time to work through some memebooks from the sticky

>> No.10258356

to start leaving the house and even going to the store at least once would be a start. perhaps speaking to someone face to face... or even online. baby steps, you know.

>> No.10258395

Thank you anon <3

>> No.10258399

have sex

>> No.10258403


>oh my God that was perfect lmao

>> No.10258407

>1100cc first bike
Lmfao do you want to commit suicide or what? Get a 650 you weirdo

>> No.10258408

>passing my CFA L1
aaand that's basically it, academically-wise at least

>> No.10258411

>Judaic Studies minor

>> No.10258456

Well when you’re a kike like me, it’s an easy way to knock out humanities classses. Now kill yourself.

>> No.10258463

This year, I had my first long-term relationship, had sex for the first time, and ended up breaking up with her. And I realized that sex is overrated. It’s great, but not worth the incel frustration :)

>> No.10258467

We can be friends, Moshe. No reason to be upset.

>> No.10258526

I sure hope you're right. I rejected 10 women and I'm still a virgin

>> No.10258560

Fine <3

>> No.10258564

>i rejected 10 WOMEN

>> No.10258575

That's right. I rejected 10 women (aged 22-28) so by all means grown up human beings of the female persuasion. Not sure what you are implying.

>> No.10258590

>masturbate less than 365 times
>motivate my lazy ass to use my 3.8 GPA and get a job
>quit smoking

>> No.10258607

>How does it feel to know that you will never achieve the level of us, truly superior native speakers
Yes, but South Germany is the place everyone really wants to go, and they can do everything except speak proper German after all ;)

>> No.10258617

The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.10258668

I wish I could do that. How do you plan to go through with this?

>> No.10258715

Even though it was doomed to fail, I don’t regret dating altogether. As long as you’re not wasting a bunch of money on her, I don’t see any reason not to try things out with a half-decent girl.

>> No.10258721

>Finally date the girl of my dreams (we're probably going to date in a week)
>Take up mandarin
>Go on an elk hunt
>Start working out again
Nothing too out the ordinary. I am mostly excited about number 1.

>> No.10258738

It is better to just not hand anything in those circumstances.

>> No.10258860

Kek. And I’m going to marry Taylor Swift and double my dick length.

>> No.10258874

weird these are exactly my goals anon

>> No.10258889

>read 30 of the top100 /lit/ list (handpicked ofc)
I wouldn’t if I were you. Lit is just a circle jerk of abstract philosophy, classics, and high brow literature. In short, all the books that you won’t enjoy at all and will have to force yourself to read.
I would recommend reading applicable philosophy (aka morality and ethics), history, biographies, fiction, and above all anything that interests you. You’ll actually enjoy yourself immensely, and will be smarter for it, even if you’re reading a shitty murder mystery.

>> No.10258932

A gf is not a top priority anon, I would suggest to focus more on your other goals

>> No.10258999

> finally do something in the lab
>get ripped
>have weird adventures when travelling
>maintain a good gpa

>> No.10259001

my bro's done that, he says its no use. (he works in a hedge fund in NYC)

>> No.10259021

being from India I thought I would enjoy Siddhartha, its just a circle jerk about a stupid river

>> No.10259070

1: No masturbation or watching porn

2: Paying full attention in class and taking great notes

3: Fixing my phismosis by finding a safe stretching schedule that works and is safe

>> No.10259072

There was a phase when I was taking 1800mg of caffeine pills a day. At that point just resetting your routine, going to the gym, and making a point to shower every day is more effective at keeping energy up.

>> No.10259077

>get above a 3.5 GPA this semester
>start off on good foot with new remote job
>drop some lbs
>get a car and start travelling more (america)

I already have the gym in my routine, and have been going for a while, but I'm just looking to keep up the progress. Any recommendations for where to travel in America for cheap?

>> No.10259082


Any motorcycle recommendations? Just looking for something cheap and reliable.

>> No.10259103

I'd only read a book on the list if it's recommended by somebody else, or you're very sure you'd like it when you dive into it. I transitioned from /lit/ books to reading nonfiction and history, and it's a lot more applicable to average people

>> No.10259106

>get the best grades from my class
>get a decent job
>not fucking moving to another country
>become independent
>returning to the gym
>Staying in my country, seriously, I don't want to move out.
>If life has less bullshit, consider getting a gf

>> No.10259154

>no L’s (straight A’s in everything)
>flex on everyone (write a few research papers and get them co-authored by a prof)

>> No.10259179

Being lonely has the same effect on your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

>> No.10259230

good luck

>> No.10259241

>maintain grades (~~A)
>pass this semester (which is heavy as fuck)
>finish some books that I've started
>learn german or russian
That's pretty much it

>> No.10259792

Don't focus on fixing your iq. Just assume you can't and try to reach your full potential. You won't be able to fix your Iq but you will be able to put in the extra time.

>> No.10259802
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The worst post ever posted on /sci/.

>> No.10260038

Got the go ahead to defend next summer. Aiming for July or August. Finish up some experiments in the next few months, maybe submit a manuscript or two. Hope to start writing by April.

Don't have any personal goals or whatever.

>> No.10260545

But loneliness in that sense is a state of mind rather than physical loneliness.

>> No.10260684

How do you find other lonely people? I understand the concept but in practice this seems very difficult because we all spend so much time alone.

>> No.10260696

>get into my top choice Uni
>maybe work out some
>spend more time learning and less time gaming
>just in general be more productive
>maybe work on human relationships

>> No.10260727

I find I am more productive if I don't abstain from fapping.
One fap a day keeps the thots away and I can focus in my career/studies. Whilst if I don't, I find myself thinking about women more often which can distract me from pursuing actually important goals.

>> No.10260885

The ones who are always on the outskirts of the group.

>> No.10260893

I find that the day after I fap I wake up confused and I don't get myself together until a day or two later. I fap once in like 10 days. Am I the only one who gets this, then?

>> No.10260911

the books he listed are good for the most part but finnegans wake is complete meme

>> No.10260917

>finish MSc in Math, maintain above 3.5 GPA
>start PhD in computer science
>finally learn Haskell properly
>finish any of the 10 books i started reading
>start any of the 10 books i bought but haven't started
>lose 20lbs
>don't spend so much money on stupid things

>> No.10261663

t. STEM brainlet

>> No.10262451

>learn to stand up for myself and compromise less
>get my desired residentship
>finally solve relationship problems

>> No.10263766

Ayyyy same here.

Just passing L1 wont get you that far. Passing all the exams however should really open some doors.

>> No.10263880

>Put my business plans into motion
>Maintain 4.0 at school
>Be a better person than I was in 2018

those are the three main ones. I'd also like to read more and start up a club at my college.

>> No.10263906

doesn't happen to me, although my libido seems to go up with more frequent fapping. That, or it goes down when I'm busy and don't have time to jerk off

>> No.10263968
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>Economics major
>try to not die while taking Analysis summer course and get good grades
>try to get admitted to Analysis I and Topology during first semester and get good grades
>try to get admitted to Metric Spaces, Linear Optimization and Analysis II during second semester and get good grades
>be successful while applying to M.S. in Statistics or Applied Math
>else get a good trainee position at some investment bank

Fuck, bros. I wish I was graduating with a STEM degree.

>> No.10264085

Which uni, anão?

>> No.10264124


I expect to take those classes at ICMC-USP at São Carlos as "aluno especial" since I'm from Unesp. They have some kind of agreement for undegrads. Why?

>> No.10264137

>taking topology before metric spaces
You need to stop embarassing the rest of us economists tbqh.

>> No.10264148


I took the advice from a fellow mathematician who said Metric Spaces is not a prerequisite at all. A good foundation in Set Theory would be enough, for which I'll be using Halmos' book.

Do you think I won't be ok? I sincerely would like to know, as I didn't made those choices something official yet.

>> No.10264157

It isn't a requirement, but there's not much of a point in taking metric spaces after topology.
You should end up picking all the interesting properties of metrizable spaces later in functional analysis and measure theory.

>> No.10264167


It's my last year in college. So it's either take it now or never, which is sad, considering I should have done this before.

>> No.10264208

Just asking. I'll do the same at UFSC.

>> No.10264212


Are you from Economics? Going to do all those disciplines or just the analysis summer course?

>> No.10264219
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Oh hey, nice to see you UFSC anon who's entering as a maths bachelor next year.
A friend of mine has actually decided on dropping his course and switching to maths, so I'll probably figure out a way to introduce you.
How's life?

>> No.10264560

I just want to get admitted into a PhD program

>> No.10265224
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>Are you from Economics?
>Going to do all those disciplines or just the analysis summer course?
I'll be slowly transferring to math, so yeah I intend to do all disciplines. I'll finish linear algebra at UDESC while getting some shit done at UFSC.
Same thing here, hope I don't get crushed by the courses.
>How's life?
Could be worse, can't really complain.

>> No.10265250

>you UFSC anon who's entering as a maths bachelor next year
Oh shit, now I paid attention to this. Are you Rudin anon? I'll actually enroll in the graduation for now because they have morning classes.

>> No.10265420

Just for the sake of curiosity: how old are you?

>> No.10265444


>> No.10265516


I asked you because I'm somewhat worried about my age. Afraid of being too old to change careers. I'm 22 also.

>> No.10265539

New Year's resolutions are loaded bullshit

>> No.10265541

improve my french
try to go outside more
try not to kms

>> No.10265559
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Git gud at programming
Be less of a dumbass
Take care of myself
Don't fuck up menial tasks
>I have my work cut out for me
>I know this isn't really /sci/

>> No.10265565

>Afraid of changing careers because too old

>> No.10265567

get MSc
enroll to PhD, preferably abroad in branch of science i like

>> No.10265668

Just dive, brother, we don't need to be Peter Schozle to be a successful mathematician.

>> No.10265694

Preferably die in my sleep because I'm too retarded for STEM.

>> No.10265706

Better than being so retarded that you somehow think you're already an expert. Hang in there, anon.

>> No.10265714

I'll try, thank you.

>> No.10265727

> get accepted into Cognitive Neuroscience program
> step up my math game
> ace a very demanding first year in the said program
> fix my posture

Right now I have to write an appeal to defend my math/physics background (which coming from psychology isn't too strong). Wish me luck, for I might need it.

>> No.10267934


>> No.10267969

transfer to a better university

>> No.10268061

I have many 2019 ambitions, but the only one that I guess applies to this board is to study really fucking hard. After a shitty winter break, I need to focus my time on studying now more than ever. Also my ambition is to meet people to study with in my classes.

>> No.10268368
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>unironically reading hegel and marx
Focus on reading Kant anon, you will probably have more fun and learn actual useful things.
But congratz on the initiative, good luck

>> No.10268369

>fix my posture
Learning to stand correctly is unbelievably easy.
Learning to sit correctly is something I fucking struggle with sometimes. I guess it's everyone else's bad influence. I recommend practicing while eating.

>> No.10268372
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Gonna write these down or else I’ll never do them.
- clean my eating a bit, have been having too much junk
- start properly lifting
- study hard in order to be way ahead of my peers
- reduce sleeping hours to 7.

>> No.10268506

This is completely false.
When you read some faggot's interpretation of what someone else said, you are not reading the actual text, which can have many interpretations or mean a completely different thing.
It is very important in philosophy to read in the original language, the same way it is very important in history to read the actual sources, instead of some moron's narrative.
The same goes for religious studies, which are just a subcategory of philosophy and should be read in the original language or not at all.
This is coming from a greekfag btw, who learnt ancient greek in school so I have some experience on what I am talking about.
Let me give you an example from religion. I am not trying to promote religion it's just that it is the one example that has struck me the most in all my years and made me form the opinion that you need to read in original language.
In St. John's gospel the first line says : "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This is nonsensical garbage.
In the original Greek version it says that God is Logos. Logos means logic and reason, not just speech.
For some reason the buffoons translated it completely wrong, and this mistranslated has survived and formed Christianity.
It is THE most important line in the Bible, the one that equates God with reason, and the faggots got it wrong.
Now it this has happened with such an "important" text, you can only imagine what happens with lesser known texts...

>> No.10268619

Graduate my Msc in Data science witha a 3.5 GPA
get a machine learning internship/job before I graduate

>> No.10270723


Have you had any work experience during undergrad? I didn't and am kind of scared going to MSc hoping to get a job right after.

>> No.10270745


Same, tried to make friendly small talk with some friends of people who I know, but you can really tell that they don't care about it and would rather the conversation end but they don't want to be rude about it.

>> No.10270752

Go back to college
Complete Spivaks calculus
Go linux, learn unix, vim, latex and other minimal software.
Urge to take on lengthy but classic work of literature, Thinking either the KJV bible or Montaigne's complete essays
Meditate at least 10 minutes a day and eat continue intermittent fasting

>> No.10270951

continue my pchem msc, learn a 4th language (possibly german) and improve my 3rd, get an internship

>> No.10271894

I'm going to try and complete second year maths courses despite only being a freshman.

And also get 8+ for all my first year courses, like usual

>> No.10272708

Get B's
Meditate 5 minutes a day
Go to the gym every other day
Learn social skills

>> No.10272716

Ice cold or lukewarm blue berries?

>> No.10273016

kill myself

>> No.10273060

Not a fail proof strategy because you end up with two people who really want to be friends but they have little in common and no ability to empathize with the other (why they don't have friends in the first place). For example I spent HS with a group of loners. I was a science nerd. There were a couple of vidya geeks and some guy who just tagged along (we don't know much about him but he was kind). We sort of hang out boring each other in turn with our discussions that the rest of the group didn't care about.
That works when you're a kid but when you are an adult you want something more than that. Also half of the reason you want friends is to increase your social network which in turn helps you meet people that might help you along or gfs ...etc. If you are friends with loners you don't get that.