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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10262896 No.10262896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

math degree from world-class university or
cs degree from an average university

>> No.10262901

>career prospects
Not science or math.

>> No.10262905

Depend on whether or not you are good at math (and don't take that for granted). If you have a really high IQ definitely math. Otherwise CS.

>> No.10262906

Philosophy degree

>> No.10262913

Don't waste your time and money on a CS degree unless you actually enjoy it.

>> No.10262932

I do enjoy it. I also enjoy math.
The thing is. I've been self studying cs for quite some time(not just programming, i mean actual cs topics, databases, algorithms, operating systems, computer hardware etc)
then I hit a brick wall: math prerequisites.
so i started learning math by myself : rigorous calculus/elementary real analysis,abstract linear algebra through vector space transformations, and obviously discrete mathematics. And i found out that i enjoy math a lot as well. So ther situation is because math is less competitive i could go to a top university

>> No.10262943

Do engineering instead you silly person. And If you really want to become a programmer, you can learn it without uni degree

>> No.10262945

If it’s free in your country then go for it

>> No.10262952

Oh well the problem is engineering is way too expensive and i'm broke af

>> No.10262957

I'm an international student in Canada so no not free definitely, i have to pay like 30k

>> No.10262968

Well, i think CS is uneccessary, but I don’t know anything about math degree.

Also, why not go for a bachelors in engineering?

>> No.10262973

As i said it's really expensive and i can't afford it

>> No.10262976
File: 56 KB, 823x378, CS degree jobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10262987

Are you planning on grad or undergrad?

>> No.10263001

Right now i'm going for undergrad, high school student, but i would very much like to do grad as well

>> No.10263064


You can pursue pathway certs/diplomas through a technical/vocational school for around the 30k mark, then work for a year or two as a technician - gaining practical/industry experience and the funds to pursue higher ed. I'm obviously ignorant to your current living situations and how/if that permits my proposed pathway, but it is an option.

>> No.10263071

wouldn't being out of school hurt my university admission prospects?

>> No.10263270

math degree, once you know good math you can do anything others can do since everything is bounded by mathematics.

>> No.10263297

damn that's expensive, what uni?

>> No.10263329
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, pepe and wagecuck wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elite math or cs PhD $300k
elite cs BSc $250k
average math PhD $200k
average cs BSc $150k
math BSc high school teacher $kek
dropout $top-kek

CS+Math Dual major is the safest route. Since if you fail to get into (Math) Grad School, you can still get a job as Software Developer

>>10263270 >>10263064 >>10262987 >>10262968 >>10262913

>> No.10263446

fuck off idiot

>> No.10263454

>world-class university
Have you still not realized that this is a complete meme? You Anglos do nothing but hand yourself these titles. The so called best Law Schools in the world can't even consistently win international mootcourts that are being held in English and lose to people from Germany, Austria and the likes. So people whose native language isn't the one they are forced to argue in. Neck yourself.

>> No.10263462

not science or math

>> No.10263464

>not science
Sit down, child. Daddy will tell you a story.

>> No.10263504

>just do what you love bro, don't consider career prospects

This is a retarded and leftist way of thinking. Work isn't supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be a way to provide for your family. If I can get a worthless degree in a subject I'm interested in like Psychology and work a minimum wage barista job with tons of piling debt or I can get a CS degree and make 100k a year I'm choosing option 2.

>> No.10263534

Wow, I am going to follow the advice of two YouTube comments.

>> No.10263558

It doesn't matter if he's not going to relocate. Anglo countries value the reputation far more than the education no matter how skilled you are.

>> No.10263569

>Work isn't supposed to be fun
What the fuck am I reading. You literally spend a giant portion of your life working, why shouldn't it be fun? I enjoy my job as a researcher. I don't make 300k a year, but I have a lot of flexibility in when and where I work and I'm certainly not poor. Once I got old enough I realized that my happiness is more important than a dick measuring contest of how much money I make.

>> No.10263706

waterloo. actually UoFt, McGill, UBC, and queens are all more expensive and around 50k. So i can't apply to any programs there.
Engineering in waterloo is also about 50k

>> No.10264328
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Math major cope detected