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10261055 No.10261055 [Reply] [Original]

Are there "science communicators" that are not pseuds and can actually do science?

>> No.10261065


>> No.10261068

Carl Sagan or you meant alive?

>> No.10261111

Yeah, the guy you just posted

>> No.10261147

Neil degrasse Tyson has a PhD. Doesn't that mean he knows how to do science?

>> No.10261185

probably the closest among them was Dawkins, except by the time he was in the public sphere he was pretty much done with really doing anything as a scientist.
next is probably Krauss.
They are both perfectly fine scientists, the "pseud" part you might disagree with.

>> No.10261201

OP is the arbiter of who is or is not a REAL scientist.

>> No.10261227

The mark of a true Pesud is their willingness to engage in fields that are outside their field of expertise.

>> No.10261233

Brian Cox

>> No.10261246

Bill Nye

>> No.10261259

his resume on cellar fapping is impeccable

>> No.10261260

Michio Kaku of all people.

>> No.10261280


>> No.10261283
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>Michio Kaku of all people.

>> No.10261288

I saw him in person a while back. Guy explained a bunch of black hole stuff using OHP slides. Went over most people's heads.

>> No.10261939

Andrew Dotson, and Simon Clark are two youtube guys who I would say are science communicators but are also great at science.

>> No.10261942


Styropyro. Check him out, this guy is awesome.

>> No.10262142

Wow actually quality content

>> No.10262164

The BBC has loads like Alice Roberts, Jim Al-Khalili; Helen Czerski, Hannah Fry and Brian Cox (I suppose).

>> No.10262171

>the BBC has loads

>> No.10262172

Brian Greene, Richard Dawkins

>> No.10262176

Their science documentaries are actually excellent.
Try watching less Crowder, and try one of them, Otis.