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10254793 No.10254793 [Reply] [Original]

Why does ibuprofen not help with pain? But people say its a pain reliever. Is it just a placebo?

>> No.10254816

Some types of pain acetaminophen is better suited for, such as a sore throat. Ibuprofen is an NSAID, it's a different mechanism of action than other non-NSAID pain relievers.

>> No.10254838

ibuprofen receptors are determined genetically. For me personally it helps even better than morphine. It even numbs emotional and mental pain for me pretty effectively.

>> No.10254847

Ibuprophen is a meme. The only thing it does is damage your kidneys for nothing

>> No.10254852

>ibuprofen receptors are determined genetically
Really? I thought it just didn't work for anybody and people were only pretending.
So, to sum up,
Can't build muscle CHECK
Can't increase IQ or mathematical ability CHECK
Non-responder to Ibuprophen CHECK

Why even live at this point

>> No.10255351

ibuprofen is good for reducing inflammation. if the pain is caused by inflammation then using ibuprofen will help stop or reduce the pain as the inflammation is stopped or reduced.

>> No.10255408

Acetaminophen is the goat. It treats my migraines better than marijuana or anything over the counter.

>> No.10255422


>Why does ibuprofen not help with pain?

It doesn't help if pain is in the heart.

>> No.10255432

Actually it can, although aspirin is probably better.

>> No.10255447

If you can't build muscle then you either eat like shit or have a fast matabolism which means you'd probably do better as a runner or in gymnastics. Try those

>> No.10255453

I have a fast metabolism but I'm a guy so I'm only interested in building muscle

>> No.10255455
File: 36 KB, 482x427, 1445972464054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think thats the heart the anon is talking about

>> No.10255517

Try mushrooms

>> No.10255620

its an anti-inflammatory

>> No.10255703

Try chocolate.

>> No.10255707

Cut your dick off.

>> No.10255710

I'd rather kms than change sex

>> No.10255989

It totally does help with pain and for some reason I sleep immeasurably better with it.
Maybe I'm constantly in pain and I don't even notice.

>> No.10256000

SS+GOMAD my man

>> No.10256249


>> No.10256399

You alright there buck-a-roo?

>> No.10256506

It is more efficacious in combination with caffeine.
Bad idea. Bad for your liver, and also suppresses fever which is needed to battle illness when you are sick.

>> No.10256515

Just get Medicaid and fuck your doctor, he or she will give you cotton, I suggest cleaning your taint and being subtle

If you want tips in social engineering, google it, free Kevin mitnick

>> No.10256518

Not cotton, fucking autocorrect, OxyContin

>> No.10256520

Oh, it's you. Maybe you should see a shrink for those delusions? Either way you're an attention whoring fag and should leave.

>> No.10256585

Ibuprofen works wonders to relieve pain. Maybe it doesn't work on weeb faggots though didn't read the leaflet

>> No.10256669

How are they delusions? A delusion is believing something that's wrong. Maybe Ibuprophen works, but then only with headaches. Not being able to build muscle isn't a delusion, I just have to check my progress every ten years to notice there were none and I don't know why. I will leave once my problem is solved but I have a feeling I will stay here for a while. A shrink might comfort me but he will not solve the problem since most shrinks are DYEL and don't realize how it makes me want to kys. He'll just tell me to think about something else.
For the IQ, it's been proven that it cannot be improved, period.

>> No.10256674

Also I can't kms since I don't have access to guns in France, it's a stupid cucked country. Give me one and I leave immediately. I live in the Paris area

>> No.10256687

>Bad for your liver, and also suppresses fever which is needed to battle illness when you are sick.

Only bad for your liver if you exceed the dosage and supressing fever is good since fever makes you feel like shit.

>> No.10256694

because you're a degenerate anime poster and god has decided that you should die

>> No.10256908

Helium, nigga

>> No.10256928

If I fall unconscious and somehow the plastic bag unmakes itself or some oxygen leaks in, I'll just end up being a vegetable and not die. This is way riskier than a bullet up the brain. Also I heard the jews lowered the helium concentration to prevent suicide (so as not to lose precious workers/slaves)

>> No.10256937

"Fast metabolisms" have an average energy requirement of only about 200 calories higher than normal. It's a bullshit explanation.

>> No.10256940

Yes but it correlates with shitty genetics like 6" wrists and inability to build muscle due to high myostatin levels or low count of satellite cells

>> No.10257277

Ibuprofen reduces testosterone production. Stay away from it unless you want to be a basedboy.