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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10254207 No.10254207 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/, I just failed my calculus 1 course despite putting in work. Please take out your pent up aggression on me in this thread.
Thank you.

>> No.10254210

Why do you cunts keep posting this same picture.
Y'all need to go to danbooru, pick a waifu, and get a reaction folder with some variety to it smhfam.

>> No.10254214

You can't be blamed for what happened, unless you know the reason for the outcome and you wanted to be agro-ed upon. You tried, but ended up failing. There are probably alot of conditions that are not met to be able to succeed. Blame yourself, think deeply about it, and try again. Life doesn't end with just a single failure, it ends if you give up and die.

>> No.10254221

if you put in work you would not have failed, you could have gotten a C, but you could not have failed

did you do all of the recommended practice problems and pay attention in lecture and redo the lecture problems?

>> No.10254234

True, it all goes to the amount of work/effort you put into, than just simply putting up work on it. Might also need to consider, if you are doing it properly/correctly; since putting up effort on something that doesn't come into fruition isn't that much rewarding, although you gain experience from it, but since you are aiming for something, then the bar gets higher everytime.

>> No.10254251

I did, I did lecture problems, all the relevant problem sets, extra "hard" questions the professor gave out.

And, yes, I do feel like being yelled at

>> No.10254797

You didn't put enough work, then.

>> No.10254824
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wtf dude my brainlet sister passed calculus I

>> No.10254831

Go to a psychiatrist and get ADHD medication because you're obviously unorganized as fuck.

>> No.10254923

>just failed my calculus 1
>despite putting in work
Select one (1).