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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10251514 No.10251514 [Reply] [Original]

FUCK linear algebra

>> No.10251519

It's based. It's literally the math of our reality-simulation.

>> No.10251522

What are you talking about? No it's not. Analysis is that.

>> No.10251525

>believing that continua exist in simulated realities.

>> No.10251530
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Linear algebra also contains continua. So how is your original point valid then?

>> No.10251531

>what are vector spaces over finite fields

>> No.10251533

What is one particular thing in linear algebra that does not contain continua?

>> No.10251540

Which finite field is used in describing our simulated universe?

>> No.10251559

it’s unironically fun desu
feels like playing mathematical touhou

>> No.10251607


>> No.10251619

Save your tears
/sci/ don't cry ever

>> No.10251623
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FUCK tensors

>> No.10251639
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Nothing personnel kid

>> No.10251649

After a few months, though, I realized something. I hadn’t gotten any better at understanding tensor products, but I was getting used to not understanding them. It was pretty amazing. I no longer felt anguished when tensor products came up; I was instead almost amused by their cunning ways.

>> No.10251692
File: 23 KB, 398x394, ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fk33.kn3.net%2Ftaringa%2FA%2FA%2FC%2FB%2F5%2FF%2FAlangx7%2F5F2.png&f=1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this really what awaits me after vector spaces

>> No.10251701

The tensor product of vector spaces is a vector space, so you're good.

>> No.10251703

Lin algebra; 1) learn how to Gauss 2) memorize 20 theorems.

You now in the top 20%

>> No.10251706
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but the reason i made this thread were vector spaces and bases

>> No.10251707

Then you're fucked

>> No.10251714

I understand it all conceptually but when I try to solve problems I don't know how to figure it out

>> No.10251718

when I learned about tensors in linear algebra class, I didn't understand shit. I got A from the exam, I could prove the theorems (all this universal property crap), but I never quite get what are tensors "really" about. It was differential geometry where it clicked and I understood why are they useful, why it's important to understand them, and why "tensor is something what transforms like a tensor" is actually a very good definition, even though mathematicians hate it.

>> No.10251724

I'm a biology major and I liked vector spaces :-)

>> No.10251731

Nice try, but we all know biology majors can't use computesr :-)

>> No.10251734
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it's also boring as fuck

>> No.10251737

I know right
What part are you on

>> No.10251770
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HAHAHAHA LMAO it's literally just a function DUDE IT'S a relation between two vector spaces HAHA

>> No.10251790
File: 47 KB, 687x955, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking easy mate

>> No.10251845

>Which finite field is used in describing our simulated universe?
[math] \mathbb{F}_1 [/math]

>> No.10251942

reddit tier

>> No.10252012
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>ywn be an abstract tensor existing only as a non-sentient mathmetical concept

>> No.10252025


Room temperature IQ detected

>> No.10252031

reddit detected

>> No.10252134
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Linear algebra is fun!

>> No.10252137

>being a pedophile

>> No.10252152
File: 529 KB, 836x964, 1509250769610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't relate to that, sorry

>> No.10252158


>> No.10252160

i'm sure you can't.

>> No.10252276

Did ypu take mit 18.06 by prof. Stang
What book did you read ? LA done right?

>> No.10252673

Nope, but I took LA before calc so the novelty of doing higher level math kept the subject engaging. I read Hoffman & Kunze.

>> No.10252698

Anyone who posts seriously about simulations should be banned from posting on /sci/

>> No.10252743

Room temperature in C IQ detected

>> No.10252757

What I dislike about linear algebra is that its a lot of calculating and not a lot of creative thinking with proofs like I do with analysis a lot

>> No.10252774

Because it's so sexy.

>> No.10252894

- took matrix methods for engineers

>> No.10254104

why do engineers come here

>> No.10254188

I took the first year math course on linear algebra at my uni

Sure, there were proofs too... it's just that most of the course was calculating

>> No.10254381
File: 9 KB, 433x323, SubspaceDiagram_1200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going back through legitimate lin alg to prep for functional analysis
>it's all a bunch of messy fucking garbage full of shitty induction arguments and obvious statements with god-awful proofs
bring me back to analysis bros, this is way worse than i remembered it being

>> No.10254394

Fun anal doesn't actually take all that much linear algebra.
Know what's a basis, Gram-Schmidt, the general properties of bilinear and skew-bilinear forms, eigenfun for specters and you're golden.
But you absolutely better know measure theory and topology,

>> No.10254503

Well of course I know measure theory and topology, those are not utter shit.
It isn't as though there's that much to go over, it's just a bunch of obnoxious algebraic garbage instead of the actual interesting stuff which comes later.

>> No.10254550

Watch this:
and read this

You can also check this:
especially for the determinants

>> No.10254562

dude what the actual fuck am i looking at here. in english please

>> No.10254634

Penrose's autistic tensor diagrams

>> No.10254697

Jorban Bormal Borm

>> No.10255520

what the fuck

>> No.10255705

Your course was shite then. There was maybe 5% calculation in my first-semester LinAlg course, the rest was proofs.