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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10248159 No.10248159 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many dumbfucks feel so eager to spread their retarded opinions online after binging pop sci videos on youtube? There are a lot of these people even on /sci/ and it's very concerning.

>> No.10248168

The vast majority of people on /sci/ are pop-/sci/ idiots who don't understand anything beyond "i luv syence"

>> No.10248174

Exactly and they don't even think twice before offering their opinion on quantum mechanics

>> No.10248178

Every board has a cancer that kills it. /b/ has pedophiles, /g/ has consumerist /v/-tier threads, and /sci/ has the single largest reddit population, (and not even the passable kind of redditors), of any of the boards in my experience.

>> No.10248184

worst popsci trends?
>climate change
>occam's razor
>psychology (especially MBTI)

>> No.10248198

>>climate change
I hope you're not suggesting climate change isn't real based on your retarded conspiracy theories. If so, you should leave immediately.

>> No.10248205

I suspect most opposition to "pop-sci" comes from academia drones who are furious that anyone can learn the contents of their meaningless degree by reading an article or watching a youtube video.

>> No.10248207

Please don't confuse "parroting" with "learning"

>> No.10248209

Unless the video/article is very well made/written you absolutely cannot learn anything from it. In fact, more commonly, you're deluded into thinking you understand the topic when you actually do not.

>> No.10248210

Is there really a difference?

>> No.10248212

Spotted the pop-/sci/ fag

>> No.10248220

The civil war had intially notging to do with slavery. Lincons emancipation proclamation made it about slavery.

>> No.10248223

>akshually GPS doesn't rely on relativity

>> No.10248224

Dumb nerd

>> No.10248226

>CO2 climate change
>Globe earth
>Big Bang
>Simulation theory

>> No.10248228

>/sci/ has the single largest reddit population
you mean /sci/ is 98% reddit whereas the typical board is 96% reddit?

most of the pre-reddit invasion anons are long gone. it's just reddit stewing in reddit.

>> No.10248231
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delet this

>> No.10248235

you can tell me about superimposed cats in boxes, but can you explain planck's constant to me?

>> No.10248236
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Oh boy

>> No.10248237
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>tfw pre-reddit

>> No.10248241

I've never been on Reddit but I'm bottom of the barrel tier pre-reddit so you're not getting much here.

>> No.10248245

Not OP, but my problem with climate change is that people act like we're entirely to blame. Why do people show those graphs only going back about 150 years to show global warming instead of using a timescale more suited to the history of this planet (10-100s of thousands of years or something like that)? I'm not going to say that climate change doesn't exist because that would be retarded, but if you look at the historical evidence you would see that this global warming is actually follow historical trends. The Earth doesn't revolve around human civilization. We can't stop it so we'd be better off trying to adapt before it's too late.

>> No.10248513

but tomatoes ARE fruits!

>> No.10248527

And here we have a perfect example of Dunning Kruger

>> No.10248543

>Being so scared that 4chins will look down on you that you've never actually been to a site that has far more in depth and substantial discussion on technical topics

>> No.10248545

Wait is a tomato not a fruit

>> No.10248557

>we can't stop it
We can stop it, reverse it, and change the earth to our liking through the power of engineering

>> No.10248559


>> No.10248561

hell yeah buddy

>> No.10248582

Fruit isn't really a meaningful biological distinction, it's just a generalized term for seed bearing fleshy shit on trees. You could say flowers are biologically fruit if you wanted to

>> No.10248584

Here are some threads that ruin /sci/ because they are either popsci garbage or pseudoscience:
>climate change denial
>earth is flat trolling
>iq and race threads
>space colonisation and musk threads
>CS hate threads

>> No.10248588
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>> No.10248596

>denying something is the devil
If you are serious about climate change you might want to stop using cultist language, it does not help your cause, it sounds childish.
>he denies our teachings
>quick, get the cross

>> No.10248601

popscifag detected

>> No.10248603

agree with everything else, but how are dimensions a Jewish trick?

>> No.10248609
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>nigglet detected
I was mocking >>10248584 for being a scientism cuck. Popsci itself proliferates these threads, and brainlets shouldn't be trusted with this faulty information.
Open your eyes to the truth. Scientism is the false religion.

>> No.10248612

how is anything that he said Scientism retard

>> No.10248641

CSfags deserve eternal unending hatred; Race is real and important for the study of human biodiversity, evolutionary biology, medicine and behavioral bio/ecology; the rest are correct and I think people should be permabanned for posting about any of those topics.

>> No.10248649

You forgot that there's a number of /x/ and /pol/ threads here and these types of people.

>> No.10249343

> Knowing how to use one of the most ubiquitous tools in human history makes you a brainlet
Why do people still believe this meme?

>> No.10249398

cause he tried python and failed and is now mad

>> No.10249405

Things can only exist as objects or movement as part of their vectorial turnover.

>> No.10250434

This desu rip 4chan 2003-circa2016

>> No.10251033


>> No.10251038

>circa 2016
lol no, go look at the archive. posting style changes dramatically at the end of the 00’s and shifts to something close to what we have now (reddit) around 2014

>> No.10251050

am i a pop /sci/ faggot if i know literally nothing about a subject but like to speculate about the subject rather than going in acting like what i think is more credible than anyone else? Ive accepted im the biggest brainlet on this board. I just lurk when im bored, its kinda interesting.

>> No.10251059

So long as you read actual information on the topic, and try to understand it, you're above the pop-/sci/ faggotry

>> No.10251068

Imo 4chans last golden age was just before and just after shiggydiggy

>> No.10251069

>>denying something is the devil
He literally didn't say that, you just put words in his mouth and projected your cultism onto him

>> No.10251071

there are so many fucking things wrong with this post i'm pretty sure it's bait, jesus christ

>> No.10251076
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No you can not biologically argue a flower is a fruit. Fruits by their definition are the fertilized ovary of plants. Ovaries are found in flowers but flowers are not ovaries and so flowers cannot be fruits.

>> No.10251079

>he thinks people make race threads for any actual study of human biology and not looking for an excuse to justify their shit tier ideology that lost a war 70 years ago

>> No.10251083

definitely a newfag....

>> No.10251088

Both are angiosperms. Argument made

>> No.10251091
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human are retard. retard can not stop.
human is not stop.

>> No.10251092

god i loved watching how retarded this video was

>> No.10251105

dude, really?

>> No.10251108
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while i agree with you, you're still retarded

>> No.10251165

Bell curve is false. Vast majority of people are morons.

>> No.10251362

Every single time. Every time, the person who literally doesn't know a god damned thing about climate science pops up and starts preaching climate science that directly opposes what actual climate scientists have been researching for 60 years.

You are the equivalent of someone walking up to a physicist and tell him quantum mechanics is bullshit because no matter how many times you try, you will not simply walk sideways out of an infinite well.

>> No.10251385

I don't see any problem with this.

>> No.10251390

But tomato is a fruit. So are nuts, beans, and cotton.

How is this mount stupid? Was this made by a nutritionist?

>> No.10251445

/tv/ is full of unashamed redditors who spam capeshit threads day in day out

>> No.10251641

pop-sci brainlet detected, next time don't use such a reddit word