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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10245956 No.10245956 [Reply] [Original]

>Light-emitting diode 585nm photomodulation inhibiting melanin synthesis and inducing autophagy in human melanocytes
>The dose-dependent inhibitory effects of yellow light LED 585nm on melanogenesis
>Induction of autophage in human epidermal melanocytes by yellow light LED 585nm

>Application of Electromagnetic Radiation to the Human Iris
>In the case of laser energy, the specific gain media may comprise Nd:YAG, alexandrite, pulsed-dye, or any other medium

>Another candidate is the PhotoGenica V-Star Pulsed Dye Laser (Cynosure, Inc., Chelmsford, Mass., USA), with wavelength of 585 nanometers
>According to one embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a method for altering iris pigment in a human or animal, thereby altering iris color of a first iris from a first iris color to a second iris color

>Iris pigment can be removed in a variety of ways [...] In addition a laser could simply shut off the melanin without killing or bursting the pigmented cells. In this case, no elimination would be required. Moreover, it is possible to shut off one melanin pigment (such as, eumalanin) without shutting off another (such as, pheomelanin), thereby further influencing the modified color of the iris

>Evaluation of Color-Changing Effect and Complications After Nd: YAG Laser Application On Iris Surface
>The laser was applied in 3 sessions at 2-week intervals, at energy levels of 0.8 mJ in Group A and 1.5 mJ in Group B
>reduction in pigment density was more profound in Group B compared to Group A, which was statistically significant (p<0.019)
>In this study, a device that produces frequency doubled, 532 nm wavelength Nd: YAG laser with 900 μm spot diameter (A.R.C. Laser, Germany) was used

>> No.10245960

And your point is?

>> No.10245975
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>As with many medical advancements, it is often discovered that a medication or lasers can have multiple uses. When it comes to laser technology, there is now the potential to change a person’s eye color. However, the laser that is in development to change eye color is a completely different laser than the ones used for LASIK
>Can a LASER really Change Your Eye Color?
>In short, lasers can change the color of dark eyes to lighter colors. This is because all eyes are fundamentally the same with the difference being that brown eyes have a layer of pigment on the surface that covers the blue iris. By eliminating the brown melanin, or pigmentation, the eye would appear blue
>Is the Procedure Safe?
>Preliminary studies have shown no safety concerns when it comes to the procedure. This is due to the use of a low-intensity laser. However, this technology is still being evaluated and it is not yet available for commercial use. The main concern is that the pigment could clog the drainage channels as the body eliminates it. This could lead to a rise in pressure that could result in glaucoma


We can change eye color.

>> No.10245981
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Why should eye care?

>> No.10245982

Do not get this procedure. Waste of money

>> No.10245990


To each their own.


Doesn't work?

>> No.10246016

This. Waste of funding.

>> No.10246018

doesn't seem unfathomable, but contacts exist even if they are uncomfortable. This is purely a superficial thing, nothing groundbreaking. No use, no purpose.

>> No.10246021


Seriously though this eye-changing shit is a fucking stupid idea that will not work and would not be worth doing even if it did work.

>> No.10246026

no thankyou, i find the light eyes black people really uncomforable to look at

>> No.10246030

It only does blue eyes? That's legit gross. If it could do new interesting colors like purple, red, orange, etc.. then maybe it'd at least be interesting but this is just gross for a whole slew of reasons.

>> No.10246304

the fuck are you talking about blue is great

>> No.10246310

>Reverse Rachel Dolezal.
It's gross.

>> No.10246570

>all these autists that can't comprehend that vanity sells well

>> No.10246775

id prefer the opposite. my sexy blue eyes are suspectible to uv rad. practicality over vanity

>> No.10246807
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It's a safe form of bodymodding. At the very least, it keeps bored people from doing more dangerous things.

It's also irreversible, so cosmetic surgery addicts can only get it once.


I'm a brown eyed white person, and I can change my hair color with a 89 cent bottle of hydrogen peroxide, but I can't change my eye color. I feel like I'm not white enough.


>Another candidate is the PhotoGenica V-Star Pulsed Dye Laser (Cynosure, Inc., Chelmsford, Mass., USA), with wavelength of 585 nanometers
>In one embodiment, the second iris color does not naturally occur in a human iris

Eye color is caused by light passing through the iris, which is colored with blue-black-brown eumelanin and red-white-yellow pheomelanin. Green eyes have less eumelanin, and a normal quantity of pheomelanin, while blue eyes have less than both. Eumelanin absorbs light energy better than pheomelanin, and this is why they can give you green or blue eyes - less energy/fewer passes of the laser causes more inhibition of the cells producing eumelanin, resulting in green eyes. A repeat of the procedure would change eyes from green to blue.

Hypothetically, you might be able to remove all pigment from the iris, which might reveal purple or red eyes in certain people with very thin collagen.

Orange eyes are extreme amber eyes - lots of pheomelanin, lots of lipochrome. You'd have to be born with lots of lipochrome.

Extreme levels of pheo- or eu-melanin in the absence of the other cause unnatural colors. Another thing to keep in mind is the thickness of the eye collagen - thicker collagen looks grayer, while thinner collagen looks bluer.

Different papers reference different wavelengths - 532nm and 585nm.


I want green eyes with blue rims and brown centers. But I'd take green eyes, or even blue eyes.

I just don't want shit eyes, honestly.

>> No.10246831

Brown eyes aren't just a layer of pigment over a blue eye. The fine collagen structure of a blue eye is fundamentally different to a brown eyes course collagen structure, no surgery could possibly change that. That is hardcoded by your DNA.

>> No.10246858
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>Brown eyes aren't just a layer of pigment over a blue eye. The fine collagen structure of a blue eye is fundamentally different to a brown eyes course collagen structure

Little melanin in the iris + thick collagen = gray eyes.

The only white population where thick eye collagen is common, causing gray eyes, is in Slavic populations;

Gray eyes are also still light eyes. I don't care if I get gray or blue eyes, as long as they're lighter.

>> No.10246877

Could this also be used to treat melonoma?

>> No.10246923


The energy required to inhibit melanin synthesis is much less than the energy required to kill a cancer cell, so no.

>> No.10247424

>I feel like I'm not white enough.
Because you believe your skin and eye color are a value of your worth. spend half the money you would need to do this procedure on a therapist.

>> No.10247443

>spend half the money you would need to do this procedure on a therapist.

>> No.10247494

So this can only remove pigments?
Damn I wanted to have black eyes

>> No.10247531

So just iris pigmentation?
Nothing of the eye's actual functions?

Lighter eyes might actually have other benefits/disadvantages to darker eyes in nature though. That's probably part of the reason why they exist in nature in the first place.
I remember hearing about a chinese man who mutated blue eyes and could see clearly at night time. Don't know if that's a lie though.

>> No.10247534

>light eyes black people
Rhianna is very hot though.

>> No.10247539

>If it could do new interesting colors like purple, red, orange
Smoke weed.

>> No.10247542

How much of a jump are we talking though?

>> No.10247545


>> No.10247548

The more I look at this, the more I feel that black people may need this for locations nearing the north and south poles.

>> No.10247555

Nigger, light eyed, light chocolate is sexy as.
In particular - good looking persian/afghans.

>> No.10247756

Are you retarded?

>> No.10247861
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>Because you believe your skin and eye color are a value of your worth

I was born with black hair, and grew it long. No one would look at me, and I was practically a ghost.

I bleached it until it was orange, and now women complement me on my hair.

I'm also an artist, and can tell you that the human eye sees black as a void to be ignored. Brown eyes are the same thing - they're a void people ignore. The attractiveness of brown eyes is that they look bigger and friendlier than blue/green/gray. Lighter eyes look smaller and predatory.

I want light eyes because they're associated with whiteness. I feel as if I'm in the inferior brown room, and want to go to either the blue or green room.


I emailed two companies that supposedly do this and never got a response. I'm not sure if it's because I'm an American or what.

I don't think I could buy it yet. I'm actually more set on doing this myself at home.

A 585nm LED costs less than a dollar. By focusing multiple LED's into a lens, the energy can be collimated into a laser.

1.5mJ is nothing in terms of power, and the effect results from metabolic inhibition of tyrosinase. Thus, simply shining a 585nm light into the eye should work - the final filter before the laser left the aperture would be opaque in the center, and as long as you couldn't see light you'd know none of it would enter the pupil.


Look up eye tattoos.


>So just iris pigmentation?

Yes, just the iris.


I have no idea, but the machines I've looked at for melasma are 80mJ+. The skin is less delicate than the eye.

>> No.10247874


>> No.10247900

Being on /sci and thinking "Slavic" means anything more than old cold war era USSR propaganda to "unite the people".

Look it up, none of the considerate Slavic nations have anything in common, besides white skin and most of the time fair hair. Their language, their history, their art history, their religion history its all bullshit, nothing in common. And look up the term itself, when it appears for the first time and what is used for.

Their language is not the same, or have the same root even. So its not, race, its not culture (since their culture is different in every region), its not the combination of the two, its their religion (different again) its not their language, what is it then? Every former USSR country is Slavic now?

>> No.10247905

>imagine having to live with feces colored eyes lmao

>> No.10247918
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>I was born with black hair, and grew it long. No one would look at me, and I was practically a ghost.
>I bleached it until it was orange, and now women complement me on my hair.
Ichigo wannabe. Do you also carry around a giant sword?

>> No.10247949


>> No.10247955

That's not racist.

>> No.10247962

uhhhh. yes it is?

>> No.10248221
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>Gray eyes are most commonly found in Northern and Eastern Europe

Most Eastern Europeans who have light eyes have gray eyes, not blue eyes. Of the Eastern Europeans who do, most are Slavs - all the other Eastern Europeans are dark, basically.

Baltics often have gray eyes as well, but they aren't Slavs. I'll admit my original statement didn't include Balts, though - but for the most part, the light-eyed eastern Europeans are Slavs.


As a child, my parents would joke that my eyes were the color of shit.

I find it hilarious that every blue eyed person I've ever known brags about their eyes and has been complimented about them and yet acts like they aren't proud of them.

Then they literally say you have eyes the color of shit, and act like there's something wrong with you when complain.


I'm an Asuka wannabe, actually. I wear red shirts, rather than carrying a sword.

>> No.10248242

>inhibiting melanin synthesis
HOLY shit
we can finally get rid off all the niggers

>> No.10248246

Oh I thought you were a man. I saw a baby with super grey eyes today, the mom said they're probably gonna change colour.

>> No.10248264

>I was born with black hair, and grew it long. No one would look at me, and I was practically a ghost.
>I bleached it until it was orange, and now women complement me on my hair.

We call people like you attention whores.

>> No.10248269

>Oh I thought you were a man
you changed your mind just cause he said he's an asuka wanabe? you have a lot to learn about weaboos.

>> No.10248290
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Yeah actually. Hypothetically, you could bleach hair with this as well - the melanin synthesis would be turned off anywhere you shot the laser.

The very first paper I cite is about using 585nm LED lamps 2cm away from the samples to inhibit melanin synthesis. As we all know, UV light induces melanin synthesis. We've all seen the tanning response. Basically, by denying the eye/skin/scalp UV exposure, and blasting it with intense (5-20J/cm2) 585nm light, you'd cause a reverse tanning response.

I should confess here - I'm already well into a treatment regimen using 585nm LEDs. Pic related. Repeatedly, the left, treated eye shows up lighter in photos - it's not a shading artifact.

>> No.10248293
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>that pic
Wow it's fucking nothing.

>> No.10248298

So there's some long haired weeb dude pretending to be asuka on sci.

>> No.10248305

I wasn't convinced this was a woman, but
>I should confess here - I'm already well into a treatment regimen
No effeminate or trans man in the world could take enough estrogen to reach this level of vapid whoreness

>> No.10248318
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>Oh I thought you were a man

I am. :3

>I saw a baby with super grey eyes today, the mom said they're probably gonna change colour

Yes - everyone is born with blue or gray eyes, which darken with age. Hence why removing the pigment reveals the original lighter color.


Guilty as charged, but I also dislike attention because it so often can turn negative like it is here.


I'm convinced something is happening.

>> No.10248323

being slavic is like being subhuman

>> No.10248327

fuck your animes weebshit, you fucking hell of a big fuck faggot

>> No.10248330

>I'm convinced something is happening.
Is it supposed to change the color of your skin because the "after" pictures show also show lighter skin. You are being duped. Or you are shit at photography.

>> No.10248357
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>> No.10248369
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>Is it supposed to change the color of your skin

The cells in the skin around the eye would also experience some level of melanin synthesis inhibition. So yes, you'd expect the skin of the treated eye to be lighter.

>the "after" pictures show also show lighter skin

Actually, the untreated, right eye has a permanent blue-black ring around it from an injury. They're illuminated identically.

>> No.10248374

>They're illuminated identically.
You clearly don't understand what those words mean.

>> No.10248388


Chinese guy was lying, the genes necessary to see clearly at night are related to those with color blindness. Look up island population of pinglap.

>> No.10248394

Motion detection is inhibited by colour detection, it's a ratio. That's why men are far more likely to be colour blind, they have to hunt for prey.

>> No.10248485
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I'm trying to illuminate them evenly. Why would the right eye *always* look lighter than the left eye? Why does the left eye lack the dark dots at the rim that the right eye has? Adjust the brightness - the left eye never reveals dark dots along the rim, and the rim is always lighter than the right eye's rim.

>> No.10248490

Dude we don't know, you got fucking punched in one eye who the hell cares.

>> No.10248494

You need a color plate, something you can put in both photos to match the color and brightness balance.

>> No.10248597
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The right, untreated eye that was injured has a darker iris than the LED-treated eye.


The left, treated eye's skin is darker than the right, untreated eye.